Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 867 Unknown Generation

As neon companies think, light is difficult to fight the supply chain of the Great Breeze Group in the country, the wind group purchased in the rice country has always been very small, and the side of the rice is mainly based on system chip components, these wind groups I can make yourself, the impact on the wind is much smaller than the imagination.

At this time they suddenly thought of neon, because in terms of semiconductor materials, they had to look at neon, and from the open procurement data, some upstream materials wind semiconductors were still mainly purchased from neon companies.

This gives them a new idea. If the key upstream material companies in neon countries do not supply the wind semiconductor, what kind of chip is the wind semiconductor?

This is not, the pressure suddenly came to the neon, in August, some material companies in Neon have to take materials for the wind group under pressure, and the large environment is getting more and more chaotic. Everyone does not know what will happen tomorrow. .

This neon company is obviously unhappy, which is affecting them to make money, but there is no way to face stress, and neon now has not to go to Migo the strength and strength.

China's domestic worry is also because this matter has risen again. Everyone is worried that the wind group without materials will not take the chip, but the big wind group that can't take the chip is not only affected, not only its own affected, like ZTE to press the bet in the wind Companies on the group will also be affected.

Therefore, there is therefore, the heat of things is better than the previous ZTE incident.

"How to deal with the wind group, affecting the entire Huaxia technology industry, once the wind group falls, it may never have a second ZTE, everything is over, and we will look at the enterprises in China. Human face. "

"Yeah, ZTE dares hard just because the wind group gave him a pocket, the chip system software three major pieces, once you get rid of the wind group, you will finish."

"The key is that our Huaxia can now have a big wind group, it is already very good, it is difficult to expect another wind group, you have to resist the resistance."

"Even if there is another big wind group? A big wind group is suppressed, the two wind groups are not suppressing? You see 5G our Huaxia out a communication three giants, this is not three companies being targeted?

The problem now is not in the wind group, and the wind group did not do anything wrong. "

"No, the wind group did wrong, who made him so much, the wind group, if the waste is a little, who will come to him."

"Dirty death, what is this? I started to pull the world to deal with the wind group?"

"So it's really important to say independent research and development, absolute self-reliance is really important!"

Domestic public opinion has been very large, but Meng Qian has not stopped to respond because he will wait for the global reaction.

Considering this real involuntarily involving neon, this is no longer a simple Huaxian company with the rice company, Meng Qian has been asking everyone around the world. If there is one day, there is a third country, How do you prepare for everyone, and now, this wave of water is comparable.

Neon has already turned over the day, and some of the material enterprises to break the wind group, half of the people in the neon country are opposed.

Neon's stock market opened the leader of technology stocks after the news came, and everyone felt inexplicably.

Although they have nothing to do, they will at least prure.

Even those who are not very friendly for Huaxia are also resistant. "If we do this extreme behavior with the competition between the wind group, as a neon, I will definitely support.

But because other people's pressure is forced to make this extreme behavior, this is not something that neon companies should experience. "

At the same time, the Great Breeze Group Neon Branch CEO stood out, "The wind group always maintains a good partnership with neon companies, and the Brench Group's branch of neon countries is also the largest branch of the world. A few years of cooperation promoted the common prosperity of the two science and technology. Everything that happened today made me feel sad, sincerely hope that neon companies can change their attitude as soon as possible. "

The sound of the wind is more than the two sides of the neon enterprise, it is can't afford, and the neon enterprises in the same side can only compete for the room.

The neon entity is hidden, and it is rapidly spread throughout the world to all parts of the world.

The current attitude of Mi-Dang is that the Great Wind Group's products are full of threats, so it is very unsafe, so in safety reasons, Miki cooperates with neon to bond the wind group, and there is still a safe in the world.

Very decent expression.

If there is no hybrid, many people really think so.

But good, in addition to a few countries, most countries can see hymn.

In the process of confrontation between the two sides, everyone is more willing to believe in the expression of the neon country, while the neon situation is in the world to see people around the world.

The Russian media is very fast, "the wind group is innocent, Sumitomo, the neon companies are also innocent, everyone is only seriously promoting the development of science and technology, if this world is even pure tolerant, the future we exactly How to expect technology development? "

After that, the French media also started to speak. "We should pay attention to what happened in neon countries. If you do this in our France tomorrow, what should we do?

If our normal trade exchanges and technology exchanges may be destroyed at any time, this is a very terrible thing, this terrible or even more than the dilemma faced by Alstom.

Our France has always played an important role in globalization. It has a good trade with all countries. We must eliminate things that happen to neon the country today. "

After the Russian Law Media, more and more international media began to talk about this matter, and the media of some countries even said very straightforward, facing hegemony, no one liked.

The British also came out to a wave of heat, and the official media condemned the behavior of breaking free trade, and the direct point name hopes to return the world to normal.

For a long time, everyone's voice is always swaying. I haven't had a problem about Huaxia 5G before, many countries say that Huaxia 5G is no problem. I will say that I don't have to know about 5G, no one knows whiscies.

But at least this time, in a moment, everyone's voice is more consistent, after all, no matter what others, no one wants to break the existing international trade rules, even if there are some European countries that have stress Huaxia, I really don't want to In this extreme, no one wants to go with money.

Those subtle things in the middle of the international public opinion are not a clear thing that can be said in a few words. Meng Qian is the relative unity of this moment.

Let the incident for two days, Meng Qi is delayed before the camera, and puts the sound of the world in front of the world, borrowing a force, "the fair is self-hearted, some don't want to say more, nothing .

Today, I stood here, mainly in order to answer everyone's doubts, the wind group will then do next.

In the face of this means, I can only say one, is this? "

Meng Qian made a disdainful expression. "The wind group has not seen anything, smear, defamation, suppression, ridicule, we can also drive in this horticulture of the blood rain today, more frustrated The more brave.

Everyone must know that the wind group is not going on, we have been going backstream, if anyone thinks that the wind group can be defeated, we can only respond with four words: !

This time, in the face of more and more deeper confessions, I can tell everyone, and tell our opponents, you will be free, anyway, we can create themselves.

Because we have: Nameless generation plan. "

The unknown generation plan, Meng Qian, finally showed it in front of the public.


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