Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter IV 120: The Perpetual Frozen Soil of the Elior Great Forest

- The place had already changed its appearance as if it had forgotten how the original terrain was.

An angry serpent bursts and traces of insane destruction. All the trees that stood side by side were swept down, and some were pulled from the roots and heavily spaced.

The earth, cracked, decided and submerged, is empty of many unseen holes at the bottom, so ravaged that it is likely to collapse into hell even now.

All of that destruction is the work of a man standing alone in the heart of a place where there are signs of overwhelming outrage.

A man who spills blood from all over his face and stood up with a constant breath but terrible grip on both legs. A blasphemer who held within a 'great sin' unsuitable for his height and gained power at the price of life to be shredded.

Juice - it's Petergius Romaneconti.


Breathing is rough, her complexion is losing her mind and passing through pale.

But even in that condition, the juice condition had restored calm compared to the first. 'Nanica', who was rambling around in his body, apparently recognized that place as a temporary lodging for the first time uncomfortable.

Scattered, after freeing the inside of the bone and skin all you want, the control of the flesh is entirely deposited with the juice, and the power of the rent substitution is increased in precision and power.

The power to be wielded, the power of overwhelming destruction.

The power of that 'invisible hand', which is invisible to no one's eyes, is mighty, reaching out beyond reach, reaching fingers to things that cannot be touched, and hitting forces on things that cannot possibly be enemies.

In witchcraft, the power of juice, the flag of moderates, does not extend far to the extremists who are militants. Not to mention if Leggles Cornias, the grand bishop of 'Greed', who has unparalleled power as the supreme power of witchcraft, is the opponent.

It was undoubtedly nothing more than the feat of the witch factor that took in that the juice was relative to him in the bend and not ground in an instant.

However, the resistance, which literally exhausted the death force of the juice,

"Now... how about, Death... eh"

Juice squeezes out his voice as he glances at the front with his bloody eyes and lifts his trembling arm.

An unforgiving, decisive, intensive storm of violence by unseen hands. enemies who continued to be beaten to it's extensions, painted on earthly cigarettes that could soon be stood in,

"Uh, done?

Leggles, who looked out of the smoking sunshine, had his finger stuck in his ear with a boring face.

His appearance scratching his ears with resentment and indiscriminateness has no effect as if he had been detached from the peripheral tragedy. It's as if you let the sight of destruction interrupt only his appearance with hindsight.

"That's all... even if you do it... ugh!

"Come on, what if you notice? No, it's not. Me and you, we're different actors. In the first place, it's not even a question of how strong compatibility has become. Whoever you are, you can't beat me, and you can't scratch me. Whether you take in the witch factor, dragon or sword saint, it's useless."

"... Instead, we have a lot of... time to spend with you, like... Death."

"Because I don't have to chase him in a hurry. Look, you know what I mean. I'm just an escort. Otherwise, would you bother to get to this place? Enjoying my little peace in the mansion, surrounded by my wives. I'm just getting tired of it."

In response to the juice words, Leggles slowly steps out.

Walking dangerously through the unusual woods of the terrain, down to the same height of gaze as the juice, he lets him wave his lifted hand gently.

What happens to the kind of tricks that even bugs pay for, juice gets in place.

You gain strength by calling to your inner self and dedicating blood and flesh to the blackening. As it is, breathe in to slap the impulse into the legulse,

Both arms of juice flew a thousand cuts off my shoulder.

"Hey, ah!?

"It's a boring reaction. You're annoying me, so isn't it polite to at least go around and show it as much fun as it is to watch? Well, I don't think it's as much use as you'd expect."

"Oh, whoa!!

The blowing arms roll down the ground as they spill blood, and the juice that has lost its arms from both shoulders peels off its white eyes and screams.

The cutting surfaces on both shoulders are dirty, exposing them to ugly scars like a thousand cuts eaten by the fangs of a beast. The right arm disappears from the shoulder and the left arm disappears from the middle of both arms.

Glance, the body of juice spasms violently in spectacular pain.

