Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 875 Consumption Upgrade


In addition to neon, another of the Asian region considers giving up Huaxia 5G is Singapore.

And Singapore has also become the next goal of Meng Qian.

On the plane flying to Singapore, He Yuting reported to Meng Qian, "Singapore has begun to realize knowledge and technology production from the 97-year financial crisis, which is the autonomous research and development of our entire development, which is also our independent research and development. Since time, Singapore's technology development has occupied a good opportunity.

Coupled with Singapore although it is a capitalist country, it is a country with a highly government intervention. We can now see all core projects of Singapore, whether it is financial or technology is dominated.

Of course, the biggest advantage in Singapore is his financial position, not only has a large amount of funds to carry out, but also gathered a large number of financial professionals. Financial models and products, risk control, and products, and There are sufficient experience in management.

The development of Singapore's technology has been inundating, it can be said that Singapore is a country that integrates financial and technology. "

Meng Qian nodded, "Tell the problem."

"The biggest problem in Singapore may be the congenital disadvantage, Singapore country small, small resources, centralized advantageous resources to achieve the inevitability of his development.

Take Singapore and Xiangjiang to make a contrast, although the absolute number of newly invented patents in Singapore is more wide, the inventive innovation of Singapore is significantly concentrated in the small number of patents and patents in the total number of patents in single technology. The company applied for patents is also concentrated in a small number of large enterprises.

The problem is that the risk of this model is also the excessive focus of investment. It will miss a small amount of current signs, but there is a high demand for the future, which requires strong prediction and control of the future.

Who dares to say that he has always had a precise pre-judgment of the future, which has led to the obvious characteristics of Singapore's current technology development, and it is stable. It is not too gambling throughout the technology. More is it.

However, in the past few years, the development cost of knowledge-intensive industries is getting higher and higher, leading to the cost of follow cost, and Singapore is getting more and more.

This makes Singapore's technological development in such a large environment. "

Meng Qian took the insulation cup on the table to hug in his arms, quietly looked at He Yaxing, "What is it?"

He Yuting has a clear card for a few seconds. "There is also a rapid development of Southeast Asian countries, and it is also an impact on Singapore."

Meng Qian still can't see any mistakes, "What is it?"

This time, He Yuting hesitated his head after a few seconds, "no."

Meng Qian gently nodded. "In general, you are now looking at the height of the problem, but there is one less entry point."

"Does the point?" He Yuting looked at Meng Qian.

"When I let you report, I will be very clear about you, the purpose of the report is to go to Singapore's negotiations this time.

We went out to negotiate, especially negotiating with a country, to stand in a global perspective, seeing problems, you are right, you don't have problems on this issue.

However, we can't always see the high-hustuki high, and we can't use the cold to spread the negotiations.

You have to know that we are more strange between the Singapore government, and suddenly jump to the overall height of Singapore's national technology development, people can listen to it, don't you twist?

The more this negotiation, the more you need an entry point, go to a suitable step.

This step, there must be some components, you have to let the other party can be inherent, you have to have a close relationship with us itself, and you have to form a progressive relationship with the things you want to talk. "

He Yuting thought seriously, Meng Qian made him feel good to continue. "I said when I was hired you, I won't train you as an administrative secretary. You follow me for more than ten years, experience, Attitude, courage, and eyes, but it is a little bit of land.

Of course, I also have a responsibility of this matter. I have thought about it recently. I have been not let go of you. "

He Yiping's eyes have a variety of sensitive changes.

"You will get a few days a few days old. He takes advantage of this marriage. You will take a look at your future workplace plan. If you have an idea, I will let Sun sister will arrange you to go to the front line for a while."

"Meng Tong ..."

Meng Qian did a stop gesture, "Don't make decisions in this emotion and environment, go back and think, think slowly."

He Yuting complex eyes gradually firmly, "I know.

Meng He, what is the entry point we went to Singapore? "

He Yuting immediately asked, Meng Qian gratified, "semiconductor."


In the evening, Meng Qian came to Singapore and dinner with representatives of Singapore's government.

After the simple cold, Meng Qian put down the chopsticks and started with a relatively depressed voice. "Some time, Liang Mengong told me that many semiconductor companies in Singapore were layoff. I don't know how it is eased now?"

The opposite is very natural response, "" The current situation is still not optimistic. "

The semiconductor industry accounts for 28% of the entire manufacturing industry in Singapore, accounting for 75% of the output of the electronics industry, which is extremely important to Singapore, and Singapore's semiconductor is mainly packaged, and most of them export China.

However, since the Huaxia businesses began to stroke, just like Ericsson CEO, where is the windy group or Huawei, in fact, the entire industry, including 5G industry, naturally including the semiconductor industry.

The market that is now in the global semiconductor industry in 2017 has fallen by 27%, and this data is still expanding, which is due to the pressure of the Chinese business.

Semiconductor industry like Singapore will naturally be hit hard.

"The semiconductor industry can't be so down again." Meng Qian put a very serious expression.

"Mr. Meng now has any plan, or what suggestions?" Meng Qian put a layer of layers and comforted the phone again.

"You should know what this year we have massively acquired neon consumer electronics products this year."

Everyone nodded, things are so big, how can everyone know.

"Now the downhill of the semiconductor industry, the key is due to the various enclosed measures of the chip and components, especially the sales of electronic products with rice in China fall.

But now there is a good news that our Chinese from the computer to the mobile phone to the refrigerator to the smart speaker, has been self-developed by the chip.

Our Huaxia's Huawei Gree Haier can get rid of the dependence on core chips and components, which gives us a chance.

We have been talking about the industry upgrade before, now I want to ask the concept of consumption upgrade. "

"Consumption upgrade?"

"Want to pull the production of the chip, the best way is naturally the sales volume of the Terminal product.

From the data we can see that the penetration rate gap in smartphones is very large, and now more than half of the world's smartphone penetration rate is less than 50%, but the popularity of smartphones is a trend.

In Southeast Asia, now add 1 million smartphone users every day. In these years, developing countries, especially in Southeast Asia, African developing countries have triggered the attention of the world.

Behind this economic development is the popularity of the network, is the popularity of intelligent equipment.

Everyone saw the semiconductor industry in the competition, and I saw the huge terminal market space in the future.

Especially compared to smartphones, smart home has a lower penetration rate, and I just saw it today, and there is no 0.5% from the global penetration rate of intelligent toilet.

As far as I know, Singapore is a country with the highest level of smartphone, reaching 80%. At the same time, one of the three major technology development directions in Singapore is smart home.

This makes me unable to think of your country. In the consumption upgrade, I believe that Singapore will be interested in it? "

The representative of Singapore first saw Meng Qian's ambitions. Huaxia Electronic Brands have now made the world's first world, but Meng Qian is obviously not satisfied. He also wants Huaxia electronic brand to bear the burden of consumption upgrade, in consumption After the upgrade, becomes the hegemony of the new era.

In this way, Huaxia Electronic Brands not only do not repeat the mistakes of neon electronic brands, but at the same time, it will achieve a more powerful absolute brand influence under the era of consumption.

As for the Chinese brand, it is possible to do, the semiconductor strength of the wind group, the comprehensive core chip self-research ability of the China brand is the largest incentive.

For Singapore, although it is easy to understand Meng Qian's ambition, but if it stops, why bother?

Now Meng Qian is willing to let them take a piece of a piece, or if this a cup is what they should consider.

This can be a development of Singapore's smart home, and can drive the development of new home semiconductor industries.

"Mr. Meng wants to cooperate?" Singapore is out of mouth.

Meng Qian smiled and picked up the chopsticks, "right, cooperate."


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