Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 919 Escape Foxconn

"The words of Wenli gathered to have a lot of people." On the evening, Sun Xiaomi brushed online comments in Meng Qian.

"It should also be thorny. If there is no courage to face the reality, it is impossible to develop." Meng Qian put the mobile phone on the side. I didn't intend to watch the Internet.

"The news of BYD, BYD came to the news." He Yazing sitting on the side was excited to take the phone to Meng Qian.

Meng Qian's lazy body immediately got up, and immediately contacted Fang Chen immediately, "cooperate with BYD."

"I know."

Recently, there is a very high temperature in the mainland. That is Foxconn to confirm that it is no longer to give Huawei. This is a high temperature. What is Foxconn?

Samsung fell to the smartphone field, the greatest, Huawei, after all, Huawei's product line, better than Hongmeng, and also means that Huawei's orders rapidly increase.

Under this big background, on the one hand, the wind electron with BYD orders may be insufficient. On the other hand, it is also considering that it can be more cooperative with Honghai, and the two years will be part of the order. Give Foxconn, which is obviously a good news for this time and space of Foxconn.

But what many people are expected, this time and space of Foxconn actually refuses to give Huawei because everyone knows, this is a bit overestimated, or too, too much listening to some people.

Huawei migrates the order to the wind electronics and BYD, of course, Huawei's order supply has therefore troubles, but the days of Foxconn is not good, and there is no new order to make up, so that Foxconn The news to close some factories to close in the mainland.

In general, this thing about Huawei is still within the controlled range, and the influence of Foxconn is still a big bigger, and it is as follows, and there is a message in the head of Foxconn. .

On July 20th, BYD announced cooperation with Apple and won Apple orders.

At this time, Apple orders have not been so significant. You can have a major significance for Foxconn. Foxconn is lacked by core Party A, Apple is for them, although the order is not another time and space, but Apple orders are Foxconn A bond with rice companies.

However, this link suddenly broke out at this moment, and it was a key moment of refusing to Huawei to Huawei. Apple did this to directly push Foxconn to the most embarrassing situation, and Foxconn anger the anger value.

"Why?" Lao Guo contacted Cook in the first time.

Cook said quietly, "Mr. Guo, Foxconn's recent situation is less stable, especially the supplier, and we still want to choose a more robust option after doing a deep survey.

Previous OLED screens have given us a certain amount of trouble, we don't want to have problems again. "

Lao Guo is a bit angry. "What is the trouble we encounter in the mainland is not because Huawei this guided roster? If it is not because of Huawei, what can we now have?

As a result, now you tell me partners? "

Cook is still the tone. "Our Apple has never requested Fuji Rehabilitation to China."


"Mr. Guo, we are now just as a new choice, and the contract with Foxcon has continued, and we will also choose to choose our apple according to the situation. If Foxconn can handle the problem of good eyes I believe we are still the main partner. "

Cook, there is no way to say that he will check the situation behind him first, because Cook said the supply chain problem, he has to know how the supply chain has a problem.

I don't need them to check it in a few days, because things are slowly exposed.

Foxconn, wind electronics, BYD's supplier overlap rate is very high, in recent time, suppliers have begun to biaquately supply to wind electronics and BYD.

Most of the company's facial reason is that wind electronics and BYD have a large demand, and the priority supply is normal.

However, there are also corporate directions: Foxconn suddenly breaking the behavior of China is to violate market rules, and people in cooperation with such corporate do not feel safe, we will gradually weaken cooperation between Foxconn.

The supplier began to escape Foxconn, because there are wind electrons and BYD's existence, the mainland does not need to rely on Foxconn to pull the industrial chain, which is a good thing to pull the industry chain by wind electronics and BYD to the mainland.

The reality said, the development of Foxconn, there is indeed a certain industrial chain influence in the early years, but now there is no alternative, but it has also been in the end of the year. Now if it is unloaded, if it is unloaded, it is indeed true that it is true. No need to do this.

Originally, the Foxconn is a little more, and it is necessary to go to Huawei, which is not a way. This time, since you are not reliable, then you will decide to kick you out.

As for employment, Foxconn is now eating, and then eats.

The entire Foxconn is busy.

"So this is because Huawei incident?"

"You can only say that Huawei is a guided rocker, but it is also forced to do this for Huawei. If it is not facing pressure, we will not do this, who can think of them will be so big."

"Do you think? Australia's situation, what do you forget? Look at the current world environment, even the British companies do not easily take the Chinese business, the company here is also smart, the TTEG has been in the same time. Mediation, or if this time Meng Qian is pressing pressure on TSM, TSM is completely around.

Why did you be so easy to make Huawei? "

Everyone faces each other, some people have a small voice, "At that time ... everyone's attention is more in Huawei ..."

Old Guo suddenly realized that "You just think Huawei is bullied? You! I haven't understood it yet. The mainland companies are wearing a pants, especially what West Lake will!

What is the fact plant on the mainland? "

"If you can't solve the problem, you will have to close several plants late."

"Stating this ... The deep city may no longer continue to give us a policy bonus."


"Whether it is from employment or industry, wind electronics and BYD are better than we perform ... and wind electronics and BYD are in the upstream period, it can take us ... our space is fill in on."

Lao Guo pinched his head and suddenly felt very tired, but things were not finished yet.

"Not good." The secretary suddenly came to the office.

"what happened?"

"HP suddenly said that all the orders gave us to wind, Xiaomi also said that I would like to give our orders to BYD, more and more brands, are escaping from Foxconn ..."

"Why are they doing this?"

"I am afraid, it is the wind group to do the feet!"

Foxconn's news began a wide range of propagation in Taiwan, which triggered a lot of discussion.

"What is Foxcon I think? I was weak, and I actually rushed to the front to deal with Huaxia Enterprise."

"This is prejudice, so many companies in Taiwan, there will always be such a family, this time is Fujikang hits the muzzle."

"TSMC, Foxconn, Frienda, Meng Qian came to Taiwan a few days, and stir the Taiwan ..."

"Meng Qian has not planned to go, don't know what happens to the next ..."


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