Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 914 Social Responsibility


The products and technologies in the conference have indeed surrounded by education, and the products and technologies related to education beyond the imagination of many people. Wait until afternoon, a new theme appeared: poverty alleviation.

"There are several big problems that have always been poverty alleviation. First of all, data issues, true poverty and false poverty, poverty position, and poverty quantity These data need to be reviewed, very expensive, after all, poverty households have always been a few.

Secondly, the confirmation of poverty alleviation, know where poverty, how to poverty alleviation, how to do specific measures? Because every place is different, you can say that many times a new poverty area is a new attempt.

There is also an inevitable problem is the persistence of poverty alleviation. If you can't help the poor, the real poverty alleviation is to achieve the help of the army, even the effect of the generation of generations, to really change the life of the poor, not Give him a little or provide a job so simple.

Therefore, in order to better promote the development of poverty alleviation, the big data has played an extremely important role in the past two years. Through the establishment of large data poverty alleviation platform, it can understand the whole picture of poverty alleviation, and formulate more scientific poverty alleviation programs.

However, our country's poverty alleviation is relatively large, and the big data can always be limited to the city and county, and today we want to show you, it is the national big data poverty alleviation platform created by our wind group.

The focus of this national big data poverty alleviation platform is in the country, we successfully changed the data between provincial and provincial provinces, and the first time I realized a poverty alleviation platform for data interoperability across the country.

The meaning of such a platform is a full-scale, most obvious advantage, which helps us achieve higher work efficiency from a larger global poverty alleviation.

At the same time, our platform combines a large number of poverty alleviation channels, such as the poverty alleviation channels such as Taobao Jingdong, such as the poverty alleviation channels of farmer companies, such as some local trade fairs poverty alleviation channels, our poverty alleviation platform integrates all of them all.

This will help the poverty alleviation team to more convenient to docking the poverty alleviation strategy on the poverty alleviation platform after confirming the poverty alleviation information. For example, farmers are sold directly to Taobao poverty alleviation channels, and the platform will have intelligent assessments, such as you want Apple, first systematically evaluate whether the area is suitable for apples, production, how much is the year, can solve how much employment problems, and then because there are national data on the platform, how many poor areas are in the past, here Is Apple's competitiveness, thereby selecting a more suitable poverty alleviation development route combined with artificial judgment.

In addition, for the flow of poor, the reform of the poor, the re-education of poor people has great convenience. "


"Like the morning, the afternoon technology show is related to poverty alleviation." Knellius and Qiterman listened to the introduction of the whole national data poverty alleviation platform, starting to stroll in the future town.

"Many of the technologies here have exceeded the meaning of poverty alleviation, just like these cultivation technologies, soil renovation techniques, underwater operation technology, even if it is stripped from poverty alleviation itself, the future application scenario is full of imagination."

"The morning's technology show is not the same, it does not only have the technical level of the wind group and the Huaxia Enterprise, but also reflects the sense of social responsibility of Huaxia Enterprises."

"All the past, poverty alleviation is an important measures under the gap between the rich and the poor, but there is no key issue in the past almost all countries, that is, the heart is poor.

A few years ago, I was also the same as when I came to Huaxia, and the poor is willing to work if I will not work.

Huaxia has changed in this year in this year in this year. These years have changed, they want to create opportunities for their long-term work, create a chance to change the opportunity to create changes.

One thing I just pay attention to is the comprehensive re-education in poverty-stricken counties. Through re-education changes their ideas, let them realize that happiness is struggling.

This is extremely important for creating a positive society. "

Conelius nodded and said that the photography team was recorded well, don't drop the details.


On the third day of the General Assembly, everyone came to the future towns. After opening the phone, I saw that everyone's theme of this morning is no longer accident.

The theme this morning is environmentally friendly.

As an environmentally friendly theme, it is a series of environmentally friendly robots brought by Fang Chen.

For example, in some areas, the large-scale machine is not inwent in some areas, which requires small precision robots, and Great wind groups have developed a variety of environmentally friendly robots for environmental protection demand for different regions.

Whether it is a desert or a cliff, there is already the same figure of the environmental protection robots of the wind group.

Fang Chen's speech is relatively simple, because environmental protection products and technologies are obviously more than educational and poverty alleviation, waste gas treatment, sewage treatment, garbage treatment, tree planting and other technologies can participate.

Of course, there is still less new materials, such as the society's demand for degradable plastic bags, as well as the most familiar green energy issues in these years, new energy vehicles are now getting higher and higher, but subsequent battery processing can not It is the key to the large-scale report of the battery.

"The wind group's battery technology has also been very fast." Cologne, who specially noted the development of the battery when visiting the venue with Qip Temman

"Solid state batteries and hydrogen fuel batteries, the development direction of the two battery technology in the wind group is clear."

"See the introduction here, the solid-state battery of the wind group is likely to come from the laboratory next year."

"Honda is also a company in the preceding company. I remember that Honda said that at the 2020 Olympic Games will be launched to carry a solid battery car.

Just look at who can go faster. "

Education, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, with the end of the three themes, everyone is actually very curious about the theme of the afternoon, because this is the three human subjects of today's society, it is difficult to let people think of the fourth.

Some people think it is a fight against flat, but it seems that it doesn't matter with technology.

From the afternoon, promised finally announced.

The fourth topic of the General Assembly is: social welfare.

Xiao Bo knows that there is a feeling of feeling on the stage. "I don't know if everyone is noticed, we usually seem to see blind people on the road, rarely see disabled people, why?

Is there a small and disabled person in our country?

Unfortunately, not this, just because our public's attention is very weak, the concerns of the national level to vulnerable groups will often lead to their lives in some small groups.

So we need to work hard to let everyone can be in a common social environment, so that the disadvantaged group can also get the dividend brought by social development.

This is an important issue for social welfare development, and is also an inevitable direction of civilized social development.

We are paying attention to poverty alleviation in the past few years, but we also need more attention to this matter.

First of all, we want to call on people from all walks of life to spend more and think about the true vulnerability group, followed, we hope to change something through technology. "

Xiao Bo's next introduction is a few more practical products, including the price that can make ordinary people accepted the robot arm, including smart navigation sticks that can help people with disabilities or body discomfort, etc. .

In addition, a social problem that is not attached to the similar depression but in fact, the influential surface is growing, and the wind group has been developing corresponding drugs.

The Great Wind Group also established depression databases, which can help these groups through large data analysis, especially psychological counseling. "

Similarly, in addition to Xiao Bo knows, there are many techniques that focus on vulnerable groups, including technology to help them, help them better life, helping them better integrate into this era technology.

"Education, poverty alleviation, environmental protection, social welfare, and wind group this year's global developer conference is far - reaching." As a media person, Conelius is a bit in touch with the arrangement of the Great Breeze Group this year.

"This is the social responsibility of the Great Breeze Group as a company is also reflected in the social responsibility of Huaxia."

"I think it now, I will describe a good choice from these four perspectives, perhaps a good choice."

The two are talking about, and Meng Qian appeared in the summary of this conference in the main venue.

This year's conference still has seen a lot of interesting products and technologies, but because four themes, there is a special special.

This also makes everyone curious about Meng Qian.

I saw a Huaxia map on the big screen behind Meng Qian, showing important roles of technology in these four fields on these years.

After that, the picture began to expand, and the Chinese map became a world map.

At this time, everyone understands that the wind group is to pick up more social responsibility, but not only the social responsibility of Huaxia, is the social responsibility of the world.


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