Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Three: 63: Lazy Flashes

"Two of the most famous witchcraft are probably laziness and greed."

That's what Julius told Subaru as he ran adjacent to each other in the ground dragon.

Subaru is stretching hard across Patrash, but Julius, accustomed to riding, is refreshing. I don't want to be lined up because I look over and I seem miserable, but Julius doesn't know if he knows such Subaru's grid.

"Although the names of the Bishops of the Great Crimes are known, there are actually two of them whose names come up in their activity materials. I mean, laziness is more frequent, but the magnitude of the damage is higher than greed."

"It doesn't seem like you're busy... but how long have you known each other?

"I don't have that much detail."

To Subaru, who reluctantly responds to the story, Julius strokes his rocking forehead and turns his attention. He looked down at Subaru, who withstood the wobble in a strong phase,

"Is it okay to continue the conversation?

"There's no reason to be cared for. This is how dragons ride around in my area. Hey, Patra... hey, don't shake it! lizard bastard!"

"I wonder if I don't have enough trust with the Grounddragon. The ground dragon is your leg, but not your possession. Depositing trust and letting the wind breathe together…"

"It's fine with you. Let me hear it from you."

Either way, with his tongue out to Julius from above, Subaru urges Patrash to continue the conversation as he makes an effort to breathe together. Julius exhaled deeply once into such an untruthful attitude of Subaru, and then waved his raised fingers to the left and right,

"The Archbishop of the Great Crimes," Laziness, "has a very high rate of participation in warfare in situations where witchcraft operates. Roughly more than half of the damage that witchcraft causes everywhere involves the name 'laziness'"

"You mean a bunch of bastards."

"I'm presumed to be extraordinarily obsessed with serving as the spear most. You're a very diligent worker instead of naming yourself" lazy. "- Unless the destination of its dynamism is a heretical place of work, something like that."

I recall Petergius even forcing others to try so hard to be diligent on themselves.

He was only in charge of 'laziness', but he himself even seemed to hate 'laziness' in the right sense. Is it the manifestation of that rebellion that will mean the frequency of activity of 'laziness' up to the anomaly in witchcraft?

"But you don't know the details even though you come across me that often. You didn't hunt him down in the Knights or anything like that."

"Basically, witchcraft activities can't even feel signs. For the first time in the scene of the damage that happened, I can tell it was witchcraft, that kind of rally. It's not even easy to stay together and connect lives."

"But not this time"

Julius regrets Subaru's inquiry. but it was another rider pinching Subaru from the opposite side of Julius - Wilhelm - who forcefully denied that honorable man's answer.

The old man slipped the sheath of the treasure sword in his lower back, keeping a quiet will in his eyes,

"If the exit is to be held back, let it be a right contest for power. If Lord Julius were to join me, the rest of the squad, and Lord Ricard, I wouldn't be inferior to that."

"Right, right. I think so too."

Calmly analyzing my difference in power, Subaru responds positively to Wilhelm.

If we're going to compare pure combat power, the witchcraft fighting power led by Petergius shouldn't be able to cross with this one that wins by number. Additionally, Petergius's own combat skills are not so high.

As long as you jump into your nostalgia, you can't even engage your amateur Subaru. If it was Wilhelm who jumped in, it would be possible to even fly his neck in an instant.

- "Invisible hands" are still the most problematic part of his strategy.

Whether or not you can scratch his palm, which stretches everywhere like a black jaw, and approach him. It is no exaggeration to say that it divides light and darkness. And because Subaru is the only one who can counter that 'invisible hand'.

"It's an operation with that in mind. I'm counting on you, Mr. Wilhelm."

"My pleasure."

Strictly jaw-drawing, only reliability drifts from Wilhelm, who responds briefly.

"You're right," Julius nodded several times, next to Subaru, driven by the urge to accidentally keep everything about himself.

"Nor am I willing to lose if I can bring it into reality, the stage where I can cross swords. So far, I've missed that opportunity and regretted it... but this time, it won't happen."

Two things, Julius, with his quiet anger in his eyes.

He also, as a member of the Kingsguard Knights, would have had an unsettling emotion for witchcraft, which has so far been a lazy escape from the opportunity to capture Na.

