Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV: Tabernacle: Guests Leave

"Let me go like that, ha. Are you glad, huh?"

"It's his call, it's his choice. The eagle wants to respect that.... I don't have anything to think about just taking that hand and leaving."

Echidna shrugs her shoulders on the spot in response to a carefree Sekhmet voice.

It is in the castle of dreams unchanged to have them, and there is no difference between the meadows and the blue sky. The cold wind blows through and gently strokes the witches' hair.

- As soon as the cracked world swallowed Subaru and Satella and freed the two of them from their dreams, the world was repaired again.

Naturally. The space connected to the soul of Echidna, which cannot perish, will remain in this state for as long as Echidna exists. It was an overperformance, and it just got rid of the exiters.

"Though, yeah, I can't help but feel fatigued when I get spoiled by you. It would be helpful if you could run to the cure with moderation."

"I just follow my routine and heal the wounds that are in my sight. Humans, witches, animals, birds, fish, bugs, warcraft, the wounds of the living are my enemies!

"Still, unlike in your lifetime, the burden of your deeds here comes on eagles. When I was alive, I let the world take my place, so don't you see how hard it is in your imagination that all that burden falls on one eagle?

"You don't think fatigue or anything invisible matters. I heal my wounds. I don't know if the life expectancy of the world is going to shrink, but I don't know."

Witches laugh bitterly at Minerva's assertions that put their arms together and accentuate their rich breasts.

"Witches of Wrath" Minerva is, at first glance, the most intimate of the witches who bear the name of the great sin - if I say so, they tend to think of me as a harmless witch.

In fact, all her actions are only therapeutic acts, and the number of lives saved by her hands in the world at the time will not fit in five digits?

- However, it is also Minerva who caused as much damage indirectly as it did.

All of the destructive energy, such as beating, kicking and biting, is converted into healing energy if emanated from her hands. The technique is a power of 'anger', but therefore not something that can be imitated by anyone but her. Even to Echidona, the structure is impossible to reproduce even if it is understandable.

Minerva's healing blows keep him away from life-threatening threats to all creatures. - Some kind of all-powerful power, but that's a mistake.

The healing power her fists cause is the result of a powerful surgical formula that twists and bends causality, consuming enormous mana each time it is activated. That is not a very human amount, but an impossible amount with the magical qualities of Minerva, a witch.

Then where is her blow bringing mana from - the answer is simply, it takes root from the core of the world.

Usually, if humans use magic, they would have exercised magic by absorbing the mana in the atmosphere from the gate, converting it into magical energy, and releasing it from the gate again.

This gate leads directly to the centre of the world, not to the atmosphere in the case of Minerva. The expression the center of this world is difficult, a supernatural collection of mana - if I say so, connected to the part where mana is supposed to be born.

Minerva's blow is extracting mana from it and converting it into a healing blow.

Repeating this, there will be events that will not allow mana to reach where it is supposed to be supplied, and the depletion of mana, an important element that makes up the world, creates an extremely dangerous possibility of causing natural disasters and natural mutations in areas that did not arrive.

Directly, the number of people she beat and healed exceeds five digits.

- But the number of natural mutations she indirectly caused and lost her life is also comparable to that.

Therefore, Minerva, the "Witch of Wrath", was considered the most dangerous of the witches in the name of the great sin and hostile from all nations.

"Here, the only mana I pull out is what Echidna has. I'm unhappy because you can't cure or heal until you're almost sun-dried."

"There's supposed to be no reason for an injury to occur here in the first place. For a while, I'm going to get the wrong idea because this place has been too noisy."

"Yes...... right. It's been noisy for a while."

Minerva, to Echidna's words, sinks the momentum until then. Floating a palpable faint color on the adorable side, the blonde witch looks up to the blue sky,

"That kid, you think you can do it right? I'm so worried."

"Definitely should be able to do well, the eagle hand refused. Whatever it is, you should scratch your feet trying desperately to do it well. I don't think I've got an answer yet."

"What, the way you put it. You want me to lead you to wave your hand away from her and try to hide it from us? Doesn't make sense!

"Nothing, I didn't mean to be rejected. - Whether you're rejected or accepted, it's just that you could have been either."

Depending on Minerva, who pisses off his shoulders, Echidna sits back on the table where she reappears. Then when I rang my fingers to produce a teacup, I leaned it toward my mouth, which stood hot.

"The eagle affirms the choice and the result of the choice. I don't really see the outcome as a problem. The fact that you chose, the fact that you didn't, any of it matters. Whether the results are good or bad, I am proud to say that I can enjoy them."

"Oh, it's not like you don't have any hope."

Next to Echidona carrying Donna tea into her mouth, a black painted coffin lines up slowly. Daphne, who at some point re-fitted into his coffin, devoured the tea candy lined up on the table like a dog,

"I say we respect the results. Hey, Donadna doesn't hesitate to direct you to the results you want to see in Donadna. I guess it's true that you could have done both. Oh, isn't it true that you're glad you did this way?

"You're less interested in other people than you are, Daphne."

"Compared to the hunger that plagues Daphne on a daily basis, it just means you don't have to even think about it. Ha-ha-ha, mundane."

Passing through the tea treats, he exhales at Daphne, who snubs out to the plate, and Echidna sees the other witches who begin to sit back in the rest of their seats.

