The pressure of this thing is not on the side of the wind group, and Meng Qian has a relatively easy, comfortable to sleep.

However, Meng Qian was woken up in the morning.

"Old Xiao, what happened?"

"Meng Ge, the Great Breeze Group, the rice branch is sealed."

"What are you talking about?" Meng Qi Hai woke up.

"The rice branch is sealed."


"Old routine, safety."

Meng Qian took the eye from the quilt, "send the specific situation first on my mobile phone."

"Well, do you want to contact other people?"

"First wait for me to see the passage of things."

"it is good."


Meng Qian came from the room to the living room, a sinful book has passed to his mobile phone.

The sinful book details how the wind group (Mi State) violates security, including monitoring, stealing, spy, etc., the hat that can be buckled is basically buckled.

After confirming the details of the matter, Meng Qian made Xiao Bo shouted several core high-rise to get up, opened a video conference.

"Is this time for us in the company?" Fang Chen feels very inexplicable after reading all the news, "The global pattern has developed into this, what is the use of our company in the country?"

"People also know the name of the teacher." Xiao Bo saw a look, "You look at this sin, this is the reasons for the future actions for the future.

Our branch in the country has not been started. The key is that the 10,000 employment population makes them motivation, now they prefer these people, the strong attitude, this is not only inexplicable, but should cause us to attach great importance. "

Meng Qian is to recognize the view of Xiao Bo. I can't see this movement. "

"The blocked is the rice branch. Many things are in the country, we want to intervene a bit of trouble." Sun Xiaomi is more eye-catching, "Don't precend the Legal Department to see what can do."

"The Ministry of Levity must go, can not be so dry." Meng Qian took all the materials behind, "only all witness evidence was taken in his hand by the other party, and the Department of Legal in the past is also a lasting battle.

What they want to do must have done it. "

"Press the public on public opinion, just in the heart." Gu Junhui said that he was already prepared.

"There is no significance of fairness, you are excuse, you should do some regular reactions.

In short, everyone is ready, and there is definitely what is going to happen. "

The news of the Great Breeze Group's rice branch quickly spread, but like Meng Qian, this is to find an excuse. In fact, there is no judgment of most people, and the people who have anti-wind group began to support the wind. The Group's people do not believe in these so-called crimes, they are all in the online game.

On September 30, Meng Qian's phone has almost all day long, all of which came from European partners.

"European companies are really a bit troublesome." Xiao Bao also received a lot of calls, come over with Meng Qian.

It turned out that in these two days, European companies have suddenly surged in this matter with the Great Breeze Group, but it is only to say that the technology of rice companies cannot cooperate with the wind group, otherwise it is to disable 5G disabled. The skills such as hybrid are only "suggestions", I don't listen, just don't listen, just a little broken on your face.

But now, the European companies have a bit of megara with the wind group, which is about to face a comprehensive pressure. This pressure will exceed the ability of many companies.

"Isn't this going to tear your face with Europe?" Sun Xiaojing, which has also received a lot of calls, is hard to understand the situation under the eyes. What is the number of channels?

What is this ob eye-catching? Why do you want to make a relationship to Europe? "

"So I have always said that you still don't understand what habits are strong." Meng Qian still accepts this result, "people are indeed targeting us, just in their way.

After all, there is a big thing in the recent Europe. "

"Big things?" Xiao Bo saw Meng Qian's eyes and then reacted after a few seconds, "Europe established a trillion chip alliance!"

"So, this is a result that can be understood."

"Meng Tong! Meng!" At this time, the people of the market will knock in, "Alstom has been sentenced to a penalty of 1 billion m-yuan, and ... France has an accident!"

"What is France?"

Meng Qian looked at the latest news from the other party's hand, and immediately opened the tablet to Xiao Zhong Sun Xiaojing and others.

"France is the key leadership force of the new EU, and is now the most active promotion of European revival countries, which is too obvious."

"Crazy! It's really crazy!" Sun Xiaomi couldn't help but shook his head. "Is this really going to make the world to mess up? What friends do not have?"

"No matter how crazy, the problem is that the pressure has been placed there. If our company can't take any action to change this situation, they really can't help this pressure, and the last world has become a mess, we There will be no benefits. "

Sun Xiaojing brows, "We are only a private company, rising to such a height, what can we do?"

Meng Qian also fell into silence, just at this time, Gu Junhui knocked in, "Meng Qi, I just met anything."

"Let Ren Tong come in." Meng Qian did out, "I talk to everyone."


Meng Qian carefully looked at an eunish, "Ren Tong is not bad."

"The things happen, and the mood is not good."

"This is also, this time we are named, it is also a hard brother."

"It is worthy of being proud with the wind group." Ren Zheng did not laugh, "I don't know if Meng always has any intent."

"It is really difficult to say that the truth is really a bit, just like Sun Ma is here, we are just a business, some things are not we can."

Anyan is nodded. "I have recently paying attention to a thing, this September International has a saying called Hua Nai in September, starting from the beginning of the month, China is almost dialogue almost every day in Africa, and continuously signed three More than a dozen agreements, a round of all the way deep into the corners of Africa, and Hua African relations have moved to a new height.

As far as I know, the focus of Huaxia diplomacy in October will be placed in Asia, waiting until November ... "

Meng Qian seconds, "will you put it in Europe?"


Meng Qian thoughtfully thought for a while, "So I always think we should find a way to drag now?"

"This is also our only thing."

Meng Qian quickly got a note, "Then I will go to Mi National and stir, this matter is handed over to our wind group."

Ren Zheng did not smile and make Meng Qian's cool gesture. "This thing can't only give it to the wind group, you need to force together."

Meng Qian shakes the head, "I can involve less companies, I will involve it, anyway, we are now their biggest goal."

"Meng Hong, do you really think that there is any company can be alone? Do you think which company is the West Lake still doesn't have a list? Today, there will happen on the wind group, tomorrow will happen to Huawei, and will There happened to another Huaxian company, no one hid.

The other party is now so crazy measures, everyone will only increase the future risk behind the wind group, and now it is dragging the drag, but this drag is to be drum, a fatal! "

Meng Qian is relatively opposite, and there is no longer insisted after a few seconds. "I understand, then I don't have a hero, but the wind group can fight first."


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