Old Moore is three years old, as two people who have witnessed almost the same history, but the development of the mood is very different, and the old Moore is a person who cultivates the external work, and Rice Sheng and the husband is obviously a person who cultivated internal strength.

As for the external work and internal power, which is good, no conclusion, can only say that the two of this time realize that he is about to witness some history, and the key character of the prostitute forefront is Meng Qian.

This night, Moore didn't see Meng Qian, and he suddenly didn't want to see Meng Qian.

The second day of the conference is a foreign language spoke. Representatives from all over the world told changes in networked, intelligent, and cloudization to their respective companies and their respective countries.

Of course, in all the sharing of everyone, they are inseparable from the topic of globalization. Everyone has expressed the rapid development of technology in this year, so everyone supports globalization, supporting the idea of ​​cooperation and win-win. .

At the same time, after all, it is the home of Huaxia, whether it is a guest, it is true. When it comes to globalization, everyone will praise a new globalization concept from all angles and all the way to the Huaxia.

The overall atmosphere is harmonious and has a bride.

Until the appearance of the prince of Dubai, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became grounded. The prince of Dubai took the first sentence of the stage. But they are your money, they just want to earn more money from you. "

A sentence is attracted on the scene, and the scenery of the scenery in the scene is unclear. This is a good word or a bad thing. After all, the savvy accountant is not a good word.

Prince Dubai continued, "In a long time, the business involved in the country's destiny will always mix many factors, no matter whether you are a business or country, the Chinese people do business is the most intentional, they have a lot of things. Not so interested. "

This interpretation is actually quite implied, but the big in bed today can understand, and people who are sighing the royal family are dare.

The prince of the next Dubai began to talk about Dubai's smart city construction plan, welcome more people to invest in Dubai.

In fact, everyone recently pays attention to Dubai, because in this April, the Dubai Emirate has suddenly seen hundreds of local officials, and discussing the revitalization of Dubai, causing the attention of the world.

From the perspective of data, Dubai housing prices have fallen by 25% from 2014, and the grid growth rate of GDP is reduced to 1.9%, and the minimum since the decade.

Sensitive politicians, capitalists and entrepreneurs realize that Dubai has to enter a new stage.

From Dubai's current attitude, digitization, high-tech has become a clear goal of Dubai.

Prince Dubai today also welcomes more technologies to Dubai investment today, but everyone is more sensitive to a matter that the prince of Dubai is more preferred to invite Huaxia Enterprises to invest in Dubai.

That obvious attitude is even more than just because of the guests home in Huaxia, Dubai seems to be really hopeful in China's business.

On the evening, Meng Qian left his dinner to Dubai's representatives. In addition to the prince of Dubai, there is a very well-known Dubai figure this time.

In 2017, Dubai established the Minister of Artificial Intelligence, and Dubai is the only one in the world to rise to the national department, while the first minister's name is Omal Ben Sudan Olama.

Dubai, prince of Dubai is mainly responsible for dazzling, and Omar is responsible for it.

"We want Dubai to become the most intelligent country around the world." Omar put forward the idea of ​​Dubai.

"Mr. Omar knows that Singapore now has this plan?" Meng Qian asked with a smile.

Omar is not better than the prince, talking is more modesty, "We have a lot of understanding of Singapore, and we have always learned from Singapore's model in the past, but we will be more determined than Singapore."

"Why is Mr. Omar?"

"Because we are more determined than Singapore, we will go to all to achieve high intelligence of Dubai."

Meng Qian smiled and nodded. "There is a determination to be important, but Dubai wants to build a smart city must first clearly, you want to build yourself into a smart city, or independent smart city."

Meng Qianyi sees blood, Omal's eyes are now spiritually, "What is the difference between Mr. Meng?"

Meng Qian cooperated with the explanation. "Dubai has experienced a large-scale and very successful city movement in the past two decades. Half.

Now Dikai wants to become a high-tech innovation through digital transformation, attracting technology and capital, and transfer the competitive advantage accumulated by natural resources to technology attractions.

