- That was, for Subaru, a fury that awakened a terrible sense of knowledge.

"Witch's, stinks..."

This is the second time for Subaru that hostility can be turned against him for that reason.

You can't sniff it off to Subaru yourself. Garfiel sniffs it off and turns a hateful look at Subaru like he sees even in his parents' revenge.

Subaru already knew the sharpness of his gaze, the running of his hostility.

Witch stench. The leftover incense of the blame. Something enchanted by witches.

Because that's what she said and cursed Subaru, and made the relationship worse until she took that life once.

"What are you staring at? You got poked in the star and lost your mouth, huh?

Garfiel strikes out with an endless amount of anger on his tongue at Subaru, whose throat is blocked by amazement and agitation. I'm lowering my hands without force, but my guard hasn't been lifted.

Subaru's attitude of glancing at every step of the way was a whisper of intimacy that must have been with him - driving his expectations for it to the other side.

"Well, the smell of a witch..."


"Can the stench of drifting from my body mean it's drifting since I left the graveyard - after the 'trials'?

"... that's right. Until then, it didn't smell as puffy as it bothered me. I don't know what you're doing in there, but I love you enough to make you smell like that."

There is a nod of affirmation in the inquiry, Subaru spills a short exhale and closes his eyes.

The witch's stench - the increased intensity of it surrounding Subaru - almost certainly began shortly after finishing "Back to Death".

A mystery I have unconsciously avoided giving answers to, while I have suspected for a long time. Subaru now acknowledges one end of the answer.

- He said it was the witch who was making Natsuki Subaru 'go back to death'.

I don't know why. It shouldn't even matter. But there was a strange understanding and convincing.

There's just one more shard, the feeling that I've been stepping forward on a puzzle that just ends up fitting in, that I've finally come up with such a clear answer to the finished shape.

"What the hell does that have to do with me... until the world came this way, it was a life that had nothing to do with paranormal. Ever since I've been here, I haven't met the witch in person... on the contrary, she's been summoned to death once in about six hours."

The properties of "Back to Death" were themselves given to Subaru at the stage of being invited to this world.

If there is a witch involvement there, there is a witch involvement in the summons itself in the first place. Previously, I had never asked for that answer clearly as a once-

"Finally, or can't you turn away..."

"Fuck you for bumping into me. If you don't have time for this, go to the cathedral and get some sleep. Don't bother me."

"... you're gonna miss it? If I were you, I'd be a suspicious bastard drifting the smell of a witch from all over my body. Alone in an unpopular place late at night. It's a great situation to meet and fight the dark."

"Ha. It's not like Shorter doesn't think that much.... Now, it's easy to bite a thousand of Mei's neck off, but what's going to happen? With half a demon, you can see how much more trouble will come."

"But," he continued, unable to read Garfiel's intentions and to Subaru tilting his neck,

"I'm sorry I brought Mei Mei closer to the cemetery and it just smells worse than this. I'm only about as nosy as I am right now... but it doesn't matter when I realize this mundane Baba or the others. Even more troublesome people."

"More trouble..."

"One or two of my thoughts, do you have one? That stench of Mei Mei also started right now. Smell that smell, with the shit coming up."

Subaru, who has too many verses in mind, is breathtaking to Garfiel's words that ring his fangs.

Look at that Subaru reaction. When he snorts, he turns to Subaru with a hand gesture that pays for bugs,

"So let's just say it. I'm not doing anything now. Even after tomorrow, I won't bite you if you're making a big deal out of me. But, hey, getting close to the cemetery and rarely getting involved with me or Baba. We didn't feel bad for each other."

"Non-interference with each other," he said. Then you won't do anything? That's very generous of you. "

"" Step on the tail of Gringham and pick up your life. "Ah. Lose it before you change your mind. I hope you didn't like Ram."

Garfiel, who gives the name of the girl of his choice and tells him that he is prepared to make a choice after making it into an engagement. It is conveyed that the hostility emanating from him is barely quenched by a remarkable sense of self-restraint.

There's still room for Subaru to continue arguing about words, objections, whatever.

- It's a good idea to pull this off.

I make that decision, and when I spill my exhale, I drop my shoulder and step back.

Garfiel's posture is blatantly loosened by his stated unwillingness to move forward. one eye, exhaling from his nose for a long time. He slowly lowered his back onto the main road to the cemetery, looking up at Subaru with his arms together in a position,

"That's fine. It's not just an extra imitation. - I'll be here from today until the end of the Trial. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and then, morning, day, and night, I'm not going to let you move on. Wow, remember that."

"... don't let the rams hate you, just take a bath."

"Do everything Emilia can to break through the Trial before my stench becomes worse than mine. - Just disappear."

I glanced and apparently meant to go to bed on this occasion, Garfiel.

It looks like it's full of gaps at first sight. This scene will be dispersed, and it will not be impossible to reach the cemetery if we make a major detour through the woods,

"Let's not"

Perhaps even that's one end of the alert.

Within sight of him thus, Garfiel also stayed to stop Subaru in words. But if Subaru comes up with an act that tramples on that consideration, Garfield won't forgive either.

Neither a vision that can beat a skilled opponent like throwing away a dragon car for every patrash, nor a way to escape his sense of smell with the beast, is in Subaru as it stands.

"Have you seen the tea party come around here..."

Put your hand on your forehead and regret even more the good fortune that the witch and the place to discuss it had. It is true that there were no questions to ask at that point, so it is not to blame.

