- I shouldn't have asked.

The sweat coming from his forehead dripped from his jaw, and Subaru had been reminded even once again of his stupidity, which he did not know how many times it would be.

The ringing tinnitus in my skull is somewhere far away, and the heartbeating heart's heart complains of pain.

"I regret what I've heard... is that right?

He sees the silent Subaru, and Rosewar leans his neck like that on the sleeping table.

Subaru can't give back an immediate answer to a clown inquiry with blue hair at his fingertips. Just calm yourself down with a quiet breath.

"Hey, I'm just surprised. How dare you... because Emilia was a little older than I thought."

"Oh, you didn't know? Emilia, the half-elf, is a long-lived family, even if she is not as good as the elves. Even if it's an elf, they'll tell you you're not gonna die unless you get killed."

Roswar comes aboard Svalbard's words that delude the heart.

He says the properties of the Elves are not so divergent from the setting of the Elves dealt with in subcultures and so forth. Half, I don't know how far that applies to, but at least Emilia's real age, if you believe him -

"At least sixty years of age difference... even I, a sister character lover, have very little experience with patterns that are just this different from the target of the attack."

"I don't get the imitation procedure... but with that mouthful, besides Master Emilia, have you ever dealt with the longevity clan?

"Well, immortals and vampires are typologies of basic patterns if you're a gal. Lolibaba is a Mr. Ryuz category, and he's got a lot of business."

Most importantly, there are not many extraneous or Lolibaba attributes in Subaru. Subaru strike zones are positions such as admirable sisters and school seniors.

So just so you know, there are some things I think if I hear there's a sixty year difference.

"But I can forgive anything if it's that cute. No problem. Emilia, you're not gonna be my star."

Besides, although it is often the setting of this hand, the long-lived family may have its long-lived properties but thus grow slowly and have a different time course than the human maturation rate.

Like the age difference between animals and humans, the possibility that a human twenty is two hundred for an elf, etc. -.

"If you think about it, Emilia Tan, 90, is still young, little girl...... no, the possibility of a young girl from an elf ethnic point of view. Come on, you're so beautiful and horny, and you're so cute and you're such a toddler... and you're already established as one genre."

"There's so much paranoia going on. - Wow. The reality is tougher than you think. [M] People grow just for the amount of time they spend. Even the Elves are slow to grow their spirits."

"You're assembling a rebuttal to the fact that I've been so desperately treated like a child by Emilia Tan..."

Though it's just a hopeful observation, I don't feel like being lightly struck down. And there was resentment. To Subaru, who turned his eyes, Roswar went on to say, "To it,"

"Oh, so I didn't turn away from my heart. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, but I kinda don't like it. Hey, Subaru."


"You should hear it from my mouth. Are you sorry?

"... you're a real jerk"

Roswar deludes and recieves and digs up the emotions he was trying to drink somehow. Hit that evil with no power on him, and Subaru curses himself again.

The cross that Emilia was taking on that luxurious shoulder and putting on her back - to the dishonesty that she had heard not from her mouth, but from the mouth of others.

"... 'Trials' showed me the past. I'm sure she's showing it to Emilia too. If that's what she's looking at, what's the past?"

"If you're going to face the past that you most want to turn away from... Emilia is definitely looking at the day the Elior Great Forest froze - oh"

Roswar affirms Subaru's worries.

And being held back by the idea, Subaru wonders how horrible he was trying to force Emilia to do.

Whatever settles with the past, there's something to gain through it - it is.

"Then I'll face the past where I've ice pickled so many people..."

In Emilia and Subaru, the scale of the blame we have left behind in the past is different.

It is true, of course, that for Subaru, feelings for his father and mother were a major problem to settle, even though they were the walls of the world. I won't allow you to take that lightly or be taken lightly.

But on the other hand, how's Emilia's problem?

Will her confronting past affirm her and forgive her for the mistakes she has made, as Subaru loved by her father and mother, pushed her back and forgiven her?

And can you accept that and distinguish it from the past?

"Are you sure Emilia ice pickled that elf settlement? I'm sure you're asking me if I can barely get people's hands on it. What a mistake..."

"Certainly the factual relationship is unknown - though. Well, I'm told the backdrop directly from Emilia's mouth. Emilia herself confesses that it was herself who ice marinated the forest. There, what word is there to pinch?

"So if you don't know the truth, that's a mistake... in the first place, Emilia's a kid who can do that..."

"No, I don't know, I shouldn't, Subaru."

