Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter III.62: Clearing the Past and the Future

Patrash turns his face with a trick that wrinkles around his nose, intimidating a ground dragon with a blue outer skin that stares in front of him.

"I feel the same way," Subaru says in a small voice to his sudden patrash as he gently strokes his neck muscles with his hands.

Although we dated for only a short time, the power of the bond now bonded between Subaru and Patrash was only strong enough to cross the border of life and death together.

over the reins. As if, Subaru seemed to convey Patrash's thoughts intact,

"I'm sorry I'm soaking, but will you stop seducing my grounddragon? Your local dragon is pretty good, too. I could follow you."

"Oh, Patrash! I'm sorry, you're nagging me! Who feels the same way about me and you! Before the battle of death, you realize the colour!

"The dragon didn't even tell your brother to do it, after showing it to you just before you left."

Subaru yells at Patrash's unexpected betrayal, against which he spills so like a recard with a cheekstick on his side.

Ugh, and when Subaru shut up with his throat clogged, he came forward through that side of the

"I can't believe we're rendezvous by the way, you're in a good position, sir, Julius. Only hours ago, we fought for our lives."

"I don't even look up to you when you say that. But let me correct you, Ferris. I am not a person named Julius. Right... shall I call you Yuri"

I shrug my shoulders at Ferris' sarcasm of my eyes, and Julius makes me crap like that I don't understand. Naturally, everyone's gaze narrows to a pseudonym that doesn't make sense, but when he recieves such a gaze with a cool smile,

"Assuming, then, that no person with the status of a knight joins a group of hired persons and falls into mercenaries. There is no such thing as a person named Julius Euclius joining an iron fang, and here is a man named Yuri."

"Nyaru. As always, proper chivalry in your home is a hassle, sir. Ferri, I'm glad you're a fallen aristocrat."

"I don't find chivalry a hassle. I think it's a problem that I have to turn my attention to just helping my friends. - For the record, let me also make it clear that the prudential disposition Julius Euclius received last night is solved when the day changes."

"Don't be silly, keep the line open... what do you mean by a pseudonym, so"

Subaru sounds his tongue and spills so evil as he listens to Julius and Ferris converse. It feels like you are obstinate enough to distract from your gaze and bend your lips, and in fact you are, so there is no excuse.

Hearing such a small evil state of Subaru, Julius looked at this one on the fence. He went straight ahead with the feet of the Grounddragon, and as soon as he was in the front,

"You look better than I thought. More than anything. - How's your body doing?"

"- Huh!"

Subaru's brain makes a good noise at Julius' remarks about his health.

Julius' inquiry, which is nothing but cynicism, was a few days ago for him - feeling almost two weeks ago for Subaru, but enough to remind him of it.

Towing, in the sense of no more provocative remarks, Subaru feels a curse springing up to the critical throat, and somehow swallows it.

cough, take a deep breath, make a flat face and stroke your short forehead with a disturbing method,

"Oh, well, it was a scratch? Do you feel like you're cured when you spit? It's that way, isn't it too late to name reinforcements or something? What, you've been busy writing a final submission to a great guy because you're so serious about the amateur guy?

Subaru returns it with a good incitement attack while guessing the background situation in association with the topic of how to proceed with caution. and Julius looked slightly snotty,

"I didn't want to talk about that, I wanted to talk about the injury to the honor of the Warcraft Crusade... but more importantly, it looks like you've demodulated that wound as well. Originally, because it shouldn't have been as flashy a wound as it looked. You're good at buying sympathy, but you've been rolling around in pain of exaggeration."


"hehe hehe"

Thirsty laughter staggers between them, and a one-touch, immediate atmosphere begins to drift.

If you think your surroundings will start to do something about the situation, Ferris and Ricardo look to the sidelines with an interesting look, and Mimi just walked into a group on the other side looking for her brother. Inevitably, it was the role of the

"It would be nice to warm up an old relationship, but I don't think that's the case now, both of you"

It is the old swordsman - Wilhelm - who moves forward and tells him so.