Subaru was also in total agreement on that.

"By the way, the lazy talk went off, but what's the other famous' greed '?

"Unlike laziness, greed doesn't have so many reported examples. but the damage from the case with the name remaining was too great"

"Too big a damage......?

To the impeccable Subaru words, Julius winds a serious flavor to the side, closing his eyes to contemplate,

"The Vorachian Empire south of the kingdom. Because of its robustness, it took down a city called the Garcla, called the Castle City. - Alone."

"Dropped!? The city? Alone!?

"Soldiers are always fortified - that spirit breathes into the land, and that country is one of Shura, even one soldier. The Archbishop of the Great Crimes, named 'Greed', singled out the fortified city protected by such soldiers. Vorachian hero, defeat even 'Kurgan of the Eight Arms'"

Wilhelm continues to strike at Subaru, whose mouth opens in amazement. He uttered the name of a hero who was supposedly defeated by the hand of greed, and when he frowned furiously white, he put a sense of grief in his eyes.

When Subaru, who noticed its color, clutched his mouth, sidelined the reaction and the old swordsman shook his neck small and sideways,

"Kurgan and I have exchanged swords several times. - That was a good user. He cut down to six of his eight arms and was skewered through his belly instead. We're dying and we're sore, and we're not settled."

"There's a much more spectacular old story out there -!"

The episode from the active years of the Sword Ghost is, to be honest, quite ranobic and unsettling to my mind. There was also a desire to delve into the area in detail, but the insensitivity to do it to Wilhelm, where its good enemies tell the facts discussed, was not even in Subaru.

Nevertheless, the story of 'greed' is purely a matter of concern to Subaru as well.

"Greed lazily. Besides four more...... no, three out of the bulimia. It's a tough future."

- You're already looking ahead.

"I hate it, but come on, I feel like it's a lot more likely"

With witchcraft in place, Subaru looks far into the future.

The 'laziness' showdown with Petergius is inevitable, including the fact that the other side comes out a little. And deciding between Petergius and the female male means decisive conflict with witchcraft, so.

"Inevitably, there will be a phase where the next great sin will run into each other.... angry resentment development, but it's a bad comic book promise pattern that brings Dachi differently when one is defeated."

It's a real matter of bumping into each other, settling in, yes, it's over, it's not.

If it doesn't end until one of them is devastated, then as long as Subaru keeps trying to move forward beside Emilia, the opportunity will come relative to the Archbishop of the Great Crimes.

"Already, it hurts a lot to hear about greed. I need your help."

"It's a story that hasn't come yet, and it's hard to put into words when it sinks that far. - Subaru, now we should focus on what's right in front of us."

"Wow. I'm just a little nervous because I'm lazy."

Pulling his jaw at Julius' words, Subaru retightens his mind.

Shortly before that, Julius said small, "Lazy...?" I heard him say it, "but Subaru cut it and threw it away, saying it wasn't a big deal.

The night is starting to whiten and the sun is starting to rise slightly from beyond the dark sky.

We had already set foot in the aspiring territory of Mazers, and the Coalition against Witchcraft, which merged the Crusaders and the Beast Mercenaries, was willing to run the horseman.

At the end of the path is the mansion of Roswar, the lord - not.

Heading straight to the Roswar mansion, Subaru thought as one operation, hitting all the village people and the remaining Emilias in the mansion as escorts.

It's probably meant to protect them, and it's not like you can take the risk any lower. But...

"I'm the only one who absolutely screws around and knows, and that timing will slip away when we get into the escort. When that happens, we don't know the future anymore."

If an armed group enters the mansion, the servant Petergius may also review the policy. Even that fanatic swallows it and feels compelled to go through it, but even that already makes it different from Subaru's known form of the future.

down the white whale, and now the morale of this Union is in a very high state. But it's hard to maintain that morale in front of enemies who don't know if they're going to make it.

It will also impose a corresponding burden on Emilia and the humans in the village, who continue to be frightened and weakened by the hostiles, and who continue to be protected. I can't say for sure.

"Then there's one way to do it well in a way that's in line with the future I know - take it all at once with a pre-emptive attack, only!

It's not Subaru's way of looking at the future, such as being frightened by someone who doesn't know if they're going to make it. Because we should explore ways to make the most of the opportunities we get back to death that we shouldn't have.

