Most of the market is almost the same, and Haiwei launched the next generation of search engines. How many factors have been related to Google, the overall market is in a position, but the arrival of unmanned commercial land has begun to escape in this field market. Google.

Because Google starts to mass production tomorrow, there are too many winds in the problem of commercial landing, and everyone seems to have no reason to believe Google.

After a few hours, when the rice stock opened, Google has dropped 7 points.

Eric realized the seriousness of things and explored the policies of the next response in the company for two days, and the result is not a good way.

On the third day, Eric had to run a sewed saicom capital.

However, Eric realized that the reception of him is just a senior investor Ang, Eric's sewing has not seen the high level of the emblem.

Eric still maintains the rituality, and puts forward the purpose of this trip, I hope that the sapled capital can add investment to help Google out of the trouble.

Angers looked at Eric and calm. "Mr. Eric can remember that in 2008, we wrote a letter to Google. We mentioned ten key points, now, ten Today, this is still the most important thing today.

Market scale, time, saving costs, recruiting talents, sufficient cash flow, etc. What is Google now in line with our investment philosophy?

We have always emphasized that before the money we give you all the funds, if your cash flow still has no improvement, then don't come to us to continue financing.

We are doing investment, not to be charity, Mr. Eric. "

"I understand, but our project is very clear, in fact, as long as you stick to it, you can see it immediately. If you give up this time, it is very unfortunately."

Angers stood a hand, "Mr. Eric, Google does not have any return in five years in all projects outside the search engine, even in our view, will not have a good return in ten years.

At this point, we are very clear, but Google's search engine has been continuously lagging behind the innovation speed. "

Eric insishes, "It is also true that the leading advantages in the relevant technical fields in the relevant technology are also invested. If you give up Google, there is no better choice, and you will make all the efforts to pay a lot of money."

Angers smiled in Eric, "Faced with such problems, in the face of the pressure of the wind group, why did Mr. Eric come to our sewing capital instead of finding the government?"

Eric silent, Angers continued, "From Android, the government has noticed the risk of Google and began to put the eggs in other baskets, such as Amazon and Microsoft two years of cooperation. technology.

For all the payment before Google, people and technologies are there, and they will not waste. "

Eric listened to Angers's hints, trying to calm themselves, "Google can achieve mass production, Amazon and Microsoft's cooperative projects are still in the initial experimentation, this is our advantage.

And we will also have new breakthroughs immediately in quantum calculations. "

"Amazon has a stable cash flow, while Microsoft always regards cash flow as the core of the company.

At this point, I have no comparability with them with them. "

Eric is silent, and this is a little bit of silence, "Mr. Angers, we also brought a program over this time."

"Oh? Mr. Eric, please say."

"I am willing to give a certain amount of equity with my two joint founders."

Angers calm the expression of fluctuations for the first time, "Is it what I understand?"


"This matter, we need to sit down."

"Okay, I wait for Mr. Angers' news."

Eric came out of the sewed capital with a complex mood. It is preparing to visit other shareholders, and Bolin sent him a message: Huaxia's news, look at it.

Eric opens a news from Balin, the news content is written by Huaxia to open quantum communication application layout and call on global co-construction standards.

The "Future Science" magazine of Great wind suddenly released more than a dozen papers, including Pan Jianwei team papers, and the papers of the wind group, etc., China's current quantum mechanics research first echelon's well-known team is above the list.

It can be seen from these papers that Huaxia has realized the maturity of basic conditions in the practical application of wide-area quantum confidential communication technology, and the heavenly integrated wide range quantum confidential communication network constructed by Huaxia Scientific Research Team is more advanced.

At present, Huaxia is the only country with a feasibility of verifying the feasibility of verifying the typical quantum communication network.

All this is all in China, which lays a scientific and technical foundation for realizing the global quantum communication network.

After the publishing, the Great Breene Group was attended by universities and enterprises such as Hua Academy, Huacai, Huaxia Telecom.

In the event site, Huaxia said in 2019, Huaxia expects the application of quantum communication technology to more than 20 industries including financial government telecommunications, covering at least 500 industries users.

At the same time, State Grid Co., Ltd. will establish a quantum secretary channel across 2600 kilometers in 2019 to achieve power communication data encryption.

As the world's first high wind group that realizes quantum hegemony, it is clearly expressed in the scene to generate two directions from quantum core technology and quantum.

At the meeting, the wind group also signed the "Quantum Shield Plan" with Huaxia Telecom. To provide quantum security network scheme for at least 100 cities in the next five years, providing quantum security call services for individual users, implementing in this field Actual application.

At the end of the meeting, the Representative of the Hua Academy said, "Quantum communication technology has been mature enough for large-scale practical applications, and then in China hopes to develop relevant standards with all countries around the world to build a global quantum communication network.

The final summary of the news: the truly breakthrough of quantum calculations may still have ten years, but the real breakthrough of quantum communications has arrived, and this breakthrough is led by Huaxia.

Eric looked at the news to choose the company first, and pay attention to Page and Bolin looks on the office.

"Huaxia's power point on quantum communication, quantum calculation is still the home of our rice, what two people do so pessimistic?"

Bulin looked up at Eric, "I will have a lot of decrease in the next year's advertising."

Eric's consciousness picked up the tablet view in front of Bulin, "The market that can grab a little bit is almost the same, and a little search is clearly said, why do they lift our cooperation with us?"

"Because this." Bulin called a message to see Eric.

"Great Wind Group New Marketing Channel Promotion Program"

"this is..."

"The Great Breeze Group from the wind to the Qingfeng network to the Qingfeng short video, and opened a line from the traditional media to the video media, in 2019 they will focus on the development of the entire marketing channel, and ... their sales at the end of the year It has been active in our customers this time. "

Eric hand shakes, suddenly realized what, "Is it ... What happened in the past few days, the wind group is targeting us?"

"It's too fast." Page shook his head, "This is a fast attack, it is coming to us not to respond."

Bulin helplessly smiled, "I just watched the letter to us in 2008, they said, don't have a compassion for the opponent, or an attack, or wait for death.

The wind group chose an attack. "

Eric is somewhat unable to sit on the chair, "Great wind group, why do you want to go to us?"


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