Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 915 is the children and grandchildren

"What is your plan?" Waiting for the conference, Cologne is asked Qitterman's ideas.

"I want to see the changes in Huaxia along these four directions." Qitterman suddenly has great interest in recording this matter in China.

"I am also the same idea, what do you want to start?"

"Environmental protection, this is a common topic of mankind, and Huaxia has always been condemned by Mi State to destroy the world environment, I want to go deep into the side, what about you?"

"Then I will go to see the line of education, this is the topic I am most interested, it is also the topic that our Germany attaches great importance in these years."

"Well, then drink two cups tonight, I will start tomorrow."

"Well, let's share your own feelings."

After returning, the two have set their own tickets. On the morning of the next day, Qidalman went to a county city in Gansu, and Wei Yongxiu, which was responsible for the local cadres of the local governance, was responsible for receiving Qitterman.

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei, we want to come here to be a special report on the development of sand."

Wei Yongxiu is warm and receiving, "Mr. Qitterman has something to know, even though I asked me."

"I really have a doubt at the moment, I see the record saying that this place is an important zone of the sand, but I just took the bus, but I saw the trees everywhere, and I thought about it."

Wei Yongxun said with the accompanying personnel, "Mr. Qitterman came to me."

After half an hour, Wei Yongxiu took the Qitterman team to a sand, and Qitterman quickly made the team to shoot, and he could not help but observe the left and right side.

"Jose is not a one-powered thing, Mr. Qitterman has just come over, it is 320 years ago."

"Thirty years ago?" Qitterman sensitive attention, "Do you say that the green is just three years?"

Wei Yongxiu nodded, "Not only, the difficulty of sand is not ordinary people can understand, and Mr. Qitterman can try to take a mask and hat if the body is innocent.

It is difficult to treat sand, not only in planting itself, more in the environment, and the rule will face the sun and sand every day, not many people can last. "

Qittelman took out the mask and hat, but the light, Wei Yong Xiu said a few words, it has been uncomfortable. Adhere to? "

Wei Yong Xiu said that Qi Telman went forward, "Mr. Qitterman asked them directly, the front of us is the oldest heaven here, we all call Li Lao, already engaged in sand here Working more than 30 years. "

After the approach of Qitterman, he noted three robots around the old man.

"Li is old!"

Wei Yong was called, and he was called Li Lao's old people's response to the laughter, seeing the team around Wei Yong Xiu, "Is it a big wind group?"

"Li is old, they are not the wind group, this is the editor-in-chief of the French" World News ", they want to be a special report on the sand of the sand."

"France? Oh, hello, hello." The old man didn't know what "World News", just politely asked.

Qitterman was holding hands with him, and the look was mutated, because he felt the old man with his hands.

"Mr. Li, I heard that you have been here for more than 30 years?"

"33 years 10 months." The old man remembers very clear.

"Why did you want to work in sand?"

"I am born here, the people in us live in the fear of the winds in small people, this fear is not exaggerated, and the printed in the heart of generation generation, we must find a way.

We can't make future generations in this fear. "

"What should I have this fear now?"

"That is, my grandson is now in the town. Their generation does not have the fear of the winds of the sand, the town can be clean, the air is good, the children can learn peacefully."

"I heard that Mr. Li immediately 70, why is it still insisting on sand? In fact, you have done a lot, you can hand it over to the young man."

The old man smiled and shook his head. "Treasing is too tired, I don't want the children to do this, and our generation is habits, all practicing the body of the sand, this matter Let's do it.

But now there is a better way, the robot of the wind group can help us govern the sand, they said, in a few years, you can pay all the work to the machine, and young people will operate in the office.

This is really good, the strength of technology, good, really good, really good! "

"Mr. Li, what do you think of the meaning of sand?"

The old man suddenly laughed. "Many people have asked me this question. I have come to a lot of leaders and ask me this question. I don't understand those rigons. I don't understand anything. .

I will know that God is good to the child, good for the future generation. "

The old man said out a photo from the wallet. "This is a few more than 30 years ago. At that time, our town is like this. You will look at the town now.

More than 30 years, it has been crossing two generations. "

Qittelman took photos, and the mind was thinking about the small town model just saw. This is not a place, "Mr. Old, then how much can these sand robots play?"

"The role is very big, very good, the technology of the wind group, is powerful, it is our first technology company, name is unimagled.