The way to do it, then, is the possibility...

Subaru walks slowly as he feels the feel of the fallen grass leaves on his soles.

It is in the dim woods that Subaru steps on the ground with poor scaffolding.

The sun has already climbed to a high position, and the sunlight dedicated is slipping through the gaps in the trees. The wind blowing through was damp and made Subaru aware of the sooner heartbeat feel the cold of the sweat floating on his forehead.

- Now Subaru was alone.

Subaru, who walks in isolation through the cold forests of the wind, does not even take Patrash, who ran through the streets with him. It was empty in my hands, and I could hardly count on walking with my shoulders shaking like a hundred million bucks.

"- Patrash left it. It's not going to happen in this fight."

Laughing small, Subaru, who spills so, is slightly out of breath.

I was already walking this distance alone. Through the thin trees, he steps on the fallen branches and rings, taking care not to fall down the slippery slopes. The road without a way was also hesitant to call it the Beast Road, and even let it purely interrupt Subaru's journey.

Will this be the third time I walk through this forest?

For the first and second time, if you think you had someone in your arm, you should have been much lighter now than that. And yet, is it a question of how you feel about the tip of the foot directed at you that you feel much heavier now than then? Or because someone who was in his arms was the kind of person that would make Subaru forget his fatigue?

"Both, I suppose... you must be proud"

First or second time, it's the result of not being able to protect someone who was in my arms.

And if now, the third time, is done with your bare hands, you must definitely avoid any further repetition. It's for that, because it's now.


I avoided stepping on toxic colored mushrooms and jumped small to support the nearby tree trunk, and as soon as I landed, I felt the air change on my skin.

Before the battle against the white whale, it's not the same feeling as playing skin with a strained sense of urgency. The air nowadays does not play, but is accompanied by a snarling dimness, which makes Subaru seem unresponsive to the feeling of systemic sweat that he has never been aware of.

"You're here. … In the quiet corner of the room, I feel like I've noticed the presence of a cockroach."

Silently staring at the immobile black object X. Though at the end of a lonely feud that may come to an end, man feels eternal as if time is being extended.

Near what it was then, an almost unpleasant feeling crawling around my whole body.

If I gazed at him, I could notice a similar forest landscape on both the right and left - there, an incredible sense of known that I had seen one day.

No, really, I came across a view that I knew.

"I got there every time I walked down a road that wasn't just a road, so I mean, my sense of direction, you know, it's too sharp and it's mildly funny."

Or should I say your nose is getting smarter?

Hounds trained exclusively for witchcraft - if you call them that, you'll dress up, but it's a kind of role you want to resign to if you can. Just this once, I want to give it back.

"- Welcome, thank you."

He gazes into the dim darkness at the front, and Subaru speaks so of his labor.

There is no familiarity or other shards in the par value, but it is well known that the voice-throwed ones do not have the same human flavor to care about that. Now I think, what the hell are they?

Where is its true intent, as if it were an unwilled puppet, that keeps whispering without words or claims?

"Around there, if you ask, you won't answer me, witch."


It was the men dressed in black that assimilated into darkness that surrounded Subaru.

Soon the sound of the wind had disappeared from the world, and the soil had already been ready when they appeared. Thus, there is little surprise in the encounter. Some are out of place, but only a relief to them who showed their faces exactly as they aimed.

"I'll ask your heads for more details... just let it go"


"I don't know, but sequentially, I'm the one up there, right? Please."

Raise your hands and instruct them to go somewhere.

Then the black outfits bow their heads to show respect for Subaru and melt again into the darkness as they glide in that posture. This, too, is the reaction we assumed.

I don't know, it's complicated, but they're not hostile to Subaru. Unless you show any harmful intentions from here, or unless Petergius tells you to, you don't have to worry about coming at me from the other side.

"Now if you're going to pull me into some other country and don't show me your face again and listen to me until I give you an order, I'm going to have fun."

Exhale and Subaru drops his shoulder that it won't be convenient to carry him that far.

Without the presence of a system of instructions like Petergius, it would be the bottom ignorance of those who do not see the reality that it is unlikely that it will pass, but the position of Subaru would be beneath Petergius with their priority in the present situation. Still, he keeps having it in his eyes.

