Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 918 Resting shrimp evolution

After TSMC, the media began to pass a small road, and these small news messages were unified, all of which were threatened by Meng Qian to threaten the power of Intel.

TTEM is threatened by Meng Qian as a state of Technology, and the topic is exploding.

On the Internet, some people support the wind group counterattack, think that there is no crime of counterattack, but there are also many people who have been able to accept the threat of Meng Qian, indicating that it is absolutely unacceptable, and must be with the wind group.

This is also Zhang Zhongmei wants to see.

The heat of the topic has soared, and more people involved in the discussion, many TV stations have changed the recent content to Meng Qian threatening this.

Among them, a TV station held a debate after one day, and experts who supported the wind group were the long-lost drunken shrimp.

Wenli is sitting opposite the other party experts, sitting in the middle of a man and a woman, and the host has asked the expert of Wenli, and asked the experts of Wenli Group in the simple narrative.

I saw the experts said proudly. .

If Taimu Electric chooses to listen to Meng Qian in this matter, then this is a matter of fighting morale, so we can absolutely can't allow such things, TSM is absolutely unable to listen to the wind group!

You must know that our provincial science and technology level is far more than the mainland. Our semiconductor and electronic manufacturing have always been the world's leading level. At least ten years of leading continents, the mainland is just a light moment, we can't let everyone feel Continental technology seems to be better than us! "

Wenlu Qun took a deep breath and screamed under the eyes of the three people. "You can't move your brain!"

A roaring, scared three people, and scared the audience.

"People are responsible for what they say.

Your words are really unbearable, I will talk to you first, you said that Taiwan Technology is at least ten years, then you only mention the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry?

So what is technology in your eyes? Technology is equal to semiconductor and electronic manufacturing?

I have to follow you, technology is far more than semiconductor and electronic manufacturing.

5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, quantum technology, laser technology, super rice, super computer, aerospace, drone, etc., this is technology, please tell me, which one we are now ratio in these science and technology Can you get the mainland?

People's space station must be put into use, you said that we lead ten years? Is the province to go to the Mars?


say something! ? "

The opposite expert was forced by the literary group, and he only felt the brain.

Wenli Group does not give the other person to consider time, continue to say, "You have to talk about our technical technology, I will give you a good, our technology is more advantageous.

Precision machinery represented by Frienda Industrial Group is our technology advantage, but the friend Industrial Group is now using the system of wind groups.

LCD panel companies represented by Youda are our technological advantages, but our high-end market has less than 5%, with 21% of overall market share, and the overall market share of the mainland is 59%, almost three times from us.

The petrochemical industry represented by Taocard is our advantage. We have listed the best in the world.

The industrial control equipment industry represented by Delta Electron is our advantage. It is fortunate to be a supplier ranked 67th in the construction of the smart factory in Great wind group, contributing 3% of non-core components in the construction of China's smart grid.

Also do I continue to say? "

The opposite expert is a bit slow, watching the documents held by the Wenli group, "But you may not deny our semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industry advantage!"

"Well, let's take a look at our semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry, first look at the electronic manufacturing industry.

At present, the world's largest electronic foundry is a sophisticated, the world's second largest electronic foundry is BYD. The third largest electronic foundry in the world is the great strength of Singapore, the world's fourth largest electronic foundry factory is wind electronics, the fifth world The big generation factory finally turned to Fuji in our province.

And now the order in the fast-moving smart home appliance is almost no such provincial enterprises, almost all concentrated in mainland companies and Singapore enterprise hands.

Smartphone is not more useful, the only computer foundry is also walking down in these two years, you tell me, where is our electronic manufacturing advantage? "

"We have not only available, we still have a brand!"

"Brand? You told me that there are still several electronic product brands that can get world countertops now?

We used to have a lot of well-known electronic brands, but now we have sold all HTCs, and ASUS has almost become a final brand, and you talk to me? "

The opposite expert was built by Wenli, and the Wenli Group continued. "I will talk to you again, the semiconductor production process representative of the province is our TSM, but TSM has been walking in the wind for two consecutive years. The semiconductor is behind, this is recognized by the world. Do you want to deny?

Again the chip design, these years, the design level of the provincial chip design is rapidly declining, and there is almost no one who can take the chip design enterprise, which is revealed that the mainland, not only the wind semiconductor, but also the Huawei, there is a violet and other enterprises.

By the way, talking about purple light, violently developed in the middle and low-end chip market in the past few years, and it has won the large continental chip market. Our unit of power has declined for five consecutive years.

There is also this key data, the mainland has now achieved 80% of the semiconductor industry chain, and it also plans to achieve 90% of the chip of 90% of domestic terminals in 2025. Semiconductors in the province go to the mainland?

What are you more than?

Has been, people like you like to take semiconductor and electronic manufacturing with the mainland to compare technology levels, which is in a crap, nothing more than deliberately not talking about the mainland's strength technology, focusing on their soft ribs, self-deception!

Even in the past two years, I also have a small power supply and a Honghai. It is said that the provincial technology level is higher than the mainland. It is no wonder that people say that we are the frog in the bottom!

Is it not lost?

What's more, now you have more than the semiconductor and electronic manufacturing industry!

You actually said in 2018, our technology leads the mainland for ten years. Do you want to make the people of the provinces for a long life? ! "

The roaring of Wenli Group gave this debate greater look, online many netizens joked, drunken shrimps evolved, entered the second state, roaring and drunk shrimp.

The opposite experts naturally cannot be admitted, take out the data ready, "TSMC, Unit, Union, Sun Moonlight, Silicon, Wonderful Optoelectronics, Lian Yu, Rui, Li Jing, Huaya, South Asia, Hong Kong Sea Precision, Shuo Ji, Renbao Computer, Guangda Computer, Weft Conduct, Jia Shida Technology, Yingxida, Why Tailing Tailing Tailing is Hohai?

I will show you the influence of these companies ... "

"You don't have to move so many corporate data." Wenlu Qun directly interrupted, "I will give you a data first. This is the top ten enterprises in our province, namely Tajor, Honghai, Tai Plasticization, China Telecom , Guotai Finance, South Asia, Taiwan Plastic, Taishi, Daguang, Fubon Finance.

The Great Breeze Group plays a largest shareholder of Da Li Guang in 8 companies.

What big wind group threatens to reach now, is it meaningful?

What is the current wind group really threatened?

Recognize the reality, we must do it now in cooperation with mainland enterprises, you will continue to provoke here, will only force Taiwan technology to force the desperation! "

If the Wenli group, everyone realizes that he is actually thinking about the province, but he recognizes the reality and recognizes the way out.

This allows more people to listen to him.

Public opinion has not developed toward Zhang Zhong.


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