Wilhelm, who carries a treasure sword deposited more than the Lord on his hips, narrows his eyes full of quiet hegemony when he stares at Julius at the front,

"I can't thank you enough for this reinforcement. This one lost a lot of power in the battle against the White Whale. … I was anxious to be alone."

"Mr. Wilhelm, that's not..."

I let my voice down and Subaru pinches my mouth in Wilhelm stating so.

The White Whale Crusade was one of the walls for Subaru that had to be cleared from a variety of conditions. Subaru's benevolent will certainly intervenes there, and Wilhelm will not do anything to strain it.

It's toothache that doesn't explain everything, but Subaru speaks up that he wants to at least get rid of that burden somehow. But before it's a word,

"Good, now you're looking at me, Master Wilhelm"

Yes, Julius shrugged when he saw his old man in a quiet voice.

In front of Subaru, who looks up, Julius sees the glow of his eyes like Wilhelm's possession has fallen,

"Seems like someone else from when we met before. … Reinhardt will now be saved a little"

"Yes, you are."

With his hands on his chin, Wilhelm lays his eyes down.

How many glitches were in him during that moment of verbal hesitation?

Subaru, who doesn't know the circumstances, can only frown on the present exchange, but the surrounding eyes that greet them belong to those who know the circumstances again.

In front of Subaru, left behind and uninteresting, Wilhelm raised his down face,

"By contrast, I wasn't straight that way. I knew there was no need for that, no offense, but I couldn't forgive it. - Sooner or later, get paid."

"That's it, there 'll be enough for him to get too"

The bitter things of Wilhelm clutter his voice, but Julius affirms by pulling his jaw. Then Julius slowly turned that intelligent eye towards Subaru.

Naturally, Svalbard felt right about his spine and that earlier tongue battles would resume,

"I have to thank you."

"- Ah?"

Julius gently descends from the ground dragon to the ground in front of Subaru, who unwittingly raises his voice. And he looked up at Subaru, still on Patrash, and broke his hips,

"This White Whale crusade, it was inherently a heavy responsibility that the Knights had to bear. Thank you for putting an end to the scourge that nations have left behind over the years."

Subaru, who was offered an apology in a streamlined manner and until then had just been preceded by evil feelings for Julius, cannot be answered at all. and next to Subaru, confused in that way, Ferris pinched his mouth "Hey, hey,"

"Only, the crusade of the white whale is led by the Duke of Karsten - don't get me wrong there, sir, because it's Master Kursch's handle. It was Grandpa Ville who discussed this, too."

"Even if I know. I exchanged swords directly with him, such as the fact that he had no power to fight the white whale himself - because Julius had told me so."

Only Julius, who does not break his body that he is separate from Julius. After receiving Ferris' remarks, he went on to say, "But,"

"There is no doubt that his presence played a major role in the crusade of the Warcraft. Ferris, isn't that what you rightly admit?

"Huh. That's... yeah, dude."

Poking his fingers together, Ferris lowers awesomely with a mouthful. That's how he says cat ears, Julius turns again to Subaru for water,

"Thanks to you, people can forget the days when they're scared of fog anymore. - Anastasia will be very pleased."

"If it was just the first half, I'd have received it honestly, but if I added the second half, I'd have to say yes honestly."

"And my friend's long-standing regrets can also... mark a milestone"

He glanced, and Julius told him to spill his exhale.

I know that friend, is probably referring to a red-haired hero, but I don't know the details of the years of regret and doing that handsome guy in Subaru.

Is there such a thing as a past that you have to regret, even in someone like him?

Either way, I certainly don't feel bad about being able to honestly convey my gratitude.

I should honestly be pleased that Wilhelm's grief has been fulfilled, and I am aware that my cooperation has helped me in any way in that regard. but still Subaru's inner heart was extremely complex in front of Julius.

Though it is strong, the first thing that comes to my attention in Subaru's heart that precedes this beautiful sturdiness is because it is a weak part that frightens and butts in.

Even over that weak part, the next thing you wait for is an antipsychotic protected by a void that tries to hide its weakness. Whatever your pure gratitude for reinforcements, put another force on this occasion, such as a grudge festival against the ill character of their lord, which also keeps Julius in place, that is the first time in the dark that if arranged, you will not be cut.

