In the face of Meng Qian's warning, everyone is not worried is impossible, even if it is a company in the European countries of the European countries, now the rice is not ranging from allies.

When I was eating at noon, the Pingjing I suddenly took Meng Qian Single chat, "Mr. Meng has any specific intent this time, there is any place I can help."

"The fine or your neon is fine." Meng Qian lamented a postoperative opening, "We propose a standard each time, Mi State immediately followed, leading to the current cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and quantum technology. They are both standards in that, seriously affecting the development of technology.

My idea is that we have to set absolute standards, especially at this time, Mi State can take technical break to engage in China's ZTE. Tomorrow may take the standard to stream Sony, now the rice country can do it. No one is not allowed, we can't leave such a big hidden danger in the industry. "

Pingjing Yifuta understands Meng Qian's meaning, in the afternoon meeting, Pingjing Yisheng took the lead in accelerating the unification of the standards, many companies responded, so that some things were driven more.

Meng Qian successfully enlarged ZTE's internationalization, buried a seed in everyone.


After the meeting, Meng Qian quickly returned to the country, and ZTE has been working hard to face the situation.

On July 15th, Yin has brought the latest news. Cooperation, Great wind group can replace our current chip supplier and some core parts suppliers, we have put forward procurement applications to the wind group and have received a positive response.

At the same time, we will fully use the wind group's intelligent industrial software, re-build our production plant system, which will take a little time to affect a certain follow-up shipping efficiency.

In addition, we have docked with the winning Kirin. The successful ecology of the bidless unicorn can help us completely detach the dependence on the Windows system, and establish an industrial technology based on the winning bidder.

Overall, the three major problems of the chip, system, and software we can find solutions. Next, we will have more efforts in the fields of basic materials, key components.

No matter how difficult, we will definitely cross this experience.

From now on, we will increase the investment in the main research and development. This event makes us deeply realize that only self-improvement is good! "

The development direction of this world is different. In the face of extreme pressing, ZTE also chose an extreme way: comprehensive to Miki.

The bottom gas is naturally the system of the big wind group and the system of the winning Kirin, but ZTE does not deny the strength of ZTE.

This choice is very high, because comprehensive to Mikihua is at least half a year, and the current ZTE has fallen sharply because of the decline from rice, if it is hard, ZTE is less than a year to return to the past status.

Instead, if you recognize, you can solve the problem in one time.

This is also the reason why the other party knows that there is a strong wind group in Huaxia or the same trick. The reason why the same number of tricks, the redeement of the rice technology is too high, and the back is gradually technically domesticized, and it can be fully equivalent to Miki. There is a different difference.

This time, it is forced to be in place.

Hou Weigui is also temporarily enhancing and publicly expressing this incident. Long-term favorable route, while future ZTE will pay more attention to independent research and development. "

The world of ZTE has brought a surprise to everyone, that is, in the field of basic materials and parts, ZTE spent many years of dark research and development, at this moment, there is a low-key research and development that is not understood before, becoming Zhongxing hard just One of the chips.

Why is ZTE to do this, of course, because Meng Qian has been "brainwashing" in Hou Weigui ear.

ZTE finally decided hard, and it was a very refined thing for Huaxia, and it was more chaotic for the company.

ZTE's original material and component supplier jumped out of the news, and once lost ZTE, they really had to lay off, and tens of thousands of jobs were in jeopardy. Everyone did not see the ghosts.

Intel, has not had a chance to fell on the ground, "What did they do?" Is this not to add the market to the Huaxia company?

I have to use this way to force ZTE, this result is satisfied! ?

The development of the science and technology industry has its own rules, when can I be so embarrassing! "

"Mr. Moore should not be too angry." Kz Anni was advised to persuade, "this is really unexpected, but it is just a ZTE. I believe that they have seen Huaxia Enterprises through ZTE. Attitude, you can change their work style.

We have contacted Microsoft Qualcomm IBM and other enterprises, let's go to them together, let us find a more suitable solution to suppress the development of Huaxia Enterprises. "

Old Moore efforts make you calm down, then bring your team to talk to the people.

Old Moore said, "I only want to say something now. Now everything is a wind group. This time, the ZTE is also because of the wind group, to avoid the outbreak of Huaxia Technology. What we have to do now is to suppress the wind group. Development, rather than sending the market to the wind group. "

After a communication, the old Moore and others are looking forward to the future change.

Soon, several major funds in the rice began to allocate, increase investment on Silicon Valley to help Silicon Valley companies increase research and development, which makes everyone feel very happy.

At the end of July, ZTE once again confirmed that he would have been appealed and comprehensively went to Mikihua, and there was another big news in the market.

Neon Some semiconductor materials companies will no longer provide material supply to the wind group.

Pingjing I made almost the first time to dialed Meng Qian's phone, "Mr. Meng, suddenly, I just went to confirm, this is not the situation you want to see, Sumitomin believes, the more you should contact it. You, the country suddenly pressed, and everyone didn't work. "

"Mr. Pingjing is assured, I know what is going on." Meng Qian said calm, "We now cooperate with neon companies and more, some people are not willing to see, forced neon companies to break, can break our Supply chain, can break the relationship between us, one arrow, who benefits, I am very clear.

Just don't know if neon companies have an idea to go to Miki. "

Pingjing Yifu issued a sense of helplessness, "Mr. Meng should understand, this is unlikely."

"Also, there is no matter what happens behind, I hope that Mr. Pingjing can understand."

Meng Qian did not know what he had to do, but there is always a feeling of Pingjing, neon companies may be pitted.

On this side, after the news came, the Huaxia netizen who came out from the ZTE was angry, and the ZTE was so good to be a matter, and now I can't get a big wind group. I can't get a little actual reason. It is said that the Great Breeze Group is insecure, completely pure pressure.

One more and then three things make more and more Huaxia netizens to see the hypocrisy of liberal democracy, and more and more netizens have seen the unconfident of the world's first strong country.

"Meng Da." Just went from the neon country, I saw Meng Qian, who was brushing netizens, "What react now?"

"What can be reacted, everyone is waiting for our reaction."

"That how to pay attention to how to get it?"

"ZTE has just turned to us, he has to show a certain card, otherwise there will be more Huaxia Enterprise.

As for the neon, you can only make them make a gray. "


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