Blowing blood bubbles, the tooth too bitten off of the pain crumbles one after the other. Juice dipped his face in despair with both legs falling off his knees, hitting his forehead on the ground, even though he was about to lose strength.

"In the end, your readiness, your determination, everything else, that kind of thing. Everybody does, it's not about caring. Neither man nor he can live with more than he can hold in his own hands. I live satisfied with my little world, filled with it, looking only inside it. Correspondingly. Not to mention, you just lost your arm to carry in... well, that's self-evident, isn't it?

"Oh! Ahhhhhh......"

"Really, come on, you don't like it. You may see me humping you like this, and maybe you think I'm an abusive hobby who feels comfortable hurting others, but that's a total mistake, and a huge insult to my personality. I'm not doing it because I want to. There's nothing more in my life that I want to do. Being filled, I don't want to be influenced by anyone, good or bad. Abnegation. Satisfied. You have no right to resent me. You just stood there before me walking."

The impetus of the blood that erupts weakens, as does the magnitude of the juice scream.

Rough, short breaths are repeated with the sound of plundering, and the body of juice blowing blood bubbles and squatting is cramped like a near-breathing bug.

There is no malice, no hostility, nothing in Leggles' words to throw up.

Because there's no reason to put your emotions on it just to say the obvious facts for you. Without having to hide everything, Leggles thinks the truth.

The act of juice's death had not even had the effect of shaking his forehead in the wind for Leggles Cornias.

"To be honest, it's a slap out. It's enough to call me... well, it's never been a clap for me, but if you mean to be called, at least you want me to show you something commensurate with my walking effort."

"I'm sorry, Bishop Leggles. Thank you for your hard work, but not with your expectations."

That's what Pandora says to Leggles, who still looks down at the juice that's about to decay, until then, just to watch the battle.

She also stands alone in the first position in the woods ravaged by the unseen destruction of juice.

Likewise, Leggles, there is no change in fine dust in its emergence. The white cloth that wraps the thin, small limbs retains pure white without a piece of dirt, and naturally there is no scratch on the beautiful face.

"It's not Master Pandora's fault. I'm just saying that all the people in the woods and the moderates are sorry for their incompetence. Both scumbags have no shards of improvement. Unlike me, who is so high that I don't need to improve, if I stop scratching my feet alive, it will be to the normal people. You can't even refuse to fill your vessel with the shallowness of greed from me in Greed."

"Not everyone can think like you, not everyone can reach your realm. You are more special than anyone and happy with that self. Finished you are great. And the imperfect ones are great again."

"I'm not good at reason. I don't mind receiving compliments from Master Pandora, because I'm not asking for praise either. In the first place, you didn't have to bring me or a black snake. Dear Pandora alone, about this kind of forest control."

Still somewhere in this forest, there is a warcraft that wields death and sickness.

Regulus, who is disgusted by the existence of ugly malice, does not even realize his distortions or anything else that should be treated the same from the eyes of others.

to the words of Leggles. Pandora pulled her jaw, "Yes,"

"It was certainly possible for me alone if it meant taking away resistance. But that doesn't make sense. We never came here to do harm to the forest dwellers."

"Bring me even a black snake with no sight, and that's what you say? I guess it's true that you didn't intend to do harm... but when it comes to causing harm, you're breaking it off that you have no choice, right?

"For a noble purpose, it is inevitable that a life will be born that will be sacrificed. But I won't forget the temper to even resist such a cruel fate. The beauty of its heart is undeniable."

"I'm off the point, but I'm talking about killing people for a purpose. Ha. I think it would be easier to understand as simple as that. It's better than wasting my day thinking with my head twisted."

"I'm very fond of that split."

Leggles shrugs his shoulders at Pandora's smile, whose heart is about to swing on the turned side.

Then Leggles returns his gaze to the falling juice and walks out to give him a toddle that would not spare his life if left alone.

"Well, nothing, I don't suppose you're going to die where that body died, but it's easier to manage by pulling out the contents and holding onto the root. It's a strange story about a guy with no neck or head, a root, but come on..."

