Shortly after the Great Wind Global Developer General Assembly, the World Technology Trade Forum Member States were expanded for the first time. From 39 countries to 47 countries, the influence of the World Science and Technology Trade Forum was further improved.

At this time, the wind group has become a worldwide, and Meng Qian has already handed over the company's things in the high-level hand, but it is also full of daily meeting, which is a national government, core enterprise Representative, capitalists affecting the world are not to see Meng Qian, Meng Qian is not suitable.

Busy and busy, I have been on July 10, and the country added 200 billion chips, and it is still coming.

The world continues to be chaotic, and Meng Qian has been paying attention to the latest news.

The European side has to face entangle, but the balance seems to be sloping from the wind group here. At least this time has no country to follow into the banned China 5G, and the most powerful British is also not really true. Take measures.

In terms of rice companies, Intel has launched a 10nm ++ plan, indicating that the mass production of 10nm ++ was 2020.

Result The news fell by 8%.

2020 wind groups are prepared to challenge 3NM production, Intel to 2020 will be 10nm ++. Everyone is not expected.

More importantly, Intel confirmed the death of the 10nm confirmed the market that Intel did not compete for EUV technology.

Meng Qian's horse contacted Xiao Bo, "Old Xiao, help me check one."

"what's up?"

"Help me to check Intel recently have access to Typical electricity, if you have contact, see if you can find what they are communicating."

"okay, I get it."

After the phone, Meng Qian thought of Apple, looked at the reception of Apple, but there was a little unexpected, and he gave Wang Shengdong, who gave it to the Oriental, went to a call. "Total, Apple didn't look for you?"

"Apple? Are you talking about the OLED screen?"

"Yes, Apple should not find you purchased the OLED screen?"

"Apple is really looking for us, but we refuse."

"Reject? What is it?"

Wang Shengdong suddenly became a bit a bit, "Do you have the purpose of apple OLED screen?" Isn't the Apple? "

Meng Qian laughed, "Now Apple needs us to put pressure on it ...

I am just to counterattack, and the demand for OLED screen has risen soon these two years, Apple's order is available for us. I originally think that this order will go to Jingdong, I did not expect Wang General. Misunderstood. "

"I thought you were for Apple." Wang Shengdong smiled, "Then I let the sales department go to dock it."

"Well, there is no need to be cheap neon companies, this money is still earned."

"Oh, yes, just call you, talk about the market of LCD panels, the enterprises on the province have been talking about cooperation with me recently."

"Cooperation? Do they have anything to cooperate?"

"They want to transform, and the province has confirmed the plan to do not expand the production capacity next three years, spend money in promoting the technology."

Meng Qian is on the sofa, "Time is really fast, when they didn't work with us, as if they were yesterday."

Wang Shengdong was sensitive to a sentence, "So Meng Mong does not intend to cooperate with them?"

"Cooperation is of course, but the premise is how to cooperate."


As the intelligence head of the wind group, after three days, Xiao Bo hit the news to find Meng Qian. "Your guess is right, Intel has recently been exposed to Taiwan's contact with Taiwan. If you don't accidentally, you should be a 7nm chip and 5nm chip. "

"That Qualcomm is definitely not sitting?"

"Not only Qualcomm, there is Apple, and other rice chip design companies have recently been looking for Taiwan."

Meng Qian laughed, "Tajimon is a biggest winner."

"It's true, according to the current situation, it is our help of the power of the Samsung."

"We helped TTEM to be so busy, always can't help." Meng Qian sent a document to Xiao Bo, "You go to the Legal Department, talk to them."

Xiao Bo knows about the content of the file, "I know."

After this time, Meng Qian gave BYD's Wangchuanfu went to a phone call, "Wang Tong, what are you busy with recently?"

"Recently, you are busy with Harui's cooperation. You have so fast for unmanned technology, and we can't put behind in the production of vehicles.

Meng Mong suddenly found me, what is it? "

"I have to go to the province recently. I want to ask the king to have no interest."

"What do you go to T $?"

"What to do ..." Meng Qian thought about wording, "" Let's talk about it. "

The interaction between all year rounds made Wang Chuanfu heard the greasy from Meng Qian's tone. "Meng always wants us to do, despite the opening."

"it is good."


On July 15th, Meng Qian came to the province for a long time, he had not been to Taiwan for a long time.

This trip, Meng Qiao first went to You Da, see Yousa's Peng Cream.

"Meng Yong." Peng Carling took Meng Qian to visit the factory.

