More and more Australians began to realize this magical logic.

But because another time Space Rice Congress is doing a balance strategy in the market, Australia can also be in the middle and losses, and it feels good.

However, in this time and space, Meng Qian brought technology pressure, but also brought pressure on the collapse of financial supervision word of mouth in advance.

Three tubes, Australia is not so neutralized.

So everyone gone to find a key factor, Meng Qian.

If it is not because Meng Qian, the development of things is not in this point.

However, Australia has no way to take Meng Qian, the wind group has almost no business in Australia, and it is impossible to do it, it can only rely on allies.

Unfortunately, there are many things that this time and space have changed.

First, I saw Canada, and directly saw the Canadian Northern Steel Xuanxuan became the most important 5G partner of the Great Breene Group.

Nortel Current CEO is disclosed. "We will work together with the wind group to promote 5G development, especially in the North rice area, we will speed up 5G layout, Canada will also start 5G to start 5G pre-commercial network.

And we believe that the Great Breeze Group's 5G compliance is legal, without any back door, very safe and technical lead, the wind group and Huawei are the best choice for the current 5G network construction, and our Nortel will participate in the 5G subsequent development process. In the establishment of 5G standards, it provides effective recommendations. "

Nortel not only evolved that the wind group was with Huawei, but also directly adopted that in this junky eye, I have established an absolute 5G partnership with the wind group to respond to the market, and the attitude is firm and obvious.

In fact, the attitude of Nortel and Canadian government is not the same, but Nortel is abandoned by Canada. He is now the main wind group, and the Canadian government is not a lot of intervene, and the Canadian government is still a relatively relatively silent state, It is not very much to involve too much.

After all, the Nortel of the live broadcast brought a lot of employment and income to Canada, as well as global influence.

And the Nortel of Nortel is indeed in cooperation with the wind group. It is not necessary to take the front of the wind. It is not necessary to take the arm. This logic is clear than Australia.

However, Nortel is the world's life of the wind group. So some people began to attack Nortel, think he said that he is not enough to serve the public, and think that Northern Power is not clear, it is the information of Canadian people. Safe joke.

Results The British Telecom CEO Phillips said, "We did not discover any security issues with Huawei's 5G, and we have also communicated with two companies. They expressed their willingness to accept our investigation. To ensure the security of the UK users.

I can only say that from all current assessment results, we have reason to believe that the wind group is 5G from Huawei does not have a safety hazard, which is worth trust. "

British telecommunications is unlike the attitude towards the vision of the wind group and the attitude of the wind group. It is enough to take such a relatively conservative attitude. It is more convincing than Northern Electricity. After Philips, the British government has also chosen silence, which allows more people to be more silent. After all, even the Britain is silent.

For example, the side of New Zealand, there is no unexpected silence.

Some people in Australia almost didn't mad, and they could only drop their eyes to the side of the company.

In the side of Mi, it has passed a lot of good news. In the eve of the month, Verizonmunications has also started 5G preparation, in addition, Mi State began to purchase Ericsson equipment, the wind group was blocked outside the door, the 5G equipment of Mi The market is almost waiting for Ericsson to pick up.

Intel also taking advantage of Ericsson to quickly take this opportunity to find Ericsson to talk about cooperation.

Qualcomm also brought good news, Qualcomm successfully achieved 5G connection, became a 5G chip enterprise successfully, Qualcomm said that the 5G chip would be a key to the company.

Intel + Gao Tong + Ericsson's such an Omi Communication is gradually formed, and the tripartite has also published a joint statement to see a very strong cooperation will.

This makes many people to look forward to this Omi's three giants can surpass the Chinese three giants.

Just look at the smoothness of a smoothness.

On June 1, Mi Dang announced to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

Paris Agreement? Ok, let go.

On June 2, the Mioguo court claimed that Ericsson was suspected of violations, and he would seriously punish Ericsson.