Either way, honestly, it was good news that the guys withdrew. The planting was sophisticated - in some cases the fabric was broken and the end of the battle could have been open on this occasion. The current contact was also pretending to be spare, but it could be said that it was a pretty critical line.

It's only a little funny how I changed myself when I was timid to the point where I could step in without fear even on such occasions. Although I self-analyze that it is closer to damning than ready.

"Well, it won't be a bad flow. More, please, my lever."

Check the black outfits that disappeared, and then Subaru steps on the dirt again.

As I progress through a world dominated only by my own breath and footsteps, I even remember the illusion that time stops and I walk alone in the darkness that never ends. But such emotions soon came to an end with trees opening and cliffs peeking.

High cut rock walls spread across the front, interrupting as if the forest had even been engraved with giant nail marks. If the Great Rock blocks the ground just below the cliff and Subaru touches it on any principle, the path to the hidden cave invites this body into a cold, dark wall.

But before you touch the rocks, it's quicker to see the shadows greeting Subaru here.

"- Wait, I'm here, Death. Beloved believer."

There is a man who spreads his hands and brings joy to that look.

Eyes that fall on the spilled cheeks. Deep green hair has an unhealthy color gloss, and the hands and feet peeking from under the black coat are fine and weak like dead trees. When I was old, I looked like I was in my mid-thirties or something, but it's not surprising to be told that overall frailty comes through in my fifties.

Only the shimmering glow of my eyes, staring at this one unchanged, was poured in to light the frantic light and lick Subaru up.

"I am in charge of witchcraft, Bishop of the Great Crimes' laziness'. Petergius Romaneconti...... Death!

He drowned from the tip of his stretched tongue, and the madman - Petergius laughed his ass off, greeting Subaru.

In front of Petergius, an enemy of hate, Subaru was realizing the fact that he was badly calm.

Perhaps in my short life, there will be no one who hated me more than this man.

I thought only of killing this man, dyed bright red in front of me, and kept hating him so much that my thoughts were burned to the ground with killing intentions.

The worst calamity in relentlessly murdering important human beings, those close to them.

I must have breathed that I was going to snap that neck with this hand, but before that dead tree-like murder phase, what Svalbard now held was some relief.

- That's the same kind of thing I had when I was able to make safe contact with witches back in the day.

"Welcome, Mass, my beloved and beloved son of a witch! Excellent. Excellent. Wonderful, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. How high is the love that surrounds you! How hot of the love that holds you! On this occasion! Don't be like you! I didn't know a beloved faithful would show a new face! Oh, my God, how wonderful!

Petergius' gear is already at the top in front of Subaru, which gains such emotion. Petergius, shaking his head, scratching the back of the floating hand of the bone and spilling his blood in abundance with his self-injuries, cannot contain the joyful fierceness.

The first time was fear, the second was hostility, and the third time I saw it, it finally came to the normal emotion of disgust. To the life of Petergius, all Subaru holds is an unknown aversion to being incomprehensible.

Subaru breathes deeply in front of Petergius as he indulges in the feeling that his cheeks are about to become unwittingly tight. Relax, and gently raise your hand,

"I'm afraid you're welcome. I don't know, I just don't feel like it."

"What can't be done, Death! The eagle started suddenly, too, Death. Everyone realizes they are 'loved' at the border one day. And once you realize it, you can't let go of your lying love or anything. - Love is everything, from Death!

Petergius comes aboard happily to Subaru, who waved the topic to grasp the catch of the story. He spreads the two hands he offers, trembling with blood dripping hands, not looking at himself, who easily tramples on the lives of others, and letting love triumph. Terrible, distorted affection.

"To love! For the love given! We have to respond diligently, Death! Therefore give a test, a test. Hit the trials. In this world, in this age, in these days, in this hour, in this moment, in this moment, to find meaning in the fact that the eagle has been spoiled by a witch, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love, to love. No, no, no!!

"You shouldn't be lazy. You have to be diligent to reward love honestly"

"That, right - Death!!

More than ever, Petergius turns his joy to his expression for his understanding of the statement.

