Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV.56: Reasons for the Presence of the Sanctuary

The one place where Ryus led Subaru was a house away from home where one day she invited Subaru to tea and drink.

"Stay properly on the bunk. Now I brew drinks"

"Why don't I make you some tea? I think it's a little better since the lamb planted you, huh?

"It's not the mountains I want you to do that, but I don't want you to do that right now."

With a voice containing laughter, the crown fingers two girls: Subaru, who sits on the sleeping table, and the crown melon, who doesn't try to let go by picking the hem of that subaru's clothes.

She was also the girl to be called a copy of the crown, a quote that kept wondering what to call it,

"But at no time will Pico leave me,"

"I don't know about the name Pico, but I think there's no choice but to accept it. That's what happens when you touch something you're not comfortable with."

"You said that, but hey..."

It would be just too unreasonable to blame Subaru for being inadvertent in that state of hand exploration, although it is a bitter crowd. A crown brewing tea returns the basin to Subaru expressing his dissatisfaction with a flashing face.

"Look, it's hot, so don't drink it cold."

"I'm not a kid, so I'm not in a hurry to drink and get burned or anything."

"I have a restless cat tongue close to me for as long as I can, so it's a habit to be careful."

The most powerful garfiel of cat tongues floats behind Svalbard's brain in a whimsical way.

I see how restless he would be if he changed to the Great Tiger. The cat tongue itself suits him. Where the ability to learn seems low, it is preconceived but as expected.

As Lewes put it, mouth on a tea brewed fairly hot, dampen the dry tongue and take a breath. Think of it, this is the first time since you 'go back to death' that you mouth moisture, that is, since you woke up in the cemetery.

"Well, the leaves taste good."

"I feel a lot unjustly valued."

"It's my fault, it's my fault"

Drinking down a bad cup of tea, Subaru makes a noise and pushes the hot water back into the basin.

Then he pulled a chair to the front of the bedroom and turned back to the crown looking at this one in a relaxed position.

"Well, can we just calm down and start talking a lot?"

"Um, there's a lot to talk about, even from Non."

Subaru thinks as he bites the relief into an attitude that honestly responds to the discussion.

There have been several opportunities to discuss the matter in person. Still, it should be noted that Subaru does not get to the truth because they are intentionally hiding information, but there are problems before that. That is,

"Because I haven't gotten to the point where I have to ask myself."

Subaru has not arrived at that inquiry, connecting all the answers as a single line.

Therefore, Subaru does not realize that he is being teased or that he is asking a misguided question.

Ask the person you know what you need to know. That's just it, it's too far away for Subaru.

"That building... earlier, the facility, what the hell?

"Hmm... do you want to start with that question first"

What came to mind was an unusual question of restraint.

Before we get to the point, an inquiry to see how much crowns now intend to relate to Subaru from the front.

Take it, the crown crawls his fingers to his chin with an old trick that doesn't look good on him,

"If you were to answer the question of what that facility is, that's the core in a sense of this' sanctuary 'over there. If I say so, it's not the corner of the sanctuary."

"The raison d 'être of the 'sanctuary'......!?

"In the first place, Sue Fong. Who the hell thinks this' sanctuary 'was made for?

"It's in Roswar…"

Conditional reflexively speaking, Subaru understands for himself that it is not right. It is certainly Roswar who owns and manages this place called the 'Sanctuary' to this day.

but I made this place, apart from talking about it.

"What made this place is the witch of 'greed'... echidna, is that what this is all about"

"Bye. It was Echidna who made this place, not the witch." Sanctuary "was made for that witch because it was necessary. To say the extreme, that's all the place"

"You're too extreme. I'm saving too much process... at least a little more detail"

"When it comes to the experiment, Sue Bo already has a success story in front of him, right?

Subaru felt his breath jammed for a moment at the words of Ryuse, who grinned at the edge of his mouth.

Because the meaning of the words spilled by the crown was understandable, albeit vague.

I mean, here's what she wants to say.

"The result of this place is Mr. Lewes or this girl."

"Sioux Boy is such a sweet kid. Or a sweet girl. - Honestly, you can call it experimental results."

Even Subaru hesitated to put it in front of us and say it.

Not being able to read the air and being insensitive is another story. And I could feel it in Subaru as much as it didn't have the atmosphere to tea it up.

"The crystal was locked in with a daughter who looked just like Noon, right?

