On June 10, Meng Qian has returned to China, but also in the company a few days, this day, the morning is 6 o'clock in the morning, and Meng Qian, sleeping in the office, was knocked on the door.

"What's wrong?" Meng Qian also confused.

"The ban is time to date."

Meng Qian suddenly woke up, "When?"

"June 12."

Meng Qian took the latest news from He Yuting hand.

The rice country has confirmed that from June 12, the big wind group's chip does not continue to sell in rice, including Motorola, IBM, including Motorola, IBM, starts to find alternative chips from Intel and Qualcomm.

Although they don't seem to be too willing, just like Motorola CEO is still in the net to vomit this decision.

But useless, the ban is so coming.

Also accompanying the ban, there is a ban.

Miraki is preparing to ban some high-end chips and components to sell companies including wind groups, Huawei, ZTE.

Meng Qian is looking at the news and suddenly coming a call.

"Wu Academician?"

"Mr. Meng saw the latest news?"

Meng Qian's consciousness swept a list, "see it."

"I am now in Hangzhou, Mr. Meng has time to see it?"

"Yes, Wu Academician directly to our company."

"it is good."

On May 5 last month, Huaxia had a small thing, that is, the success of the domestic big plane C919.

And just called Meng Qian, the total design of C919, Wu Guanghui academician.

"Wu Ji." Meng Qian gave Wu Guanghui and took him to his office.

"What is the view of Mr. Meng to the ban?"

Wu Guanghui is going to find Meng Qian, because the C919 has just been successfully flying last month, this month, this month, the country is to invade the engine of C919.

Wu Guanghui knows that Meng Qian has experienced experience in business with Miki, and he is just in Hangzhou, so I will ask Meng Qian's ideas.

"In fact, everyone is ready to be prepared." Meng Qian screened Wu Guanghui to drink tea, "any field, as long as we develop to a certain level, it will definitely.

The big plane, they certainly don't want us, I have not remembered the wrong, the domestic big plane is also 100% domestic domestically from the beginning?

It can only be said that their suppression is more faster than you think.

How much is the country? "


Meng Qian nodded, although Wu Guanghui looked quite unwilling, Meng Qiao is actually very satisfied, because in another time and space, this number is 10%, the growth of 20% is to promote in China for more than ten years. The independent awareness has brought.

This gives Meng Qian's unclear sense of accomplishment.

"How is the CJ-1000A engine research and development?"

"At least 2020, and now the most troublesome problem is that CJ-1000a's core components are still less than 100%.

The Beidou System did not encounter such a big trouble in the process of gradually domestication. The big plane has just begun such a thing. "I'm really helpless."

"The times are indeed different, and the national comprehensive strength is enhanced, and the attitude of the new official government in the country is different."

"So in Meng, it seems that it has not been solved it?"

"The suggestion I can give is to go to the media, but this can only delay the time, or want to speed up the speed of independent research and development."

"Don't we use this passive to cope with it." Wu Guanghui heard the answer to Meng Qian's answer.

"In fact, from logic, because we are backward, and the other party is looking at us when we are going to be surpassing, it should be in line with normal logic.

The key now is how can we turn the passive to active? "

"What is the idea?"

"Others can force us to do anything, we can only do it, but you can't just use it for yourself, the previous research costs are also too wasteful."

"Meng Gong wants to sell technology?"

"Yes, it is more than us recently, this trend Wu has seen it?" Recently, Russia, France, Venezuela also encountered similar trouble.

Wu Guanghui is a bit understanding, "If it is not only to meet the needs of self-use, research and development will become more meaningful."

Meng Qian took the head. "I am going to make a position first, then, I want to help everyone attract the fire."

"Meng Tong ..."

"Reassure, the wind group can not be provoked."


On June 12, the ban is initiated, and the ban is also started to explode more details. For example, the high-end chip of the Great Wind Group is now used or the high-end chip of IBM, now IBM is not required for the ancient series. Provide high-end chips.

Similarly, they asked IBMs not to provide high-end chips to Huawei servers.

In addition, high-end chips and spare parts in some industrial sectors are also considering prohibiting columns, such as the large aircraft engines mentioned just mentioned.

Starting on June 12, China's technology stocks in China have experienced a plummeted, and even the downlink of global technology stocks.

More and more tense situations are in a concern.

Under such a big background, June 18, the Great Wind Global Developer Conference began.

This year's conference is just at this time, Meng Qian can't respond.

"Many friends are concerned about our situation, including netizens who have never seen it online, first must express their thanks, so we decided to send 10 billion coupons in the box Maple Supermarket, it is our A bit of mind.

So what is the situation recently? Everyone is asking the wind group to hold it, can not be able to cope, of course, things are basically rushing, everyone will pay attention to our body is normal, but I want to come from another angle today. Let's talk about this matter.

Let's take a look at some things we are more familiar with, big to large planes, aircraft carriers, light moment, small to smart phones, high-end chips, one commonality of these things is with thousands of spare parts, and these spare parts From all over the world.

Moreover, the higher the high cutting-edge product is higher to the global supply chain.

Because of the most ideal state, a country can achieve all the spare parts to achieve self-production, but no country can make all parts to the world, this is almost the heavens.

This is the greatest benefit of globalization to the product, we can set the most, build the best experience to consumers, and give consumers the best experience.

Globalization is not serving a country or a company, globalization is serving consumers, this is the core we have to understand.

At this time, I read recently happened. Everyone worried that the wind group had to do it, I could clearly tell you that if the Great Breeze Group has fallen, there should be a lot of stock markets, and many companies are closed, but This way, because the world can turn down the wind group.

Everyone really should worry that if someone wants to destroy us for so many years, I don't have to build global cooperation. What should we do?

If the global welfare is broken, the development speed of technology will become slow, and many other fields will also encounter such a situation. What should I do? "

Meng Qian directly took the fundamental problem, "and now the most dangerous situation is that this is the most developed country in the world.

We have to admit that global technology development is still the highest to the Rice country.

If we want to be a proportion of technology globalization, we evaluate the ratio of rice in 35%, which means that such a maximum influence is going to break globalization, and it is the biggest for globalization.

But this blow has begun, is we doing something?

I want everyone to think about a problem. Do you think globalization? Do you feel globalization to promote human development, if your answer is sure, then I want to say, 65% left, I have to want to think The way will continue to drive globalization.

And when I continued to think about this idea, I suddenly realized an old saying in our Huaxia.

Everyone can see this picture, this is the recent possible ban on the next Mr. Lie, which we spend a few days, basically found alternatives in Germany's French neon countries.

Is this an opportunity?

If you think about your simple point, think will not be more clear, at least our big wind group now is very simple, do the product well, do technology, and do globalization. "

Meng Qian's response basically did not talk about the wind group itself, but from globalization, excavating the deep impact behind things, and remind everyone with a relatively concealed but everyone heard the way, this is a chance, this Naturally, there will be more attention.

The wind group is once again, your business is your business, people will not be too concerned about the things of others, this is nature, only pushing things to others, everyone will care.

In the face of Meng Qian's state, more people in Migo began to oppose the ban, especially related companies, caught this opportunity to speak again, hoping to solve the ban, do not use this way to compete.

However, they are waiting for it: no one knows more globalization than I.


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