Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 911 Interests to Huaxia

"Nande will report" Headquarters, the International Editor-in-Chief Capeus is at the company meeting.

"Recently, with the influence of Huaxia's influence, it is more and more close to our cooperation with Huaxia. Whether it is an official or private, it is increasingly interesting to China.

Whether it is a little search or Google in our German data reports, searching 'Huaxia', 'Huaxia Technology' and the 'Great Breeze Group' These keywords have exceeded 300%, and you can see everyone. Now interesting to Huaxia, especially if you want to see a true Huaxia. "

"These years have never been rare to Huaxia Media in our Germany, especially hyacinth, everyone's understanding of Huaxia should be more comprehensive than before." Conelius said with a smile.

"Whether it is hyacinth or Huaxia Media, after all, is Huaxia, everyone will consider whether their report is subjective and biased, not to mention the operation of Germany has always abide by our rules, and cannot pass the wind Letter have always output Huaxia's situation, just like Meng Qian, overseas hyacinths are more assume that when someone is filthy, give everyone a chance to see the truth.

Our nationals are more likely to see the Chinese media like our "South De willon".

So we plan to let you bring a team to Huaxia to do a long-term report. It is just a few days. It is the wind group this year 's Global Developer General Assembly. Now that the first reaction of everyone in Huaxia is the wind group, this is the entry point Let's make a topic of Huaxia. "

"But I still have a topic about rice in my hand."

"The country's things everyone will take the tweet, don't need you, you concentrate on the topic of Huaxia."

"You said this ... it seems quite reason."


On June 22, Conelius came to Huaxia Hangzhou, and when I was stationed in the hotel, Conelius met her old people.

"Qitterman, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Hey, Mr. Coneli is also coming to Huaxia?" Qittelman is the senior editor of the French World News. "When is it?"

"Just arrived, what about you?"

"I arrived yesterday, are you here?"

"Learn about this country and report this country, what about you?"

"It seems that everyone thinks a piece." Qitterman pointed to the building, "" Light this hotel, live in dozens of peers. "

"Mr. Qitterman eats?"

"It is planning to eat."

"Is there a beauty meeting?"

"Compared to the beauty, or Mr. Conelus is more attractive to me, and I just need a friend who will help me to transfer me."

"Hahaha, then wait for me for a while, let's go to dinner together."

Five minutes later, Knellius was organized to go out with Mr. Qip Telman, "" World News "How do you choose to come to China this time?"

"Because I have relatively relatively relatively relatively for Huaxia, it makes them feel more suitable to come to China, because I have resonated the subjective impression of Huaxia and the reactions after I saw Huaxia may be resonant."

"It seems that you also pay much attention to this matter."

"What kind of country in China is, it is really curious about me, hey, this is ... that?"


"Sha County International Hotel."

"Hahaha, right, Huaxia very well-known a hotel." Côte daughter is deliberately ridiculed, "Do you want to taste?"


Go to Shaxian, Conelius dotted two bowls of fried river powder, got a few halogen vegetables, and in the end, I also got a bottle of Nirew Mountain.

"Mr. Conelus should be more familiar with Huaxia?"

"To be honest, don't be familiar, I have come to China, but more reports on Huaxia are more in the upstream level, you should understand.

But this time I received the task is to go down, to show a true Chinese as much as possible, this is not an easy thing for me. "

"My mission is similar, now in our France, the public has a little extremely known to China, some people think that Huaxia is very good, I think Huaxia is a deep miracle country, some people still feel that the quality of China is very good. Poor, very poor, no freedom. "

"In fact, whether it is German or the French to see Huaxia, just like Xiaoxia people, it is normal. Everyone does not live in a land, how can I understand in detail, I have learned through my understanding? What kind of country is this.

Just like I heard that some people in China think that France is particularly romantic, some people think that France is a thief.

This time I care about it or everyone wants to understand this thing. I have always, European people have very low awareness demand for Huaxia. Now everyone wants to understand China, this is the key.

Do you say that we can change how many people can change this time? It's not good to say, but at least this needs, this will not only have business value, but also a future trend. "

"You are right, I also have a colleague to the Huaxia Tourism Bureau, follow-up to promote the travel business between Frencho."

"I am sorry to make it."

Positive rice, Shaxian people come, several workers who have just been from the site walk from the two people sitting on them.

"I heard that the country has to add taxes."

"Yeah, there is no accident to stop every day, I am really annoying."

"I really don't understand what they are thinking about their minds, so I can't see us?"

"I can't see it, we will get better, what can they come again?"

Conelius opened the recorder and showed that Qiterman opened the smart translator.

"Now, however, how others think that others are, the key is that we have hard." The boss who came over and listened to them to talk about this.

"That's not, can you still be afraid of a paper tiger." The big mom who had eaten onside said a sentence, and it took a smile.

"It's still aunt."

"I told you, then soon, the most fascinating is a rice country." Sitting on the other side of a table, a grandfather couldn't help but a call, "I want to say, the current rice is in the defeat."

"Loser? What do you say this?"

"Before 50 years ago, Milai did a particularly clever thing. That is to put forward human rights diplomacy. In the past few decades, human rights diplomacy has always been the diplomatic core of rice, but now the rice country is ourselves in his own human rights diplomatic core, this It is my own foundation.

The world influence of dozens of years have accumulated in decades, and the image of the rice country has accumulated in just 2 years, it is almost the same. "

"Uncle, then what do you think Europe?"

"Europeans are not fools, they have been playing in 2018, what is the cold war thinking will only make people laugh at the big teeth."

"It's really, I think the most funny is what is the cold war thinking in 2018." Another people eating people participate in the topic, "We are not easy to live a good day, what is the mood to do what hegemony, Now this little day is too much moisturizing. "

"Can you fight against those who want to fight, the Middle East is more pitiful, make a lot of money, don't be incense, what to fight."

"Hey, there is a measures, people think don't understand, or think about deliberately stupid."

"I don't understand what he thinks, just like the grandfather, Europeans also want to understand, their ordinary people don't also have a life.

It is mainly what we have to resist the pressure. "

The big sister is a cool smile. "I think our pressure resistance is still very good, the wind group and Huawei have risen since the performance has risen after being pressed.

Besides, I will manage him 50 billion yuan. Does each of us donate 100 yuan? Is there 140 billion?

I have passed the days before you can't eat white rice. Now I have to add a duck leg every day, I am afraid. "

"Hahahahaha." Everyone also laughed, the boss immediately accepted, "big sister, I will send you a duck leg today."

"The boss is on the road, I will definitely make a fortune in the future, I will go to you tomorrow."

"This way, I will have a TV festival in the next day, and everyone can talk to a little immersion."

"Haha, this idea is good."

"In fact, I want to say that I don't think about it, I'm directly exiting the earth."


Everyone is still talking, Knellius looked at Qitelman, and said to Qitelman. What kind of shop is that Shaxian is a store, "Listen to them, how?"

Qittelman couldn't help but drop his eyes, "these most ordinary people, more confident than I imagined,"

Conelius also looked at everyone. "Many people always say that a country in the heart can be great. In fact, think about it, this thing can be further, a country that is full of people, may be more great. "


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