I don't want to agree or understand the madman's opinion, but Subaru keeps biting off and facing each other with his gushing disgust. time and to get something at all.

"Uh, uh, I'll rendezvous with you on this occasion... I wonder if that's okay. Do you have any formalities, seals, paperwork you have to press? Can I have a thumbprint?

"To be added to the eagle umbrella on this occasion, I feel that the petition given to you is too colorful for the mass... this is not even the scent of an aromatic witch given to the eagle, Death. You'd be jealous if it was around 'lust' or 'anger'...... hey, you're not 'arrogant' Death!?


"Of the six seats of the Bishop of the Great Crimes, only 'arrogance' is still available, Death! Until something worthy appeared, the great sins were never aligned, Death... and the witch factor should have already gone under the arrogance of the next generation, Death. - Are you receiving the Gospel, Mass?

One step, Petergius fills the distance to Subaru, tilting his neck ninety degrees and asking.

The destination of the inquiry can only return confusion to Subaru. Subaru does not have an answer to the question of whether it is not 'arrogance'. It is also an incomprehensible realm of what he speaks of as the 'gospel' and what they are.

Petergius frowned suspiciously at Subaru for not returning a bad answer and not being allowed to just let the scene flow silently.

"- The brain, earthquake, can"

Small, petergius squeals so in a plundered voice.

But from that fine voice, tremors disappear all the joyful fervors of the earlier days, and all that is left is the extremes of emptiness that cause anxiety and fear in what you hear.

Anxiety curls up like scratching just across the street, Subaru thinks of the fact how fast he is breathing.

Your heart bounces high and makes you feel even pain by slapping your sternum.

Intimidating wind where the underknee trembles into small pieces and can become unstable without even paying attention to standing properly - in which Petergius tilts his neck opposite, inserting the lifted right-hand finger into his mouth and chewing it to pieces.

"Presentation of the 'Gospel'. A token of my love."

Put your left hand inside the black coat and it is the book of lacquered black fittings that will be removed.

One hand cleverly opens it about the size of the original world dictionary, and Petergius' blood-running eyes run on the page to be turned. And

"There is no description of you in the gospel of the eagle, Death. Now, why the hell did you show up, visit, and bring meaning to the eagle, Death?"

"If the book's title is' The Gospel '- then it's me. There's a lot going on, and I don't have the book with me now."


"Oh. - I used it for pot laying and it got dirty, so I threw it away"

- This is the watershed.

The moment I put Subaru's joke answer in my ear, Petergius' expression turns into a murder phase.

Shortly afterwards, the madman's shadow spreads like an explosion, from which countless black demons stretch out into the sky. Every palm is a manifestation of a nightmare with the power to easily pull the human body into pieces.

It rises high in the sky and stares at Subaru like a snake with a neck, jumping at once to tangle this one up.

- just before,

"Follow Me!!

Throw the demon ore you were holding into the sky in the palms you pulled out of your pockets.

Dyed in red colour It is an attack colour, while the destination is empty, not Petergius. Up high, the demonic stones thrown into the morning burning sky bounce and emit light.

At the same time, Subaru's body backsteps with all its might to the rear. Take a short distance from Petergius in the front and step away from the approaching range of the black palms in an attempt to hold this limb.

"Sweet, Death! Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet! Death!!"

That is how Petergius, stepping out, reaches out and strikes at Subaru entering the fleeing position.

The seven demons approach Subaru to swirl from up, down, left, and right, and breathe down to the treacherous who hinder the witch's love.




An overlapping howl rattles the atmosphere causing enormous destruction on the earth.

The rock-skinned ground turns up, the soil mass sprays up in the wind, and the resulting ground crack creates a spider's nest-like crack on the earth, engraving claw marks on the cliff.

"Nah -!?"

In front of Petergius looking back, a pair of Beastman's sister-brother matching moves explode and crush around a large rock piled high above the cliff. - I mean, it's also an act of blocking one of the witchcraft assembly halls that was hidden behind the rocks,

"He's good at burying him alive. - Apologize for what they did and suffer."

Svalbard with his middle finger up, his teeth peeled and his mouth slapped violently.

In the sight of trembling Petergius, the rock walls fail to sustain the destruction from the cracks that arose, causing the bulk of it to collapse even brittle and crushing the whole witches who were pushing it under.

