Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 871, a one-five hundred plans and major science

Meng Qian continued to advance forward in the college-level talent training, and Meng Qian was successful with the success of the wind group. He has always been continuously spread to various fields with the Great Breeze Group, but these areas can be Anti-Great Blow Group forms a constantly expanding benign ecotropic circle.

With the gradual spread of Meng Qian's study, it is to further expose some of the recent movements of rice. It has already raised some of the Chinese students in a row. This part is mainly designed including quantum computing, large Data, semiconductor, 5G, advanced nuclear technology, aerospace technology, artificial intelligence and other fields.

At this time, I will not help discuss it at this time.

"It is now some rumors. Should you really go to our students?"

"But now some things are really not a good sign. This year, our school has happened to be an incident that the Asian is insulted. This is almost will not happen in the past. I used to see what they can't see Asian students. It will be so straightforward. "

"I especially recognize the words of Meng Qian. We can't always wait to passively accepted and consider the solution. People live to learn to predict, and everything happened in the country in the country is released. Let's take a look at what these international students will face it. "

"I have two years of graduation, I hope that these two years can be too equal. Anyway, I will return to China, don't come out before graduation."

"You should not be too much to return to China, I originally planned to stay in the rice country, I really really took a headache. I really served, what did they think, to push talents?"

"They feel that we have learned from them from them, they feel unfair."

"Is this unfair? Keng's international students can always be more than returning to China. How many technologies have been created by THP for Michara, how much GDP?

Huaxia cultivated so many high-level students did not say how to work for the rice country? Take those who go back to the motherland? "

"People feel that they are immigrants, not bad in our Huaxia, do not let students go back to more important, big a dog is really helpless."

Some discussions in rice students will naturally get the attention of students and parents preparing to study in Miraka, thus causing discussion of another population.

"I shouldn't apply for the University of Migi, I still have a big man, recently I heard that Harbin University may have trouble."

"If you want to go abroad, you can give priority to Yingde, and in Yingde's regular routine, they can't steal the music."

"You can pay attention to the official hand letter of the Lion Alliance, just released a lot of details, I have studied it, now I am going to study abroad, and I will be very convenient to return to China, because there will be during the school. Many docked the project of Huaxia companies.

Moreover, companies like the Great Breeze Group have basically branched companies in overseas major cities. I think this is also a factor that can be considered for China's overseas students. "

"The strength of the Lion Union is really nothing, Oxford Cambridge is also in the list, I don't know how the follow-up really works."

"When can domestic college education meet international first-line levels, this is not to entangle study."

"Education is not something that can catch up with a great evening. In fact, I feel that there is now that the academic environment and scientific research environment will be very good now."

"I always think that West Lake University may become like a wind group, becomes a traditional existence of some domestic traditions, saying that there will be no small changes in domestic colleges and universities in a few years."


The students on the Internet and parents are lively discussions. When the heat of things has not been completely, Meng Qian has taken out a live broadcast, this time, Meng Qian appeared in the Pure land laboratory.

"The Pure Earth Laboratory was selected for five consecutive years as the world's most influential open source community. As the initiator of the Pure Earth Laboratory, I think it is very proud.

So I decided to announce a far-reaching thing in this place.

The pure land laboratory brought a lot of wealth to humans. I believe that in the eyes of the pure land laboratories in different people, it is not the same, anyway, the Pure land laboratory is the most awesome to the basic science.

The importance of basic science I have already elaborated in countless occasions, and the hardship of basic science has also said too much too much, and the Pure Land Laboratory gives basic scientific development because people gathered a group of people who are really loved. A particularly advantageous boost.

In the past few years, we have been working hard to join the Pure Land Laboratory to our basic scientific development system, and docking companies, universities, institutions and pure land laboratories. In the attempt, the most appropriate Collaborative model.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the multi-party power, we have formed a relatively perfect basic scientific development environment in China, so we have to take a step forward. "

Meng Qian put down the manuscript of his hand, "I have to introduce a new project, a one-five hundred plans, so-called one, one hundred and five hundred plans, the next 10 years, universities, universities , Scientific research institutions, national funds, and our pure land laboratories, build 500 basic science laboratories, provide sufficient job and experimental environment for basic researchers. "

Meng Qian's one-five hundred plans launched by the Pure land laboratory was that Meng Qiao has always been persistent for basic science, and it is also a manifestation of China's attention to basic science.

Many technologies have reached the international first-line level, and the next largest variable is on the breakthrough of basic science. This is also the most concerned field of Meng Qian.

The one-five five hundred plans itself is already a more powerful thing. As a result, the country broke out a more people who made more people.

"Positive Lead Organization International Science Plan and Grass Science Projects" has come more than half a year in advance.

The goal of this program is a big science.

The so-called big science is high in investment, multi-discipline intersection, high configuration, and complex experimental facilities, research target macro, multi-learning, multi-objective, multi-main body, multi-element, etc., its complexity, economic cost, difficulty Innovative diversity is often beyond the power of a country and needs to be implemented through international technology innovation.

At present, China's participation in international science projects include international ocean discovery plans, human genome plans, international thermal nuclear polymented experimental heap programs, international earth observations and square kilometers of electric telescope.

At the same time, Huaxia has also launched a synchronous radiation source, the full superconductingum Mark nuclear polygeidized experimental device, and the 500-meter caliber ball, the telescope, etc. dozens of national major science and technology infrastructure.

And this time, it is to further build a large scientific project dominated by Huaxia. According to the plan, we plan to cultivate more than 5 projects in 2020, and research the international scientific plan and major scientific project led by Huaxia led.

By 2030, more than 10 projects have been cultivated, forming an international major scientific program and the initial layout of major scientific projects in Huaxia led, enhancing the influence of worldwide scientific and technological fields.

It is obviously more ambitions than another time and space.

"Program" has been launched, the relevant person in charge said that "International Science Program and Grand Science Engineering are important global public products in the field of world science and technology innovation, and the world science and technology resources use global scientific and technological resources to enhance their own intention of innovation capabilities.

For many years, the United States, Germany, Law, Russian and EQ, international organization have actively organized dozens of international scientific plans and major scientific projects in many fields, enhanced their own international status and influence, and promoted world science and technology innovation and progress.

In the future, Huaxia should actively bear the identity of the guides. "

Meng Qian quickly forwarded the news of "program" and bonded: We did not miss the project, no shortage of money, no loss, just missing people.

From the Lion Union, to a one-five hundred plans, and then go to the Maji Project Plan to implement, the wind group cooperates with the Huaxia Government to pave the way.

And this road is connected to the world, no matter what you return, no matter which country you are, you can walk on this road.

This path is exactly the global talent.

Holding an inclusive attitude and has a large country with sufficient attraction, you can pass this road, more smoothly attract more global talents, and the significance of new globalization will further highlight.


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