Compared to the construction of a skyscraper building in the desert, I am recognized in this direction, but this new city movement opportunity is even greater, and the difficulty is even greater.

The most fundamental question is that you have the foundation?

The reason why I have to mention Singapore is because in Dubai's crazy opening of the city's movement, Singapore has been continuously investing in independent research and development. What is the technology foundation in Dubai today? Where is the talent foundation?

Global chip supply chain, how much is your participation? Global core software system, how much is your participation, a well-known higher education in the world, is Dubai? "

"It's because we didn't, so we need to attract companies like the wind group to enter our Dubai." Omar off-mouth.

Meng Qian smiled and shook his head. Not small.

However, according to I understand that the first change in Dubai has been in the meeting is to cancel this regulation. We will continue to open the company in Dubai, you can enter the exotic model, right? "

"Yes, this is to further attract investment."

"But this way, technology is nothing to do with Dubai.

Dubai is now talking about unmanned flying cars, talking about robot police, talking about these technologies, etc., of course, these technical products are really helpful to Dubai's technology image is really helpful.

In my eyes, these things are like the skyscrapers of Dubai, and the Richtles are lacking in the true foundation.

My hand's data shows that Dubai is until now, and is only limited to the public sector, and the people's penetration rate is extremely low.

Moreover, Dubai's digital transformation is less than 5%, far below 15% of Asian countries.

Dubai is a pursuit of fast cities. I believe this time Dubai is equally asking for the construction of smart cities. Since it is fast, it is naturally impossible to have time and energy to fully lay the foundation.

So if my judgment is correct, Dubai has to become a smart city, not an independent smart city, even for this Dubai, I will give up the joint venture in this long-term policy.

I don't know if my judgment is wrong? "

Omar is looking at the prince. It is naturally an affirmative answer to Meng Qian. "Mr. Meng said that there is no more than 20 years of independent research and development, we are not like Singapore. road.

I don't know if Mr. Meng has any valuable suggestions to share it? "

Meng Qian's eyes are gradually sharp. "First, whether it is smart city or independent smart city, just a choice, can't say it, after all, every city is different.

But since I chose pure wisdom cities, I inevitably pay attention to the technical barrier, if one day Dubai's products are taken by people, how do you plan? "

Omal is very modest, "also asked Mr. Meng to advise."

"I think we need a global rule that can be relieved, a rule that protects globalization stabilization, one can let everyone, all enterprises, and all countries can develop peacefully according to their own situation.

We shouldn't you have any more you can't make it in your grievances.

We should protect the rights and freedoms of every effort to protect every effort. "

Omale saw the prince, Meng Qian's height involved has exceeded his permissions, he did not dare to pick up.

The prince smiled, gave an answer that did not answer, "Mr. Meng will have time to go to our Dubai to point for one or two?"

"Yes, I have always been very curious about the garage of the prince."

"Haha, then I am waiting for Mr. Meng."

Everyone is a smart person. Today, it will naturally not talk about it again, and after a while, Meng Qian went to see other passets.

The prince staying in the hotel is serious with Omar expression.

"It is not only our Dubai, but the wind group is now helping those developing countries to build 5G smart cities. How many developing countries can have enough independent research and development capabilities?" Omar dotted the key.

"So, Meng Qian said with us today, he must also say people with those countries.

Meng Qian is reminding everyone through the current environment, we need to build a new rule that is best suited to your development direction based on your own realistic situation, based on the current environment, and there is no barrier. "

"What should we choose?"

"How do you think everyone will choose?"

"Everyone ... The technology strength of the wind group and the comprehensive national strength of Huaxia have indeed gave everyone hesitated."

"What do you think of Huaxia is better than that?"

"It is definitely not more than."

"In this case, why will everyone hesitate?"

Being being held by the prince, Omal immediately realized, "Yes!"

The prince looked up at Meng Qianyuan, "It is very interesting to get on the past few years."


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