Rosewar stretched his tail three times to restrain Svalbard's words. Subaru, interrupted, puts a sword swallow on his sharp eye, but Roswar waves with an unfamiliar face,

"How the facts turned out was not a problem at this time." It's me who froze the woods, "said Emilia," and the problem is that Emilia thinks so. "


"That's the truth among Emilia. And based on that fact, the past is descending on Emilia at the cemetery - hey, what do you think we should do?

"What are you... thinking about, cancer?

Roswar asks me for fun. I don't know its sincerity, and Subaru spills like that unexpectedly.

Why, how, this man can even contain a laugh like that in this situation.

"Emilia's holding. I'm not talking about sympathy in the past, or empathy... how could you make me seem like such a fun person when I know the weight of what I carried, and I know I'm going to suffer, and I don't even know if I can get over it?


"That's crazy!? You... don't you want Emilia to be king? You're in a position to help that kid become king, aren't you? I know what you're after. If Emilia survives the 'trials' and frees the 'sanctuary', then she may get support from the inhabitants of the 'sanctuary' and from the people of the village of Aram... I know that"


"I'm trying to make you do that, while you're pushing Emilia away in the pivotal part. How can you afford to be that way now that you're trying to frustrate a bet that can't be made without the liberation of the 'Sanctuary'!


"Emilia says we have to be kings. Even I want to make it happen.... are you really willing to make her king?"

"- It is decided that there is"

Subaru struck his emotions at Roswar, who roughed his voice, rocked his shoulders and silenced him. Roswar's answer to the last inquiry, however, had created the illusion of letting Subaru, whose face had been heated by the passion, bathe in cold water.

Nestled in an unchanging position in front of him, Rosewar - his eyes staring straight at Subaru. And he,

"Are you willing to make her king? Yes, of course I do. - There can be no more hurried beings than me who want to make Emilia king. Emilia herself, of course, has more reason to do it than talk about your flair."

"Ro, wo?

"It catches me and makes me laugh at how motivated I am. It makes me laugh, at all. - You haven't even gotten there yet."

A tone that includes even a quiet rage, which is the first Rosewar outrage Subaru hears.

But the enthusiasm also lurked the heat in the middle of the story, and before the last whine, it was just smoking. And to conclude with a meaningful word,

"Subaru kun. Too bad - but that's it for tonight. I'm still sick, too. Let me slow you down a little bit."

"Ma... no, fine"

Reaching out and trying to stop Roswar from breaking the story, Subaru, however, pulls his hand in understanding the futility of mouthing it.

Roswar's attitude, which ends the story in a mild tone, clearly refuses to tell any more in-depth stories. And if he's serious about rejecting everything, there's no way to ask Subaru, who even takes lag at him lying on the bed.

Shaking his head, Subaru turns his back on the sleeping table as he feels the untrained pull his tail.

I told him what to tell him. It is unknown what will happen to the treatment of the people of the village of Aram, but perhaps Ryus will not reject Roswar's suggestion.

If you can get over it, you do get a forward that isn't stalemate. Although it is only one of a number of purposes that Subaru must fulfil.

- Subaru-kun.

To the lid, Rosewar stopped Svalbard from calling from behind. If you stop and look back, Rosewire, who already put his head on the pillow, won't look at this one.

"You got the credentials, didn't you?

"Ah. Oh, you didn't tell me. That's right. I can take the 'trials' too. For once, if you're conditioned to be baptized..."

"- No, it won't. The cemetery probably won't accept me. That's how they carved out the rejection wound, and I knew it clearly."

Svalbard frowns at a faint surprise, recalling his last exchange in the world and consciously omitting stories about 'qualifications'. In the last world, I remember Roswar getting grumpy knowing Subaru qualified for a 'trial'.

His appearance now was surrounded by something like a glimmer of loneliness.

"... choose the best, Subaru"


"On this occasion, you are the most free to move. I'm not even tied to the 'sanctuary'. or is not incorporated into his obsession with the king's race."


"All you want is for yourself to move and scratch your feet, and keep it in your hands. Troubled and confused, if you get it that way... whether you're not satisfied or not convinced, you'll see the settlement"

Roswar words that don't show their faces. Subaru is flabbergasted by a speech that is not like him, and has no choice but to stand dumbfounded on the spot.

And after a while, I realized too abruptly that I was inspired,

"What... it doesn't look like it at all. What's the matter, Roz?"

"I wanted to do something that didn't seem like it, that's all I'm talking about. - Apparently, I'm not gonna make it."

I can't swallow the meaning of a strong word of giving up. But before questioning it, Roswar's hand, lifted from the bedroom, was waved, urging Subaru to leave the room.