Carefully, I don't hide my anger, I'm surprised - and only one person has a slightly safer eye.

"Tefon seems a lot angry."

"It's not what Donna does. What do you mean, you're lying? Lies are acnine, right? Donna, is that Aknin?

"The eagle is moving honestly against where he wants it. I don't remember lying at the moment."

Echidna answers the straightforward tale of innocent Tefon without clouding.

Echidna's spinning rhetoric does not work on young tuphons. And if she gets in a bad mood, Echidna knows that's going to put everyone on this scene in danger.

Neither the culpability of the blame nor the judgment of the sinner is but one end of Tefon's 'arrogance' power.

It's just a witch buried in a hairball the next to speak low when she sees Tefon swell as convinced by Echidna's words that make such a spiritual contour.

"Talking in secret of sincerity, huh. It's not a lie, it's not convenient, huh?"

"Eh, Kidna is really... you're a pain in the ass, she's a kid, isn't she..."

"Are you..."

Echidna in concentrated fire faces, and the witches who see it loosen their mouths.

Minerva is the only one holding up his eyeballs as he looks at the situation.

"Minerva, too, how long have you been stuck, huh? That's not what we all decided to discuss, huh? I knew this would happen if you gave me the Sage candidate...... ha"

"Ugh, I know. He said he agreed to discuss it properly. I'm just not in a position to break it off, unlike you guys. I hope you understand that too."

"It's normal to be with Tutu, Metomet doesn't know. Neither one of us or him would spend too much time on anything but eating to live, wouldn't we?

On Daphne's horizontal spear, Minerva and Sekmeto all snort in disgust.

It is a tea party between witches that is quite balanced, but it is originally a gathering of things of my strong nature. There is more to disagree with, and it is not uncommon to say so in this way.

Minerva, who sticks up against everyone in particular, and Sekumeto, who hates collisions, were rarely skirmished. Each time, Daphne poking at the core without reading the air gets in the way. It's always the case that the rhetoric ends in abnegation.

Minerva is angry, Secumeto is dealing with him, Daphne is making tea, Carmilla is flashing to keep Tefon from exploding, Echidna is watching them happily, - Satella is smiling and watching as the six of them are safe.

That's what happened four hundred years ago, and it's never happened again.

Satella went mad at the witch factor, Minerva was trapped and died mad, Carmilla was burned down in the Great Fire, Daphne died in a sea of sand, Tefon sank in the Great Water, Sekhmet slaughtered the dragons and fell into the Great Falls, Echidna collected only their souls and himself was also connected to this world with only their souls.

I'm not coming back, it's an incomplete reproduction of those days.

"Echid, Na...... do you have a sad face, do you? I am, aren't I?

"Why not? There's no reason for eagles to grieve. You guys are here and the eagle has quite a chance to make contact with the outside as well. - Nothing, I don't need it."

"So, okay? Well, we, uh... we're just souls, so not the real us, right? Me, we're... we're already dead, Ru. Nobody, Echidna and I can't really, together, be...?

To Carmilla's uninterrupted words, Echidna mouths only for a moment.

- It is the power of Echidna that is giving their first body in the form of a spiritual body to those who have lost their flesh and become only souls.

I have a vessel ready, and my soul is letting it dwell there.

But the souls are frozen at the time of their death, and there's no change since. So now that Carmilla stares at Echidona, is it true Carmilla's?

I draw lifelong reactions from my soul and let them manipulate my flesh to play - isn't it like doll play, caused by Echidna's own aspirations?

In fact, they share Echidna's known knowledge.

How can you say that's not because their presence is coming from within Echidna? - I'm talking about this after I've already thought through it many times.

"It is unusual for you, a lump of self-love, to worry about eagles, even though you are a friend.... Have you, too, been impressed by his noise and popularity?

"Also, uhh... I don't know, I don't... echidna, your... idiot"

To Echidna's answer, which misled her heart, Carmilla said so with a disappointed face.

I didn't think of that response, I rattled my throat and Echidna laughed.

I could see that Echidna's attitude turned the gaze of the witches who hadn't been aware of this one until then.

bathing those gazes all together, Echidna opened her hands,

"Well, again, the Tea Party will be just for the witches for a while. He, Natsuki Subaru, will probably never set foot here again."

And you said, "Why don't you go? It's not like I want to care if I miss you or anything, but you said something at the end in the first place. You're supposed to be loud about that consideration and all that."

"Consideration...... oh, you had that too. When I say goodbye to him, who is expected to suffer - do you laugh at the eagle?

Put your hands on your chin and the witches face Echidna as you conceive.

Then they nodded, opening their mouths simultaneously,

"- Not at all"

"Heh, the eagle was also being reviewed more than I thought..."

"'Cause it's impossible for you not to get a consideration, just a helper knife,"

I nodded to Minerva, who put his arms together and said it out, so that the witches would agree.

to those breathing girls. Echidna glanced, and then coughed,

"I thought there were a lot of cases I had to discuss with you. Really, what do you think of the eagle?"


"Just, well"

In front of the silent witches, Echidna drank the contents of the cup and licked her lips glossy with its red tongue,

"- Not at all, I'm not wrong, am I?

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