"... oh. Two melons. Including Mr. Lewes and this kid. Ah. Can I think of a triplet or something?

"If we're going to treat our relatives like they look, aren't there just enough triplets to call them?"

"Just a little bit"

"Just a little."

I wonder if a little bit of crown refers to a difference in the degree to which one digit is different.

In fact, as Subaru, who saw a copy of the crown full of twenty, I can't help but think so internally.

Spills exhale and erases clutter.

that, there is no bare gesture of crowds trying to tear Subaru apart to get here. Refrain from exploring each other and you'll fit in when you can step in.

"- What's the relationship between the girl in the crystal and Mr. Lewes?

Subaru therefore made an inquiry directly from the front.

The crown receiving it is the same serene expression. With his fingers around the tip of his thin red hair, he pointed a meaningful gaze at Subaru - no, next to Subaru, at the silent girl.

"Non, it's not just a story. Your daughter is in the same position as Noon."

"Including the girl in the crystal."

"No, not just that girl. My daughter in the crystal is not real."

Later, unable to swallow for a moment the contents of the said words, Subaru frowned and expressed his incomprehension. Then, chew up the meaning and raise your hips on the bed,

"What do you mean, real..."

"Don't be so hasty. Older people need to dive into their memories. You have to wait and wait."

"Come here, don't worry about the old man's appeal outside the tone. From the tasteless, odorless smell of this girl next door, I know it's nothing but flavoring."

"Hmm, that's a sad misunderstanding. For Noh, everything that shapes Noh now is important, the personality that he's gained."

"Earned, personality?

To the unfolding of a story not to be missed, Subaru repeats his words as a form of inquiry. The crown nodded, "Well," he prefaced,

"As Sioux Fong thought, the original non was created just like his daughter there and nothing was filled with vessels. It doesn't mean I've lived to this day pouring in empty contents over the years."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Generated? Leave it empty? What does that mean? What did the crystal have to do with the word 'real'?

"The contents of that crystal are the real, first crown mayer. Other than that, all crowns, including non, are imitations of crown mayer."

Ryuse reveals his origins. No, even what you can call a crown, Subaru goes on a roundabout.

Now what Ryuz said is the very hypothesis that has been vaguely in Subaru's head since he saw a multitude of Ryuz replicas. The only thing that could not reach certainty, while I thought it would be half the case, was the 'aversion to the existence of clones of acquaintances'.

If I told you, it was also prejudice coming from Subaru's solidified view of common sense.

"Do you change your eyes when you hear about artifacts?

"... Wow. No, I don't think so. I do, but I do... if you ask me if I can tell you in person"

- I assure you, I couldn't.

Technically, the existence of crowns cannot be called cloning, beyond the fact that this is a different world. Even the way it is created will probably be different from Subaru's imagined blurry image.

That is unquestionably the life created by a magical approach rather than a scientific one. I think it's an occasion to say that there is no precious bitch in the way that she was born.

"I'm not sure I can say I'm fine without changing my complexion. So I'm not saying it won't change"

"That was a correction. Sioux Boy is sweet and gentle... but more than that, his roots seem too honest."

Though it should never have been a pleasant word, Ryus nods satisfactorily at Subaru's response. Subaru saw the girl sitting next to her - a daughter in the same position as Ryuz, who calls her Pico - as she bit through some awful emotions.

- Pico, who silently picks the hem of Subaru's clothes and looks inside the room with blurred eyes. Those eyes should certainly be looking at the same scenery as Subaru, but it even seems like a glass ball is reflecting the scenery because I can't see the emotion of being there.

I haven't changed my expression, and on the contrary, I haven't heard a single voice. That's what

"This kid's empty, that's what I said..."

"Not long after I was born, because it's just a replica of being given a role. I know enough to give simple instructions, but other than that, I'm no different than a baby. I don't cry, I don't need a meal, I can't help it, it's easy."

"You don't even need a meal...?

"It is not easy to replicate the flesh, etc. Can't you imagine on what principle Nong or his daughter could be doing this?

To try, Subaru restrains himself from wanting answers immediately.

Don't just want, just be a child who can be given. That's not what Ryus wants from Subaru.

Pressured by the serious glance of the facing crowd, Subaru came up with a total mobilization of knowledge she could have from what she had spoken.

"Hey, Mana...?

Floating with his mouth was cutting off the presence of the cat's great spirits who had passed behind his brain.