Subaru exhaled a long breath from his nose to Roswar, who saw it and rolled over and removed his will from this one,

"Good night."

And that's all I said and left the room.

"... you wouldn't have burdened Master Roswell."

Best of all, Lamb, who welcomed Subaru out of his bedroom, asked that with a sharp eye.

The peach-haired girl's upper back should be half a head lower than Subaru's, but the intimidation when approaching in Roswal-related makes her body seem twice as big as it actually is. In other words, I shrunk under too much pressure.

"We were just discussing it calmly. I'm not grabbing the chest barn and working with it, so don't worry about it."

"I'm optimistic. I stepped into the cemetery and wondered how terrible Roswar was when he refused... I don't know that, so that's the kind of mouth that would benefit me."

Ram's attitude of tongue-in-cheek at Subaru's response and not hiding the discomfort. While bitterly laughing at Ram's attitude, which clearly sets that priority,

"I just got kicked out of bed. I don't think that's a problem because I've done a good job of talking about what I have to do."

"Yes.... at least if you want it from Rosewire's mouth, I think Master Ryus will accept it. The girlfriend... I still don't know how to get out."

"If he still wants to do it, ask for one with your color trick. If you make even one of the shiatsu and treat them cute...... you can't do that?

"You think the lamb isn't cute?

"No, I think you're so cute if you just look..."

Anyway, except for the difference in hair color, it's two lems and a melon. There's no way I'm not adorable. The problem is where that lucid character of the ram is excessive to offset its adorability.

"You're dealing with you, and Garfield's a lot of bad eaters, too. No, you don't know that because you look... you're a woman like a fugue, you're a pain, a pain!

"I know you're not being praised, so I'll react that way, Balth"

With his heels stomped on the back of his thoughtful foot, Ram snorts at Subaru, who becomes a teardrop. Then when she stood in front of Roswar's sleeping bedroom,

"Lamb will change Rosewire's bandage and then rest. Balus is to sleep in the same cathedral as yesterday. No matter how many bales, you remember the place, right?

"The sense of outward direction is decent. Besides, it's the biggest building here. We can't overlook it. It's troublesome not to have lights."

"Sanctuary" is the only analogue household that relies on starlight. Still, on sunny nights, I don't feel as dark as I thought because of the light pouring out of the sky. but today is a cloudy sky of hatred.

Looking softly outside from inside the building, it was almost as dark as it could be called, except for a peek at the pompous and faint private lights.

I'm not feeling any anxiety on my way home.

"I walked into the woods on a stray quote, and I happened to count with Kedamono and BADEND - I don't know. It's okay, it's okay."

"I think the possibilities that couldn't possibly have increased the incidence in what I'm saying right now, fine. Balls, the cathedral is going straight to the right."

"Wow. You're the one with the chopsticks. That culture, it's not in this world."

Since this meal is still a silver dish culture of knives, forks and spoons, Subaru's current statement seemed incomprehensible to Lamb. Whenever I get a chance, I think I'll try to sharpen out the trees and even mass produce the chopsticks.

"For now, go back to the cathedral... it's not certain you can go back to the village, and although it's a pleasure, why shouldn't we talk about liberation?

"I think that's easy. Go through the conversation tomorrow... because it will be the day after tomorrow at the earliest. In the meantime, think about how you'll face Echidna's graveyard."


The last exchange before leaving the building, with the intention of exchanging words, Subaru stopped moving to the lid. Ram looked surprised at the stillness, but her expression deepens the colour of confusion even further by looking back at Subaru. And

"... What did I just say?

A plundered voice inquiry. heard that in Subaru's mouth, Ram retraced his memory without erasing the surprising color,

He said, "Think about the cemetery and how you'll face it."

"No, not long before that."

"You think the lamb isn't cute?

"You're a lot back!... You said Echidna's graveyard, right?

I felt like I was about to get into a little mess twice before I got to the right answer, so Subaru cuts from me to the right answer if I don't find out. Watching the ram snort in such conditions as disapproval, Subaru put his hand on his forehead - scratched consciousness by the running of memories that could rise at a stifling rate.


It is the name of a witch of greed, a girl dressed like a mourner on her gray hair, a person who calls herself the righteousness of knowledge, and a precious bok-child frame in another world. And

"I don't know what you're going to do... I'm a little skinny in people's memories..."

He is insured against being told anything else about himself, or he is also a meticulous being in Subaru's memory.

At the end of the Tea Party, and at the parting of "Trials," she pressed Subaru to pledge. If the consideration is eligible to challenge the "trials," then it exists to accept it spoiledly.

