Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 943 Directive Promotion Plan

At this time, Google's air pressure is very low. The more because other industries can't do it, Google is more dependent on advertising. At this time, 95% of the profits of Google come from advertising, and the audited project has been burning money. No one can make money.

If you let Google give up advertising, it is equal to let Google die.

"Is Hai Wei be crazy?" Eric shouted Page and Bolin to his office and couldn't help but spit.

Page's face is very ugly, it is a bit pressed, "Although there is no complete understanding of the Hai Wei's next thing, but basically confirmed that the profit point of Haiwei should be more in the enterprise. .

Now no matter how Taobao or the Qingfeng network search engine is the information channel that Hai Wei is responsible for development. Hai Wei has been in the information channel that has been made with so many applications. This is definitely a huge enterprise transaction.

Hai Wei no longer uses user traffic to earn business advertising fees, but use user traffic in other money to earn business, I heard that there are big data analysis services. "

Balin asked directly, "Do we have the possibility of changing the profit model now?"

"It's almost impossible." Page is straightforward, "advertising profits have always been the fundamental, tweezed, youtube, relying on advertising, in our rice, it can even say that there is almost no one in our entire Western world. Break this tradition.

It can only be said that Huaxia Enterprises have always had more ideas in profit models. "

"That maybe this time I will say that Haowei will cause too much impact on us."

"No one is not good now, and Hai Wei is not only just giving up advertisements, and they pushed the search engine in the past generation.

This is the most careless user. "

Page had to face the real demon, "our market share can no longer fall, now no matter the quantum calculation or artificial intelligence is waiting for blood, and it has arrived in the most critical development stage. At this time, the pressure is really very Big."

"Consider the addition of Class C stocks, I am going to find a investor to talk about it, now protect the cash flow, there will be time to slowly solve the other problems." Eric quickly made a decision, because of this time Google There is no other choice.

Three people have opened a night in the evening, and the morning is preparing to eat breakfast back to sleep, and the new news is in their hands.

The Great Wind Group will sign a new unmanned driving promotion with a number of Huaxia companies, including Yahaiwei. From January 1, 2019, the wind group and these companies will accelerate the promotion of unmanned worldwide. The pre-promotion platform is a popularity.

"How is the wind now have such a big market share?" Eric's unexpected data, "" One year grows more than one year? "

"Uber is unfold in the storm of the public, caught this opportunity to quickly swallow Uber's market. At this time, the Uber is hard to turn over."

Page still doubt, "But the previous Uber said that it is successful in four or five countries, etc. in France, the United Kingdom, and there is almost no advantage in other countries with local brands.

Only Uber has been in the development model of hooligans, and the local brands have to be dedicated to cope, resulting in a big impression of Uber global influence.

If Uber is really falling, according to local brands should rise, the wheel is not going to develop so? "

"This is the difference between the wind and Uber. If Uber is bigger, if the tray is bigger, if the development can't develop, sell the market to the local brand and exchange a certain share, Uber in China, Southeast Asia has tasted the sweetness, just like What you said, Uber is a rogue company, but understanding the capital operation rules of this era, and is indeed a very smart company.

And the wind is going to find someone to cooperate with the local enterprise, and in various countries will spend the foundation for a year or two, doing a good relationship with the local officers, so now more and more countries have appeared. Popularity with local brands, two-year-world or three-person situation.

Although the wind is almost not on the market in any country, he is a leader in the top three leaders in most countries, and the entire global market share is unattended. "Bulin is also aware of the situation of popularity.

Eric quickly understood the meaning behind these operations. "The wind group wants more than just money, but the market share of the popular open to promote more follow-up promotion, than this is more driving. Acceleration promotion. "

"There is a conference for a while, let's take a look at the live broadcast."

Three people have not been sleeping now, while having breakfast waiting for the Great Breeze Group and Yahaiwei and other companies.

At the press conference, Gu Junhui made a simple interpretation with the cooperation foundation with cooperation.

"We have to open a new driver promotion plan in 2019, benefiting from the year of 2018, very successful market trial.

Starting from 2018, no one has become a core development direction. In less than a year, we have tested 3,200 unmanned cars throughout the world, and the total test history broke through 100 million. Kilometer.

In 2018, there is a lot of data for unmanned deep learning algorithms, and we can face more unspeakable factors in the world, and we can face more unspeakable factors. The environment, road construction and surrounding facilities in different countries are not Like, you can make unmanned driving smarter.

At the same time, in the trial of this year, we not only train the algorithm, but also through market data, continuously optimize the core zero parts, including laser radar, millimeter waveradid.

So now we have confidence, we have the ability to announce to you. Since 2019, we will jointly Universal United Nai Haowei, BYD, Geely and other enterprises, start large-scale commercial mass production.

Here are two keywords, first, commercial mass production, we plan to produce 100,000 drone cars in 2019, will gradually increase.

Second, advanced unmanned cars, simply, no longer need a safe driving car.

And our drone will start from the wind.

Starting from 2019, more users worldwide can hit unmanned networkers.

We have 58 in the world's first urban, including three cities in China, in Hangzhou, Shanghai, Chang'an. "

Everyone actually guessed this new promotion plan, it is probably, after all, it has been promoted to this point in 2018, but it really determines this result or I can't help but talk.

"Huaxia company is ahead of a key area, this step is great."

"No, this is a new field. Once the driver has started mass production, it affects the entire ecology. It will take laser radar. Now the windy group's laser radar and Google's laser radar is the industry. Two radars respected.

However, because the output of the driver has been too small, the price of laser radar is high. Now, there is now the first to open unmanned production, and the laser radar of the subsequent wind group will naturally cut the price. So other unmanned car companies. Naturally, it will give priority to the laser radar of the wind group.

Unless the Google can have a great breakthrough, it seems unlikely. "

"The high cost of unmanned cars is not only on the spare parts, but also operates.

Before Google said, even if their Waymo began to have a large-scale commercial use, they had to continue to burn for 5 years, because Google did not have any related business operations.

Google mentioned that the most likely pre-operation mode is to cooperate with Uber and the drip.

However, the wind group own has the current world's market share, directly solves the profitability of large-scale commercial landing.

Perfect advantage. "

"I saw that the wind group engaged in the network to work on the car. I still think that this company has to be blended. Now it is increasingly found that all the industries of the wind group have a deepest significance.

Google's unmanned driving did not grab this opportunity, and it may be no longer the opportunity to turn over. "


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