During the National Day, there will be more and more in the Omi market, and Meng Qian will receive some apology from time to time, from all kinds of European companies, indicating that it is really unable to resist pressure, I have to terminate some orders first. Or suspend some cooperation, I hope Meng Qian understands.

Meng Qian naturally can't be old good people, but not to press the pressure, basically a faint back, let everyone have a good one.

On October 8th, the first day of the National Day holiday, Meng Qian released a message on the hand: In order not to bother others, we will listen to the list, if there is an omissions, welcome to supplement.

It is a list of lists along with this message.

The list listed on the list is a list of rice companies with trade or technology exchanges, and there are more than 1,000 companies.

The scientific and technological settings have always been targeted by high-end products. Medium and low-end products often have no strict restrictions. In addition, there are too many wind group products. In 2017, thousands of companies in Mi country will use the products of wind groups or Technology, there is also a very important point to the previously mentioned tolerance policies, and under the tolerance policy, the technology and products that are favorable from the company companies in the Catholic Policy begin to selectively flow into rice.

Now, Meng Qian put all the countertops and gave it to the world, and also gave the world.

After sending this hymn, it is 5 minutes, Meng Qian has issued a letter: according to the definition of our Great Breeze Group in accordance with the recent Niman Media, more than 1,000 companies have threatened the safety of rice, hoping that the country will seize as soon as possible. The people of the rice country are responsible.

"Why is there so many companies in the technology and product of the wind group?" In the face of the positive ridicule of Meng Qian, many people in the country gathered together to discuss this.

"In the past few years, domestic companies have been very active in replacing the technical and products of the wind group. It is the problem that we have begun to pay attention to the wind group, but the wind group has developed for more than a year in our rice market. .

It is really unrealistic to replace all enterprises in a year, and some companies may have just changed in 2016. Is it now changed now? Everyone also needs time to adjust. "

"But now these companies have become the big wind group threaten our chips! Let us now embarrass! Do you understand? I don't want to change, a group of selfish guys!"

"The essential problem of this matter is that the wind group is completely not intended to be the market in the rice country, this is what we didn't think of."

"Meng Qian ... he doesn't want to meet him in the rice market, and he will not let these companies have changed the technology."

"Can't do this, we have to protect the interests of local companies, otherwise they will make trouble.

And everything we do now is to hopes to suppress the development of Huaxia companies, not really don't intend to do business with Huaxia companies, this head can't open!

In this case, Huaxia Enterprise has learned the wind group ... This is troublesome. "

"You think that there are several corporate learning wind groups? The wind group is to know that your concerns are so arrogant, and it will definitely can't let him succeed! Let everyone change, and the government can make a part to them."

"However, there is still a problem here."

"what is the problem?"

"Some techniques and products I have heard that everyone is because they can't find alternatives, they have to find big wind groups. If you really do it, some companies will encounter great happening."

"Then let them find a way."

"The technology company has been very unstable for more than a year, and several giants have ran to Europe to talk about private cooperation, and we still have a relationship."

"Their question they should understand is that they are rice companies!"


A few days later, the Metricho, which used the wind group technology and the product, began to fully rectify the news.

"I am still quite embarrassed." Meng Qian looked at the news and laughed, "I'm going to hand."

"There is a countermeasure under policies, how is it possible to improve."

"But at least really did this, really suppressed our airweight." Meng Qian said, "people don't have to lose their faces."

"Poor companies, then we can only do this this trick?"

"Add a chip."

"Meng always plans to use which chips?"

"Since we are a completely unsafe company, then we should not be safe in the capital of rice?"

Shao Yao's face changed, "there is no need to make Meng Da, sacrifice our investment, which is very lost to us."

"Don't worry, I left behind." Meng Qian got some UK on the Globe before the table.

Shao Yibang immediately realized that Meng Qian's meaning will not be many words.

On October 12, Meng Qian sent a list on the hand and simply wrote 7 sub: attached to the second number.

Meng Qian continued to provoke a lot of controversy, even some of the domestic conservatives also started to contact Meng Qian to converge, but Meng Qian only had a word, the wind group would change again, how long does it take for a long time?

The second list of Meng Qian has more than 700 companies. The common feature of more than 700 companies is that the wind groups are all shareholders.

"What is going on?" Mi State began to meet again, "Why is the wind group will have so many investment companies in our rice? And have so many key technologies?"

"In fact, carefully checking these companies will find that most of these companies have a characteristic, that is, the size of the company is not big. Of course, it is actually not a company that has achieved achievements in a particular field, but the overall scale is not large, so these The company is not like the original Tesla because of the wind group shares.

Moreover, when investing in these companies, these companies are basically start-up, and there is no one care about the capital behind these startups. After the development of these companies, it is not so easy. "

"These companies are obviously screened. Don't say anything that is not to achieve in a particular field. It can be said that these 700 companies have technical highlights. The wind group cannot invest in the eye is so accurate, and it must constantly adjust. In our country's investment will have this result! "

"How to say, the wind group acquired many companies in our rice before 2008. The financial crisis will be a big hand to buy. It is indeed, and there is no performance of the big wind group to withdraw, this 700 is one. It is indeed a bit stream, but these companies are indeed the acquisition of the wind group in the early years, not to go to the hands of the wind group, this is really no way. "

"In the early years, there can be so many quality companies to find so many quality companies. Buffett is not strong!"

"Meng Qian's investment is ..." I was very powerful than Buffett. "

"You! I don't want to talk about investment, since Meng Qian sent the list, let him withdraw!"

"No, definitely! These companies don't know how many projects are now supporting the capital of the wind group, once the wind group is really disappearing, this is enough to cause a certain society!"

"But he is challenging us, can't you see it?"

"I have to deal with this thing!"

At this moment, someone suddenly broke into the meeting room, "Hot search ... Let's go see hot search."

In the hot search of Twitter, a picture is crazy, I don't know who is a bill. If the Great Breeze Group now makes the limit operation directly to all related companies in the rice, it will cause direct unemployment of the rice country at least 300,000.

This figure is enough to make many people tangled.


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