Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 896 is unreasonable

IBM events have triggered IBM effects, namely IBM fear, this IBM effect quickly spread to the whole world.

IBM events let everyone realize even if it is Miki businesses, it is impossible to do itself.

In the country, some companies have worried with the wind groups in the early years, and if the wind group is completely broken, what should they do?

They have no way now.

In Europe, neon Gaoli and other countries have triggered a phenomenon of enterprises.

Because companies in these countries are now in the risks that may be forced to do business with Huaxia companies, they simply take the opportunity, tell their official government, I also rely on the wind group, relying on Huaxia Enterprise, if it is really In that, IBM can't hold, what kind of resistance I got.

This will press the company to press the reverse of the government. Of course, they will promise to further strengthen their independent research and development.

In China, the IBM effect makes the domestic spraying of people in China that cannot achieve 100% independent research and development is very embarrassing, because the facts prove that even their most admired rice does not do all technology 100% independent research and development.

Under the pressure of the rice country, Huaxia was forced to become a 100% developed country. The IBM event made more Chinese people to understand the difficulties behind this matter, so that it is hard to understand the road of Huaxia's revival.

In order to revitalize, Huaxia has to do things that can be done around the world.

IBM event fermentation is exceeding a lot of people who want to imagine, including Meng Qian, Meng Qian did not expect this influence to develop to this point.

IBM event is like a best explanation, explaining the pain of the neck.

And when everyone is immersed in this understanding, the wind group has passed new news.

The wind group intends to sue Motorola.

When I proposed 5G Alliance in Miga, they suddenly realized a problem. Ericsson is not the United States. The country does not have a 5G equipment business that supports the scene.

So Mi State put the attention on Motorola, Motorola also quickly got funded and assumes an important identity of equipment companies in the 5G plan of the rice country.

But this hasn't started to invest for a long time, the news of the wind group came, and it is tantamount to Motorola.

Previously, the big wind group chip and software did not let the solderorola have caused some repercussions, but the technology that can find alternatives in Milano at the time, Motorola is still adapted.

Many people are actually clear that Motorola is to save the wind group, and the Great Breeze Group provides a lot of technology for Motorola. Once the wind group is fully shut up technology, some technology Motorola can't find alternatives!

The IBM event is still fermented, and Motorola is always following, Meng Qian's counterattack has been revealed.

The determination of counterattack, the attitude of counterattack and the accuracy of counterattack make things more and more confusing.

In mid-April, the global technology stocks have fallen, which is not Meng Qian wants to see, but there is no way, Meng Qian must nowaday.

Once the counterattack begins, it will not be closed without achieving the effect.

All stresses are pressed on the rice country, anti-global hat, the pressure of the core technology card neck, let Mi country enterprises caught in trouble.

The world is even more attractive by this matter.

"Meng Qian finally shot." Neon is here, many people gather together, everyone's expression is serious.

"If the wind group does not counterattack, in fact, it is indeed the worst level of the Great Breeze Group with the rice company. There have been many scientific and technological measures for the wind group in the past few years to finally don't really fall. .

However, the wind group is a counterattack, and it is not easy to have a stable to establish a stable. "

"Meng Qian's response is really a bit less liked to usually, according to the frequent activities of the Great Breeners and Huaxia now in the world, you can completely take out their influence in a few years.

Why do you like this to tear your face? "

"It should be because of the trade war. Meng Qian is a young man in the age of 30, and it is stressed in the next time, let him feel almost a good time? No counterattack looks very embarrassing."

"How can the leader of the wind group? I always feel that things are not so simple, Meng Qian is doing this, not only let the country are unoccupied, but also make the world difficult.

Originally, the wind group took the pressure of the rice country. Everyone strives to balance the relationship between the two sides, and it is a stable, and now the wind group is forced to take the team! "

"The wind group is very powerful, but if you don't force everyone to stop, the wind group has no absolute advantage, Meng Qian will not understand this?"

"If Meng Qian is not a uncomfortable mentality?" A old man suddenly opened, the attention of the audience quickly focused on him.

The old man is the only moisture and husband in the neon "four Saint".

"Not going down?"

"You are all talking about a balance, but you don't forget, this balance is in the grievances. This year, Omi's relationship has become more and more stiff, and this time the trade war is not only for Huaxia, targeted It is the world.

Meng Qian's counterattack will form a public opinion effect in a short time, but from the results, the lawsuit is actually dragging for a long time, and the purpose of this public opinion effect is to establish a clear possibility to the world, but everyone avoids Far away from the attitude. "

"Mr. Hibi means ... Meng Qian is doing it to the world?"

"Continue compromise, nothing more than constant sought passive stability in the clamp, Meng Qian is a big man, he is to promote new globalization, since it is necessary to have new, you must worry.

Not breaking ... "

"Can Meng Qian so really will pull everyone a water?"

"Not necessarily, Meng Qian is doing this, and it is also possible to make the wind group become the largest target.

Help the world, try to time and space. "

The neon people face each other, and the flat wells quickly asked, "" That's in Hall, what should we do? "

Rice Sheng and the husband are extremely deep. "We must consider the problem now, but develop, who can help us now, we will hurry the opportunity!"

Mr. Mr., everyone is illegal.


On this side of the United Kingdom, David has a little happy to drink wine with Chagend, "this time everyone has made a lot from the stock market in Australia."

"We don't have Meng Qian, and he earns more meaningful things."

"To put it, Meng Qian's guy is a bit amazing these days."

"I heard that Meng Qian is talking to David you talking about it." Chagered stared at David's eyes.

David smiled and put down the wine glass, "Meng Qian's business is business."

"Do he want to pull our strength to pull a technology stock of rice?"

"The capital of half of Wall Street flows to Silicon Valley in these two years. This business Meng Qian can make a bit big."

"This is not Meng Qian to our business." David shook his head.

"Oh? What do you want to do with Meng Qian?"

"It is the opposite of everyone, Meng Qian wants us to save rice in the country."


"If we spend more than a while, the country is definitely very willing, but the problem is what Meng Qi wants us to save?"

"Because he wants to gamble."

"What is gambling?"

"Gambling new globalization."


More and more power in the world is talking about Meng Qian, all guess what will happen, Meng Qian wrote on his own letter: cooperation and win-win, build globalization.


Time is coming soon, on April 20, Huaxia's Internet conference started, and this year's Congress is: "Digital Silk Road".


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