Leggles trying to shake his leg up and smash the head of the juice with the motion of stepping it down as it is. But just before his act takes place, there is a voice that interrupts.


Following the chant, matter is structured with the world accepting the perversion of mana.

What makes the exploding sound of the air and emerges is a mass of ice powerful enough to cover up the sky you've looked up. On one side of the sky, where the trees were knocked down and it was easier to look, a surface of blue and white ice could be made.

"Oh... not at all, not always this guy"

Leggles tongue-in-cheek looking up at the sky and seeing an ice continent floating over his head.

Immediately afterwards, a huge mass of ice poured down from the top of him.


A severe earthquake and a shockwave with no escape smashed Leggles' body.

To the blast and ground chirping that we don't know how many times it's going to be, the site of the forest, which only seems good as the collapse site, adds to the appearance of the collapse.

How many times has the scenery changed on this day alone, with fragments of crushed ice scattered on one side, crushed trees, rocks and ground buried in overwhelming mass from directly above?

A world of white ice shards dangling hollow and raging lights.

There is a silver-haired woman dragging a man down in it without any strength.

"Juice! Juice, hold on! Like this...... oh how can I......!

"Whoa, Ru... Dear Death...?

It responds to a calling voice and a weak light returns to the eyes of the juice, which was a bug breath.

Even though the risk of life remains unchanged, Fortna, who has returned, nods again and again at the juice that barely connected her consciousness.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, me. Juice, be like this..."

"Good, Death of... the flesh body will soon decay... believe me, entrusted me, and I'm sure you'll know your fingertips too... more than that, Emilia..."

"I left it up to a trusted child to let him escape out of the woods. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Yes, Death... that's... good, Death..."

"- Well, it's decided not to!?

An exasperating Leggles voice overlaps the words of juice that relieves the bloodstained face.

The ground embedded in the ice exploded and Leggles, who was hit directly by a mass bullet, is an expression of anger. He lifted his forehead and lodged a clear hostility in his eyes.

"All of a sudden I wonder if you're back, what are you going to do? I almost crushed him right now, I am! What rights, whose forgiveness, my... my... my!! Out of the way!! You do!!

He screams like he's had a seizure, and a crouching regulus sticks his arms up on the ground. Soil rises to his movements as he shakes up his arms, and soft soil flies to the two Fortna and Juice.

Most importantly, the amount of scattered soil is not a large amount. Such an awkward and childish manifestation of anger that a child would soak up the sand in the sand.

Fortna looks up at Leggles' scattered mud and increases her magic power to ignore its influence and cut it back instantly.


"You shouldn't!! We need to avoid all that mud..."


It interrupts Fortna's chant, and the juice sticking out of her head pushes her down. Juice threw the two indefensibly rolling onto the ground as they were, backwards by a 'invisible hand' that squeezed its death force.

I would prefer to roll the ground with no reception, rather than a mud interception, rather than a defense.

For a moment Fortna raised her voice about what she was going to do to that juice decision, and looked.

The moment Leggles' thrown mud and stone fragments fell to the ground, a massive amount of rain grains sounded like hitting the roof, leaving 'countless little holes in the ground' empty.

Each hole was about the size of a grain of sand, but its density and penetration is the problem.

A mysterious attack that ended up mostly just deciding the ground, but one of the fallen trees, barely retaining its original shape, touched one end of its fierceness.

As a result, the trunk as thick as whether Fortna's arm would turn was literally blown to dust by being worn in countless fine holes.

It's not hard to imagine that if you had directly hit the array, it would have turned into blood smoke in an instant, such as the human body.

And most of all, it's horrible.

"What are you avoiding, you guys? Huh! You just have to eat it exactly, be a piece of meat, and feed the bugs. Petergius scumbags are with you, and that woman over there. I thought you could add me to my seventy-ninth wife, but you imitated me ridiculously...!

Again, Leggles with the same arms on the ground.

Above all, the scary thing is that the act that brings about that much destruction digs back and smashes the dirt for him - that's all that goes with the effort, it's a prank.