The flesh of the pack, the Spirit, was shaped using mana as a mediator when embodied. If we apply it, or is it not also possible to make the flesh of the great human being?

To the idea of Subaru, Ryus raised his eyebrows and smacked his hands small.

"Brilliant. Well done, I've come to that answer. I don't care who told me."

"Answer me, you gave me the guidance to get out properly. I happen to have a spirit close to me, so I thought about it.... So, even if you think it's the right answer?

"Almost, you're not right. In fact, when you make flesh just by mediating mana, you're really fuel-efficient. There, the 'greedy' witch forcefully avoids the problem by forming a special surgical ceremony"

"Forceful manipulation. When?

"A simulated 'od' generating organ is composed of a surgical formula, which embodies the flesh after accumulating a certain amount of mana. Then, the flesh is made of mana, but we can create creatures similar to the 'normal' creatures that exist in Odd."

Odd - it's about the same energy that acts like mana, unlike mana that fills the atmosphere and is prepared in the creature from the beginning.

Unlike Mana, however, Odo cannot be incorporated from the outside, and the total amount that a single life can have is also born. Squeezing the odds implies reducing life expectancy as it is, and is the epitome of the 'uncut trump card', where depletion = death.

In situations where there is not enough MP, it can be said that it is possible to use HP to use magic - and so on. However, the HP is irrecoverable.

"I'm just saying, it's... awesome. Can you do something about it? Reproducing Odd, albeit pseudo, means making life itself."

"Of course, it seems to be the first phenomenon that will be possible with quite special conditions in place. Unfortunately, Non's obsession was incomprehensible to detail. - Just think it's true that the witch was successful in creating life."

"I don't know how to talk about it... he was amazing, actually"

The sight of a white-haired witch floating in the back of her brain, looking down at Subaru without a heart or a doya face, could be hallucinated. I just think right away, too.

"No, but Daphne also said he created the Warcraft, and when you become a witch or something, it's surprisingly less difficult to create life or something? That's less rare, than I thought."

A white-haired witch floated in my brain, and I could see her stretching to not much Subaru's assessment, "Beh, I'm not doing it because I want to be praised," he said.

"What, you look a lot more like an imaginary face"

"Wonder, my vigilance towards him has melted off in several exchanges. Whatever it is, I know where Mr. Lewes came from. Echidna was making a replica of a girl named Louise Mayer in this place, and I figured that out."

It was understandable that both the principle of the existence of a replica of the crown and the fact that the crown itself accepted it. On top of that, if I were to overlap another question,

"The next question is, why was Echidna doing that?"


"The magic thing, the related surgical ceremony, I'm a doorman, and I only know how amazing the results of Echidna's work were up there. But even at the top, I know it's huge."

Arm up, Subaru continues to crown his listening posture. Inherit your breath,

"Do such a big thing, have you got any motivation? What's the motive? Why did Echidna have to make a copy of Lewes Mayer?

The position of a girl named Louise Mayer in the Sanctuary is unclear.

In the present 'sanctuary', the role of the crown in front of us is representative and replicate. What, then, was the original Ryus Mayer's position in the formation of the 'Sanctuary'?

Or if she's the one who got the hang of creating the 'sanctuary,'

"Possible possibilities come to mind"


"Make it a promise to talk about this hand. Big fate. It's a possibility that Lewes Mayer, who lost his life for some reason, tried to create an alternative called replication."

In media such as comics and novels, the means of reclaiming often lost lives are explored. The idea of creating clones of the dead and substituting them by creating the same presence of DNA can be called a popular subject matter. Although in most cases those attempts end in failure for reasons such as' the flesh is the same, but the soul will not be the same '.

"To see what Mr. Lewes was saying and how Pico is doing, attempts at the 'Sanctuary' seem likely to be frustrating for the same reason. Even if you can make it look just like it, you can't even copy the contents."

Still, if you're creating one replica after another without giving up, that's just madness. If you keep on looking for the possibility of a soul dwelling in the next flesh, even if you repeatedly fail to count twenty.

"Paranoid, I don't want to trump it..."

You can't say that you're wrong to want someone's life back by then. At least, you can never speak only to Subaru.

Still in its current form, Natsuki Subaru is acting to see the future that picked it all up.

The means and the process are just different, and how different that is from the witch's attempt.

What the resultant crowds think, it's an area of answers that can only ask their minds and not be given to anyone but them.

