Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter 4: 55: The Crystal Girl

- Seeing the girl trapped inside the crystal, Subaru was so in love that he accidentally forgot to breathe.

So much so that the sight in front of me had such a terrible beauty that it shook my heart.

A girl with a broken knee and a sitting posture is trapped in a transparent, bluishly blue crystal.

Ice pickling - the expression seems close, but unlike ice, which is liberated if melted, crystals are eternal unless crushed.

And crushing this crystal definitely means crushing even the body of the girl trapped inside.

"Why... this, this"

There was a faint anger in the pompous and accidentally leaking words.

Subaru is quietly, but surely angry.

The girl trapped inside the crystal will never be safely released from it, no matter what. I don't know what the intent was on the person who did this and how he got involved with this girl. I don't know, but they scratch my heart badly.

"Mr. Lewes... Isn't that right?

Enter the room. - Unlike previous memories, there has never been a large hole in the floor of the room, in the form of a crystal resting at the point where there should have been a hole.

Long longitudinal crystals were supported by iron foundations, and only their appliances lacked care, or the ruins were in the same facilities and sparkled a similar glow as new.

There were several desks on the front of the crystal, standing side by side, and I could realise that was also something that should have been destroyed and rolled into the corner of the room in the previous world.

As before, moss emitting light from the walls is surprisingly present in rooms without lighting, and some vision is ensured.

Tools scattered between walls, like medical devices, are alive and well, Subaru draws one conclusion as he searches for differences from those in memory. It's

"This is where they break down between now and six days later, and they don't even know what was going on."

There are things that are not convenient for people to know about this place.

In the days between now and the Great Raven's assault on the 'Sanctuary' itself, an important part of this facility will be destroyed, destroyed and buried in darkness.

This time, Subaru was able to get here ahead of it.

"The most powerful... is Garfiel, after all"

This search for Subaru itself begins with Garfield's discomfort with suspicious behavior.

If the temper to defend the 'sanctuary' and the love for the unhidden crown is a hidden garfiel, it is conceivable to do so on the grounds of the unknown facts of Subaru.

Simply because if you are not as powerful as Garfield, the destruction of that facility itself makes it extremely difficult.

If there's one more problem...

"I have no idea what this place is for."

Fortunately, it hasn't been destroyed, Subaru checking the room, but no noticeable harvest so far. Crystals that trap two girls, crown melons, have no protruding and caring parts other than being fixed and resting in a room.

If you look at the back of the room and the wall on the other side of the standing desk, you can see the exhaust duct that Subaru used to crawl through. If we move on, we'll be in the waiting room.

"... now, but there's something wrong with the room spacing, is there? Just this big room and waiting room, whatever it takes."

The size of the facility, which can be seen from the exterior, does not match the placement of the room inside.

Trace the map and appearance of the facility on your head, and Subaru perceives the blur but discomfort. - There's a whole room, there's enough room somewhere to hide it.

Crossing the room, Subaru ascertains the feel of the pepper and wall as he stands in front of the wall of the opening and closing door for the duct. The touch of moss-covered walls is closer to the feel of the beast's body hair than grass.

Aside from their role as lighting, they also help, such as the fact that the sound doesn't echo when you tap it. Positively, beyond this wall if there is a mysterious space.

"Given the crawling distance, there should be a room about half the size of this room. If the walls aren't rotary, I don't think we should go this way..."

When that happens, will it be the waiting room that has the possibility?

The last time I checked each room, there was no room in my mind. In a narrow waiting room, there couldn't have been room to look for traces of a hidden room.

While I care about the girl in the crystal, Subaru needs to look into it first from the waiting room - and look back.


Shortly afterwards, I looked back at Subaru and the person who was entering the room.

"... huh?


With eyes and eyes without emotions, Subaru accidentally leaked his voice.

A person staring at Subaru like that with round eyes - a girl with long stretches of thin red hair and just wraps a shabby white cloth cut around her body.

