Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 872 This is called excavation

During this time, the topic of talents is getting hotter, and the various movements of Huaxia have soon caught the attention of the whole world. Many countries have also been very rapid, the first jump is Singapore, Singapore has released a piece Welcomes the long text of global talents to open inclusive gestures.

Singapore National University has also released a prominent film in Huaxia. In the publicity film, the Chinese student of Singapore, Singapore, the Chinese students, and reflecting the happiness state of China's international students, highlighting the Singapore National University welcome more Huaxia. Go to the attitude.

On the other side of Europe, Germany's two countries also responded quickly, seized this opportunity to promote the publicity, and the German law also promoted a wave of lion league.

In fact, it is not only for Chinese students. For global students, the existence of the Lion Union can help you have a bigger choice of space on employment issues after graduation, and also have benefits in reading and studying. The benefit is not only just Chinese students.

The whole world has blows a boom of talent, especially international students, and everyone must grab, the first thing is that they are worried that they will be blocked by Miki in the door, but panic is not only the Chinese students, but also students in Asia. I feel very unhearthed.

Secondly, it is possible to be talented by Huaxia. The recent practices of Huaxia are too obvious. If you don't hurry, you can't grab your people, and you have to grab your talent.

At the end of September, when the global talent flow pattern was very moving, Meng Qian was still not idle, he was "making a demon" on the hand.

Thanks to Meng Qian's two years of active, the global fans grow more and more, each time he releases something that can always cause a wide range of attention, especially after being pressed, more attention is higher.

Meng Qian suddenly released a video on the hand, the theme of the video is: 18 years old.

The location of the video shooting is the Meng Qian's office. The picture is very simple. Meng Qian is sitting in his desk, facing the lens started his speech, "I often hear the sound in the past few years, saying that the wind group wants to start plus Big outsourcing, to start layoff, start to get a streamlined route.

In some people, the wind group seems to have developed to a stage, almost slow down, I don't know what to bring to these friends, don't forget one thing, the wind group, not adult.

However, the wind group is going to be 18 years old. But this is the older old age. At this age, how can the wind group may slow down, how can it be stable?

Today, I want to tell you that we will not only slow down, but we will go forward in a more radical footsteps. "

The picture suddenly turned, there have been many technical demonstrations, Meng Qian is placed in the lower left corner, "Everyone knows that artificial intelligence, quantum technology, clean energy, new materials, and even controlled nuclear fusion have entered these years. A fast development period, a breakthrough in technology, let us see the hope of the fourth industrial revolution.

Have a long time, there will always be many people to take our strength group to standard some well-known enterprises, from the most Sony, to the later Google, and then a few years ago, there are many people, many people say that we have once IBM.

Humans always habitually go to the contrast is normal, but I still want to tell you that everyone has their own dreams, and my dream is not to defeat which company, just like I mentioned every time. When new globalization, I want to quickly promote the development of world science and technology.

For me, I have always had a regret, that is, I will never have the ability to go to the left and right short. I have been 36 years old this year. In the past 17 years, it seems to be between the turns, my life can still have a few For 17 years, I don't know, I only know that the development speed of science and technology in the past is too slow.

So I am very urgent and getting more and more urgent.

I know that everyone is more concerned about some of the troubles we have encountered, some so-called competition, but I really don't have interest to waste too much energy to waste in this matter, I believe that the world wants to be a Bring a high wind group that broke through the technical breakthrough once, at least this is the wind group in my mind.

Therefore, when the Great Breeze Group is about 18 years old, I don't care what the external environment will develop, and we have to follow our rhythm, we have to start a new journey. "

The picture is once again turned, and there is a very sense of transceiver. "In the past 17 years, we have made a solid foundation for yourself. From next year, we have to step on this basis, officially open the fourth industrial revolution. Challenge tasks.

The wind group will follow the spirit of Yugong Yishan, firmly walk forward, and there is no fear of resisting this social responsibility.

In order to achieve this goal, we also need more talents to help us.

Although the wind group is close to 500,000 employees, more than half of R & D staff, but this is still not enough for our goals.

To this end, I have to launch a global recruitment order today. Whether you are in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, clean energy, new materials, and controlled nuclear fusion, which is your talents and abilities, if you are as interested as us, Have an idea to challenge the fourth industrial revolution, then come to us.

We plan to add company R & D to 500,000, 5 years later, we pay 200 billion to R & 5 talent salary every year, and it is not capped. Waiting for you to create history!

The big husband is born in the world. When he lifes the Hongtu, the towel does not let the eyebrows, He top half of the world, the people in the world, come to our big wind group, let's play together! "


Meng Qian's video quickly spread, 200 billion, the guaranteed talent salary, 500,000 global scientific research talents, which number will come out and become an attractive title party, let alone, this title party it is true.

"This pattern is too much, while thinking about how to fight the wind group, do not let the wind group surpass yourself, while thinking that it is a burden of the next science and technology era, the company has suddenly looks good."

"The company's efforts to fight, the wind group did not take them as an opponent ... Suddenly I feel that Intel is like Microsoft."

"This is the technology company in my heart. If you have a buddy, you can catch up with the fourth industrial revolution in the true sense, and this life is not live."

"Meng Qian is the only technology company that has been talking about the development of science and technology. This is at least in order to show that he is really loved technology itself. When you take this, I will always support the wind group."

The video is not only for the recent response to the wind, but also inspiring the heart of the global talents, whether it is financial, development status or the future pattern, the wind group is already a well-deserved global first technology company. Especially directly to attack the fourth industrial revolution, this mission has attracted many people.

Meng Qian's video is just out of stock, the global recruitment rules of the Great Breeze Group come out, what is the talent, how much, all written clear, on talent issues, the efficiency of the Great Wind is always so fast.

However, this speech is inherently a recruitment, compared to the rice company to the wind group to dig people, Meng Qian uses a most direct way to tell the opponent, to dig people, dig directly, directly Being in the world.

This is called excavation!


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