But Subaru hasn't put any of those negative emotions to the surface.

Swallow that complex and strange emotion, and there's only one thing Subaru did instead.


And, it was to laugh as if you distorted your cheeks grandly and stirred up your opponent.

"Bad people."

"You're going to stroke your nerves."

"Akan, I did what I could."

"Nose hole, it's plump -!

"Dude, that booming from your side is creepy! This is it if you're a little proud of yourself and bragging about it!

Spitting on a badly regarded audience, he hits his anger, and Subaru turns to Julius again, breathing rough. With a loud, deep breath, calming down,

"So come on, what do you want? What the hell, man?"

- Really, you did it.


Unresponsive to Subaru's question, the only thing Julius whined about was the somewhere emotional sound.

in front of Subaru listening back. He shook his neck sideways saying, "No,"

"Ask if you understand, but the 'Iron Fang' in a contractual relationship with Master Anastasia is loaned to Master Krush only during the White Whale Crusade...... no, it is loaned to you"

"Is that it, but the story of my uncle..."

"Sister, please be quiet."

Mimi tried to put in a cross spear after hearing Julius speak, but it was held back by a cat-shaped beast man who was at some point next to her. While putting those exchanges into view, Subaru puts Julius' words in his ear with his face in his face.

to that Subaru attitude, Julius lifted his hand gently and continued, "I mean,"

"At the time of the White Whale crusade, there was already no reason for us to cooperate. I'm sorry for your loss. - I wonder what you're trying to do now."

"Julius is an asshole. I don't know what my uncle said before he stumbled on me. I don't remember Mimi."

"I'll be quiet."

Either way, I care about the kitten's comic talent behind me, but Subaru has figured out what Julius wants to say. In other words:

"Whether you want to pull up or continue with reinforcements, you can choose, on this occasion."

"I have been instructed to sell it at a high price. Or is it a scene where we don't need our help?

And this behold sheweth his back, and Julius presseth Subaru to make a decision.

Nevertheless, this is a scene where frustratingly frivolous decisions cannot be made. It's easy for Subaru here to leave it to anger to get rid of them, but that would soften the stupidity of sharpening his own power before the biggest wall that remains ahead.

It is also a question of accepting Julius's 'high price' only. It is only bad hands in the negotiations that keep cutting empty bills, and more importantly, it is the many lives and the future of one girl who will judge Subaru.

If Svalbard, who pushes silently, lays low, Wilhelm and Ferris, who refrain, wait quietly without showing a bare gesture to speak out. Assuming Subaru wishes for help on this occasion, they will, in this negotiation, adopt measures such as hiring in 'iron fangs' in the form of work from the 'Kursch faction'.

but that just turns the person making the loan into another person. As things stand, there is one antagonism between Subaru and Kursch, and it is not a good idea to change the current situation where only a thick portion of this loan is valued for benevolence.

Then if you look at the mercenary regiment led by Ricardo, the arm-wrapped Ricardo closes his black-eyed eyes and stands still. Mimi also imitates it and closes her eyes, occasionally shivering her adorable little nose when she tingles those orange cat ears.

Earlier it seemed weak why Ricard would accompany me in the fight against witchcraft, but I am convinced at the time Julius has brought up this negotiation. I knew it was a negotiation I couldn't refuse, and it was an attitude that meant it was nice to meet you.

"Dirty. That's the money deceased, dirty..."

"Wouldn't it be a long time to look at people's faces? I'm telling you, Wye didn't mean it either. Put it in people's weaknesses. This is what it's like. However, I like money more than that and talk all the time..."

"Your grid is shallow on the bottom! I didn't originally count on you!

The enemy's head - even though it's just a shaped boss, I'm not going to ask that recard for help. Anyway, obnoxiously, Subaru's answer is only Jesus' only remaining negotiation.

Apart from the Krush faction, which has now returned the loan to Even, it will also create a unilateral debt to Anastasia. It's a bitter decision, but Svalbard, who can't even turn down reinforcements here, has to bite his teeth and indulge in remorse.

Reinforcements stay put, if they can get through without creating borrowing problems -.