"You Da is now calculating the best LCD panel for Taiwan." Meng Qian visited the side. "What is the share of the global large-sized LCD panel market?"


Meng Qian strives to recall the data in another time and space, but the recall doesn't work, "after the Samsung desolate, LG did not pick up the flag as some people imagined, but there have been some effects.

Under such a large environment, 8% of the market share is less. "

Peng Carma laughed and responded. "The expansion of the expansion of the continent in the past few years did not stop, and the mainland company."

"Peng Chi said to talk about the expansion of our mainland?"

"The expansion is conducive to the market, but will reduce the profit. In the past few years, the expansion of the mainland has led to the profit of the entire LCD panel market, and it may not be a good thing for the entire industry."

"What should I do in Peng General?"

"I think that this year will stop and expand the expansion, put more energy and financial resources in lifting quality and extension applications."

"Peng always thinks that our big-style product quality is not?"

Peng Carma shook his head, "Of course, the quality of the LCD panel of the big wind and electricity is naturally nothing, but there are several LCD panel companies in the mainland. These companies are mixed.

And now the current trade war, the overall demand is falling, this time is steady and stable, and the quality of the pull is a good choice. "

Meng Qian nodded, "Peng always said that I think of a piece."

"Meng Gong really has a distance."

"Since everyone thinks together, then I will talk about our cooperation plan."

Peng Shuangyu's heart is happy, "Meng always said."

"Many LCD panels in mainland our wind groups are actually shareholders, so we are going to further increase the proportion of shares in several companies. At the same time, we acquire friends, from our strong wind groups, and integrate tripartite resources. , The quality standards of the overall product are raised, and the development of the next market is based on the development of the market. "

Peng Carma has been smiling, suddenly, "Meng Tong, acquisition of Friends ... I am afraid ..."

Meng Qian scored Peng Sang, he said, "Peng Shi should know my habits, I will not receive 100%, I just need to control, the existing team will not move, Peng is still CEO, just to facilitate everyone Cooperation."

Peng Carler hard squeezes, "Meng Da, we can spend money to buy the technology of the wind group."

"When the LCD panel wars, the friendly can't support it. I know that Samsung betrayed you or found a Samsung help and gave Samsung a shares.

The bookmates used in the books have been hung, and now they are basically using \ \ \ \ \ Read \ App \\.

After the Samsung's desolate, he redeems the shares of the Samsung's hands back. How, our wind group is better than a Samsung who is betrayed over? "

"But ... The current developments are not bad, and I can't agree with the company at this time."

"You Da's development is not bad? Are you sure? You feel that the current Frienda and mainland enterprises have been developing, who is more than one?

Do you think 8% market share, the mainland company eats? "

"Meng always does not have to promote cooperation and winning? Is it a bit couldn't help but I can't help but don't sell our technology on this matter?" Peng Carma is a bit can't help.

"Peng always laughed, you are willing to spend money to buy our technology, we will only sell, I just thought Peng always really wants to do the friend Da, and come over with Peng Chambers.

It seems that I understand is wrong. If Peng always wants to develop himself, then I also expect Friends to give me a surprise, Peng He is relieved, our technology you want to buy, do not have obstacles.

Now Yida's obstacles are not our big wind group. "

Peng Cream wrinkled, he understood Meng Qian, so there was no call.


After Meng Qian went, Peng Carler opened a meeting with the company.

"What does this Meng Qian mean? Revenge?"

"When we continental relationship with the mainland, Meng Qian has been remembering."

"The mainland has become the world's largest liquid crystal panel production base, and the global high-end OLED LCD panel is uniquely output, and basically achieves the world's first LCD panel single-country internal industrial chain.

Look at the neon, although we know that they are secretly, but they are already relying on Huaxia Technology, Goromiism, Samsung makes the news of the wind group to enter the shares.

Even if you retaliate, they also have a refund!

We now don't do a good relationship with the mainland LCD panel, what can we still have?

Even if Meng Qian is threatening today, what can we do? "

"Can we rely on yourself?"

Peng Carma laughed, and the high-rise of Youda also laughed.

Meng Qi's biggest obstacle is not a wind group, that is, remind us, the big environment has changed.

If we just want to be ambigenous, maybe there is a chance, but if we really want to develop friends ... "

"You are sure, Meng Qiankan makes us union?" Someone suddenly asked, "Meng Qian suddenly came to the province, why, everyone has not figured it out."

The office is inserted into silence.


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