Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 869 Zhang Qian's Test

Meng Qian played the name of the unknown generation. It is really shocked to the whole world. Many people are not coming to think about a problem. The unnamed generations have a few spare tire techniques. This is a mystery, a very terrible puzzle.

It is precisely because everyone does not have a letter, and dare not use this competition method. If you still come to this set, if you come here, the unknown generation of the big wind group is like the Doraemon The pocket can continue to take out the technology, when it is true, who is in a hurricane group, who is unlucky.

After this, the wind group still stands, but it is more embarrassing the world's concerns about the international situation.

At least for more than three years, everyone will become more and more uncertain, everyone is more and more worried that this world will go further confusion, and accurately, at this moment, more people It is considered that it is more than seven years.

Good, maybe it was a matter of response from Meng Qian, and the tense situation suddenly appeared a short peace.

On August 15, Meng Qian had to take Meng Fan to see a film created by the box office, and also created the movie of dispute records, "Wolf 2".

After the end of the view, Xiao Bo, who was just busy nearby was waiting downstairs, and Meng Qian bid Xiao Bo learned to take a car.

"What do you feel after watching the movie?" Meng Qian looked at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan's face wrote a doubt, "Is it so chaotic in Africa?"

Meng Fan's concern is a bit strange, but Meng Qian still answers his questions, "There are many places in this world, but not just Africa."

"Why do people fight?"

"Because of the land, because of the woman, because of power, or just like to kill, there are many reasons."

"Dad, technology is likely to be able to achieve reading, you can know what to think about each other."

"Why do you ask this?"

"I just saw a piece in front of me, I wrote that there is a technology to let everyone know the ideas of others, so that others' thoughts, finally realize the trust between people and people."

Meng Qian's expression has a subtle change. "Technology in the future can not be realized, but even if the technology is implemented, it is impossible to show the results of this implementation."


"Because everyone has evil, when a person is completely exposed to you, you may easily pay attention to his evil.

Perhaps, the first arrival is not understanding peace, but fear and destruction. "

Meng Fan said, it seems to have some ideas to Meng Qian's statement. "Dad, can you take me to a small Africa, the place that will fight."

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to see it."

Meng Qisi has been a few seconds, giving a two-priced answer, "I know."


After the car arrived in the company, Meng Qian made the driver to send Meng Fan home, with Xiao Bo.

"Is there anything about Meng Fan?" Meng Qian asked with a calm tone.

Xiao Bo knows that the horse has become cautious, "said that three years old saw the old, Meng Fan, I have seen it for several years, and I have a biggest impression of Meng Fan should be his concession.

This child, has a sympathy. "

Meng Qian silent thinking for a while, "Lao Xiao, if I want to retire early in a few years, do you think who is the company's CEO is more appropriate?"

"In the past few years ..." Xiao Bo first seized this focus, because in a few years, naturally, it could not be Meng Fan. "My personal opinion may tend to Sun Xiaojing, Sun, Sun."


"No one knows more about the company, from corporate culture, corporate management, and even corporate goals, but she is not only the company's first staff, but also people who are the best.

Moreover, sometimes I really feel that she takes this job as her life, in some areas, she is even more belonging than you.

Meng always really wants to retire early, the new CEO must find someone who knows the company and knows how to manage. "

"Sun Jie ... is indeed no problem, but the ambition is not enough." Meng Qian shakes, "Sun Jie is a good one to do things, but also a responsible person, but she lacks aggression.

No matter how many years can exist, you must always maintain the status of the battle. "

"That ... is always? His heart can always be a strong body of a strong country."

"Squains, stubborn, and his experience is too deep, he attaches importance to scientific research, but his eyes only have research, I am afraid that the company will make the company in his hand.

Continuously ranked by Meng Qian, Xiao Bo won frowning no longer talk, but he heard Meng Qian asked, "What do you think?"

"I?" Xiao Bo saw a shock, "I have been in the same year, I am very clear about my own position, I am a place, I can't have CEO."

Meng Qian suddenly smiled, close to Xiao Bo, "The big wind group, I want to retire, even CEO can't find it, do you feel sad?"

Meng Qian continued to go forward, Xiao Bo saw silent with him, but the heart was in thought.

Back to the office, Liang Mengong has waited outside the door to Waithen.

"come in."


"Côte d'Antikik is looking for you?" Meng Qian asked directly after entering the seat.

"He wants me to go to Intel."


"100 million meters, 1.3 times salary, take away a core team."

"Yes." Meng Qian face is pleased, "I can make Intel consume huge funds to take me, but also let CEO personally go to horses, indicating the success of the wind semiconductor.

Then what do you think,? "

Liang Mengsong's rational smile, "I can have today because I am very clear, if I am leaving the wind semiconductor, my child will look down on me."

Meng Qian naturally knows that Liang Mengong's thoughts, directly gave Sun Xiaojing, "came to my office."

A few minutes later, Sun Xiaomi came to the office asked Meng Qian, "How much recently dig it?"

"Very large, the companies on the side of the country began to dig."

"How?" How? "

"The current work is basically foreign employees, the local staff is still good, but this is not just because of everyone's loyalty, but the recent restrictions on the Chinese people's talents have been introduced by the country, so that everyone is very worried. The road to research after Migo will be treated unfair. "

"Talking about this." The Liang Mengong Song said, "There is a matter of recent things that there are several start-ups from the core team from the rice country, and the company has recently been reported by the company. All the rice team has returned. These companies are now basically facing bankruptcy. "

"This is broken, the technology will be broken. This is, in the future, the rice people did not dare to run easily to Huaxia. Huaxia Enterprise did not dare to hire the rice talent easily." Xiao Bo saw a sentence.

"These small businesses are not better than us, they have to fall, and even the masses don't know that they have had such a company." Liang Mengong showed mercy and helplessness to these companies.

"And now it is not only the Talent of the country. It has always been a left and right attitude. After a while, I will actively talk about us, and I will say a few bad things, I am afraid that the future will affect European talents."

"Miki can have today, and the talents from the top world are fighting for them. They are more important than anyone know the importance of talents, especially the development of a big country." Meng Qian knocked on the table, "You just said that now in the country of Huaxia scientific research in rice, I have encountered some unfair treatment."

"Yes, in fact, it is not only the Chinese people, but also the entire Asian.

It is also very unstable, and everyone doesn't know which step will you go. "

Meng Qian took the hand of knocking on the table, and the eyes must be sure.


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