"fog...... white whale...... street and deadline and, end...... witch"

With his thoughts incandescent, Subaru runs through words that blur his brain. those lines of unconnected thought began to rely on faint takeaways to code, and

"The White Whale Crusade isn't over yet... What do you say?

- Interesting, that's a statement.

Julius narrows his eyes and says so to Subaru's words as he can think of.

Behind the scenes, the Beast Mercenaries originally found that the face of the Crusaders - the way Wilhelm looked out among them - caused pain to Subaru's conscience.

but in a different way from his old man's accomplishment of his grief, he realized a problem that should not be left behind either. It's

"The white whale, a fog-producing warcraft, could also be a witchcraft. I know someone who said something like that."

- Was that the third time in the world, that is, the last time in the loop?

I think it was when I was surrounded by witchcraft in the woods, defeated without fail by Petergius' unseen hand, and beaten to powerlessness with Emilia's remains kicked.

At that time, that lunatic did have a mouthful of mouth, cursing this one.

The blockade of the streets is complete. No one can cross the fog, he said.

How does he know that? No matter how, speak as if it were your doing. And extreme is then a word that the beast of the end that freezes the world ran into.

"The guy with the translated face said," Eating a white whale. If that's true, if I'm one of those witchcraft hands... it's got to have something to do with where I'm going. "

If Petergius had called the white whales into the streets and obstructed their entry into and exit from the territory of Mazers, the purpose, of course, was nothing more than for their insane deeds. In other words, the blockade by the white whale on the street was meant to hit the mansion - Emilia.

"I have to let witchcraft, who has been superior to me, drop it. Put it together for this time and four hundred years. If you do that, the White Whale crusade will be complete."


"That's the job your employer ordered with a pay hanging, don't throw it out on the way, mercenary. Or pay the penalty and get out of my way."

Strongly speaking, Subaru asks for Julius' way out.

Inside, I was so in love with the thinness of the basis of my statement, but it is now Subaru that I can laugh and set up the outer surface.

It's speculation from scattered information about the future. That's also what I heard under unclear consciousness in parts that were dotted more than ever, and the credibility is even faint on me.

Although I tried to connect them together and shape them like that, I don't know if this will convince me. but at least if we get a cut to continue the negotiations -,

"- Let's start with the whole point."


"Let me make sure it sounds a little better here, but I'll generally let it pass at your insistence. You don't have to crush Anastasia's face."

"Hey, wait a minute!

With his hands in front, Subaru tries to stop Julius. but Julius took Subaru's haste lightly,

"I don't know. The mercenary regiment will continue to cooperate. The reward is as already paid by Master Anastasia. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

"Light...... I mean, what, the goodness of that thing! You..."

I put the words ahead of me in my mouth, and I notice terrible parts of myself.

That there is a desire for Julius's appearance, who is trying to deduce this circumstance and cooperate in response to the naive development of the debate, to be different in the way he is a good man.

Julius realized in Subaru that she wanted him to be an obnoxious guy who could never tell.

"No reward, no reward. If you do a retarded bong cla, you'll only get stuffed once, but if you're a smart opponent, you'll have plenty of opportunities."

"It doesn't make a difference how you end up with plenty..."

I see Ricard interrupted the conversation and this luckily rides you over. To the easier, I didn't feel comfortable running away.

Subaru's self-loathing goes hand in hand with others' loathing, and the situation becomes sinister on the one hand.

but before the situation. Subaru exhaled deeply,

"I... I'm sorry. Shit, I'm sorry. Oh, Chickshaw. This is not what I'm trying to say. Even then, I was better..."

With his hands on his forehead, Subaru struggles to mouth a rational answer somehow. But I can't find the words. I understand it with my head.

This is an occasion to thank Julius for taking reinforcements to show his willingness to join the war. Even before that was the result of Subaru's shortcomings, and now that I can calm down and look back, I know which is worse.

Or of Julius' deeds at that time, because of what the consequences have been.


Julius has nothing to say to the obnoxious Subaru words.

He would know what Subaru wants to say, and he could say the answer ahead of Subaru, who can't say anything.

