Rewriting the Technological Scenario

Chapter 955 Giant Wheel Market

"Wall Street Daily" said that Silicon Valley is under the great environment reconstructed by the world science and technology patterns. "At the end of January, Sun Xiaomi reads" Wall Street Daily "at the last executive meeting before the year. The latest news.

Meng Qian picks up the phone to quickly browse the full text, "everyone is understanding."

"Will there be an impact on our plan?" Fang Chen's consciousness asked.

"Saying that this is the way they choose, everyone is responsible for himself." Meng Qian put down the phone to see everyone, "I want to ask you a question today."

Everyone concentrated on watching Meng Qian.

"How many years do you think of the wind group live?"

"This ..." Xiao Bo seemed to answer, but still returned.

This is a difficult question.

Meng Qian used a smile to show it to relax. "If you don't accidentally, take a while, the technology leather will not revolution, but a technology boom should inevitably arrive.

The wind group is an encouragement of this prosperous culprit. Yes, I used the four words of the culprit, because the boom must be risky, the more prosperous technology, the greater the risk.

If everything goes well, we are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries under this technology prosperity, but if all the development does not go smoothly, we have also arrived at the stage of the ship, which is behind this huge risks. Others are not necessarily to see, but we must see itself. "

There is a little low in the conference room, and Xiao Bo is open, "We still have a lot of industries that can provide stable revenue.

Meng Qian nodded, "If I tell you that Intel is 5 years, do you believe it?"

"I believe."

"Is it 5 years ago?"

"Well ... I will be a little hesitation."

"Then you count, if Intel is really hard after 5 years, from you can accept Intel Close up to Intel, how many years?

It's time for ten years, it's hard to believe in Intel 2024 when you are in 2014, after all, you know how thickness in Intel's foundation.

There is a key issue here that the development rate of technology is uncontrollable.

In the long river of history, ten years, negligible. "

Sun Xiaoyi couldn't help but feel a sentence. "The future is really uncontrolled."

"Yes, so I will go to our plan, all of us, is we like to dig deeply to our own companies?

Have you ever thought that the big wind group all the way to these 19 years is the biggest meaning? "

Everyone is silent, thinking about a while, Xiao Bo knows the first answer, "influence, Great wind group influence many companies, especially Huaxia Enterprises, from the early years, have changed everyone to buy, and establishing everyone, is not The uncomfortable confidence, and then the social environment in today's Kochuo, China's changes are largely, and it is our strong wind group. "

Standing in the perspective of God to see the changes in the two worlds, it is easy to understand this paragraph, but for those who only live in a time and space, it is not easy to say that the impact of the wind group is not simple. After all, this ten In the past nine years, we have strive not only the wind group, but many changes are also subtle.

Xiao Bo knows to understand that he is benefited from the comprehensive participation in the process of enterprise development and the truthfulness of the company.

When Xiao Bo said that these words, others gradually nodded, realizing that the wind group did change a lot.

Meng Qian gratified to read the eyes after Xiao Bao, "Lao Xiao is consistent with my thoughts, I think the most proud of the wind group is our environmental impact, if there is no change in this large environment, It is also impossible to have today's China Teng Teng 2030 Plan, saying that China has become a scientific and technological power to go to 2050.

So, in these two years, I have been thinking about what kind of identity is thinking about the big wind group. The wind group can also give it to China outside the technology, even what to bring to this world, or say that the wind group can reflect A greater value.

As we are increasingly maturing in the plan of the company, there is a thing that is gradually formed in my mind, I call it: the giant round sailing program. "

"Giant Wheel Market Plan?"

"The development of humanity, whether it is national institution, private enterprises, public welfare communities, no domain organizations, in essence, in the ocean of technology, and strive to go far away, explore higher Science and technology civilization, this is a basic goal.

From the perspective of the development of human beings for thousands of years, the vastness of the ocean in this ocean is far from our imagination. Is there any way to speed up the process of exploring?

Coincidentally, our wind group is driving a relatively radical technology prosperity, and the foundation of this technology is laid in new globalization.

This makes me suddenly feel that there is something possible to do something.

Everyone is so understanding, there are many many boats on this ocean, but they are all right, then we will build a boat that can stand in the first echelon first by our strength, then in us A batch of interfaces on board, invited everyone to expand, create a giant round through everyone's strength. "

Everyone's expression is very embarrassing, because did not understand, Meng Qian pays that everyone's expression wants to continue, "There is a key point here that human technology has developed in facts, it is there. The front lead, others followed back.

In the past, when the Silicon Valley led, they were the largest and fastest ship, and then other boats followed them, listening to their command, and even looked in their hands.

But in that, one problem is that the power is disperse.

However, the problem of concentrating strength is that companies are competitive, so this giant round, we create a huge round with intellectual property as the main manifestation.

This is a huge round of the properties of the product itself, the mainstay of intellectual property, why can our wind group be taken?

Because our Great Breeze Group has always been a huge intellectual property, we are now a business-based enterprise, we will take the lead, there must be sufficient attractive.

And once such a banner is very obvious, the wind group is very obvious, and even one day the wind group falls, our knowledge of the reserve is always in the future, and the future can take this one generation. Do it until one day, a giant wheel, with everyone on the boat, enjoy the vastness and beauty of the sea.

To put it bluntly, it is a large-scale developmental practice under the idea of ​​new globalization. We have been talking about cooperation, simply playing a big, playing a supercomagan competition that can accumulate global power, and can continue to compete with generations.

This is my giant round sailing program. "

Everyone looked at the eyes, Fang Chen suddenly couldn't help but say, "From the first time I met Meng Gong, I felt that Meng Gu is completely different from ordinary people.

Everything you did seems to have nothing from the beginning, for yourself, not for the wind group, but for a bigger goal, a goal that makes me unclear.

Meng Tong, what do you want? "

Meng Qian will slowly rise in the eyes, and the corner is slowly rising. "In fact, I am an extremely selfish person, I have to be selfish than you, you can't understand what I want, because you didn't understand my selfish.

Everything I originally wanted to do is just out of my personal and selfish, anger, and love to the country.

And all my achievements are just because I am better than the luck of ordinary people.

So I want to choose a suitable ending method for this luck.

Let this luck, becoming a heritage. "

Everyone can not understand Meng Qian's meaning, Xiao Bo knows directly, "Meng Qi, I don't understand ..."

Meng Qian smiled and laughed and transferred the topic. "My dream is world peace, so I am interested in helping me? The new global thinking is that you will pass it around the world, and now new globalization has become a globe. Consensus, so I believe that if it is you, this huge wheel navigation plan will definitely fall. "

See Meng Qian, don't want to say, everyone is not a fool, Xiao Bo knows the first receiver, "Marx said that history recognizes that those who have become noble for common targets, they become a great person; experience praise those are most people People bring happiness is the happiest person.

You give me a chance to make a great person, how can I say it? "

Sun Xiaoyi smiled at the side, "No, this era can meet such a feeling of feelings, let me do a feeling, I have anything to reject, affecting my salary."


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