Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 921 EU Trilled Chip Alliance

When Meng Qian told Sun Xiaomi in the province of Taixiang, Gu Junhui was carrying out the company's legal team in Europe.

Just a few days ago, Gu Junhui invited STMic Ceo Carlo Bosoti, Yingfine CEO Lenhad Plus and other European chip enterprise CEOs met together.

Everyone guess the purpose of Gu Junhui, and when they saw Gu Junhui, I realized that there was no speculation because Gu Junhui today's dialogue is very straightforward.

Gu Junhui came up and asked, "Everyone, the OLED screen event between our wind group and Apple did not know what everyone did?"

"The counterattack of certain strength can increase the chips of negotiations, and the wind group is also in maintenance of his own interests."

Bozoti said in a big wind group, but Gu Junhui shook his head. "In fact, we have a purpose of our counterattack, that is, I hope everyone can see a matter.

The construction of rice companies in China has room for the pressure of our Huaxia, and this room is to maximize their interests as much as possible. "

Gu Junhui looked at everyone to know that they understood, and then further turned the words. "In the confrontation of the company for so long, many companies in Europe can say that they are forced to involve.

At present, there are some companies in Europe that have taken some unfavorable measures to our Huaxia 's business, and even the exchanges of some companies in China, the result is that these companies have lost orders.

So, where is European companies lost orders?

I went to two places, first, I was tonic by our Huaxia Enterprises, and this thing is still normal.

But interesting is that Europe's lost order, there is also part of the company in the company, is it particularly outrageous?

Just as the STMicroelectronics no longer gives Huawei to provide server chips, IBM has recently cooperated with Huawei to talk about server chips.

Let's come to the situation, the company invites European companies to suppress our Huaxia Enterprises, and ultimately, our Huaxia's interests are damaged, and the interests of European enterprises are damaged. The interests of rice companies are damaged but through a so-called tolerance policy, ultimately Make a certain loss.

Finally, the purpose of the company's company is reached. As for European companies, they have lost the Huaxia market, and they have not received a half advantage from the rice company.

Of course, there is an explanation inside that it is because the pressure of the Chinese company has caused damage to the interests of rice companies, and some so-called tolerance policies to the company are in stabilizing these enterprises.

What is the problem is, who will stabilize the emotions of European companies? Who makes up for all European companies lost this? Why don't anyone give Europe's so-called tolerance policy? "

"Mr. Gu has a wording that is wrong." Posa immediately accepted the company, "they didn't invite us to hurry your Huaxia, but threatened us to fight your Huaxia."

Seeing Ploshi is also willing to talk about it, Gu Junhui knows that today's negotiations will basically be smooth, because he heard anger in Pos.

So Gu Junhui said more directly, "So everyone is certainly aware that European companies are abandoning throughout the incident, you are pushed to the forefront, and finally your soldiers sacrifice, those who pushed you to the most The front line is sitting in it.

Just like this so-called tolerance policy, if our Huaxia company is really striking, the biggest beneficiary is not certainly not a European company. If our Huaxia's company is not pressed, people can rely on the tolerance policy. stable.

European companies can't go on like this? "

"What is the idea or suggestion?"

"The relationship between China's China has also been very nice, and the cooperation between China's enterprises and European companies is also deepening, and the big cooperation environment and cooperation foundation is in this, so I will come to the semiconductor this time. Everyone talks about it again.

Because the current science and technology war, the semiconductor is a pioneer, but the recent situation in the Semiconductor in Mi-Dynasty should be very clear. Intel has had to find a tower to find it, and our Meng Gong, recently being toned to Taiwan with Taiwan. Total contact. "

Everyone is sensitive to see a look, Ploth asked, "What does Tajimad electric do?"

"TSMC does use an infringement product, and it is inevitable, but TSM is not willing to order the orders of the rice chip company, but it ... If our mainland semiconductor enterprise and European semiconductor enterprises can supplement the Loss of the Type of Power IT Semiconductor Enterprise Order, things It is not the same. "

Bozodi's consciousness, "Mr. Gu does not look forward to our European semiconductor companies?"

