After the day of the day, there was a party in the evening, a large number of awards were awarded to encourage scientists, entrepreneurs, etc. in Huaxia Science and Technology Development.

The evening is broadcast, the scene is a gathering, plus the heat of the day, Huaxia Technology, the 2030 program, attracting many people to watch live broadcast.

The overall view of the whole party has been maintained around 10 million, until 8:20 pm, the live broadcast of the Great Wreach is 5 million directly from 10 million in just ten minutes, but also Growing.

Just because of the on-site announcement: Meng Qian was awarded the title of Academician Hua Academy.

On the Internet, I broke the pot.

"What is Meng Qian? He is a businessman. Business people are the most scientific tarvious of the science!"

"How does the business people can't be a academician? Academician Mioguo from the world's first, this is a key factor in the scientific and developing of rice.

Your idea is like the batch of people who resolutely oppose private enterprises with State-owned enterprises and military cooperation. If you listen to your kind of person, today our technology level will not go so fast. "

"The businessman is very profit, the academician is engaged in research and development,"

"Can you have such a scribble impression? Academician is not to eat in the laboratory for a long time in the laboratory for a year, and the academician is going to live in the laboratory.

Can I don't want to be such a way? Can also engage in research and development, can you engage in enterprises, isn't it better for the country? "

"It's not because Meng Qian has money, the Huacai has to bow down."

"Learn about Meng Qian's achievements, deep learning, marginal calculation, 3D transistors, Meng Qian puts forward how much to change the world, what is this academician?"


The online quarrel is amazing, but Meng Qian at this time is completely unique.

Go back to the seat, the same tableman has changed, "Mr. Bun."

At this time, the netizens who have been watching live broadcast only realize that Meng Qian took a table with the white dean.

The White Dean looked at Meng Qian suddenly said, "The competition of Huami Enterprises recently is a bit lively."

Meng Qian did not understand what he meant, it was normal to reply, "" Enterprise competition, can't hide, always touch. "

"What is the project in the future, I feel that we have these old people, I can remember to open."

Meng Qian learned that he would like to express his gratitude with toast.

The party continued, Meng Qian took out the phone to see the news in the gap showing the show, and only the people on the Internet were arguing because of their academicians because they became the matter.

I took some time to learn some online controversy, Meng Qian put down the mobile phone and patted the arms of the White Dean, "White Dean, I just thought that I was really a project, I don't know if you are interested. "

"Oh? What project, listen."

"Be a variety."

"Variety?" The eyes of the same table were looking forward to the moment, "Meng Gong said the variety of the text, but the variety of our routine understanding?"

"Everyone explains, I have pushed a thing more than ten years ago. In the case of now, it is a scientist network red, from the results, it is good.

These two years are not very fire, and the big wind entertainment is now preparing a variety of scientists. If you are willing to participate, the effect will be very good.

It can also better achieve the original intention of our program. "

White dean put his hand, "Meng always said, now young people like to see our boredads."

"You can have a loss, the scientist can not be bored, you can see that Yuan Lao frequently hot search, on the one hand, because of his achievements, on the other hand because of his lovely.

Even the videos of Yuan's expenditure of the students have become a segment that is widely circulated on the network.

Moreover, these two years should also pay attention to CCTV has taken the leading route. CCTV Tian Group is now very hot, and this fire, young people run to see news network, how many years What young people read the news network, not, the news broadcast is not bad.

Although there are some sounds in questioning CCTV's approach, we always believe that people are good, the industry is also to root the land, which is easy to become a cloud.

As far as I feel, I am completely different from the script impression of the academician, we should let everyone see.

Of course, the most important point is what we do this is.

If it is just for the sake of ratings, it is indeed insulting science, but if we can really achieve more comprehensive science, excavate more people in the heart with this combination of things like young people like. The direction is to build a bridge that is easier to pass between the so-called ordinary people and scientists. I think it is meaningful.

After all, we still have to admit that there is indeed ditch between people in different ages, but we can bridge over these ditch. "

Everyone used his eyes to exchange for a while, asked the White Dean, "What can we go to variety?"

"There are a lot of ability to do," open talk ", don't invite academicians, the effect is also very good, oh, there is a video very hot, you can also look at it."

Meng Qian took out the mobile phone to find a video, "This video playback has exceeded 100 million, which has triggered a high hot discussion on the Internet."

After opening the video, it is a dialogue between several academics academicians in an interview in Great wind.

"I am the summer vacation at the high school, I am very bored to find me. I have to find a high school textbook for more than a month. Later, I came to the high school entrance examination. I have a collection of college entrance examination standards. The result was that the full score was 750. I took a test 749. My class teacher felt that I had nothing to do in high school, just helped me ask to ask directly to pay the university.

I will really don't really have it, I will have a hurry, and the result is not how long my class teacher will ask me what is Tsinghua and Yan Da wants to go. Later, I went to university.

Therefore, the last regrets in my life is to keep Tsinghua, I don't have a high school life, I lost this very beautiful memory. "

"My situation is similar to you, I am also a high school knowledge of self-study in Junior High school, but I am not bored, I am because I have seen an enrollment news of Huacai in the newspaper. I feel cool.

Then I asked my teacher to go to Huacai early, he can keep it with me if there is a special outstanding result, I started self-study, but I didn't go to high school, directly in the summer vacation, I participated in the Huacai. The exam is admitted.

So I am different from you, I am not interested in the life of the early high school. My biggest regret is that there is no more early understanding of the Hua Science Institute, mainly, I didn't expect the college entrance examination. Simple. "

"I really envy you, you actually go to junior high school ..."


Everyone in the Huacai was seriously finished, some people couldn't help but ask. "Don't you feel very proud? Don't you want to kill them?"

Meng Qian was laughed. "The same words, in different scenarios, different environments, different people say different tone and different attitudes, the effect is totally different.

You can watch the comments of netizens, seemingly sour, actually feel very interesting, but also inspired some people's fighting, this is the key to this video energy. "

"Can this help with young people fall in love with science?" White academicians attached this issue.

"So, people have a feature, that is, is willing to admit that not enough but is not willing, and people who are often excellent are the group of people who are unwillingly amplified.

At the same time, there is still a particularly strange feature. We can easily envy the acquaintances around you, but rarely go to envy a stranger.

The attraction of unfamiliar excellence will tend to exceed the embarrassment and inferiority.

And now the current 90 00, because there is a better economic foundation, more and more personalized, more and more self-confident, and more and more inclusive, including your own inclusive.

This variety we have to do will make a integration of professionalism, interest, and entertaining.

There will be a professional collision, there will be interesting daily, there will be a young man can't help but want to participate in the interaction.

Our program does not plan to build what scientist is red, so we will not delay the work behind everyone, but the appearances can improve the attraction of the creation. "

"To be honest, I am still not able to understand Meng Gong's meaning, but if you can promote the interest of the young people, I am willing to do this." White dean is very sincere.

Instead, some of the other people understand, and after understanding, everyone's opinion is also consent, at least, this is a thing that can consider breakthrough.

Meng Qian quickly raised a wine glass, "Then I booked a few stages in advance, there is a big gap, I believe the feature of the program will explode."


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