"Huaxia, Europe, and neon have opened the semiconductor development plan. The goal is to go to rice, what do you think about this?"

"Is Tumer Electric will temporarily order? If the TSM is confirmed, when can I break through the 10nm process?"

"It is said that this platform has been influenced by Qualcomm IBM and other enterprises. As the most powerful chip company, Intel, what is going on next?"

"Is Intel still the world's greatest chip company, is Intel still have the ability to go to the wind semiconductor?"


A bunch of reporters interpacted Capanik, Kz Annik can only choose silence, he doesn't know how to respond.

It's hard to rush out of the heavy, Kz Annik rushes to IBM.

"What is the situation above, why don't you change after the last conversation?" Costiann couldn't help but complain.

"It's not changed, according to I understand, there will be some changes, but this change does not necessarily benefit our technology enterprises."

Kuz Annik consciously looked at Romei's eyes, "Wall Street experienced the repair of approaching for ten years, gradually gotten."

"Is there any intention? And I have a question. Several companies have started working a few years ago, and everyone jointly develops together to promote chip development speed. Why is it in such a joint, Intel still can't go Front of wind semiconductor? "

Côte d'Ivanik's expression is very difficult, "Actually ... we have been much better than the earliest expected development."

Kz Annik is indeed very helpless, and Intel's development on the 10nm + route is indeed faster than once. The cooperation between the rice companies does not have a white fee. If the horizontal contrasts the other time and space, the cooperation of this strong join in Miki is obviously The role.

The problem is that it is slow to go to the wind group in this time and space. Slowly in the direction a few years ago, slow in the absolute attention to the EUV lightning machine.

In several key issues, it has been slow, causing the cooperation of Semiconductor companies in the rice country, still behind the EUV process.

Although the global process contrast Intel is still not necessarily a strong wind semiconductor, who will patiently listen to you to explain your 10nm + series.

Terminal smart products are now needed, and the process acceleration is not a process precipitate. This is the status quo.

"Now there is no opponent, all the allies will gradually go to us, what should we do?" Romei sighed, he always felt that IBM had to experience a recession in her hand.

But Romei didn't realize that Costiannik's expression is even more disturbing, if Intel fell in his hand, it will be a lot.


The chip pattern begins to turn turmoil, the market is not allowed to put the attention on the system.

If Microsoft follows Intel, the global science and technology pattern changes are more uncertain.

However, the subjectivity of the system is relatively large, the same system, some people feel good, some people feel bad, many times can only be more than market share, but in the past few years, the data is not unified, can't see anything.

However, Bill Gates received an interview and straightforward, "We can no longer continue this global strategy, especially for Huaxia's strategy, we will only prompt Huaxia Technology to become more powerful."

Bill Gates chose public evidence, just like another time and space, just in this time and space, his voice is even more helpless, more sad, more angry.


Meng Qian let Xiao Bo knows the recent trend of the company, and he is in the province. On August 5th, Meng Qian personally went to the acquisition intention to acquire the intention of the acquisition.

TSMC's decision, Hon Hai Foxconn's encounter, frienda's compromise, the cooperation of Datong Group, the construction of the wind and electronics, and Meng Qian will recognize the reality from five perspectives, and completed him from the five angles. An important stage of layout of the province.

In the next 20 years, everyone may remember this summer.


After returning to Hangzhou, Meng Qian has dealtted two days in the office. On August 7, Xiao Bo was also returned from Europe.

"This time I have worked hard, you helped me a big busy."

Xiao Bozhen immediately shook his head and did not want to invite his strength. "Europe himself had this idea, I just stimulate them, help them put all things to the countertop, essentially I don't have much."

"After this incident, I will be able to become a global trend."

"Every time I'm going to this time, Mi State also does not change foreign policy?" Xiao Bo is a bit unintererated.

"Who knows, I don't change it, and Europe's current attitude is enough to have a big batch of people's ideas. OK, you go back to rest first."

"it is good."

