Meng Qianzheng chatted with He Yuting's quantum technology, suddenly received a message, causing Meng Qian's face suddenly changed, directly out of the office.

He went out to go straight to the company's most mysterious laboratory, time and space shuttle laboratories.

"What's going on?" Meng Qian just asked.

"Meng He, we found a point direction, related to quantum technology."

"So I can't get around the body, I don't want to decad," Meng Qian launched a sentence, and then I knew that the pure land laboratory successfully took the quantum entangled picture.

When I listened to the quantum entangled picture, Meng Qian's consciousness was a little lost, because human beings took a quantum entangled picture, and when Meng Qian was still dead, I knew this thing.

However, after I got a close, I found that I didn't look at it. The laboratory people want to watch Meng Qian. It is a group of pictures.

As a question, I knew that it was a subsequent experiment in the experiment of the Time and Space shuttle laboratory.

"After shooting the quantum entangled photos there, we quickly made a further targeted experiment.

Their experiment focuses on observation, and we want to try the logic on the basis of observation, so we have our experiment.

We prepared three sets of exactly the same equipment, then carry out photon emissions with simple mathematics logic, fully random photon emission, and a large number of synchronous photon emission experiments.

In a series of photos we got, we found these. "

Meng Qian is carefully observed before the computer, "completely different three sets of experiments actually have a common point ..."

"This experiment is from the micro-world, we have been discussing a problem, what is the logic of micro-world action, and we have more and more logical masters of macro world, but the understanding of micro-world has been shortage.

We have been trying to find the logic of the micro world, but we have little harvest, and this time we realize that the quantum entanglement itself is actually a micro-world logic, so we try to give photons, see if it will produce What interesting experimental results did not expect it to find out. "

"So what conclusions you have passed through this experiment."

"Accurately, it is guess, because we study time and space shuttle, combined with all our previous research content, we are more willing to guess a thing, causal.

What is time, we have done too much hypothesis, as Newton said, time is a basic structure of the universe, or as Kant said, time is just a conscious concept, or many people guess fourth dimensions , Energy, a special wave, etc.

However, this experiment allows us to have a new idea for the first time, maybe, time is not a matter of time with our impression.

What is the earliest time concept? In fact, it is a summary of the law.

For the most intuitive example, the hourglass will take 30 minutes, and we observe this process of the hourglass and 30 minutes.

So do you have any behaviors that have the whole of the hourglass? In fact, there is no relationship. It is gravity to let the sand will miss the sand, not related to time, not because the time makes the sand leak down.

Instead, time is because the sand walks through this process to the following process.

This is our current idea, push everything forward, inevitably not time, so what, maybe causal.

For example, when we swept a room for an hour, because we wanted to clean the room, it created this result of the room was cleaned, from the cause of fruit, creating an hour.

At this time, the most important thing is that the inevitability and randomness of causality.

If the cause is completely random, just like we want to clean the house today is completely random, then this guess will become meaningless.

But if the cause is not random, everything makes sense.

Just like our experiments, we found a inevitable foundation common point in the micro world, and we temporarily called him an algorithm.

In our current conjecture, the development of the world is disorder, which is full of randomness, but there is a basic code in the world, which is certain, this certainty if it is an algorithm, it is interesting. .

This means that this is a world-based, continuous random world, and this deterministic is determined by the causal algorithm. How did this an algorithm come? We don't know now, can't see it, but one of our guess is that maybe it is related to life.

So, in this conjecture, the three-dimensional world we are not unidirectional, many people think that the three-dimensional world is unidirectional, because many people think that time is one-way.

But now we believe that time is an inspirational biology, and the three-dimensional world is not necessarily one-way, and it may even be a very complex chart, complete the imagination of human routine.

So if we can change the cause, it is possible to return to the past.

In fact, we have the opportunity to change the causality. In the in-depth study of quantum gravitation, we see the singular scene of the causality sequence error can be designed if a very heavy object is placed in a quantum superposition state. "

"But we need a very heavy object, your next step is to make a planet out? Or directly black hole?"

"" But at least, this idea provides us with a possibility ...

Meng, always shuttle, especially moving forward, this is an anti-human anti-classic research project. "

Meng Qian made himself a strong heart, "I didn't control my emotions, sorry."

Meng Qian stared at the screen for a while, "Then follow this idea to go down."

For Meng Qian, this is indeed a hope, hope is a good thing.

Meng Qian is obviously more than those researchers carefully this time.

Once the hope, the disappointment of a time, Meng Qian in this laboratory has already experienced too many times, after all, this research direction is really too difficult, in a sense, Meng Qian is to find a heart on the soul.

But whenever a hit hope, Meng Qian still feels that he really wants to achieve this.

However, the light is in front of the guess, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

With complex mood, Meng Qian did not want to go back to the office and decided to walk in the company.

The next consciousness, Meng Qian came to the first floor of the company's first group of old employees.

It is preparing to see if Wei Peng Tian is doing, a turn, Meng Qian heard a fierce quarrel.

"The other people have no opinions, as you do, who do you think?"

"This is not what I am who I am! This is a problem that there is really a problem, and this problem, everyone knows, I don't believe you don't know?"

It's just that everyone will see if there is a problem. Everyone thinks that the leader is so ruled that I will do this.

Everyone thinks that I have to do the bird, but this is wrong! "

"If you feel that there is a problem, you can resign, not this, no."

"I said that these are not resigning, I hope that our department can do better, what is the problem? Just because I said the truth, I have to go? Is this your attitude?"

Meng Qian looked at the two people quarreling in the distance, and there were other people's discussion.

"This brother is absolutely being expelled, and it is really a talent."

"There is no problem in the process, this person can only say that the problem is too low, and the business is important to the business, and he is not open."

"Yeah, this year is not waiting for the future, this buddy ... Meng Tong!"

Finally, some people turned to see Meng Qian, and the original attention was in the same time to look at Meng Qian and quiet.

However, Meng Qian at this time is a lag.

"How come you here ..." Meng Qian looked at the man who was not far away, "Hi Jingshi ..."


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