Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 952 This is happy

After Xiao Bo hitting the country, I rushed to Meng Qian's office to prepare for reporting. Meng Qian stood a document in front of Xiao Bo, "Just a few things in you have returned to China."

"This is ..." Xiao Bao's consciousness asked and started to flush the file.

"NASA has opened the artificial intelligence cooperation project with Microsoft. NASA confirmed the chip cooperation project with Intel. At the same time, NASA was explored as a starting point with space exploration, and opened a number of space items and invited a number of including Microsoft, Intel, IBM. Miki Technology Enterprises join. "

"The efficiency is very high."

"In addition to the NASA project, the Migi government has set up a science and technology fund. These companies will receive a considerable funding support, and at least one or two billions are at least one or two billions on Intel Microphes, which is the first batch of support.

Another thing, what semiconductor alliance is the Semiconductor Alliance does not call for conservative route, this will IBM jumps out and has made a bad person, and the other is not ready to keep it. "

Xiao Bao smiled and rushed, "the atmosphere has been baked."

"This year, I really have to fight."

"What do you mean now?"

"You will know right away, wait after tomorrow."


On January 15th, the Ministry of Science and Technology took the lead in the science and technology conference, the University of Sciences, major universities, and China's major technology companies all arrived, and the coming is basically a two-handed two hand, the reporter is to reveal the list. I feel unusual of this meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Ministry of Science and Technology has conducted a summary of the science and technology development of Huaxia's past 18 years, and affirmed Huaxia Technology in the 18th year of the miracle.

Among them, the aviation industry, high-speed rail career, as well as the development of the semiconductor and artificial intelligence industry.

Of course, there is less than a number of high praise of a group of private technology companies, especially the wind group, and a leader who has been led in the development of China's private science and technology.

The leadership speech is mainly responsible for praising everyone, and after the leaders such as the Ministry of Science and Technology ended the speech, today's weight play, the next lecture is the white hospital of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The White Dean first handed over a transcript to all Chinese people.

In another time and space in 2007, the Hualia Institute launched a strategic plan for 2050 years of technology development, but because in 2007, China's network is not developed, the public's attention is also very low, so almost no one knows this.

When the Hua Academy is doing the planning of 2050, the first step is the first step in the knowledge innovation project 2020, and the technology innovation leaps scheme.

However, since 2007, the Great Breene Group has begun to change some of the scientific basic conditions of Huaxia, so the planning of the Hua Academy has also changed, and the Huanke Institute has become a 10-year breakthrough program for science and technology in 2050.

Simply, the Academy of Sciences plans to achieve a key technological breakthrough in strategic fields including spatial information energy marine life and basic science.

Today, the white dean told everyone at the scene that the Huacai did not insult the mission to complete the task.

The white dean speech is very long, and there are many cases and projects on the spot, and there are many cases that are light, they want to understand, it is not easy.

All this show is that it will make you clarify a matter, that is, the autonomy of Huaxia Technology has achieved large coverage in the field of science and technology.

In these years, everyone knows that the wind group Huawei is known that the chip artificial intelligent cloud is calculated, but as Meng Qian has always said, the concept of technology is far more than these things, and the technology is strongly oriented. Intelligent power, but a comprehensive power.

In order to achieve this comprehensive power, the first thing is to achieve comprehensive technical research, talent training, project floor, the past ten years of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is doing this.

At the same time, the White Dean was in the scene, and the Huaxia at this time is still a technological big country, but it is not a technological power.

The White Dean also stood in the perspective of the public, and mentioned why the technologies mentioned in these years have been very powerful than the company. Why is not a technological power?

This is similar to the world's second, but still developing countries, because of the unevenness of cutting-edge technology development, because of the weak basic science and technology foundation.

However, Huaxia solved a large number of underlying problems in this decade, expanding a lot of reserves, and then cooperated with the technical leading Huaxia Enterprise, which is similar to the wearer group, and Huaxia Technology has been able to announce in the early stage.

This is the core of this conference today: Huaxia Technology Soaring 2030 Plan.

The White Dean made a clear decomposition of Huaxia Technology Eve 2030. In 2019, 2021 was the global launch phase, this stage will complete the comprehensive confirmation and landing of the development plan from the overall situation, 2022 to 2026 is a centralized outbreak phase. At this stage, the strategic industry, the core industry, and the underlying industry will fully enter efficient outbreak state.

From 2027 to 2030, it is a scientific and technological soaring stage. It is also a sprint stage. At this stage, it will follow into the development of all projects in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of all projects, and realize a comprehensive scientific and technological shift in 2030.

After the explanation of White Dean, universities, institutions, and corporate representatives have placed, and everyone's content is surrounded by this Huaxia Teng Teng 2030.

Universities undertake the talent training program, want to achieve this plan, Huaxia still needs a lot of talents, and Huaxia is still a country that is mainly relying on local talents in the construction of the future.

Huaxia will not take the way to the country's way to build a country in a short time, but Huaxia will welcome overseas talents to participate in the construction.

This puts a high demand for colleges and universities in Huaxia. On the one hand, they have to cultivate enough world-class talents, and on the other hand, they can keep these world-class talents.

Huaxia pinned the country's construction on the local talents. As a result, the local talents ran away.

Perhaps, in order to promote competition, maybe it is true, the meeting site, Xihu University was moved out, and the Ministry of Education was a direct statement. I hope that China is more like a private university such as Xihu University, and believes that West Lake University will become World First-class University.

The West Lake University is so lifted, mainly because of the data from the data, the students graduated from Xihu University, and after graduation, I have been studying for a few years after graduation, and finally returned to China.

Of course, Xihu University can have a lot of objective factors, but everyone knows, today is to take a benchmark to the West Lake University.

Meng Qian is also willing to let Xihu University do this toolman, as long as the result is good.

The representative of the enterprise has even said that he will take the cooperation project that will undertake.

This Huaxia Technology, the Huaxia Technology, which is headed by the Hua Academy, will have hundreds of thousands of projects in the future. The strategic industry will not be less than one hundred and the projects under the core industry. In the future, more than 80% will cooperate with the enterprise. .

This kind of business like the wind group is naturally a number of projects at the same time. This technology take-off plan is a combination of institutions, universities, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and those who don't have any military forces that do not speak in the scene.

It is a "big project" of the five countries in the National Classic Military Academy.

After all representatives, the Ministry of Science and Technology finally appeared, and there was a most simply summary at the scene. "Huaxia will become a world science and technology in 2030."

At this time, Meng Qian, who is sitting under the stage, does not consciously appear a drop of tears, and has become a scientific and technological power in 2030, which was 20 years higher than the goal of time and space.

Meng Qian used his 20-year rebirth advantage, in exchange for the 20-year gloss acceleration of China's strong country.

Meng Qian cried and cried and couldn't help but rushed, so reborn, TM is happy!


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