"Was it incomplete or appropriate... Either way, the ban was lifted!

The constraints that Echidna should have imposed on Subaru are released and the memory is lifted.

Behind my brain I remember meeting the witches at a tea party, and facing Echidna in uniform inside her original world school building, all of them. Remember, Subaru comes to one possibility of opening up this place. That no longer equals a forbidden hand,

"If the cathedral has chopsticks, then the graveyard has -!"

"Balth -?"

"Stay up for a little bit! You don't make too sick people tire of you!

In response to Ram's call to reach from behind, Subaru jumps out of the building and runs out into the night. Ahead, that's not the cathedral that's the bunk, that's the direction of the graveyard that we just left behind just two hours ago.

In time, it is unlikely that Subaru's thoughts will be confirmed even if he goes now. Low, but I can't stay jizzy. At the very least, I want the result that if the night doesn't work, it doesn't.

"After I got my first 'trial', I was curious. You're inviting me to the tea party again, witch...... no, Echidna!

Subaru runs through the streets and goes' sanctuary 'relying only on scarce natural light.

Cold wind, damp soil, sweat on your forehead, rough breath - pressing your fatigued flesh forward, feeling everything. That's how we get to where we want to be,

"Wow... that's what I thought."

Golden short-haired young man - Garfiel - was guarding the cemetery so as to block Subaru's path.

"I ran in late this evening. I'm impressed. I was born into a man. I have a duty to make an effort to be strong." Wimbrook qualifies as a warrior. "

Garfiel, standing on the road at night with his hands wide open, is holding Subaru back as he says so and strips his fangs furiously. Subaru as he felt his skin poppy in its tricks,

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I'm not an avid imitator of running in. I'm not even gonna waste it with you here right now. It's not like there's a time limit, but goodness is a hurry..."

"I don't know, Oi."

A sharp sound - the bursting sound of Garfiel stepping through the ground at an unstoppable speed once in sight.

Garfiel chewed his fangs at Subaru, who opened his eyes, watching the bounced dirt splash and the hard ground decided on the shape of the back of his shoe,

"If you're turning back here now, you're going to say it was a little late for a run."

"You know, in this short time, the two of us don't understand. He treats you like... me, how much is left to talk about?

"I didn't say. But I'm pretty sure you haven't seen yourself and your surroundings yet."

Subaru, who manages to relax the atmosphere on this occasion with his remarks, is unlikely to receive that care for Garfiel, who lets his eyes shimmer with hostility.

Garfiel touches the white scar on his forehead,

"The only place ahead is the cemetery. That's not how you want to stand up and go piss, is it?

"What do you want me to take you with me? I guess I just figured out what kind of revenge it would take to hook a piss up to a witch's grave."

If Subaru's known echidna, it seems interesting rather than angry. Anyway, Garfiel seems to want to keep talking about it only without breaking his guard against Subaru,

"You're not going to try another 'trial' the same night you crossed the 'trial'. Well, that's a tight line."

"I'm not thinking so much about flying. I'm just planning a different approach."

"It's evil. It's you."

It's evil, isn't it?

You can say anything about backgammon, forbidden hands, or strange data discs.

If there's any chance that this dark, hand-driven darkness might illuminate you, shake it to the bone, take a dashi and drink it down.

"So get out of the way, Garfield. Put me in the cemetery. Maybe I can come up with a name to do something about it all..."

"Evil Wi, I absolutely say no. I'll never let you into the cemetery."

But Garfiel's will cannot be broken again before Subaru's determination.

I get angry through confusion at Garfiel, who stubbornly rejects Subaru.

Why, why, that this man, who is nothing else, will stand before Subaru?

"Even you thought so. So, oh, to me. Even so."

"You're not talking about Wakane. I'll never bend what I decide. I won't let you through. I won't let you get involved in the 'sanctuary' thing."

"What the hell do you care what I don't eat?!

first day and and Garfiel's attitude, which is clearly different from the last loop. Subaru absurds his voice in search of the sincerity of that overly irrational difference in response.

Garfiel wrinkled his nose in the words, creating an exact beastly look, he said.

- It stinks.

"- Ah?"

Unexpectedly, Subaru inquires with a groaning voice.

In contrast to Subaru, Garfiel put his hand on his nose and made it clear,

"Ever since I came out of the cemetery, the witch's temper stinks from Mei's body. - Do you trust the witch and the half devil? I don't know if I can!

hands up, and stripped his fangs, and Garfiel stripped out his anger,

"This is the 'sanctuary'! Experimental Grounds for the Witch of Greed! Mixed monkeys and half monkeys have been collected and lost!!

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