"The restriction behavior of Miki companies did empty out a large market, I don't believe that European companies don't want to make this money.

But why some companies want to make this money but do not earn, just like Mr. Pross, because they have been threatened.

So why is it threatened?

The problem is in the years of European semiconductor enterprises, because you need to rely on rice technology, I hope you don't mind how to talk.

If your core technology does not need to rely on others, if you have your own core competitiveness, what is the threat?

Therefore, all the roots are in the capacity of the European semiconductor industry. Now the best development direction is the fast collection force in Europe, focusing on the semiconductor industry, as long as European semiconductor is out of threat, is it afraid of no market?

Why is it cheaper with the tolerance policy of rice?

I came to Europe this time, I want to ask if I have this heart. If there is, our wind group is looking forward to cooperating with you, and we have established a fair semiconductor global development pattern with everyone.

If not, it's just a chat. "

In fact, I have been able to listen to some intelligence before Gu Junhui, I know that Europe is planning some things, that is, the EU trillion chip alliance that was originally waiting for two years.

Since European companies have found that the company has a so-called tolerance policy, it is already very hot, plus the environment that is incomingly, European companies are also seeking.

The EU trillion chip alliance is the EU chip alliance that is forced under various internal and external environments. It is the 17 international joint established in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. It plans to invest 145 billion euros to study semiconductors in 2-3 years. Technical cooperation alliance.

17 countries are jointly signed the "European Processor and Semiconductor Science Program Joint Declaration", which is designed to bypass the Semiconductors of the rice country, and improve the competitiveness of European countries in the chip industry.

In 2018, the EU trillion chip alliance is still in the negotiation period, but everyone's ideas have been, Gu Junhui is coming to stimulate them, especially with TSM.

At this time, Intel has had to rely on TSMC to help the chip under 10nm. If the TSM is refused to be Intel Separation, if the Taiwan Power is willing to make the European semiconductor company, a key chance of the European semiconductor momentum is like this!

Coupled with the relationship between Hua Europe and the absolute strength of the Great Breeze Group, the attitude of European countries quickly moved.

Not long, the EU 12 countries launched a joint statement, indicating that the EU will cooperate to create a 100% determination of the mean chip production line.

The EU's trillion chip alliance has also entered an acceleration state, and there are eight nine-nine will come in advance in this time and space.

It is the unfairness of the direct point-to-capacity policy of some Some semiconductor companies in Europe, which requires Miragua to a European enterprise.

At the same time, many semiconductor companies in Europe have said that Asa does infringe in Shanghai Micrograde, so they will no longer purchase Aswhel moment, follow-up to buy Shanghai micro-mechanics or Canon's lightning machine.


Back to TSMC, TSMC has become a catalyst that promotes the development of EU semiconductor. Similarly, the EU Semiconductor Development Alliance intentionally stimulates TSMP.

After specific understanding of Europe, Zhang Zhongmou's expression is not so tangled.

European companies have taken the lead in opposing Asa infringement, European companies cooperation development to create greater possibilities in the future European semi-body size, and the European began to clearly point to the semiconductor rules in Miki, these things are Äget up.

At this time, TSMC speaking, there is also a sound of the EU for his front, not to mention, Taiji electricity is not necessary to turn it with rice.

At the end of July, Taixiao Electricity Statement said that after the docking of the Great Breenery Group's legal team, TSMC accepts the reconciliation, which will end the cooperation with Asak.

As for Intel's orders, TSMC has begun to take a delay tactics.

TSMC does not want to be criminalized, standing on the wind group to dragging the European companies.

But as Meng Qian said, as long as the Taixue is willing to drag, it is a huge blow to Intel.

There is no 10nm or less process production technology, once lost to the work of Thai power, there is no alternative to choose ...

In particular, the next European is still working with Huaxia. It is okay to be in the past few years.

Global semiconductors will be completely rewritten.

At the end of July, Intel stocks fell by 12%, and the Semiconductor market in the rice country was stunned.


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