Leggles' outfits, which are fierce and wield the power of destruction, have not changed in any way, even in the wake of the surprise attack all over Fortona. An anomaly, that's one word.

In the offense, Leggles Cornias wields isolated power. Despite all that power, that power is sealed in the flesh that dwells in a selfish and childish spirit.

Dangerous beings like the one that gave dragons the same power to children who were not pointing their spears at anyone depending on their mood - Fortna credited the monster in front of her with that.

"If you don't like pieces of meat, I'll decorate them with limbs! I'll make you regret what you did to me..." Greed "!

"Please wait, Bishop Leggles"

Pandora's voice called out from the rear to Leggles, who was about to shower a dirt shotgun again against both Juice and Fortna.

With his arms on the ground, Leggles looks back at Pandora with only his neck. The colour of his anger remained intense on his face, never showing him how to draw a spear even against Pandora, who was treating him as he did on the eye.

"... What is it, Master Pandora? I'm trembling in anger from the bottom of my heart right now because of a violation of my rights. What can I do for you? What are you gonna do, stop it? Be careful what you say, now, answer…"

"Put your anger away, Bishop Leggles. I will not allow them to be murdered on this occasion. Look at those two, don't you think?

"Look at me now, don't you think? - If I'm out lousy, don't get on well, woman!

Leggles' chi, juice capacity, and Fortna's determination were all directed against her by Pandora's words with temperature differences.

Like we forgot each other were buddies, etc., Leggles shakes his arm up against Pandora, poking at the ground. The dirt shotgun launches, and it targets Pandora's body, which stands loosely as it grinds down the trees on the way. To a direct hit, a girl's body can be played into countless pieces of blood and flesh.

"... lying"

Fortna shrugged at Pandora, who showered a shotgun of dirt defenselessly and blew it apart. I saw a hater die unharmed at the end of a fracture.

After all, I thought there was something trumpet that would even recieve Leggles' attack, but Pandora, who turned into a bright red piece of meat, would be spanked by the land of the woods and fertilized by the rough earth.

"This happens because you slap me in the mouth with a joke. Why can't this guy always take care of himself? Stay out of my way. Don't stand in my way. Don't talk to me about what I did. Don't disagree with what I do. Am I asking you to do something that hard? Hey, what do you guys think over there?

Murdering Pandora, Leggles looks back at the two with his eyes that host the faint light.

Simply one less hostile opponent is not the occasion to rejoice in the situation. Where the opponent has been reduced from two to one, nothing will change the situation if one of them is an absolute strong man.

In an ambush, Fortna slammed into the Leggles the greatest power she could have.

Even in the bath, Leggles hasn't even increased the wrinkles of his clothes, rather than injuries. Regrettably, in Fortna it is impossible to defeat the Leggles.

And the juice was also pushed to such a disadvantage that it destroyed the flesh so far. The battle becomes one-sided, even if you ask him to stand on the verge of dying.

All we have to do is attract Leggles' anger to ourselves and buy our beloved daughter time to escape.

"I'll take care of this... Fortna, dear..."

"Juice, you"

"No matter how much blood... flows, until all of your body dies... let it move, Mass. I'll buy you some time... Fortna, run..."

"Stupid thing, don't say it"

Fortona loosens her cheeks to the juice of trying to wake her body up in her arms.

Even though this is the time, I'm still just a little strange and proud of myself for being able to make a laugh.

"You want me to put you down and get out of here? Then I wouldn't have come back. What am I supposed to do when Emilia and I break up?"

"Death, if... then why don't you go back... wow, I..."

"To keep you from dying. And if thou wilt die, that thou mayest be beside it.

Staring into Fortna's purple blue eyes, the juice pushes open her eyes wet in blood.

Holding him completely lightened after losing both arms, Fortona tells Juice at a breathtaking distance.

"In a world without you, in a forest where you stopped coming, what are you waiting for me to do? I can't live a long time without you, weak."

"You are weak…"

"I'm weak. In front of you and Emilia, just being strong."

Say it like it blew out somewhere, and Fortna wakes up her juice body.