As the dust rose and the shock sounded beneath his feet, an isolated Petergius opened his mouth wide, and dripped tears in his eyes.

"Holy crap... Holy crap...!

Scratch your own head with both lifted hands pack your fingers and pull your hair out. Thousands of cuts of hair in abusive acts, blood spilling from the scalp, and yet treading on the community's thickness with endless passion,

"I didn't know you could kill and destroy and destroy eagle fingertips... again, indiscriminately, mercilessly, disorderly, randomly, madelessly, senselessly... oh, oh! My brain! My brain! My brain is... trembling, rumbling."

"Uh-oh, there's nothing wrong with that Osama."

"I don't care who the witch is, it's like that, sister"

Two sisters and brothers - Mimi and Tibby - are the beasts who see Petergius in mourning like a child and whisper their voices in a creepy way.

The two men who had vanished the signs and were on the same path from the rear of Subaru jumped the light of Subaru's thrown demon ore into the signal and immediately blocked the path of reinforcements as they had met.

Petergius slowly stares at the two men who have accomplished a handful of thousands of dollars.

From the Subaru side, I can't see backwards. What did you see in that shape, Mimi, who never once had a peek at negative emotions,


And he raised a small voice, and shook his shoulders as if they were trembling, and opened his eyes.

My brother Tibby, who also stands next door, alternates well with his sister but without disgust and fear in his sensible eyes, stiffening his body without even being able to speak. And

"Whether it's 'laziness' -"

The moment Petergius mouths it, the black plume explodes into the world.

Subaru, who did not have the momentum and speed to cover his sight and the means to fight it, freezes his throat in front of his eyes in the pitch black that approaches to crush this one.

No way, there's such a hidden species besides The Invisible Hand...


With the missing voice leaking out of his throat between them, Subaru tilts his neck when he sees the palms he lifts.

I should have been slapped all over this one black. That should have definitely stroked Subaru's entire body, but I can't feel any anomaly.


Confirming his unaffected hands and feet, Subaru blinks with his confusion in his mouth. But as for Subaru, who was not somehow harmed,


And, leaking a bitter voice, two beastmen collapsed on the spot.

Mimi and Tibby are both stretching their faces, gasping and opening and closing their mouths in a way that is even difficult to breathe, with a lot of sweat running down their faces.

This is the damage caused by Petergius' actions.

And against the two stopping motions, the stretching shadow of Petergius swung out again, its black demon hand pointing its fingertips at the two -,

"- Oh, my God, Kola! Shikato, come on! I'm your opponent!

"... oh, yes, Death,"

I step on the ground, I spit and Subaru wants to bark. And Petergius, who heard it, looks back to reflect on his immediate reaction, staring at Subaru with a vain look that does not reveal anything. Empty eyes reflect me and Subaru,

After all, it doesn't work, Death.


Unlike the Mimi and others, Subaru has no influence of Petergius' proclamation today.

Petergius looked at Subaru like that with a gentle expression of passing passion,

"Good Death. It's okay, Death. - So, it's good, Death! Death Death Death Death Death!!"

I bow my head forward, turn my back so I can jump up, scream out loud and laugh my ass off. A glimpse of laughter, Petergius pointed Subaru with an unprecedented pleasant bare gesture, spilling blood from his crushed fingers on its tip.

"Good Death. I get it, Death! Let's do it, Death. Let's try to compete between eagles, you, and who deserves to embrace the passion of a witch, in love! Oh, to love, to love, to love, no, no, no!!

"... I'm sorry about the excitement."

Svalbard sees Petergius battling loudly as he slaps the ground with his nail tips.

He narrowed his eyes surprisingly to such Subaru's attitude, far from warlike,

"What Death!? Now! Exactly! The eagle! I bet my own fate, and I'm about to try..."

"Your opponent is in charge of something else."

Svalbard tells Petergius, pointing his finger at him and still trying to recruit him.

The moment Petergius opened his eyes to that answer and tried to cast a voice of doubt -,


Jumping through the gaps of the trees, a blade falling into a slice broke in from Petergius' right shoulder - jumping out of his left side, his body slashed diagonally by the old swordsman.

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