Kz Annik contacts the relevant personnel in the first time, "What is going on? Why invest in Ericsson at this time?"

"Ericsson will plead guilty."

"Is this a focus? Why? Why do you want to do this?" Coz Annik felt everything is incredible.

"We need to give them a little pressure."

"We have just reached a cooperation agreement with Ericsson, and you will investigate Ericsson, are you stressing for us?

What we have to do now is to work with them, go with Ericsson, to work with European companies, this time we have a good start with the cooperation of Ai Lixin itself, why do you break it?

We can't make the relationship with European companies now, and we should have to save the allies of Europe. "Just like another time and space, Kz Annick does not accept the investigation of Ericsson while Ericsson is ready to enter the rice market.

"No, you are wrong, we can cooperate with Europe, but the premise is that they have come back from us to this, they have got too much from us, just like this Ericsson wants us. Inexpensive. "

"Cooperation is not like this, sometimes paying more is to exchange more invisible interests, we can't always stare at the interests of the eyes!"

"Time will prove who is right, Sweden will become the first country to refuse Huaxia 5G in Europe."

Côte slavery can't always be built on threats, and now the situation has changed, the strength of Huaxia Enterprises is more difficult to deal with you, but they have been promoting Cooperation, we have done very successful to rush back to Huaxia last year, how can this this year become this? "

"Last year was last year, this year is this year, and if you have no way to take Huaxia Technology Enterprise as Miki Technology Enterprise, it can only show that you have problems."

Kz Annick, "..."


Kz Anni had to hang up the phone, and then gave the CEO Bao Yi Kang in Ericsson. "Where are you now?"

"I am on vacation?"

"Vacation?" Costiank felt that this is a talent.

"Well, wait for me to pay back to contact you."


"Kz Annick?" Meng Qian asked Bao Yi, who hangs the phone.


"It seems that Intel's ideas is still very clear. How much is this Miki intend to fill you?"

"1.1 billion yuan."

"Do you really think?"

"We have no choice, if you don't recognize, we have no operational rights."

"Thank you."

Bao Yikang has some unexpected look at Meng Qian, "Mr. Meng thank you?"

"Thank you, I have something to say in front of me."

Bao Yi Kang understood that Meng Qian's meaning and cool smile, "because I am very clear that this situation is not good at this moment.

Everyone is now saying that we will benefit from the Trendy Group to the wind group with Huawei, but it is not true that it is true.

We really won the order of rice, but this world is very big, from the whole world, now a more serious problem is that because of the practice of rice, the development of 5G is full of uncertainty.

Although we are competitors, I have basic to technical cognitive ability, 5G development is simply impossible to get out of the wind group Huawei and ZTE, and now the main environment will only reduce the interesteness of the 5G industry.

In the end, no one can profit from it, all 5G players will be , including our Ericsson.

The 5G industry is a standard cooperation and win-win industry. In the words of your Huaxia, it is a glory, and it is damaged. "

"Mr. Bao Yi is very thorough." Meng Qian nodded, "So, the more I want to take us."

"What does Mr. Meng do this mean?"

"I won't let us go in a short time in a short time. At least I don't have any expectations, but 5G must develop in a constant development. This is the responsibility of all humanity, so no matter which market abandon us, Ericsson must go. grab."

"This is Mr. Meng looking for me to tell me?" Bao Yikang looked at Meng Qian.

"The future of the road is still very long, what can happen, some forces think that we can put it down, and I seem to have a very ridiculous trick.

I don't have two markets, I care about the future, we have made so many for 5G, I can't ruin 5G because they ruined 5G, I need to tell Bao Yikang.

In addition, I believe that there will always be the day of the situation in the future. Wait until this time, Bao Yi Kang, if you are interested, we can work together. "

Bao Yikang looked at Meng Qian unconsciously showed a smile. "Mr. Meng is really special."

"Is it very handsome?"

Bao Yi Kang side looked at the side, "You let me see the real power."


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