Trembling juice stood up to support Fortna's body, and she stood firm on him with such juice.

Seeing men and women standing up trying to hug each other, Leggles makes a face that looks heartfelt uncomfortable.

"It's been a long time since you ignored my question. I don't know what the hell's going on. I wonder what that means. How can you repeat that 'don't do it' when you're showing him all the difference in power and teaching him so easily? What the hell are you guys thinking?

"You're a loud man with Gudagda. This is all I'm showing you with my attitude, you know. He's given us a lot of lectures, but we only have one answer."

"Yes, Death..."

Fortna and Juice gaze and join their voices to the exasperating Leggles.

- You know what, fool?

The voices overlap, and Fortna stands up with her middle finger.

The alignment is decided, and Fortna and Juice scratch each other's inner power.

And Leggles, who had been cut off, turned his face bright red and furious.

"... ugh!! Superior. Ah! Put them together, turn them into indistinguishable chunks of blood, and throw them into the filthy mouth of a black snake."

"I said wait, Bishop Leggles."

Third time for convenience, obstruction of the will of Leggles Cornias.

Pandora's arm coming down from the top held Leggles' head and his body sank to the ground without resistance as it was. Buried in the dirt in an instant from the toe to the bottom of his chin, Leggles looked directly up at Pandora landing beside him.

"Over and over again...!

"If I need to frustrate your will, I will do it. Approximately, the purpose that brought you here as of now has been achieved. You can come home now."

"Bring it in and go home already because you're satisfied? Who can convince him with such words? I will never let this frustration subside until I can return to my former self..."

"Really? Then it's on me." Bishop Leggles can't be here. He spends time in his own mansion, surrounded by his wife '"


At the next moment, the figure of Leggles, who tried to scream something, disappeared neglectfully.

I didn't sink into the ground that was buried. It really disappeared from the spot. Where he was supposed to be, there's no trace of his body being stabbed.

As if to affirm Pandora's words: 'You can't be here'.

"Now if you're noisy, you're out, so you can talk slowly."

"... before you do, just one thing, okay? Why are you here? I should have seen you die with these eyes clearly."

Pandora sitting on the spot as a matter of course.

With a gentle smile on her face, she should have turned that smile into a piece of flesh and scattered it. Turning his gaze to those whose remains were smashed, Fortona faintly breathes.

There are no such signs at all at the point where the red and black flesh pieces should have been scattered. Like the disappeared Leggles, her body had disappeared again.

Pandora tilts her neck against Fortna, who loses sight of the words.

"If... isn't 'something wrong with you'?


Fortna is frightened by Pandora's story.

That can't be true, but the world is taking its place in such a way as to prove Pandora's words. An anomaly where a sight you should have seen is denied and painted on a sight you don't know about.

The body disappears and Pandora comes back. Leggles disappears, as does the trace of his presence.

Shortly after realizing that, Fortona looked next door and almost screamed that something more amazing was happening.

Both arms of juice standing next to each other are flying back to normal.

"There is no Bishop Regulus, so the results of Bishop Regulus' deeds disappear. It's a simple story. Although it is my generosity to heal the wounds of Bishop Petergius."

Pandora lightly explains to the fortona and juice that draws her throat.

Juice turned to make sure of his undone arm, and Fortna turned her trembling eyes to him like that,

"Ju, jus, those arms..."

"Safe, Death. And your body... other than the contents, be safe."

"I won't change the writing until I've taken in the factor. I want to commend you for that deed and for what she did when she came back for you. Think of this as sincerity from me to prove it"

Pandora keeps talking in an attitude that is clearly unusual but no different from normal.

For Fortona, Pandora's presence is the object of hatred. That doesn't change, and it doesn't make a difference that you're the one you can't outrage the moment you see it.

Yet I never imagined myself to be such an incompetent opponent.

I can't imagine what they did. I don't understand what's going on.

Many of the events that have taken place in this forest today, all of them beyond Fortna's imagination. The only thing I can tell is that everything is almost over as a result of everything that I don't understand.

"Dear Fortna, be sure!