But he didn't do it, and he didn't do it. I can't wait for Subaru to hate him. I wish I had hated and hated you as you are and just hated you.

"I'm sorry. Sorry, thanks... I apologize"

In a low voice, squeezing it out, Subaru put it into words.

It's also an abominable memory for Subaru to look back, but someday in front of someone who must be settled in order to shake it off.

Julius listens to that spitting Subaru apology and meditates quietly. Then he pulled his jaw loosely,

"This way, let's apologize for the disrespect. I never retract everything I did and said then, but I still only insulted you, wholeheartedly."

That's how Julius responds to Subaru's apologies and returns the words.

His words were overflowing with sincerity, and it turned out to melt badly and lightly, the unpleasant emotions that were obsessed with the inside of Subaru.

Now that he had figured it out, Subaru went down to the ground just like the 'knight' standing in front of him, facing him from the front at the same height as his length.

"I'm sorry. But..."


"I hate you so much. - I think it's bad, and I appreciate what you've just done, but I don't like you. Really, from the bottom of my heart, it's tremendous, I hate it!

The last sentence is separated by a sentence, posing for each separation, saying it off.

So Julius, slapped head-on, looked often taken aback, and then broke the look on his face,

"That's fine. I don't really feel like I can be friends with you either."

And that's what made him sick, and he put his hair up and laughed.

For once, we need to sort things out in each other's heads.

Become a car seat, and the face-to-face person who started it discusses what is to come.

It is Subaru that stands at the center, and it is the shape that surrounds Julius with faces like Ferris, Ricard and Wilhelm.

"Uh, honestly, I'm not good at compartmentalizing or anything like this, so that's how I can light it up when I can stare at it with serious eyes..."

Again, when I'm surrounded by faces that are more human in strength than I am in this way, I get butted in. Originally, Subaru was a straight line in the original world. As well as the experience of standing in public, I am aware that I am not the kind of personable person who stands above people.

but they have a certain trust in Subaru that makes them feel uncomfortable like that, and even as Subaru, they are not in the mood for it. Trouble is.

"In the meantime, let's wrap it up. Uh, we're on our way to Mazers territory... or the Roswar mansion. There, perhaps, no. Definitely witchcraft makes a face."

"Witchcraft...... is it"

Each expression takes a serious flavor to the fact that the name of witchcraft has emerged. In the course of the conversation so far, there must have been a lot of things I was quite prepared for, but still, they actually have something to feel if they found out about it.

In this world, the existence of witchcraft is well known, and although Subaru doesn't know how they take it - for Subaru, their existence could be called 'the worst' in a nutshell.

Approximately, based on everyone's reaction, that seems like a common perception.

"Subaru. How did you notice the relationship between the white whale and witchcraft?

Subaru, it was Julius who called and dumped this one at ease.

Since the earlier genuine confession, Julius' attitude has been somewhat reassuring here. Honestly, Subaru had some complications about that attitude as well -

"Abominably, I've run into witches before. I'm sorry I'm safe. I've got some bad memories on top... but there was a guy with a slippery mouth."

"Right.... the Knights were not wrong."

"Yes, sir. Looks like the material Grandpa Ville chased has settled into such a conclusion."

"You knew?

Julius agrees with Subaru's words, and Ferris agrees. Subaru expressed surprise at their attitude, but Wilhelm shook his head loosely,

"It's a coincidence that I realized the relevance. The appearance distribution of white whales and the points encoded by the records of witchcraft activities seemed unnaturally numerous. - It's not enough to be sure."

"The way white whales come out is fateful, and witchcraft is like an aside, sir. Ferri was half-hearted when she first heard it."

"Even the Knights had a story like that. Although, as a matter of treatment, it is a kind of fluent language… although it was a laughing dimension."

To Julius shrugging his shoulders, Wilhelm exhales, "I can't help it," he said. Listening to their interactions, Subaru scratched his head and

"In the meantime, it's a lucky story to me that there was a basement where you could believe the story. Anyway, I also find it pretty credible that I believe what the witch guy said... but I'm pretty sure the white whales have something to do with those guys. Originally, a warcraft is a creature made by a witch, isn't it?

