The digital Silk Road is an important layout in all the way, based on network communication technology, links all countries to realize a digital Silk Road.

The digital Silk Road of this world is much larger than the world's influence, its key reason is that Meng Qian has a double-way thoughts that build solid roads and build numbers.

When there are all the way in Huaxia, it has not yet been put forward, the wind group has pulled Huawei Zhongxing Telecom Mobile and other developing countries to help them build a network, build communication equipment, and have harvested a large number of markets and market praise.

When a belt is all proposed, when the digital silk road concept puts forward, everyone suddenly found that Meng Qi has already built this digital silk road, and the construction is very wide, but there is no such thing.

After all, Meng Qian is not very concerned about the development of the world. At that time, when they wanted to develop so fast at that time, they didn't think so fast like Southeast Asia, Africa and other places. This opportunity was grabbed by Meng Qian, and whoever took Meng Qian couldn't make it unable to let the Huawei ZTE's base station is dismantled.

Meng Qiao has paved a road for the digital Silk Road in advance, and this road is wide and stable.

In addition to the digital silk road, Meng Qian also changed the influence of the World Internet Conference, and he read this year's World Internet Conference, representatives from 125 countries from the world, including corporate representatives, and government representatives.

In just a few years, the influence of the World Internet Conference is constantly soaring, especially this year's World Internet Conference also attracted many rice entrepreneurs, including Mask, including Bill Gates, and even many years have not been there. Old Moore also personally came out.

And there is no exaggeration, half of this is coming to the wind group.

The opening ceremony is first welcome to the guests, then introduced the process of this conference, and finally the speech.

Today, the first step is Meng Qian.

Meng Qian embedded a stage in the eyes of everyone, "I have said many years ago, I have to build a road to repair the road, I have to repair the road, and I have to repair the road. Many years later, I still want to convey this concept.

It is encouraging that more and more people have begun to agree with this concept, and our Huaxia has put forward the number of digital silk ways that will help many people, and have been in a wide range of land.

It can be said that we have seen a lot of results on this matter. "

Meng Qian said that this is the scene to showcase, and the country that has been poverty is gradually getting rid of poverty by repairing two roads, and even some places rapidly develop, achieving wealthy and even higher.

These results in front of them are the best proof that allows more countries that have not actively repair two roads.

After the show, Meng Qian continued. "Through historical look, it is certain that the two road itself is definitely a right thing. At least, it is a matter of great than the disadvantage, then we have to face one. The new change.

When we started to increase the input of the digital road, we only had 4G, even 3G, now the era has changed, and the road we want to use 5G.

5g not only brings a more smooth highway, but also equipped with more advanced trucks, you can install more goods, you can open faster speed, under this technology revolution, there is no mechanical road To hurry up the road, it has been repaired, and it has to be upgraded.

Because 5G roads will change a lot of tradition, including everyone's most intended trade.

I want to make everyone think more about the same product at this conference today. This product is 5G + e-commerce. It is to better break the past trade barriers, making our goods more convenient. Transfer to more overseas sellers.

To this end, we all jointly built a real global e-commerce platform around the world: unbounded.

Why is this a true global e-commerce platform, its core is that the online trade between the country and the country does not have to directly achieve contact, negotiation and transaction between different countries through any third party. .

Just take the down jacket of my hometown, I have been doing an example. A few years ago, I started a smart full supply chain system experiment on the down jacket a few years ago. In this process, our Ping County down jacket has received more and more. The attention of people, and successfully created the largest duvet production wholesale base in China, at the same time, our down jackets in our Pingxian also became the first batch of unbounded merchants.

After a unreasonable merchant, other countries, this is a Spanish customer, you can directly pass the unbounded platform to the down jacket business information, this Spanish customer can talk directly to our down jacket merchants directly, depth Understand product information and complete subsequent transactions. "

Meng Qian showed the entire transaction process, and there is no difference between buying things on Taobao, it is to pay the remittance.

The whole process looks very simple, but the significance behind this is completely not simple, the scene and the hot discussion.

Meng Qian also can't pressed the voice of the discussion in the game, and he was self-guided, "the realization of the unbound platform is inseparable from three foundations, first, strong logistics systems.

On this issue, we must thank the many countries in many countries to trust our big wind logistics. We have opened hundreds of international direct traffic in just five years, greatly enhance the cross-border transport efficiency of goods, and at the same time, Great wind logistics achieved team building in 68 countries, completed the construction of distribution network, more than 30 countries under construction.

Second, efficient data processing capabilities.

Unbound is not a platform that put foreign products on the domestic website, but a true global platform, all user information, product information, data information aggregation in the world's 8-in-bless database, which is also inseparable from Open a lot of countries to support and trust in us.

It can be said that it is a bold but historical attempt. The big unity of data is conducive to the information processing and information transfer of cross-border orders on the unbounded platform to realize the real cross-border shopping, the real seller from another country. Hand purchase overseas products.

Therefore, the third element is a powerful translation system. The real cross-border trade will naturally involve communication, and exchanges between different countries must involve translation issues. We can't bring translators with you. With a professional intelligent translation system, it is convenient for everyone to communicate.

And these three foundations are inseparable from a biggest basis, that is, the road to the number, if the road is not playing, everything is empty.

Of course, there are still some problems, such as payment issues, such as returning, etc., so it is only a B2B platform, and there is a stricter audit mechanism for the merchant, but we have begun to study how to go to the future B2C mode and gradually solve technical problems for this purpose. "

As Meng Qian said, it is a very bold attempt to be unbound. The future will inevitably there will be many problems, and do not say payments and return issues, such as intelligent translation systems, it is impossible to achieve 100% communication.

But the earliest person is destined to die again and a batch. How did the difficulties in the early stage can't avoid it, this big wind group must be done first, because once a wide range of unbound recognition, follow-up Slowly expand in digital trade.

In the past, who took the transportation, who is the trade hegemony, in the digital era, the absolute control of digital trade is the future.

Unbounded is an important forerunner under global digital trade.

But it is precisely because everyone knows this important significance. Who is very conservative on this issue, and will not open their own digital trade gates. Why is this more developed country seems to do this, Amazon eBay has such a wide market depth that has not created a truly cross-border platform.

Meng Qian's breakthrough is in developing countries.

Developed countries are almost unwilling to open this door, can develop in developing countries. They want to develop, they want to be economical, they even have to work hard, the wind group has helped them for so many years. , Slowly, there will always be some national pillows, willing to open the door of our digital trade.

And as a group of developing countries do this, it will be built without a world.

At this time, it runs through 56 countries, 53 of which are developing countries, but even so, it is enough to succeed, this is enough.

And everyone will slowly realize that the market in these 56 countries will become a huge temptation in front of developed countries.


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