Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 874's attitude determined

Meng Qian said that neon companies don't care, it is reason, because the neon country at this time has fully realized that they have no competitiveness in consumer electronics, so they have made a decision and began to transform. .

Neon has chosen to give up public spending, and transition from the upstream core, from the previous B2C route to the B2B route.

And in fact, this route neon country is still successful, of course, here is in another time and space.

Put more energy in the core of upstream core equipment, indeed stabilizing neon countries absolutely in special fields.

However, in this time and space, they are now obvious that they are not very good, because the emergence of the unknown generation gave them a huge pressure.

Originally, the appearance of the wind group changed a lot of things, Sharp, JDI's LCD panel, Panasonic lithium-ion battery, Sony's camera, Asahi's panel glass, these should be robbed to the core advantage of neon gone.

As a result, the wind group actually made a unknown generation, which is completely confused with neon countries, and more about neon companies is that the unknown generation of the wind group is particularly respected in China. Recently, Huawei is also intended. Learning the wind group to engage in such a thing, follow-up probability will have more companies to keep up.

This is obviously fatal on neon countries. The C-terminal market gives you Huaxia. The B-terminal market will not give neon enterprises to live in the road, then it is true.

Meng Qian is also aware of this, deliberately taking advantage of the big wind group to acquire Toshiba ran a neon.

Meng Qi people are coming, and the neon companies are naturally not a fool, and I have a very active touching Meng Qian.

This time, the negotiation strategy taken by neon enterprises is to use new globalization.

Because as long as it can maintain a stable global environment, Huaxia Enterprises will not have anything to do, and there is no need to have this kind of thing.

And Meng Qian has been driving new globalization. In their view, I will take this thing to negotiate Meng Qian definitely.

This is not, Pingjing Yifu said as a representative of Meng Qian. "I think we should find a way to find some companies to build a circle."

"Mr. Pingjing said in detail. Although it is the first meeting of Meng Qian's leading neon country, because Meng Qian at this time is naturally eye-free.

"I know that Huaxia has a West Lake will be initiated by Manta, and these well-known enterprises in Huaxia can spend a difficult gate, but also benefit from the existence of West Lake.

My idea is that we can get a global international version of the West Lake. "

Meng Qian has some interest to look at the flat well. "Everyone is an old friend, I will talk about the words.

West Lake is indeed a good partner for us, but our Huaxia West Lake will play a big premise because we are all Huaxia companies.

At this point, you must also understand it, so now I have an international version of the West Lake meeting, the lack of this big premise, just like the thing that happened for some time, everyone is unpleasant.

What should I do if there will be such a thing in the future?

Oh, yes, in fact, it has already happened, recently, you don't seem to believe our 5G. "

"About this problem, Mr. Meng didn't give the answer." The one-in-law of the one, "as long as our technology can achieve comprehensive to rice, it is not good."

Meng Qiao is a little incredible to look at the flat well, and he did not expect that they can actually say this, but if they want to think that this is the character of the neon.

"Do you think about the consequences?" Meng Qian made himself seriously. "What you have experienced in our past year."

Pingjing is a smile, "the past technology, many things can't change, and don't change anything for us.

But the future technology, in a sense is a new beginning, so how to start is your own choice.

Our transformation is known, and in the process of transformation, our concern is the same as Ms. Meng, which is also the future technology, and the future, this is redefined, isn't it?

We are also very interested in the 18-year-old departure plan, and we are thinking that in the way of this technology revolution, the wind group should need not only only talents, but also have a variety of international cooperation.

Then why don't we cooperate? "

The one explained this well, Meng, more, it is true that he can say that these words are really reasonable.

The so-called international version of the international version of the international version of the West Lake in his mouth is just a name of the West Lake. The meaning is completely different.

This is a collaborative model that focuses on future technology, a consultation model considering the international cooperation model of Mikihuahua.

I have to say that neon companies are also a little gambling, but the situation in the moment is actually gambling, after all, the confrontation has begun.

Meng Qian quickly thought, "But want to create an international version of the West Lake meeting, it is not enough to go on our enterprises."

"Of course, but a sponsole with two spanners, the power of the sound will always have some differences." The eyes of the Pingyu's eyes are determined to make Meng Qian feel more interesting.

Meng Qian sensitively looked at a flat well, and looked at everyone, "I would like to say?"

"To promote the development of future technology, this is a good thing in the Qianqiu, why is it not willing?"

The neon is able to take the initiative to this, and Meng Qian has a bottom. On the night, arrange the company to send someone to come to the project, first try their sincerity to what standard line.

After simple negotiation, at the end of October, a bunch of cooperation possibilities have been placed in front of Meng Qian.

Panasonic wants to develop hydrogen energy with strong wind energy, one of the four major robot companies in the world wants to develop intelligent robots with the wind group. Hitachi wants to cooperate with the wind group to develop smart grids, such as hundreds of cooperation intentions for Meng Qian Slowly view.

"It seems that neon is serious." Xiao Bo saw Meng Qian.

"Do you think it is reliable?"

"For neon companies, the transformation is not reversible, concentrate on the upstream industry, success, the neon market can stand in an invincible place, there is no way, at least now It is not very hoping that consumers are sure.

So in the face of our unknown generation plan, they don't have no unresponsive either cooperation, whether it is confrontation or cooperation, neon companies must now be clear.

After all, this thing is now rising to the complete refactoring of the future global science and technology pattern.

At this stage, the national level can be ambiguously coupled based on more considerations, but the company selects ambiguous choice.

Especially for the neon country that is always a national nation, they will be very unhappy at this time.

It is seen that neon companies have chosen the way. "

"The key is hard, I believe that they have experienced many discussions, or because of our unknown generations, or because our technology is leading, they will not choose this." Meng Qiao is a bit a greatest, fortunately the great wind group will achieve this at this time.

"But no matter what, neon historical techniques are more valuable for us, and it is also a boost.

Then I took a team in these two days to further docking with them? "Xiao Bo has begun to go to work.

"Wait." Meng Qian didn't consciously shake his head. "At this time, it is best to talk about the stage of the selection, and it is too early to start working."

"What is Meng's meaning?"

"Which countries have recently said to give up Huaxia 5G?"

Xiao Bo knows a photo stored in the mobile phone to Meng Qian, Meng Qian sees a list after selecting a goal.

"You go to the neon country to talk, slowly talk, I have to go out to turn a circle."


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