
The office area just happened, began to have a dramatic discussion, because Hi Jing was shouting in the office by Meng Qian.

He Jingjing is only a middle and lower reaches of the company, and the company's algorithm engineer has just been directly taken to Meng Qian's office. How much makes everyone feel incredible.

In everyone's cognition, even if Meng Qian hits the most, it is to find a small leader of the personnel department to handle it, do not need Meng Qian personally come out.

This ignited everyone's curiosity, and even envy.

"We will squat in front of Meng everywhere."

"You first look at what is the situation in Hi Jing, saying that it is not good for a while to sign away from the person."

"No, expense personal needs Meng Mong's lower? Neurological."

"But this brother should not have anything to end."


The lively discussion outside, in the office, Meng Qi quietly looked at the congratulations and half the day.

For Meng Qian, it is not only the company in the company, but also is more shocking that he is in another time and space for the first time with Hi Jing, that is, he quarreled with a leader.

Indeed, now I want to think that Meng Qian also feels a bit uncomfortable to call the He Jing into his office. However, when he saw the He Xiangxie, the brain was completely embarrassed, and the next consciousness shouted to my office.

Just like another time and space, Meng Qian always shouted the He Jing to his own office to talk a few words, even, close the door to blow the bull.

"Hi Jingshi ... When is the company?"

"At the beginning of this year." Hi Jing also obsessively surprised the current situation, but the performance is very calm.

"What happened? Why is it a noisy?"

"I came to the company for half a year, I have some problems in our group, and I have mentioned a few times with my supervisor, but he is very perfunctory every time, I can't help but quarrel today."

"what is the problem?"

"Because the company's subdivision project group is too much, the KPI is now developed, but the supervisor has been deceived in the development of KPI, causing the group's work efficiency very low."

"Do you know that you are in front of the big leadership, is your supervisor is a taboo?" Meng Qian deliberately put his face.

"I don't know." The expression of He Jingtong is not good. "The fact is the fact, all of the group knows that our KPI development is to be lazy, not only delayed the project progress, but also preserves everyone.

I have worked hard to enter the wind group, and I don't want to keep old age.

Now our group's KPI is a highly formalism, and if the people in this group will be abolished. "

"What do you think now?"

"I just hope that the supervisor can change. If he does not change, this group is not as dissolved."

Meng Qian stared at Hi Jing for a few seconds, or that looks like it, talking will not be bent, but there is almost no tolerance for the problem, but sometimes it is very, a rib.

"Do you know that our company not only has internal anti-corruption departments, but also internal regulatory authorities, the company's internal regulatory authorities have to handle hundreds of recommended feedback each year, they can't do anything else.

The Great Breeze Group has more than 400,000 employees, like you have 10,000 project groups, how can you think that the supervision department can do it?

Why do we advocate institutional management, because the system can solve most of the common problems to a large extent, our human resources can have a larger space to deal with the remaining problems.

However, the company is too large, and some hidden dangers are inevitable, especially some small hazards or hidden dangers, is the most difficult.

What we can do is to try to solve more problems, what do you think? "

Meng Qian's reason is that it is actually not explaining to help the company, but because the foresteen of Meng Qian talks to He Jing, he wants to look at the answer of Hi Jing.

"So do you need someone in our group to stand up!" Hi Jing's face wrote me to understand what you mean. "I know that the company is impossible to manage, like our project group, good and bad In fact, it is to see our project group itself.

The company can't do it, we will take yourself, go to the project group, is our idea should be anyway, the company can't do it, do you have a mix? "

Meng Qian touched the warm cup, deliberately and me, "If you are me today, how do you handle this thing?"

He Jing is almost second, "I opened my head!"

"Then? What is the benefit of your project group?"

"At least you can give others a little hope."

"You really don't think that other people want this situation to change?"

"They are in private, they are talking about this group, I can't grow up, every day, everyone wants to change."

"Then why they never propose their own ideas."

"Character problem."

"Character problem?" At this time, He Yuting gave Meng Qian's printing document, Meng Qian looked at a slight smile, "Your project group, except for you and other people, it is more than 2 years. During the age, there are more than five years.

According to the provisions of our company, as long as the performance of the year has reached the standard, more than 2 years can take the initiative to turn off the project group, and this party has been managed for 7 years. Since they have this project group, the opponent is so big, why Are you stayed? "

"It's not embarrassed."

"Don't you know that the most active person shouting in the company often can do it?"

He Jingshi frowned and fell into silence.

"He Jing Tong ..." Meng Qian said, "How did you change a time and space?"

He is still the same, but let Meng Qian have a strange emotion in the heart.

Including Shen Jiawen, the high school classmates, I have not intended to have myself after graduating from another time and space, so although this world has intensive, it feels everything.

Feng Yufei is a good friend, but this world is too busy, but there is a feeling of the absolute friend of the world.

Only at this time, I appeared in the same way in front of Meng Qian. The first time I gave him a special familiarity that I brought.

This wonderful feeling is difficult to describe simple words.

After the congratulations, Meng Qian shouted Sun Xiaojing into the office.

"Do you know?"

"If you are talking about you, I have already known, I already know, I will never take a small gossip ability."

"I just met, I took him over and chatted with him." Meng Qian simply explained, "But I think this person is quite interesting, who is the interview before?"

"I have a little impression on him. It is the case in the beginning of the year. The last round of the personnel department is I have passed. At that time, I thought this person was very straight, but I gave people a feeling of especially sincere, and later handed to the technical department. It's not bad while saying.

However, like a chapel, it is easy to be a gun in the workplace. "Sun Xiaomi has apparently understanding the whole picture of the matter, this has concluded.

A small staff was shouted into his own office, and Sun Xiaomi's professional literacy told her to understand the situation in the first time and expressed her views in the conversation with Meng Qian.

"It is indeed someone to make him a grab." Meng Qian repeatedly told himself to the conversation of He Xiangtong, "But he said something is still right, the company develops to this scale, and many of the following things are really increasing The more difficult management, the company may need some people like him to appear, simply, there is a person who has a sense of consciousness and responsibility. "

Sun Xiaoyi helplessly, "When the company started, it is easier to attract such a person, but the company has now developed to this scale. To tell the truth, there will be more and more people in the future, I want to figure it out, now use Institutional management, assessment of results, is already the best plan that can be thought of. "

"I understand, I didn't say that now there is a problem, just suddenly encountered such a person, suddenly I feel that we can let him get something like something, just like you said, he is easy to be robbed Instead, he was used by some small people to use it on some small hearts. Why don't we use this to grab it directly? What will happen to harvest?

Since he is not afraid of sinners, let him go to the sinner. "

Sun Xiaomi's consciousness, "Do you want to transfer him to the regulatory authorities?"

Meng Qian shook his head, "He went to the regulatory department as appropriate, and the supervision department was too much according to the charter, and it was pressed so many things, which will pressed his character."

"What are you going to use? He is just a small staff member, can't play a wave in the company."

"I have an idea before, I will see if he is there."

"what idea?"

"The company has more and more people, I am currently doing in research and development, and I think I think I can do something in the company, I suddenly want to receive an apprentice."

"Receive the apprentice?"

"Well, find some of the qualitative, directly cultivated.

The company has developed too fast, the management team always has some fault, I want to join such a mechanism, impact some things, including some middle management is also a kind of benign competition. "

"What is the standard of Meng's collectors?"

"With the heritage, there is a vision, there is a pattern, know the loss."

"Is there a specific standard?"

Meng Qian drank the tea, slowly, "I looked pleasing."

Sun Xiaomi, "..."


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