I have never dare to retire, because I know that there is still a matter to do, but now I have seen these robots, I may retire again for two years, hahaha. "

Wei Yongxiu is waiting to laugh, everyone can understand the true happiness of Li Lao at this time.

Qittelman said, thank you, no longer in the old man, but I can't help but take out the mobile phone to see a photo of more than 30 years ago, "The life of the consecutive generation is different."


On the other hand, Conelius came to your province.

Receiving Cologneus is a tutor called Xie Ji.

Xie Yisi, is this for more than 30 years of teaching teachers who have been in accordance with the provisions. She only needs to be held in 2 years, but Xie Yasi finally chose to stay in a teachings. It is more than 30 years.

"It has been more than 30 years, ten years ago, every mountain here is a mountain man's dream and future." Xie Yusi said that there is a little bit of gentle, "But now you can see It has been routed here. In 2015, this side realized high-speed counties and counties. He will also complete the province's rural group in the province next year. "

Conelius not only allows the photography team to shoot, but he can't help but take a few photos. "The scenery here is really beautiful."

"Yeah, relying on the scenery here, these years have become more and more developed."

"Hey, what is that?" As the car went up, Conelius realized that there were a lot of things in the mountains, but not birds.

"This is a drone group."

"Unmanned group?"

"Well, in fact, the linear distance between the mountain and the mountain is very close. In these two years, the drone began to introduce the drone. It is convenient for some daily items, and there is no need to go around a long mountain road.

Just now, you should also notice that you should also notice that there are 5G base stations. Many drone companies are doing experiments here. We also have a regional city as a region as an unmanned R & D center. "

Cologne is nodded, soon with everyone to reach the village on the mountain, under the request of Conelusus, everyone will go straight to Zhaohui Primary School.

Zhaohui elementary school covers a large area, the football field basketball court is all available, it is just after entering the campus, Knellius looked at the children showed an unexpected expression. He originally thought that the children here should be a bit. That is broken, and the result is completely different from him.

"I remember that you have just removed the poor hat in the past few years ago."

"Well, pick it up for 15 years."

"But I noticed from my entry village. Everyone ... The overall feeling is not like poverty three years ago."

Xie Yisi smiled, "Everyone's income is coming, I want to buy things, I have a drone, and there is a drone. I can give it, plus the idea of ​​the informationization era is not as closed as the past, the department Mr. Liss may be as if it is more than ten years, or even more than thirty years ago. "

"How is it solved now?"

"Left-behind children are less and less, because many people are back, more and more employment opportunities in these two years, and income is not lower than outside."

The two are talking about, some students see Xie Yisi.

Seeing the students with Zieji, Cologne is intended to speak, a boy suddenly actively asked Schielius, "Are you a country?"

"I am a German." Cologne is a little surprised to watch the little boy because his English is quite standard.

"You are" Nande will report "? Come interview?"

"Yes, have you seen" Nande will report "?"


The student said that I have seen the anti-Conelus, "Do you really have seen it?"

"I have seen it, after the UK, Germany is the key to Europe. I want to know more about Germany in the future of Europe."

Conelius suddenly became interesting to the boy. "Who is your English?"

"Great Wind Group's online teaching platform."

"I see your English very well, I will have to spend a lot of time learning English, why?"

"Because English is a tool, I hope I can take a larger world in the future. At present, English is the most common language in the world, so I have to learn how to use this tool." The response of boy Lord.

"I heard that many people in China now are opposed to learning English, what do you think?"

"I said, English is a tool, you need to learn, just like the programmer always uses a computer?"

"So what do you want to do in the future?"

"I want to be a reporter."

Conelius eyelids move, interested in touching the shoulders of the boy.

Talk to this, the class time is coming, the students quickly go back to class.

Xie Yisi took Cologne to visit the scenes of the students, the digital blackboard, and the student table equipped with special tablets, and each classroom has a learning auxiliary robot.

"If you just record these pictures, I am afraid that it is hard to imagine that it is a poor county campus that is just poverty in China." Cologne is sigh.

Xie Yisi took out a better photo from the pocket. "This is the scene here for more than 30 years. We can get the textbook at that time. You can have a teacher to teach, we have been satisfied."

Conelius looked at the photo, and then looked at the boy who had told himself. "The children 's destiny have changed."


On the evening, Conelius had a call with the headquarters with the headquarters. .

I feel now?


Today, I heard a sentence several times: for the children and grandchildren, for the Qianxiu generation. "


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