"That's what they say. The existence or occurrence of the Warcraft is unknown. Sometimes they breed like normal organisms, while others spring up in the fudge like white whales. Exceptions like the white whale are like the black snake and the big raven."

"I think a word popped up that I can't miss hearing something about, but I'm afraid, can we move on?

No problem, I saw everyone snort, and then Subaru coughed up and went on to talk.

with witchcraft, and the next thing you need to know to everyone is that

"The aim of witchcraft is Emilia, and they're willing to burn down every village near the mansion. So we have to get rid of those bastards somehow."

"Get rid of it. I'll say something sweet, sir."

Ferris narrows those eyes glossy and stretches his tail meaningfully to see Subaru. Zo, it's like a chill running on your back. However, the other person is a man.

"It's sweet."

"Hey guys, I wish I could just cut them all off. From the records so far, that's the right thing to do with them, yo?


Subaru opens his mouth to surprise when he hears Ferris make a declaration of abduction and massacre.

I'm not surprised at his drastic remarks, but at myself for making what he calls sweet little remarks.

I should have been repeating in my head that I should kill those guys, that I should die, but I was surprised at the change in my mood using sweet words.

That must be because what should eventually be prioritized changed in Subaru.

"If we can protect the mansion and the villagers, that's fine now. Get rid of witchcraft, bust it, bust it, bust it, kill it, screw it, pull it, burn it, shatter it..."

"Wow, okay. Because I know enough about your anger towards them."

"- Ha! Shit. No, you're not. It's not like I'm ready to fight for anger and hatred. Emilia, that's why you approached Tan. How evil!

"Nobody said anything about that!?

While we were talking, the mundane and angry rekindled, freaking Julius and Ferris out as a result. But there was also a gain from unnecessary rhetoric.

The very motive for Svalbard's behavior, which was suspected in the previous world, is apparently not in any doubt in this flow. I wonder what makes it different, Subaru thinks.

"Leave the white whale down with all that self-sacrifice-ready maneuvers, and now who's going to push that evil? Subaru, the outgoing human disbelief, sir."

"Human disbelief and shit......"

In fact, Ferris and Kursch have suspected it.

but he laughs at the pieces. He doesn't even suspect in a completely different way than he pretends to be. Is that also a change due to the change in Subaru's will and behaviour?


"There will no longer be any doubt about the fact that witchcraft moves. Because of their activities, it was expected at the time Emilia named her king."

Julius looking convinced while touching his jaw. Subaru raised his hand because that attitude was familiar to him and the part he had never had a chance to ask before,

"I just want to ask you something, Emilia, how convinced are you that witchcraft will work when you name it? Well, it's strange since we've all accepted... I'm talking about a lot of witchcraft people whose reality is unclear."

"I thought you knew witchcraft moves, and that's what you say?

Ferris twists his neck in a manner bewildered by Subaru's question. Being laughed at for ignorance is an anticipated reaction, Subaru turning his palm to his face as "so-so,"

"I don't even have time for this. Let's make it right. So, what do you think?"

"I think it's a strange story for the witch to divide things like that... but, you know, it's the jealous witch Satella that Witchcraft worships for the rest of her life. Don't know about this."

"For once. Honestly, I just touch it there, too, to the extent I read it in a picture book."

"What about the guy who saw the real thing? There's hardly any left. Do it for granted. I've heard a lot about you. Well, if you knew a witch would believe in that satire, eh? So, what did that satire cuckoo witch do with half an elf?

"That too, well"

The picture book Svalbard read did not say that much information, but it is heard when he asks Beatrice about the witch.

And frequently, even in the Wang capital, Emilia's appearance and origins were compared to "The Witch of Jealousy," something that was often given up on the subject. Subaru and others were outraged that it was not her fault.

"Emilia, you're saying that the way it looks is just like a witch, right? But that's no reason to blame that kid. It's a misguided resentment."

"Most guys don't think so. That's all Satella did. So, I can't go back to witchcraft... simple story, they're half-elf beings out of the way."


Unexpectedly, a distracted voice can be played by Subaru's throat.