He looks like a crown, but he doesn't have the same vibe as that woman I saw. No, there is no such thing as a conveying atmosphere.

It's like air, just standing there. In other words:

"Ah, Mr. Lewes's..."

Clone, the word plundered the back of his brain, and Subaru hesitated to know what to call the girl in front of him. Clones are also only in the imaginary name of Subaru in the first place. In the current situation, where the girl's last name had not actually been revealed, the mind blamed her for calling it that.

"I don't know..."

Otherwise, I don't even know what to call a girl, and she mumbles.

That's how the girl stands quietly as she puts Subaru in sight to lose sight of the words. The expression doesn't move, it's a suspicious static if you're even breathing.

A doll waiting to be heard by Subaru, who hesitates to speak up.

- The girl who stands up looks like that, Subaru never opens his mouth.

"You...... no, you? You know what I'm saying?


"What's your name? May I ask what you're doing here? In the first place, what is this place?


"... 'Sanctuary', Garfiel, Ryuz. Does the word around here sound familiar to you?


There are three silences in the three inquiries.

I thought if one of the facial expressions changed in any of the questions, the girl's facial expressions wouldn't work perfectly against any of the queries. Looks like the facial expressions themselves aren't working.

Arms pressed against the warm curtains - Subaru falling on the way.

And, in front of Subaru, who scratched his head abusively and spilled a sigh, a girl moved to the sieve.


I felt loose, but the moving girl's footsteps are loose.

The same girl who came through the waiting room side door that Subaru came in, stepped inside the room and at a leisurely walking speed went to the center of the room - in front of the crystal.

The girl trapped in the crystal and the girl walking over are still two melons.

In front of the girl in a sleep where she never wakes up, the girl on the side, who is free, breaks her hips and reaches to the bottom of the foundation that supports the crystal.


Subaru making a noise and part of the foundation being removed to round his eyes. Apparently, the bottom of the foundation was an open and closed door, storing something in the cavity.

With the body of a girl who crouches in and works, Subaru stretches her neck without seeing its inside. step out to reposition and check the contents of its foundation,

"- Ugh!"

Svalbard glanced as he pressed his face against the intense stench, piercing his nostrils into his lid.

Stimulating odors invade the mucous membrane of the nose, and what you feel in your sense of smell is closer to pain than irritation. He was not in tears, and Subaru trembled at the compression of his stomach's contents.

The stench - I remember smelling it - must be the very stench that used to drift inside this facility. It's a kind of odor that makes you suspect that you're pregnant with substances that are harmful to the human body, like punching chemicals.

I sure thought that was something drifting from the basement of this room that collapsed.

"Actually, out of that foundation... I mean, the environment around that crystal"

Put your hand on your nose and Svalbard, who concludes, moves the place with tears in his eyes.

Inside the smell of even a dazzling illusion in my eyes, I battle with the girl who keeps working without changing one complexion. Then gently, I peered into her hand from the side and opened my eyes.

- The girl's hand jerking around in the foundation was the insanely tattooed interior part and the demonic ore that was attached to it everywhere.

The demon ore glows pale as it spits out the mana it accumulates within it, but some of it has depleted its contents or is losing light. The girl carefully removes it and reinstalls the substitute demon ore from the stock in the foundation.

Looking at the intricate tattoo, Subaru recalls that it was also witnessed in the vortex of the previous loop, inside this facility.

Demon Square - a common and promised technology for otherworldly fantasies, but something I haven't seen in this world. That's why I was so impressed and wondering what it would do.

"Seeing how it's connected to Demon Ore... don't be an image of a machine or a circuit like that. Considering that the Devil's Square is the mechanical part, and the Devil's Ore is the energy part of the battery or something..."

It's strange because when I imagine it that way, I just think it is.

Is it magic science, or even a technology to be called magic science?

In front of Subaru twisting her neck, the girl seems to have finished the work, taking out the used demon ore and closing the opening and closing doors.