In a series of tattering amazements, Fortna's thoughts are drunk that are about to stop.

If I blinked into the pain of being slapped on the cheek, the juice right in front of me was looking at Fortna. He grabbed both of these shoulders,

"There will be questions, there will be confusion. Death, but now we have to put it behind us, Death. The important thing is to protect the forest, Death! And... that can happen if you defeat that woman, Death!

"- Juice"

To his cry, Fortna regains her power in her eyes and stares at Pandora.

Yes, he's right. I do have a fear that I'm an unfamiliar opponent and I don't know what I'm going to do. Still, Pandora let the legulus, which was a force of war, disappear from the scene in order to put his lost juice arm back together.

It is a foolish act to sharpen the power of your own army and restore the power of your opponent. As a result, you may not even be aware that you pushed yourself.

"Juice is right. You can stay behind on what happened. Now!"

"Join forces and defeat her, Death! If only she could repel, then other witchcraft in the woods should withdraw, Death. - I can save Emilia, Death!

In the words of juice, a beloved daughter passes behind Fortna's brain.

I was prepared that it might be a lifetime goodbye. In fact, I was going to finish discussing it just now as I was ready for it. But I came here and saw new hope.

Save Emilia. Nothing else, with myself and the power of juice.

"- Iceless demon hands that freeze white and trap even the swings of time"

The magic that was supposed to strike the Leggles is still swirling in Fortna's body in search of a place to explode. Give shape to its power, spearhead, and chant makes Mana interfere with the world.

Born with the cracking sound of the world, is an ice spear that sharply pointy the tip of the ear - like a giant lifting at the stake of a few.

Its tip is directed towards Pandora. If the ejected ice spear strikes directly, the girl's body will be dispersed and all the flesh pieces will not even give her room to freeze and resurrect.

Next to Fortna, pressure also springs from the juice holding her own shoulders with both arms.

Strength went wild under a worn coat, and bleeding again from wounds other than restored arms. While he ends up in pain, the man still burns his soul down for what he believes.

And before those two expressions of power, Pandora laughs, who never even sets up.

"Come on, come on. - Until the end of that preparation, let me hold and taste it."

To tear that smile apart, the two powers rocked the world.

And -.

Waking up in the jungle, Emilia shook her head and remembered where she was as she looked around.

"Yes... I..."

Muddy self and an unrecognizable view. Ripped knees and painful feet running too far.

It all hinges on Emilia, who is back in consciousness, reminding me that the feeling of impatience that tightens my chest and the memory of resurrection was neither a lie nor a dream.

"Mother... Juice... Arch..."

The loved ones who worked so hard to get themselves away somewhere.

Each face is remembered and Emilia remembers what she has to do. That's what everyone who tried to protect Emilia told me to run away.

He wants me to run straight through and get out of this forest.

But this is what Emilia would have thought.

There must be something I can do for all of us.

"Oh, hey... hoo in... hoo in!

seal, dragged out Emilia's memory, whose sound was on the verge of falling to the ground.

Words Fortna was in contact with Arch with a tough face. Talk about the dreaded people who have come to the woods are looking to seal the woods.

The seal of the forest is a strange door behind the settlement where Emilia and the others live, and behind it again. There's no connection anywhere, an iron-like door that just stands in the woods.

Emilia knows where the adults call it a seal.

"Gotta go, me"

I just rushed there, and it doesn't mean I can do anything to young Emilia.

Emilia doesn't know how to open doors or anything, and she doesn't really know what the word seal means in the first place. It's just that something very important is there and that I know the place - that's all that was enough for Emilia right now.

What you can do is not poke and move a young girl's body.

I'm sure it was the hope that something would change if we went there that pushed the girl's back.

"To the location of Hooin...... but which...?

I broke up with Juice and cried, Fortna held me and cried, Arch held me and ran around the woods, running straight through places I didn't know by myself.

This place is no longer Emilia's known forest, even if it is Emilia's living forest. The only place you can run around like a garden is around the settlement at best. Instead of a place with a seal, I had no idea where my broken up mother or even juice was, or what Emilia was today.


