Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 942, I have to search me.

The theme of Today's Today's Conception is their next generation search engine.

The dryness of the stage is getting more and more self-confident, and it is more confident, and I showed a data for everyone: a little search global share has exceeded 55%.

Then I saw a market share development trend. "It can be clearly seen from the figure. When the period of search market share is the time we abandon the traditional advertising strategy.

We also firmly determined a concept, the core of search engine is: I have been searching for me.

The purpose of the user uses the search engine is to get the answer to the answer after searching, and the user does not have to spend too much, the user does not have to spend too much, and I have to search for the most intuitive. reflect.

So all our latest generation of search engines is all about this core concept of I have to search. "

As far as starting to open the PPT, "Let's first see the first change in the new generation of search engines, search the display interface change.

At this time, the information obtained after the user's search is more complicated, especially more and more new polysemous words, such as we search Hongmeng, maybe I want to search Hongmong mobile phone, maybe I want to search Hongmong, Maybe I want to know the chanting era, so we have made a change, first classify the search term, if we search for Hongmeng, the top ten is basically the content of Hongmeng mobile phone, we can take a look at the new What is the interface? "

There is a search of Hongmeng on the big screen. It is an interface that has been classified in Hongmeng. "When we search for a very characterful polysemous word, there will be such a classification interface first if the user wants to search It is a Hongmeng era, then click on the Hongmeng era, no need to look for the one of the Hongmeng era in the information of the massive Hongmeng mobile phone.

Of course, this setting is for a polysemous word search. If you search for how from Shanghai to Hangzhou, this interface will not appear.

Regarding the second change in the search interface, it is actually seen through several operations, and we have canceled the traditional advertising model. It is largely in the interface to satisfy the visual needs I have to search. From the new generation of search, we will fully cancel the ads, and our Haiwei's search engine will completely give up the direct advertising revenue of the search interface. "

In an instant to do this, I will initiate a hot discussion on the scene, and continue to the stage on the stage, "Maybe someone will ask, how to make money after the Haiwei search section, only payment revenue?

Of course, there will be many new profit models, but this is not the focus of our talk today. We still return to my search. I have to come up. In addition to the interface, better realize that I have learned my technology is artificial intelligence.

The relationship between search engines and artificial intelligence has always been a hot discussion in the industry. Many people say that the search engine is a ceiling that promotes scientific, and many people say that massive data is getting stronger. Computer capacity. And the more and lower computing costs have the best space in the search field, so the search engine is the best in the field and practice fields, and some people say that the search engine algorithm is inherently with the deep learning algorithm. Similarly.

But no matter how we all admitted that even the search engine manually intelligent pair is undeniable, the intelligence of search engines is a trend, which is the focus of our last search engine evolution.

Through artificial intelligence, more accurate understanding of the user's search purposes, better realize me to search, in the next generation of search engines, we upgrade the algorithm, and we have also expanded the use of artificial intelligence.

First, we use technologies such as visual identification, speech recognition, natural language.

Let's give an example, suppose we go to Moganshan today, but suddenly want to have some more understanding of the scenic spots when driving, this time is dangerous, we all know At this time, I have to make good use of speech search, but in the past, our search can be voice, but what we search for it still needs us to see.

Now this has changed. "

As a live display, where to ask the mobile phone asking Moganshan tickets, after the search results come out, I also said to play the search results.

At this time, everyone heard the voice assistant said, "According to the answer to the user's answer, Mogans can go to the Moganshan Village Distribution Center to buy tickets, whether to play the next result?"

On the scene, I started to give up, this show is amazing, because the voice assistant can directly play search content, but also the user does not even want to choose the result, the voice assistant opportunity to make a speech broadcast of the answer according to certain priorities, of course Little search, a little question and answer answer play priority is the highest, but it also said that there is no ads without any advertisements, and does not affect artificial intelligence.

"In addition to stronger visual identification and voice ability, the new generation of search engines have more comprehensive Ar search and VR search."

Since the beginning of the trick again, the most famous homestone baked heartburg, the search results were searched, and the search results were supported, and the AR and VR watch were supported. It is no longer simple to see pictures, but can be seen 360 ° via ARVR. scene.

See the live response, and the ARVR effect of several search results is displayed, let everyone look at it, then continue to promote the conference, "By our new generation of search engines, we must release a news today, Hai Wei Personal manual intelligence is officially launched. "

On the scene, Yi Haili became a company that launched a personal intelligence in the second of the wind group.

"We will have some difference between our personal and artificial intelligence with the wind group, that is, there are more choices, such as our search PA, in the previous generation search engine, we can follow the user's historical operation and personal authorization information As far as possible to determine the search needs of the user, of course, the new generation of search engines have been upgraded.

The biggest feature of the search PA is the ability and initiative of personal information.

Or use the Moganshan tour to exemplify, we have to do Raiders before going to Mo Gan Mountain, and have a certain number of searchs in order to do Raiders, and our search PA can make all relevant search content, help users more convenient Picking out useful information and useless information, then use the useful information for secondary intelligent finishing and intelligent sort according to the classification method of clothing, food and housing, and the user will often enter a chaotic state after a large number of information, but when you open your search PA, one The clear chart is in front of your eyes, and it can be very convenient to modify the operation, and make a final Raiders with PA.

The active reflection We can take the active search function as an example. The active search function is an important feature of a new generation of search engines, and is also an important technical breakthrough.

Again, you will choose a few restaurants in front of Moqi Mountain. You can eat it for you, but you don't like to queue, so you can choose a suitable time during you drive to your destination. Open the active search function of the search, let the artificial intelligence pass the timed active search to understand the queuing situation of each restaurant. When you go to your destination, go directly to the restaurant without queuing or the least, you don't have to find a place to stop yourself. .

Of course, we want to achieve more possibilities, need to open information channels with more applications, you can rest assured that we have almost all commonly used applications.

Summary, our new generation of search engines, starting from interface, general artificial intelligence, and personal intelligence, using more convenient way to satisfy everyone's search needs, and provide you with you Search results continue to search this matter, simple, precise, interesting. "


"Hey!" Meng Qian sat first under the stage to start applauding.

"Comprehensive advertising, Haowei is really dare."

Zhang Shuxin is eyebed against Meng Qian, "I have to play big."

Meng Qian Yang enjoys the corner, "I am afraid that it is hard to die."


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