After Xiao Bo went back to rest, Meng Qian continued to deal with work, and it was on August 9th. One news was smashed. Mi Dang has passed the Chinese students to speak, and a stone arouses thousands of waves.

Sun Xiaomi quickly came to Meng Qian's office, "Meng Zheng, the sky, the sky is full of heaven, and the Chinese students in China will not smell the whole Western history, the explosion of public opinion is in front of you."

"Do you have any idea?"

"Grab the people!"

"How to grab people? How to grab?"

"The country is going to travel out of our Huaxia students, and we will go to grab these students."

Meng Qian also hopes to, but Meng Qian has to show regrets, "education this thing, involve too much, especially higher education.

I have been working for 18 years, I finally changed some major environments, and I created Xihu University. I have been very satisfied, but I still have to recognize the facts, and our higher education roots are still weak.

In the future, there will be more and more international students no longer choose to choose Rice, but they can choose from the University of Britain, Germany, and France. We must grab, I am afraid it is difficult, or I want to attract talents. "

Sun Xiaomi suddenly means a deep smile. "It is not necessary to grab people back, or you can be robbed."


Sun Xiaoyi gave a close to Meng Qian said his own ideas, Meng Qian can not help but smile, "You are in helping rice."

Sun Xiaomi also laughed. "These words, Mi Dang listened to it indeed helping the country, but if Miki can't hear, it is the biggest ridicule, and will plant a seed in many people."

"Then you are not worried about they listen?"

"The world's large environment changes to this point they don't change the strategy, they can listen to a ghost."

"Hahahaha." Meng Qian laughed a few times, "Sun Jie is now more interesting."


Since August 9th, it is not only Huaxia, not only this extreme discussion on the Chinese students, gradually spread to India, Southeast Asia, or even Europe.

After all, India and Southeast Asian students are not good. Europe is not afraid of the attitude of lively. It takes advantage of this opportunity to show how good European students studying in Asia, welcome more Asia to go to Europe.

Wait until August 12, Meng Qian's hyacinth suddenly published an article: "Customer Order".

The cover of the article is Li Si's "Branding Order".

"The reason why rice is strong is precisely because of the world, the world can, and set the glory of the world.

The reason why rice is sustainable is because it knows how to take it in talents, use it to talents, and put talent as a guest, giving talents.

Haina Baichuan, there is a big, and the country has proved to the world to prove that open inclusion is a strong fundamental. In contrast, it is often easy to destroy the Great Wall.

For decades, overseas talents have established a fruitful fruit, conscientiously, and resentment, and they want, just a stable.

Bathn has said that there is no national world, but scientists have national borders, and a sentence triggers long-term dispute.

In my opinion, many people did not understand this sentence, science and scientists, this is two concepts, with the increase in the global cooperation projects in these two years, everyone should gradually realize the meaning of science.

The science itself should not have national borders, and scientists, the moment is the national boundaries.

The problem is that for scientists's prejudice, it may lead to the development of national borders.

Because of whether science has national borders, its core is the opening of strong countries, the peace of the world.

For the development of science, we are looking forward to the scientific environment in a bank, and in order to better maintain the development of the unordian science, we need to respect the respect for scientists, respect for talents.

But recently, things are developing a bad direction.

Although the wind group has encountered some troubles, we still hope that the big country can have a big country, and there is a big country to be awarded.

The ship line is thousands of miles, no water is not going, and water can be boat, and it can also take the boat.

Therefore, whether it is from a country, it is still from the development of science and technology, or from a smooth point of view of the world, I hope that the big country will no longer have extreme prejudice.

Although more than 2000 years have passed, many situations are already, but "the customer orders" may have a place worth exploring.

May people don't need to panic again, and the world will be detached as soon as possible. "


As Sun Xiaomi said, if the country can listen to these words, it is helping them, but the problem is ...

Meng Qian issued asked the night, Mi Dynasty twitched news: the greatness of the rice does not need the Chinese people.

Meng Qian once again turned his own tweet trumpet and hurriedly greeted.


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