With pity and powerlessness, a whimper swallows up the throat of a young Emilia.

I'm finding something I have to do, but I don't have the strength to do it. My mother is not here to rely on me when I am in trouble. Nothing else, you have to act to save her.

"- Hmm?"

That Emilia's hard feelings all the way moved the paranormal presence watching over her.

Emilia, who was wiping overflowing tears with her hands, blinks her eyes as a pale light passes in front of her face on her lid. When I look up, it is the presence of multiple lights that crosses her sight.


The extraordinary presence that Emilia called fairies and Fortona and Juice called spirits.

The microspirits, who should have no words or will, respond to the desperate wishes of the young girl.

In front of Emilia, stiff to surprise, the microspirits turned to dance and then began to come and go to show one direction.

Having seen it, Emilia shivers her voice, realizing the intentions of the microspirits.

"Tell me, are you giving me...?

There is no answer. But the slight Spirit let the light shake up and down to affirm the question.

"If you go that way, do you have a hoo-in? Can you help my mother and everyone...?

Powerfully flashing microspirits.

Seeing that blue and white light, Emilia wiped tears with her sleeves and shook her head.

Not if you're crying all the time in this place.

My mother, juice and all sorts of people helped me to inspire the fairies to where I was crying. This makes me unable to forgive myself, such as being squatting forever.

"Yeah...... yeah, yeah"

The slight spirits shake to make sure Emilia is doing well. Nodding back at it, Emilia rocked her little body and ran out. Follow the lead of the microspirits and kick the rough ground diligently.

Get over the clay, climb the slope, and pass through the narrow gaps in the trees with a smaller body.

Even on the path through which the Minor Spirit can slip, there are many paths that Emilia cannot pass. Stumbled, his cheeks caught by the branches, and when he fell and chewed the earth, he spit it out and stood up.

My breath rises, and my tears come in again because of my pain and my fear.

Rub your nose, wipe your tears with muddy sleeves, and slap your ripped knee to run.

Patience for pain and suffering brings memories back to Emilia's brain, who runs hard.

Ever since I was tempted, Emilia has spent time in this forest, in the settlements.

Fortona was a tough mother and never did anything to spoil Emilia. I am not my real mother. Emilia's real parents are decent.

It repeats itself like a cliché, Emilia didn't believe it while she believed it. I have real parents. I'm glad about that. But even Fortna is a real mother. For Emilia, that's the unmaskable truth. That's what I really figured out in today's event.

I remember the day I was scolded. I remember the night you held Emilia and slept with me, crying and apologizing. I know you caressed my head all the way until Emilia woke up in bed so I wouldn't miss her.

Emilia knows better than anyone that my mother loved me.

Everyone in the settlement was, Emilia was friendly.

There has always been a sense of alienation being treated as if they were being far-winded somewhere, not knowing how to deal with them. Still, they didn't say anything that would hurt Emilia, and they've always been kind to Fortona, who protects Emilia.

Even that princess room knows that everyone has done a lot to make it easier for Emilia to spend time. To avoid missing Emilia inside, she also had play tools and made a lot of hand-stitched dolls. More dolls every day are so much more that it's not enough to use all of Emilia's two-handed, two-toed fingers.

The number of the dolls, every single thread spinned, is a testament to their compassion for Emilia.

About the juice, Emilia hated it at first.

Because I was kept away from everyone and locked up in the princess room when I decided and the juices came. The grownups must be doing something fun hiding from themselves. The first time she walked out of the princess room and witnessed Juice and the Fortonas meeting, Emilia was jealous of Juice when she saw Fortona laughing.

I thought I'd forgive you. But he wept when he saw Emilia, whom he met by chance. Emilia forgave him for crying and crying and crying with joy.

Because those tears were warm. Remembering the tranquility when Fortona was holding him, Emilia stroked the head of the juice. A delightful tear cried him aside so he wouldn't miss him when he stopped crying. I thought I had no choice.

That's what I thought I had to do.

"I... also with everyone... eh"

Fortna and I want to sleep in one bed again.

