Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 935 This is not enough?

The actions of the Great Breeze Group have triggered the hot discussion of the market, including the voices of the wind group condemnation.

"This is realistic." Meng Qian looked at the rumors. "The wicked as long as she put down the slaughter knife, they can stand into a Buddha, and the good people can directly explore everything.

This world will only ask people to be sensible. "


"Continue to advance the plan."

On October 15th, the wind electronics issued a notice, and all the electronic products under high-end electronic products will be fully self-study, and it will not bring trouble to the rice companies.

When the rice country is still hesitating with these companies with the Great Breeze Group, the wind electronics will take the initiative to connect the middle and low-end products and the company's enterprises, and push things to a further extreme.

Meng Qian forwarded the notice of wind and electronics in the first time, and it is written: I am honest, but why people don't work, so.

In addition to waiting for this news, the rice company has also got another news. In recent days, the first few days of sales, and now the main management of the company's sales department, Wang Yi, Zhong Yang Hui and others have dispatched all. Direct to various countries.

"The news from the neon country, the electronic enterprises over there will be possible to further choose the big wind semiconductor chip!" The head of the Intel Market is reported to the Cos Annique Office.

"Although I don't recognize some of the current practices, why is neon companies in this festival, such a firm choice to the wind group?

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Is the wind group gave them what commitment? "

"If we have no mistakes, everything is interesting ... The wind semi-guided the lead in the process of the process, and they are now in this advantage ... I started to cut prices, the wind semiconductor start chip price War.

And it is understood that the wind group uses binding mode, chip, graphics card, motherboard, camera, they offer a complete set of procurement programs, and the overall purchase price is even greater.

Especially after the world's artificial intelligence conference, the world has more tribute to the development trend of mobile intelligent products. This trend is completely on the wind group, under the top temptation of the present interest and future interests, neon Doing this decision is not unexpected.

What's more, the relying on neon companies' relying on Huaxia Enterprises has been improved.

I am afraid that the attitude of these companies in neon countries is likely to become attitude towards global enterprises. "

"The wind group did not say that their products were fully self-supplied? Where did they come to the capacity?" Ksiannik is full of questions, "It is said that the big wind semiconductor's orders have to be rushed to 2020?"

Is it difficult to make the orders of all customers? "

"This is the warning of wind semiconductors, and the wind semiconductor hits 10 production lines in neon, Gaoli, Singapore, Germany, British and other places."

Kz Annik stood up from the chair, I really can't sit. "No, the wind group is from this expansion. The previous data report is not that the wind group spends in every industrial investment. It is also limited. ? "

Ksiannik reacted, the acquisition of 8 production lines to expand the production of money, casually calculation is a billion, the wind group really does not lack, or it is necessary to concentrate on the chip's cake.

"I have already learned this, and 8 of the 10 production lines of the Great Breeze Group are joint acquisitions, such as the production line acquired in the UK, is the UK capital."

Kz Annik is understanding, "" In this critical moment, the capital entry in the capital, smart! "

"Yeah, binding the interests of capital of the capital, the back of the wind group will be much smaller in various countries, and at the same time solve the problem of capacity.

Chairman, process process, capacity, mobile chip, smart chip, we may be true in these four fields ... "

"Since the problem is solved, since the wind group must launch a price war, we can't respond." Costiann can only solve the problem in front of you, "If we want to fight the price war, do we have the ability to fight?"

"Chairman ... don't say crimp, we are now inadequate!"

From 2018, Intel has encountered two big problems, one is the loss of EUV technology, the other is that capacity has always been.

So Intel is looking for a power outcome because of it is not 5nm, but also because of its own capacity is not able to keep up. Intel will originally outsource for the company's future chip manufacturing policy, and propose a plan to achieve 80% outsourcing in 2026. It can now seem to be difficult to achieve.

The light is the side of the Taiwan Power, now I don't want to win the big wind group to take a delay tactics. This thing I can't solve.

"Is there any news now?" Kz Annik really thought of TSM.

"Tailor electricity has been dragging ..."

"Hey." At this moment, someone suddenly sounded Ksiannik's office door.

"Nadla? How are you coming so early?"

Nadra looked at the person in charge of the Intel Market, asked directly, "The wind semiconductor is expanding the body of the chip." "

"I already know." Kz Annik denied Nadra sitting slowly.

However, Nadla did not have to talk slowly. "Then do you know, except for HP Dell and Apple, the sales of wind groups have been in the world's top ten computer brands for a few days."

"The wind group wants to launch chip sales battles, it is also normal from the brand." Côte slavery is also anxious, but I'm an urgent understanding of Nadra.

Until Nadla's next sentence, "I don't know, I have been sold together with the big wind group, and there is a sales bidder sales?"

Côte d'Ivanic consciously saw the person in charge of the market department, the latter is busy, "I haven't been to report this matter yet."

"Coz Annik, this is not a chip sales war, this is the war of ecological share, have you ever thought that the big wind group should launch a chip sales in this time?

The advantage is gradually obvious on the one hand, on the other hand, the winning bidder has been developing his own ecology in these years, making the market to accept the winning Kirin system take time.

I have a premiere now, and the pressure we have to face is not from a wind group, but the whole Huaxia company. "

"What is the Chinese company than one is more than one!"

Kz Annick indicates that the person in charge of the market will go out first. "What do you think now?"

"Now this chaotic situation is the largest variable, often more likely to inspire the new pattern under the big chaos, Mr. Gates has repeatedly negotiated it again, our idea is, some things, our companies go a head."

Kz Annik understood the meaning of Nadla, "I know."


On October 19th, the 12th Asia-Europe Summit came to a 22nd Belgium, Asia and Europe were agreed to further promote global cooperation, adhere to multilateralism and cook a single-sided.

The meeting made the Eurasian market a certain positive stimulus, and the capital market also rose.

Just on the same day, Intel, AMD, Intel and other enterprises suddenly released the notice, announcement that Mi State will launch the Global Chip's Decade Development Plan.

The plan says that semiconductor development has entered a key transition period. The Semiconductor in Milano will invite global semiconductor companies to participate in the development of semiconductor development in the next decade of cooperation in cooperation.

And invited everyone to discuss the first meeting on October 28 to the first meeting.

The plan also said that the rice country will invest at least one trillion mm in the next decade to ensure the development of the semiconductor industry.

This time, the Semiconductor industry in the rice country is almost fully dispatched.

Cooperation and win-win, participate in the formulation, one trillion yuan, and the Semiconductor industry in the rice country is all dispatched, these key words have caused the hot discussion in the global semiconductor market.

"Mi State finally wants to globalize."

"This is the joint initiated by rice companies, it seems that the company can't sit still."

"The company is still in time this time, this time is necessary, it is necessary to brake the influence of the wind group."

"Then do you plan?"

"Since the company is invited, since it is natural to see it."

"Wait, the wind group just as if it also sent it."

"What did the wind group say?"

"Huaxia Semiconductor Alliance invites global semiconductor companies to build world semiconductor alliance ...

Time: October 28. "

"This ... who is the news?"

"Almost at the same time."

"Think of a piece on both sides."

"This ... isn't it?"


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