I turn my neck to see what the said word means, but the reaction around me has nothing special against Ricard. In other words, it is a common perception,

"Why? Think normally... I hate to just trace those guys' normal thoughts, but normally thinking about persecuting the same half-elf as a heartbreaking witch..."

"I believe in it, and I guess I can't tolerate the same and different because I think so that I have no more. Similar but not the same, misplaced. - It's there."

That was a terribly cold, bottom-cold murderous voice.

With his face up, Subaru looks at the person who spoke that voice. and the person also looked at Subaru, in the form of their gaze intertwined with each other. Subaru is nailed to the gaze of being peeked into the inside of his mind, but the opponent of the moment,

"Nyah, did Feri try to guess or something?

I broke that look lightly and gave it my tongue, letting it decide it didn't have the atmosphere it is now.

Subaru can't carry on the words to the change that should be called leopard change, but when Ferris glared with such a strange face as this one's upset,

"You're crazy about the reason for witchcraft, but it's not the story that started right now, is it? Problem is, we're targeting the Emilias. I think it depends on which one of us is in charge of witchcraft?

"Bishop of the Great Crimes, yah"

"- Do you know that name?"

Ricard agrees with Ferris on the changed topic and Subaru devours the word that came out there.

Bishop of the Great Crimes - although it was the position named by Petergius, on which he explained that he was in charge of 'laziness'.

"Are you famous for being a witchcraft grand bishop?

"There are people like that, about Echo. Once upon a time, before the Jealous Witch went wild, there were other witches besides Satella."

"Arrogance. Anger. Laziness. Greed. bulimia. Lust. - Six witches in the name of a great sin, right? They were all swallowed by a satire in the name of jealousy."

A witch in the name of a great sin - that's something I've heard somewhere before.

Speaking of witches in this world, he said it was about the jealous witch Satella, and that no other great sinful witch existed anymore. But...

"I don't know what to call a witchcraft executive, but I hear that what is in that position replaces the lost witches and gives them the name of their great sin. Jealousy is a symbol of the satire they believe in. In other words, six other - six Bishops of the Great Crimes."


Breathtaking in Julius' explanation, Subaru scratches a cold sweat at the bottom ignorance of hostile witchcraft.

At the time Petergius named 'laziness', it was predictable that there would be other beings in charge of the great sins. Speaking of the seven great sins, it's a nice word full of medium and secondary elements familiar to Subaru in subculture, but the evil impression of 'laziness' I experienced was too strong to take it as a word to temper my chest.

It's just...

"The white whale, which was supposed to be 'bulimia', we dropped it. Another Archbishop of the Great Crimes should also face up in the Mazers' realm on his way. Witchcraft, this is your chance to lean at once."

"Oh, you're strong, sir. But, well, Ferri agrees that it's a good opportunity to crush witchcraft that I didn't know I was good at. They licked me. They're imitating me."

"In the sense that we don't even see any signs of activity, the Knights are also opponents who have been tasted with spicy acid for a long time. Not only me, but many knights would be. I appreciate the opportunity."

Ferris and Julius agree with Subaru's opinion, and Ricard has a belligerent grin, making Wilhelm just try to respond with a solemn nod.

If that is the case, what Subaru should do is plan the operation using the force it has now and the future information Subaru has. - Nonetheless, the measure itself is terribly simple, and we already have something that also strikes the fabric stone.

"Worst of all, it's an operation that I had to do in the current half, but thanks to Julius joining me, the numerical anxiety disappeared. I think we can do it."

"I just want to correct one thing, my name is Yuri. I do stay close to the eldest son of the Euclidean family, but I want you to be careful there"

"That setting. You're just in the way outside of public occasions! If you're serious about pretending to be someone else in the first place, don't dress me like a Kingsguard knight or something! It's shallow to make!!

Yelling at Julius covering up a shallow cover-up on the bottom, Subaru looks over everyone's face with a rough breath. And then I cough up one thing,

"Well, here's a quick description of a witchcraft hunt that even monkeys can do. - Here we go."

He crooks his cheeks and laughs like a bad guy, and Subaru shows off his ops.

The moonlight began to lean on the plains - the last night before it hit witchcraft, and the morning of the last day of this loop was beginning.

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