And after a few seconds, Subaru noticed that he had a tingling sensation for his skin.

- The atmosphere, small and fine, is trembling.

"This is... when you use magic"

The magic of massive power - it felt close to what it was when the battle against the white whale or Julius' nect in the Battle of Petergius was activated.

Perhaps due to some interference with the atmospheric mana, the flesh is sensitive to the corresponding mana movement.

In this case, I don't even have to think about what Mana is responding to.

In front of him, Subaru saw the pale glow of the crystal rapidly increase the light.

The brilliance of the crystal, which was clear blue but dark in the dim room, increases, and the body of the girl inside becomes so clear.

The demonic squares, which were inside the foundation, also occurred in the upper part supporting the crystal, and the blue and white light illuminated the room.

"... savepoint"

Who can blame the unintentionally spilled Subaru groans if they are residents of the modern world?

Crystals installed on top of the Demon Square. Illuminating the room brightly with a blue glow it is exactly the very savepoint you see in the familiar game for Subaru.

Despite this vivid production visually, even what was done in silence seems to be adding to its mystery in return, and the breathtaking Subaru cannot even speak of his thoughts.

It's just that's how you stiffen Subaru in front of the rolling sight.


Ignore me sayingly, and the girl who finished replacing the demon ore turns her foot outside the room. It should be noted that the demonic ore, which was replaced and became a sucker, is a miscellaneous disposal of stability that is thrown into its heap.

Footsteps also noticed his back trying to whisper away, and Subaru reached for his shoulder in a hurry.

"Hey, wait... oh, I touched it"


To his so weak sense of life and presence, Subaru even expected his outstretched hand to slip through, but fortunately his fingertips had successfully grabbed the girl's shoulder and stopped that leg.

For a moment, when I was relative to the 'jealous' witch, I remembered my kind of girl who blew up from the tip of her touch, and my vigilance brought her neck,


At least no sign of bouncing off to the girl staring back at Subaru with a quiet eye.

While relieved by that, Subaru stared straight back at the girl who wouldn't disappear.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the work, but it's a continuation of the inquiry. Now you can ignore me. I can't afford it, either."


"What were you doing here now? Why did you glow this crystal? You know about the girl in here?


It's an arm pressed retake on a warm curtain.

No matter how many times Subaru repeated the inquiry, only silence and gaze return from the girl. I'm not refusing to answer, I don't even seem to have a choice in the first place.

I can't deny the impression I had of a girl as a 'doll'.

"At the very least, if you can communicate to the extent that you can respond by saying no..."

As it stands, that's even annoying.

Svalbard turned his neck and glanced towards the crystal as he caught the girl who was likely to walk away intact if he let go of her hand.

Crystals that continue to emit just dazzling light, the way the girl is inside has still not changed, but I have clearly figured it out with the brightening.

No breathing, no heartbeat, no blood around.

- The girl's body, trapped in the crystal, has stopped life activity.

"... are you too optimistic about the state of temporary death?"

It's not as easy as being resuscitated with it if you rewarm your icy flesh. Not to mention, in this girl's case, the flesh is crystallized.

Liberation would be another dream of dreams.

"Also helpless, I..."

Svalbard touches the surface of the crystal with his fingers, beaten by an embarrassing sense of powerlessness.

I don't know if I should remember either relief or anger at the cold feeling coming from my fingertips, the fact that it is constantly eroding the girl, or her condition that I don't even feel it.

and when such sentiments plundered my chest.


The cold coming from the touched fingertips became fever on the lid and transmitted Subaru's arms, running all over his body.

"- Oh, oh!?

Something that was initially felt warm instantly becomes the heat of flames and sears the whole body.

Subaru circled bitterly on the spot, feeling the inside of his body at the fingertips of the flame.

The heat creates breathlessness and the screams echo inside the room.

Couldn't afford to worry about the dirt on the ground, Subaru threw a limb over the floor and fell. spasmodically, bright vision - and the

"- Huh, huh?