Close your self-explanatory, mouth-watering Subaru. Ryuz exhaled at Subaru like that,

"More than I thought, Sue Boy seems to be turning his head."

"It's too late if you've got me working this far. What I don't want you to say is a phrase I've been making you say."

My thinking skills are so slow that I want to punch my tongue. It's a subaru that bites remorse.

but to Subaru like that. Ryuse shook his neck to the side loose. However, the trick does not comfort Subaru. smile floating loudly, it is loneliness to dwell in it,

"You just seem to think a little too much. I tend to dream."

"I tend to dream... I didn't think it was that out of focus..."

"I tend to dream. I mean, this is what you think, right, Sue Boy? - I tried to make my life start over after all this hard work. For the witch of" Greed, "a girl named Louise Mayer was worth it, I guess, important. Didn't I?"


Subaru, poked at the star, does not carry on the words in the inquiry of leaning his neck.

In fact, it's true that I thought so. The person who created a new surgical formula and tried to survive existence until after a troublesome process - naturally you would conclude that the person was important to the witch if you were to try to get that far.

That Subaru conclusion, Ryus denies with a grin. With a terribly painful, dry grin.

"Ryus Mayer is not just a village daughter. Special, I've never even been close to a 'greedy' witch. Nor was it natural to be of blood or have been in a kinship. Louise Mayer and the witch were everywhere else, and only a few words were exchanged."

"That's why... no, wait a minute"

To Ryuse's words as if he had seen them, Subaru, who was shocked, turns his hand and interrupts the story. slapping his forehead with the hands of the empty,

"Isn't that crazy? I thought Mr. Lewes said earlier. Same as Pico, he said he was created empty-handed. How does Mr. Ryuz know about Ryuz Mayer in the crystal? I can't get through."

"That's the result of another experiment in the Sanctuary."

Softly accepting Subaru's objections, Ryus puts his hand on his chest.

If what she says is true, there's probably no sense of a heartbeat there. Where does the warmth touched come from then - with Subaru's thoughts at the margin, Ryus meditated,

"Ryus Mayer was not close to the witch. but devoted himself to the experiment. The witch used the flesh of Rhus Mayer and sealed it in the crystal to give it a permanent time. On top of that, a surgical formula was constructed, and whenever a certain amount of mana accumulation was achieved, a mechanism was left to generate a pseudo-ode to create a replica of Rhus Mayer"

"... for what"

"The replica of Rhus Mayer is born in a state identical to that of the baby, except for knowledge such as language and a minimum sense of common sense. Well, that's already weird. If you're like a baby, then you're right to be ignorant and innocent just crying. How is it possible to have enough knowledge to follow minimum instructions?

"That's... no way"

To the worst of possibilities, Subaru loses his word.

The look on Subaru's face alone seems to have figured that out. She nodded,

"The witch built the means to give knowledge away to the replica of life. I only give a minimum of knowledge on it, and other things are emptied out and produced"

"So you're saying that until you're born knowing nothing, it's just as you assume? But that's what it's for."

It just becomes a ritual of creating a doll that just obeys orders. Of course, it's not that I can't even think about those aspects. Not really, but it seemed far from the nature of echidna, too 'greedy' witch.

I don't think that gray-haired girl would do such a roundabout imitation and just create a presence that moves like her own hands and feet.

"I don't know if I can, but it would be quicker and hassle-free to brainwash the one I've appropriately taken. That's not true, there's more reason."

Create an empty, whole existence from scratch...


For a moment, it was possible that I had passed the back of my brain on the fence.

But it seems absurd, and Subaru immediately shakes his head and tries to forget. But that thought, which arises once, does not try to grab Subaru and let him go.

Assuming that's the truth,

"I don't want you to despise me."

Yes, the witch's intention to hide the sincerity of her deeds against Subaru also fits.

The reason why the crown in front of me inherits a lot of the memory of crown mayer.

"What makes you make an empty replica with knowledge available for discarding?"


"Get an empty vessel, what do we do? An empty vessel is placed on the table to do what."


- It's decided to pour the contents.

Suppose we can have a replica, an empty vessel, and pour knowledge and memory into it.

An original in the crystal that will never be lost. Suppose you can produce as many of those replicas as you want and then add as much knowledge and memory to it as you want.

That means...

"Burn and repeat your memory and knowledge into the flesh of Rhus Mayer. If that's possible, it is."

- Some kind of immortality.

- That was the identity of the experiment that was being carried out in the 'sanctuary'.

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