On June 25th, Conelius has once again met Qitelman in the future town.

"How is it in the past few days in Hangzhou?"

"I have observed four days. I didn't see the streets and throwing garbage. I saw the car of the pedestrian. I didn't see the street violence. Only pedestrians spontaneously helped the elderly. Sure enough, I am standing here. The Huaxia that saw and I stand in France did not the same. "

"Hangzhou is a new first-tier city in Huaxia. China has a lot of poverty-stricken areas. If you go to those places, you can see some low quality behaviors."

"You have to say this, so many tramps in the streets of the country are not a great symbol."

"So many things have to spread the eyes, I saw the picture of the villagers who grabbed the village after the car, and I also saw the villagers who went through the truck after the village for helping the village, so this is something What about the country?

Take an example to judge a country with a $ 45 million is an extremely absurd thing, which is also the purpose of our coming here. "

Qitelmann nodded, "Yes, we must try to show a more comprehensive, more real Huaxia."

"Hey, how many people there?" Cologne, who took it, gathered a group of people after entering the future town.

Two people approached the team, and the people were running to receive the guests at the door, attracted a lot of attention, and everyone took a photo and dialogue with Xiaomong.

Both Conelus and Qitterman showed that the photography team began shooting.

But because people gathered too much, the two did not delay too much time here, they walked forward directly, and the result did not get out of far.

"The unmanned driver of the future town is no safety officer."

"And there is also unmanned powdery, unmanned sightseeing electric three rounds, it seems that the unmanned driving technology of the wind group is very mature."

The two listened to everyone's discussion, observed the launch of a pre-ever, "We can do an unmanned movie three rounds, you can also see the scenery here."


After waiting in line for a while, the two had a unmanned sightseeing three rounds, and the code was scanned via the mobile phone.

"There is a recommended route and custom route."

"Custom route?"

"Well, I draw a route yourself."

"Time is also early, we will draw a route that can turn a circle in the future."


After the two passed the route, click to confirm, unmanned sightseeing electric three rounds began to start, and opened for a while, the two noted that there were a variety of robots everywhere in the future town, Qidaleman couldn't help but curiosity, " How to arrange so many robots. "

"There is a cleaning, patrol, send things, and some show, it is a need to build a person in advance to build a person with robots in advance."

"To send something? What is it?"

Conelius looked at the mobile phone. "We can buy things we want on your mobile phone, and will have delivery robots to us in a while."

"But we are moving, where is the robot to send?" Qitterman didn't want to understand.

"They can send things in our hands based on our positioning, no matter where we are." Cologne is Due to the instructions on the phone.

"It's a bit meaningful, let's try two cups of coffee."


Unmanned sightseeing electric three rounds continue to travel forward, Qitterman always can't help but look up.

"What have you been watching?"

"Every building has a large screen showing the details of the future town, I am looking at the changes in this data.

And the buildings here are also very interesting. The entire town should be the solar power supply. "

"Environmental protection has always been a big look at the future town, , is there any car?"

Qittelman took the head to the past, "It's true, this is the air lane in the future town, it seems that it is already passing."

"If Hangzhou is the future template of Huaxia, the future town is the future template of Hangzhou."

"Mr. Conelius, your coffee is here."

The two are talking, a drone appears to beside them.

"So fast?" Qitterman's consciousness looked at my eyes, then I naturally asked, "How do you find us so quickly?"

"I can directly calculate one of the best convergence points through your location and itinerary."

Looking at the drone is like a flow, Qitterman is interested in talking to the unmanned machine.

Sitting on the sightseeing car and spent a circle for 40 minutes, then the two came to the destination, the main venue of the future town.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the first project of today's conference opened this year, Hongmeng directly became an opening product, and Meng Qian is still the publisher of Hongmeng.

Meng Qian walked on the stage to applause, the popularity of the popularity in the science and technology circle.

The big highlight of Hongmeng 12 is naturally a new chip, Meng Qian is confident on the stage, "M12 is 5nm processor, our commitment is once again."

The Great Wind Group successfully realized the development and production process of 5nm processors, Meng Quan has confirmed the news, Intel and Tajagi immediately began to write a statement to avoid stock prices, especially Intel.

Meng Qian spent a lot of time to explain the advantages of M12 and the M13 overcome 3nm is very confident, but Hong Meng 12 is optimized in other respects, and at least there is at least what revolutionary.

Fortunately, many people also know that now the revolution of smartphones is getting harder and harder, and there is no big expectation. Anyway, no matter how Hong Meng 12 is still leading in the first echelon of smartphones.

I thought that Meng Qian introduced that the Hong Kong 12 also ended his task today. However, everyone suddenly realized that PPT has not finished, today Meng Qian has something to say.

"This year, we have developed a new product for consumers. One of my personal products." Meng Qian is a big screen, and there are four big words on the big screen: smart ring.

"Everyone is now higher and higher, and the time to play mobile phones is also growing, which leads to a lot of mobile phone disease, such as cervical vertebrae, not good eyes, not good fingers, etc.

To this end, we have been considering what you can do. After all, we have developed smartphones, it is never to influence everyone's health.

But if you want everyone to reduce the dependence on your mobile phone, it seems that it is not realistic, so we have always had another thinking direction, change your phone's way.

In the past few years, we do the most for this purpose is to improve voice operation, let more mobile operations are done by speech, but it is obviously not enough.

So we have been developing another product, which is a smart ring.

The purpose of intelligent rings is to help users achieve a lot of empty remote operations to mobile phones, and the dependence on the basic mobile phone usage model holding this mobile phone, thereby creating more operational possibilities.

For example, we can put the phone in a suitable location to operate through gestures so that users can choose a more comfortable, healthier posture, without because some scenes have to take some less comfortable and not healthy postures. To operate your phone, thereby reducing unhealthy risk.

I believe everyone is now the most curious thing to support which operations can you support, we can look at the screen, watch, watch movies, draw, writing text, and proficient.

Our smart rings have multiple sensors that can effectively identify the fingertips, gesture action, thereby completing the corresponding instructions.

Of course, our smart bracelet can not only match the phone, but also match the tablet and smart watch.

It will give you more operational fun and operation space, we hope to unveil it unlimited with our users. "

The wind group opened a first river in wearing smart products.


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