Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 932 Quality Standard

After the public opinion, the Western media, especially the rice media suddenly came down, but the Chinese is even more lively.

"How many people have?"

"It's basically coming on the list." Sun Xiaomi gave a list to Meng Qian.

Huaxia Enterprise This time has many reasons why the muscles in the world's artificial intelligence conference, one of the reasons is to further stabilize the world's artificial intelligence standards.

Xiao Bo saw some hearts, "this time I saw the absolute influence in the artificial intelligence, some countries were still determined, and there were signed an agreement, and now we launched the world artificial intelligence standard organization already It is the absolute world unified standard. "

"What is the reaction on the side of the country?"

"I haven't heard anything yet."

"Then go with them, we are preparing to dinner."


On September 28, Meng Qian set up a dinner in Hangzhou, and the representative from more than 60 national intelligence and the Cloud Computing Standards Association, of which 16 of the EU is full, including the UK that is going to EU.

"The Great Breeze Group plays a pivotal role in every critical moment of artificial intelligence development."

"Artificial intelligence can have a big wind group today."

"After the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, no one will deny that the wind group and the artificial intelligence level of Huaxia."

At the beginning of the dinner, many people have come to hold a few words, Meng Qian smiled and accepted these, anyway.

After the three patrols, Meng Qian suddenly issued, "I feel that the establishment of the world's artificial intelligence standard organization has played a very important role in the development of artificial intelligence?"

"Of course, the standard unity reduces a large amount of resources, and the interoperability of global smart products, the standard first is a very favorable measures."

"Since everyone recognizes the establishment of artificial intelligence world standards, then I have to say that artificial intelligence is inseparable from cloud computing, but now cloud computing is still lacking a world-class standard organization."

Meng Qian's words made everyone face each other, no one wants to accept the first time, but I still want to come out, Dubai's representative is excited, "Mr. Meng said correct, artificial intelligence and cloud Calculating this is the technology of synchronous development. If the cloud computing standard is confusing, the development of artificial intelligence is also a drag. "

"Yeah, since everyone is willing to promote the unified establishment of artificial intelligence standards, it should also promote the unified establishment of cloud computing standards." Singapore's representative immediately accepted, "Now everyone is gathering together, it is better to explore this thing. "

Seeing Dubai and Singapore's representatives such as such a positive response, more and more national stations have been recognized, since the World Artificial Intelligence Standards organize, Huaxia has always adhered to the attitude of fair and fair and open inclusive, never violates the organizational regulations. Everyone is Establishing an attitude of the World Cloud Computing Standards Organization is also active.

Although it will further strengthen the global influence of Huaxia Technology, what can I do? People are really amazed in this area.

Seeing everyone on this issue, Meng Qian smiled further, "In addition to the standard unity of cloud computing, I still have something to listen to everyone."

Everyone has ears, "Mr. Meng, please."

"After the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, many people on the Internet are questioning a data. That is, only more than 3,000 artificial intelligent companies in the conference are like Hangzhou netizens saying that Hangzhou artificial intelligent companies are more than 3,000. Home."

"That is what they don't understand this statistical standard."

Someone should have a sentence, Meng Qian did not even hear who responded, the way, "is" true, but this also responds to a problem, ordinary people resolve the resolution of artificial smart products is actually very weak.

Now everyone buy artificial intelligence related products is often a recognition brand. It is a purpose of this conference to understand that the artificial intelligence era is a hundred flowers. It is an era of creating new myths. The giant enterprise cannot do anything. Startup companies are not likely to follow soup.

A problem will occur, it is tight, and it is full.

In the past two years, we have seen many companies hanging from artificially intelligent titles, and the products that are doing artificial intelligence are an insult.

How do consumers think? In such an era of artificial intelligence, we don't say any consumers who have been trying to pay for innovative payments, and we can only be deceived by some unscrupulous companies. "

Everyone is silent, everyone understands Meng Qian, and it seems that I don't understand Meng Qian, until the neon representative directly asked out, "Mr. Meng is thinking?"

Meng Qian is serious and firm and firm, "" Building a quality standard of intelligent product! "

The scene is completely silent, Meng Qian knows that everyone will have this reaction, continue to say, "Of course, the quality standard of smart product is not a thing that can be done directly to the board today, but I have to say this to you, because I want to remind you that this standard is a smart product, everyone is going to participate.

The future of smart products is very wide. When you take Neon, now many smart products have been deeply done in everyday, then these products can use the current product quality standards?

I thought for a long time, I think it is not.

For example, existing product quality standards can be managed on materials, and problems are now intelligent.

Everyone must understand that a maximum hidden danger in the intelligent era is that intelligence is likely to be implied, just like a lot of criminals use smart voice technology to imitate the voice of others.

Once smart technology is applied to the product manufacturing, this hidden danger is very large.

So how do these people who promote manual intelligence developing these harm?

So I think we should now develop smart product standards that are specially intelligent, through professional testing methods, targeted management intelligent products, intelligent technology, and to ensure the direction of intelligent products to facilitate consumers.

What do you think? "

Meng Qian said these words, how many strong words are marked, but it can be reasonable. As long as there is reason to be reasoning, there is a value of discussion.

The dinner did not have a conclusion on this issue, but after the dinner technology, the representatives of all countries couldn't help but discuss this topic.

"How do you see for the quality of intelligent product proposed by Meng Qian?"

"Meng Qian is really sparing for this matter in promoting the influence of Huaxia Science and Technology, but this product quality standard is too significant."

"Meng Qian wants is a balance, product quality has always been dominated by Omi, now promoting the quality standard of global intelligent products, can be slightly balanced, but said."

"In fact, I think this is a good thing. You think that Huaxia Technology is bailing rice technology, helping the world, and everyone has a better environment in the technical field than before.

Anyway, the end of this matter is the balance, from Huaxia rushing in front to help us, do we sit? "

"But quality standards this thing can poked the interests of Europe, I am afraid they will not agree."

The European representative at this time is indeed more tangled together.

"Meng Qian wants to have a little too much."

"But those representatives are not clear this evening? In addition to our European representatives, other representatives are supported. If we don't agree, they will directly engage in an Asian intelligent product standard, are we not more trouble?"

"Yeah, we now agree that at least you can also account for the right to speak."

"Do you have found that all now have a cognition of a consciousness, that is, it is not to provoke China."

Everyone did a few laughs after seeing it, "" It is really a bit unnecessary. "


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