"From the wind group decided to engage in research and development, the unknown generation is like the shadow is the same as the shadow." Meng Qian began to say, "The unknown generation plan to assume two tasks, one is to attack the extremely difficult projects, those very likely I can't succeed in decades, so this part of the R & D personnel may only be obscured in their lives.

Another task is our spare project, the proposal of the spare tire project, is to avoid being subject to people, so from the beginning, it is necessary to achieve a comprehensive self-produced project.

But because many times we have very smooth cooperation with other companies, such as our long-term purchase of materials from neon materials enterprises, they buy software and equipment here, this is a benign business model, everyone make money together, and Not always thinking about only the money of others.

At this time, although our company has the ability to produce these materials, we don't even have to produce or even produce, which will cause them to be obscured.

And we don't produce, and we have no ability to produce two things.

In fact, many people who know the unknown generations have questioned our unknown generation plan, especially our spare tire plan, because they are burning, they often ask me, what are you worried about, what you are doing? What is it.

I will always tell them, I must want to do the worst plan, because no one knows what will happen one day, I am worried that someone will destroy the rules, I am worried that one day I will be subject to people, I am worried that I can't protect it. Own company.

Although I have never wanting this day in my heart, I have to call one of the reasons for the unknown generation. I sometimes hope that my nameless spare tire plan can always be silently, then explain Our world is beautiful.

Unfortunately, reality often develop in the worst direction. Everything that happened today, it is proved to everyone, it is a unknown generation plan, gave us the biggest bottom gas.

So you ask me how to cope with this time, I can only say that everyone can understand what is a whole-industrial chain company, why we have the world's only full industrial chain semiconductor company, because if necessary, We can produce anything! "

Meng Qian is confident in front of the camera and fearless, and the barrage has been crazy brushing up.

"Great wind group really TM domineering! This feels true Nima!"

"Suddenly I want to cry, how is it, my name is, why is this name feel so sad.

"This unknown generation plan is really absolutely, who can think of it!"

Everyone has been happy, everyone is still relieved, but Meng Qian's speech is not over, "Many people are asking me, what is the view of this neon company's approach, or what I want to say to them. "

In fact, we can see that this happens this time is because of this side of this side, all neon materials enterprises that use rice technologies cannot have any partnership with our Great Breeze Group.

However, we can find that this time several neon materials companies use the technology of rice, so they have to end cooperation with us.

But this has to let me ask a doubt, who will dare to use the technology of rice in the future?

Just use the technology of rice, perhaps one day they will do this as a reason to interfere with your normal trade, so that you don't have business, this time, what should I do?

I may have some self-confidence and even the big think that neon countries don't want to end their cooperation with us because I have the most direct data from this side. We are the largest customer of neon materials companies. Our average procurement exceeds 35%, and some companies have more than 70% of orders are our wind group.

To know, we have now become the world's largest chip shipping company, are they really willing to lose such a customer?

I believe that any business with normal business thinking will not make such a decision, so in my opinion, the biggest damage in this event is not our big wind group, but a neon material enterprise.

Then I have to raise this question again. As long as I use the company technology, I will encounter this trouble, what should we do?

Yesterday I talked about this thing with the company executives. They suddenly smiled and asked me. Do we have the opportunity to use the technology of rice?

At that time, I went back to God. Yeah, the country now does not let our strength group use their technology, that is, our wind group is being forced to be a company that is from the technology technology, and therefore, I It is believed that companies around the world can do business with us, because we will never need to affect our relationship with any trading partners because of the use of rice technology.

We can have absolute autonomy. "

Meng Qian has hidden the meaning of many layers, not only, not only this practice is too reasonable. At the same time, it is also a company that reminds the world. Do you want to think about it? What should I do if I don't use rice?

Meng Qian also hinted in the words. At this time, the Great Breene Group can be completely separated from the company, and the Great Wind Group acts as such a comprehensive enterprise can get from the rice technology to live, then some IT companies want technology, of course It can be found here in the wind group!

Meng Qian carefully cultivated the unknown plan, once a moment of completely reversing the situation, but the wind group really will be subject to some materials or components or other technologies, Meng Qian is hard because there is a nameless plan. The wind group has a spare tire technique to cope with this day.

People who have not understood the unknown men's programs have couldn't help but feel the five-body investment in Meng Qian.

More than ten years of planning, more than ten years of horizon, even if Huawei is a relatively conservative company, and finally I have to sigh, I haven't regret that I have no death in myself.

Perhaps really only the reborn can have such a plan, fortunately, Meng Qian is a reborn.

This world, the balance of destiny has reversed this side of Huaxia.

The unknown generation plan, at this moment.

Soon after Meng Qian, neon is more chaotic.

Since the wind semiconductor has already taken out his own materials, it is not intended to use multiple materials from me to digest, and the wind semiconductor is announced.

As for the reason, there is a need for materials that do not participate in rice technologies, and they can be purchased from the wind semiconductor.

This completely touched the neon material enterprise, I didn't want to accept this thing to break the big wind group. It is really for helplessness. I can only think about how to pick up the wind group. Whoever thought, this matter It is my best to go to the head.

When the one in the well, I realized that Meng Qi's words wanted to understand himself.

Understanding is understood, but this is what is a matter!

Neon material companies began to press against pressure, I hope to go to negotiate, don't let neon companies have the biggest loss.

Although the mediation of neon countries is just a few key material companies asked to break the wind group, but these key material companies are the life of the neon semiconductor industry.

And now Meng Qian is online with such a reason, they can't blame Meng Qian, and they can accuse that the rice is not like, and it is caught in the middle into cannon gray.

Soon, neon has opened negotiations with Mi State, as for the result, I have to give an answer.

But the world has begun to talk about one thing, Australia stands out to accuse the Great Breene Group 5G, now the status of the Australian South Hemisphere is fast, and neon semiconductor materials enterprises are forced to stand up to the wind group, now move up The stone smashed his feet, then went back, who dare to fight the wind group?

Who else? ? ?


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