Suddenly, Hell's time, when it might end, marked the end.

The fever, which was wild and wild, rapidly hits the momentum of its fire, and Subaru's body is suddenly released from the storm of suffering.

"... what the hell"

Svalbard squeaks as he wakes up his body lying there, making sure his hands and feet are in good shape.

The pain of the moment and its abrupt curtain pull. If you don't know the cause, you don't know the course, you don't know the outcome. All that left was a memory of doubt and pain.

"Nothing, nothing. But if it's nothing, that's what it's for."

Shortly after I touched the crystal, it's the pain I've been through.

Probably caused by a crystal-centric magic science device. After a moment, he touched the power section and was electrically shocked, maybe he was in a situation close to it.

And that's all I thought about, Subaru remembered that he was in pain and completely letting go of consciousness about a girl who looked like a crown.



It was Subaru trying to get up in a hurry, but when I saw a girl unchanged ahead of me with her face up, I was relieved of the tension. And in front of that loose tension,


- The girl finally saw her head dripping on her knees on the spot.

Keep your head down, Subaru is puzzled by the appearance of a girl on her knees.

Because if it wasn't a mistake to look at it, the trick, the attitude, only seemed to be an attitude of respect and obedience to Subaru in front of us.

"Suddenly, what are you going to do?

So far, Svalbard's suspicion and vigilance precede his surprise in the leopard of his opponent's attitude, which just didn't lend his ear to Svalbard's words.

To the extent that you get up to it that way, the gulf in the relationship between Subaru and the girl is deep. We haven't exchanged any of each other's qualities. So can we not doubt this standing position?


In front of the vigilant Subaru, the girl who was breaking her knee rises.

Then she turns her gaze slightly upwards and turns to the other side of Subaru's head. I look at you when I get caught, but I don't see anything ahead of my gaze.

Apparently, that was part of a trick like seeing the sky somehow to think. Subaru undoes his neck. Then,



Right in front of me, again at a breathtaking distance, there is a girl figure, Subaru glances over. but the hand of the girl, who had stretched out her glaring Subaru arm, took

…… Follow me?


Silently, the action of a girl pulling her sleeve trying to take Subaru out.

Silently nodded at the inquiry, Subaru stood still and thought face.

The fact that she doesn't keep her mouth shut so far may mean that this girl can't talk for a second. Still, he's guessing the meaning of Subaru's inquiry. In other words, should we not assume that we are in any way willing to respond to negotiations with Subaru in an attempt to take Subaru out?

"If you go into a tiger hole, you don't get a tiger child,"


"We're talking over here. - All right, show me around. I'll follow you."

When Subaru nods back and shows his willingness to follow the girl, the girl who pulls her sleeve starts walking. Following that leg, Subaru only looks back at the crystal one last time.

- unchanged, in a blue and white glow, the girl remained asleep.

Leaving the room with the sleeves pulled, through the facility aisle to the waiting room. As it is, the girl who goes ahead tries to take Subaru outside the facility.

"Inside, isn't it? It would be nice to go outside..."

Subaru snuck into the facility when he would even show his face to the 'sanctuary'. Of course, we can reopen it if we haven't done anything to blame, but that's undesirable this time in relation to Garfield.

What if the girl's leg starts heading to the 'sanctuary', when Subaru is bored with such a thought,

"- What, you look a lot harder, Sue Boy?"

"... come on, this is the right time"

He stepped outside the facility and was called out where he was exposed to the outside air.

Turning to the voice, Subaru loosened his lips to the person he had found. I don't know if that was due to appeasement or if there were any other factors.

"I know we've got a lot to talk about, but we're not going to change places first."

"Oh, let's do that. Really, there's too much talk."

Subaru shrugging his shoulders by indicating his consent.

How does such a Subaru look to her?

- How the hell is Subaru's appearance alongside himself and the melon two girls for the original crown that receives the moonlight on its back?

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