Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 902 Further cultural output

On the third day of the General Assembly is to talk about the project, talk about cooperation, and talk about future possibilities.

At the closing ceremony, a new organization was moved on the stage, the World Technology Trade Forum.

The World Science and Technology Trade Forum is a platform jointly launched by 39 countries. It provides a platform for the development of the world dialogue opportunities for the development of the technology industry. Headquartered in Yanjing, the first session will be held in mid-May.

The background of the World Science and Technology Forum is because the technology has become an important foundation for national economic development and human civilization development, but there are too many contradictions in the development of science and technology.

In order to make technology can better develop, more and more people want to solve the various problems in the process of science and technology development through dialogue, and realize the agreement in accordance with the public interest, promote the globalization of science and technology, and promote the benign development of science and technology.

39 initiated countries covers the world's five continents, which is a new dialogue in this field.

In the Internet conference, the World Science and Technology Trade Forum is mainly an foregone. After all, this Internet conference attracted many people, and many non-member representatives at the scene, this preview is to see them.

But what will be talked about the first session, and it will not be too thin at the scene, waiting for May.

In the evening, everyone watched the closing party, today's party has an hour of stage play.

From the perspective of cultural, scientific, entertainment, and exchange, a stage play, a stage drama, which saw the thrilling and fall of the dynasty, and saw the existence of human beings.

The stage effect is combined with sound and electrical and other technologies, and people don't consciously substitute them.

"This stage of the stage is very good." Meng Qian did not help but feel it, "Who is the director?"

Sitting on Shen Jiawen, who is around Meng Qian, "It is Huang Qiao Ling."

"Huang Qiao Ling? Is there this directive?" After all, his wife is one of the director of the company, and the names of the company's excellent director know that there is no one named Huang Qiaoling in the impression.

"This stage of the stage is not our company, after all, the stage play is not our strength, so I have been a special life, this Huang Qiao Ling is the director of the age, the chairman of Songcheng."


"Songcheng Qian Ancient Love, Sanya Thousand Ancient Love ..."

"Oh, it turned out to be him." Meng Qian looked on the stage where the field was being, "a little thing."

After the party, Meng Qian habitually went to condolence the performance person tonight, just in an corner, just compared with a man.

"Hello." The man saw Meng Qian hooked forward to say hello, "I am Huang Qiao Ling."

"Huang, I just said that I want to find you, the stage performance tonight is very exciting."

"Thank you." Huang Qiao Ling's eyes suddenly appeared a little hesitated, suddenly, "Does Mr. Meng chat alone?"

Meng Qian does not understand, but when you take some time, you can do it, "Yes, let's find a place."

"Go to the background of the back office."

"it is good."

Meng Qian did not bring Shen Jiawen together, Huang Qiao Ling nodded no problem.

After coming to the general control room, Huang Qiao Ling knows that Meng Qian time is valuable, and "Mr. Meng really likes stage performances this evening?"

"Of course, it is true, yes, I have seen Songcheng, the ancient feelings, and very exciting."

"That Meng always thinks we have to go out?"

"Going out?" Meng Qian is probably understood, but it is not very important to determine Huang Qiao Ling.

"I know that the wind group has always been an enterprise that emphasizes cultural output, but the cultural output of the Great Breeze Group has been doing local cultural output."

"What is the difference between cultural output and local cultural output?" Meng Qian really felt a bit of its own language level.

"Meng always thinks that is artificial intelligence is a cultural output?"

Huang Qiao Ling's question finally let Meng Qian understand, "What you mean, our artificial intelligence makes more people to realize the power of Huaxia Science, this technology is a cultural output."

"Yes, now I talk about artificial intelligence, talk about 5G, talk about 5G smart city, the first reaction in the world is the wind group, is the level of Huaxia Science and Technology, not Rice, this is Cultural output.

The Great Wind Group helps other countries to establish 5G smart cities, they benefited them, but the output is our power.

In the same way, we now want to help other countries to create their age armaments.

Hollywood has always wanted to shoot our Huaxia 's theme, they do of course not to help us to output our culture, they want to output a concept, our Hollywood can create a work such as the culture of the world.

They want to make Hollywood to become a global cultural creation center, not just the creation of rice cultures.

This is higher than the cultural output of local works, especially in the era of globalization. "

Meng Qian was attracted by Huang Xiaoling's idea. "Huang has a more specific idea or practice?"

"I simply talks about the history of the development of the age, the birth of our first elderly, the birth of the time, but when the first eternal maturity, we will take a short time in a short period of time. More and more have been created across the country.

For up to one year, a new city is coming out. "

Meng Qian understood, "This is a principle that we engage in research and development, the early R & D investment is often consumed, but as long as the successful research and development of competitive core technology, especially unique core technology, Derivatives and outbreaks will come soon. "

"Yes, use the technology industry's understanding, we are now the core technology of the ages of the ages, and what we are doing now is to go overseas through this core technology to help them build a long-term stage drama, Like the wind group to help other countries build 5G smart cities.

Every city, every country has its own history or flash point, we can create a thousand people in the country, we can also create their age for the city of so many countries in the world.

This creates our global cultural creation brand.

This is the first idea I want to go out. "

"What is the second?" Meng Qian couldn't help but ask.

"In my opinion, if there is anything in this world, it is the first to break through the obstacles between the country and the country, that is, it should be cultural.

Mr. Lu Xun said that the more people are, the more the world.

There are different understandings about this sentence, and in my opinion, the nation is the world, because of the differences and unity of national culture.

Differential performance presented the inner curious psychology, why the ancient IP can be so fire, the first layer is because the ancient times arif out the curiosity of other people's history, and this curious is pure, it is not malicious.

The second floor of the ancient culture is the unity of unity, and there will be unity between different ethnic groups.

Meng always wants to promote new globalization, in order to face differential and unity, this difference and unified collision channel is cultural.

So we want to create national culture in the world and explore the perfect fusion points of differences and unity. "

"The total idea of ​​Huang is very good, what is progress now?"

Huang Qiao Ling suddenly smiled. "We have been in contact with many countries, but our works have some progress space.

So I have recently discussed how to discuss how to show our stage to the top floor.

Today's performance is a new show after the new technology. "

Meng Qian nodded, "After the technology improved?"

"Now, the brand is not open, after technology support, let's take a way to create our global brand, this may take a little time."

Meng Qian touched the chin Sissora, "Is Huang always have time a few days?"

"After a few days? Should there be free, Meng always do?"

"If you are interested, let's go to Dubai together."

"Go to Dubai?"

"Yeah, I will help you do publicity."

Huang Qiao Ling did not know what Meng Qian means, but Meng Qian said that he would help him to promote, no matter what it will face, he does not hesitate to agree.


"Huang Qiao Ling said that you are on your heart." After you say goodbye to Huang Qiao, Shen Jiawen looked at Meng Qian picked his eyebrows.

"Many works always like to choose a common enemy on this issue of mankind. It seems that only everyone has encountered a common enemy to unite, but this will inevitably face a problem, wait until this enemy is eliminated? Is it necessary to rely on it? Create a common enemy to maintain unity?

I will slowly realize that since I pursue globalization, since the cooperation can coexist with competition, why does not coexist with disputes, sometimes it is too persistent to absolute peace, it is an anti-human approach.

Differences and unity coexist, this is the core of new globalization. "


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