After the evening, Meng Qian returned to the hotel and slept well. The next morning, Su Tianyue told Meng Qizhang to wait for himself in the downstairs restaurant.

"What happened?" Meng Qian simply washed it to the downstairs restaurant with Zhang Shi Xin.

"I heard that Google has to sell the unmanned business department."

Meng Qian suddenly woke up, "Is the news reliable?"

"The news that got early in the morning is still confirmed, but it should be eight or nine."

Meng Qian responded to Xiao Bao, "Google wants to sell the news that the unmanned project team has heard."

"Not only listening, but it has been hammer." Xiao Bo gave Meng Qian's determined answer.

"Why don't you tell me?" Meng Qian couldn't help but wonder.

"If I tell you, I am going to call you, do you believe it?"

"Of course, I have a tacit understanding," Google's decision is slightly better than the imagination. Who is the purchase intention to know? "

"Basically, there is no accident, it is Microsoft with Apple."

"Other companies don't move?" Meng Qian wants to confirm.

"Well, it is prepared to fight these two companies."

"It seems that there are other factors behind this,"

"Meng He, what do you think now."

"You wait." Meng Qian took the hands-free to open the new to join the group chat.

"Now, we can't buy it because the ban is impossible to acquire, so, it is actually what we can intervene." Zhang Shuxi said a relatively realistic situation.

Meng Qian touched the Pakistan, "But it is best to let Microsoft to buy, now give this pressure to Microsoft more meaningful to us."

"This is hard to be around."

"I have an idea, I can find Ren Tong Wang, I will help." Xiao Bo in the phone put forward his idea.

"I know what you want to say." Meng Qian interrupted Xiao Bao, "But I still don't like other people."

Xiao Bo is immediately responding, "I have never said it before, and now I can't do it alone, and if I don't solve it, I don't have a good day.

Now as long as there is a counterattack, who doesn't want to use it? Meng always doesn't want this to bother them, they may not be born because of this thing. "

Meng Qian looked up and saw a new tree, Zhang Shu new nodded to recognize the words of Xiao Bo.

Meng Qian set up God, "I know, I discussed them, first ask their opinions."

Three days later, a news was passed to Apple: "Jingdong is sangered".

"It does not accept sanctions on the side of Jingdong.

"We just promised to give our order to the main side, Jingdong said to us at this time?" Cook said this, "said," said the Chinese people's most turning the word, and the sanctions of the Yideian, there is no relationship. "

"The words say this, but the wind group brought a bad head, the previous Chinese company can not fight against the counterattack.

The wind group now counterattacks, although they have been questioned, but because we are in the first step, as long as it is too much, how can they be more accounting for their Huaxia Enterprises.

Who knows that the Chinese companies will not follow the wind group, let alone the wind group is the shareholders of Jingdong, we have confirmed that Meng Qian did went to Jingdong Headquarters yesterday, Jingdong is not necessarily for us, the wind group can be said. .

Now the company is better than the company, the company, is our apple. "

"Our Apple has been forced by the wind group. The market is only the market, and Hong Me can't enter the rice market, the wind group still wants?" Cook is a bit angry.

"Perhaps because of unmanned things."

"What news?"

"The UK wants to acquire Google's unmanned driving project group."

Cook can't help but laugh, "dream."

"It is almost impossible, can you stir if the wind group is mixed?

Recently, the two countries have made this, and the wind group is also out of place. Now that the wind group does it. "

"Meng Qian is also a mad!" Cook couldn't spit, "this world is really a mess!

I will go to inquire about the news, I understand what I want to do now. "

Cook did not wait for a long time, and the next day, he waited for a clear news. Jingdong did not start with Apple, but Jingdong is going to Motorola.

Because Mi State for the first time, Motorola first gave up the LCD panel of Jingdong, and found that it could not be given up. The country began to engage in tolerance policies, Motorola came to find Beijing oriental supply.

Now that Jingdong is sanctions, Jingdong does not want this to be selected tolerance policy, which takes the initiative to cut off Motorola's order.

But this is not the most embarrassing, the most embarrassing is that Vientiane Technology counterattack Motorola. When Vientiane Technology was labeled with unsafe label, Motorola ranked on the Android, and finally found that Android is a waste or choose to continue. Work with Vientiane Technology.

Moreover, Vientiane Technology is now a temporary license, and Vientiane Technology is directly challenged. When is the temporary license permit, when is it clear, it is a license which day, the country, to take his own advantageous mobile phone. The system is time.

Vientiane Technology is simply unable to accept this hypocritical sanctions and simply take the initiative.

As a result, Motorola stocks plunged 23%, and the company directly fell into the stop, no LCD panel, even if there is no system Motorola, also play a hammer.

The response of Beijing oriental and Vientiane Technology is only to put some things you know again in the desktop, so that Motorola is difficult to let go.

As many netizens are analyzing that Huaxia companies want to counterattack, just don't want to passively accept the squeaking and filming, although the practice is indeed further destroying the technology relationship between Huami, it will indeed affect a little Chinese business. Image, but can't always ask Huaxia companies to homolute for the overall situation?

There is already so many companies in China in China, what happened to a few leading companies?

After a big deal, it will not be a business with the rice country. Even if it does not counterattack, the probability is also this ending.

Overall, Vientiane Technology and Jingdong did not have a wind group, just directly engaged, but once a counterattack behavior killed Motorola to disgusting ...

At the same time of Motorola stocks, the Nokia stock price has skyrocketed and the market gives the most straightforward response.

In the face of the stop, Motorola has to send multiple members of the board to Huaxia negotiations together.

This thing has also triggered a greater hot discussion in the rice country.

Some people expressed anger. It was invasive by Huaxia Enterprise. Some people think that they have self-sufficient. I don't want to do anything to make this look. I don't have anything, and some people are watching, how do you want to know how to get it next? do.

At this time, Apple, more considering can only be yourself.

"You first go to Beijing Oriental, telling the attitude of Beijing Oriental." Cook Arranged the Market Director to China, hoping that things can be safe.

When Apple hesitated, Microsoft suddenly increased the chips of the acquisition of Google drones, even, Microsoft unexpectedly said at this time to acquire Google almost abandoned Android.

Microsoft has made it a focus in an instant, and Nadra said before the media. "Microsoft will increase research and development investment, increase marketing investment, and after the acquisition Android, Microsoft will redefine the mobile system."

Nadra also specifically mentioned that Microsoft will never fall, Silicon Valley will never fall.

When Motorola is in a dilemma, Microsoft stands out to undertake the responsibility, and announced that the next step will increase further, and Microsoft rises in the heart of the rice in the rice.

A few days later, Intel also stood up. For the previously conservative chip development plan, I didn't get a market-recognized thing. Intel said that two hands were caught, two steps, and Intel will create a real semiconductor in real sense with rice semiconductor companies. breakthrough.

In contrast, the apple at this time is not strong, and it will be lost in an instant in the competition of Microsoft.

"It seems that you listen to it when you say it." Meng Qian drunk tea in the office with Xiao Bo.

Xiao Bao is a long breath, "it's okay, no boxing."


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