"At least I can't do anything tonight. Something, I need to hit my hand..."

We need to break through Garfield to get to the cemetery. And if Subaru cannot reach the graveyard, there will be no other way but for Emilia to be 'tested'.

And in Subaru's experience, it's impossible for her to survive the 'trials' in three days. If what can only be done within those three days,

"The mansion is attacked by Elsa. The chance to defeat Elsa will be missed."

I wanted to have a conversation with Echidna in search of a way out of this, even if it was an other application. But that gets jammed at Garfiel's hands.

Subaru's attempt to break through the 'trials' without Echidna's input would also be hampered by Garfiel's hands this again.

Thinking that far, Subaru realized that the status quo was packed badly and simply.

"Hey, hey, hey... isn't this in plain jerk condition?

More than I can break through Garfield with skill, the only way for Subaru to come to the 'Trial' is to use a mouthful of hands or another strategy to get him off the spot. but it is not possible for Subaru alone to do it,

"Trying to recruit a collaborator... neither Ram nor Otto are on my side in the situation"

Those two, too, have decided that Emilia would be best able to survive this occasion after a relationship between the 'trials' and the King's race. Of course, if you take another two days to see Emilia rub off, you'll change your mind.

"Then we won't make it to the raid. somehow...... can you?

There is a time difference between when the surroundings begin to notice that Emilia's 'trial' breakthrough is difficult and the sense of crisis that Subaru is having. Subaru's call for his own participation in the 'trials' too strongly would also call into question the lack of trust from Subaru to Emilia.

I get that, and I feel the pain of my chest being decided just thinking about what Emilia thinks. It's not like you don't believe her. Rather, I am even convinced that she would necessarily play the role given to herself if she took the time.

- Does it seem that way when you hear about the business she carries, which is too heavy?


Subaru stops on his inner, too dark and low whisper of himself.

From time to time, this is how I hear whispers. A terribly dim part of me has a voice that spirals from behind laughing at the stupidity of trying to reach for an ideal.

"'Trial' keeps eroding that kid. Still, that kid tries to move on, even scratched, for the expectations around him and his own wishes. Right."

- If you can get over it if you don't look at the wounds, do you really think so?

Do you think that if you endure pain, tears, cry, and keep walking like that, one day the way will always be clear, the wish will come true?

- There are wounds that do not need to be borne, there are past that do not need to be faced, there are past that do not need to be atoned for.

"Because he thinks he's a loser, he thinks he needs to do something about it, so that's why he looks at the past and he's suffering from it..."

- But is that really now? Bad time, isn't that all?

Is the past something to face or is it really?

Do I have to atone for the sins I have committed, or should redemption be enforced?

Neither she, nor Emilia, refused to be known, a past without such a 'trial', a past that I'm sure Subaru would not have forced to reveal, etc.

Either way, I could have swallowed it over time and had a chance to get over it.

But is that really now? Is this the right time?

Can you find the significance of being driven by obsessive-compulsive notions that you have to do something about it and really stick your chest out for the answers you give in that state?

"At least I'm glad I was able to face the past. The answer is to get over it, to be self-satisfied, and to be able to stand like this now."

- But that's because I was ready to face the past, wasn't it?

There was a kid who affirmed that he hated himself and still loved him.

Because there was that child, thanks to him, Subaru was able to expose his parents to an unusual appearance, to strip out his ugly inner face, and still raise his face and say goodbye.

- Is that all you're ready for Emilia right now?

Touch the past she holds, one end of its weight, the words and actions Subaru has put on so far, and how much power they would have given her.

How much support would have been given to her back with a thin outlook on life and just a little effort and an unsupported love in her mouth.

"... I wonder what I should do to you"

I like Emilia. I love her. I want to love you, I want to.

I want her to think I like it. I want to be loved. I want you to keep loving me, and so do I.

So I want to do something that pleases her. I want to help you. If you think it's painful, hard, and sad, I'd like to take that for you instead.

I want to be her support, at least, whether I can't do that or not be forgiven.

- The kid who made me stand Subaru, I also want to Subaru to do what Rem did for me.

Subaru wants to support Emilia, too, like Rem, who loved me with his whole body and spirit.

For the first time since that was done, I think Subaru deserves to really do what he swore to Rem. So now, what Subaru needs to do is:

"Prepare the time for you to stand, to do something, to do all you can... to make something for you,"

With his fist firmed in his mouth, Subaru stares back at what he needs to do, and exhales containing grin leak out of his mouth.

What, it doesn't make any difference what you do?

"I'll do everything I can for that kid - put it into words, worry about it for a long time and that's it. Well, you need to be aware of what you have to do."

Tomorrow, the problems you have to do and the obstacles that come with it. And clear them, a breakthrough filled with surprise and novelty. Let's get to work on those.

Time won't wait for me. Limited. And it's also unacceptable to rush to the wrong conclusion. Because so much has been overlooked so far.

"It doesn't make a difference if you go downward because of the bad situation. The worse things get over time, the more I feel sorry for them."

There is absolutely no way to leave it to the passage of time.

It's a terrible, tough world stance for Subaru, and that's why it's worth the scratch, the scratch, the stand.

"Things suck. No time has waited. I don't know the same thing, but..."

That's normal, because everyone deserves that, and they're still just given the chance to start over, and I'm much better off.

"Believe that Natsuki Subaru's courage will save Emilia -!"

Let's try and cut through one thing somehow.

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