Now I want to invite you to the princess room, about everyone.

Of juice that tried to protect Emilia in business, now it's time to step on her feet.

So I want to see everyone again.

"I'm a good girl..."

And ran with blurred vision with tears, twisting through a number of branch trees and falling out ahead - Emilia found the sealed door she searched for,

"Welcome, there you are"

A platinum-haired girl had her hands wide open to welcome Emilia in front of the door.

"Good. He came from you. I'm glad they found the seal because of it, but I don't know where the key is. But I was so relieved to find you safe."

"Why... are you here...?

The girl who speaks up to her intimacy - Emilia quivers her throat and makes inquiries into Pandora's unusual sense of pressure. Take it, Pandora smacked her hand small.

"Hehe, you're surprised. It's easy. This seal is very important to me. That's why I've been looking for where this is. This is why I came to this forest today. So it's inevitable that I'm here."


Pandora's answer is not what Emilia is looking for.

What Emilia wanted to hear was why Pandora came to this place. When Emilia last saw it, she should have been blocked on the road by juice with Leggles.

The fact that she's here means that Juice's death is overwhelming.

"Why... are you here...?

So Emilia doesn't want to get that figured out, and she overlaps the same question.

You noticed that Emilia's shattering mind, Pandora rounded her eyes and then put her hands on her chest to reflect on what she said.

"I'm sorry. I, you gave me a funny answer. It wasn't me you wanted to hear about, it was Bishop Petergius and your mother."

"... eh"

The slow understanding of Pandora gets to the right shape.

If she kept getting me wrong, at least Emilia didn't have to know the answer to her question. Even if I'm about to lose track of what I want.

In the wake of such Emilia's grip, Pandora smiles graciously.

That smile had no evil or poison, and was frankly overflowing with concern to remove Emilia's worries.

"Rest assured. Bishop Petergius and your mother, both of whom you are worried about, will be safe."


"I wish you'd listened to me from the beginning, even if I didn't seem so anxious. Nothing I or my followers have visited the woods to do you harm. As I was saying, I wanted to use this seal. So I'm not stupid enough to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Pandora's words, which speak gently to me, fall into Emilia's heart, which was full of them.

If you believe her, Fortna and Juice are safe. Maybe everyone in the woods hasn't been as terrible as I imagined.

On the contrary, she said she now had business to do with this seal. I mean, as long as I've run errands for this seal...

"When you're done with Huin, will you go home...?


"Phew, when you're done with the huin, will you come home from the woods? Don't do anything terrible to everyone, will you go home......?

"- Yeah, sure. Because unnecessary sacrifices are not where I want them either."

To Emilia's awkward complaint, Pandora nodded deeply as she promised.

Then Pandora points to the sealed door and lets her neck tilt towards Emilia, who is about to cry.

"So please give me the keys. As long as this sealed door opens, we will withdraw immediately from this forest."


"That's right. It's the key. This seal, it's just in the form of a door, and it doesn't open without a key. And you must have the key."

"No, I don't..."

Emilia shakes her head at Pandora's determination.

In fact, it's a pursuit I don't remember. Emilia doesn't remember someone bringing something that looks like a key, and this seal itself, in the village, was kept secret by Emilia in the first place.

Emilia, who was kept secret about the seal, couldn't have the key to the seal. I don't have to think about it, it's a natural outcome.

Unaware Emilia shakes her neck to the side.

Pandora also shook her neck loose to the side to answer that Emilia.

"You don't have to hide it."

"Chi, no...... eh. I really don't know! I don't have a key! Never been brought! I can't open this hoo-in!

"Really? - Then we have to dig back through the woods to find the keys."

To Emilia's answer, Pandora looked terribly painful and lay her eyes down.

While the attitude and actions are sympathetic to Emilia, Emilia trembles with a strong spirituality that she will absolutely carry out what she says.

Here and now, if you don't open the door seal, this girl digs back into the woods.

Digging back, etc. is an easy illusion. Pandora would 'dig back' the woods and the people who live in them, her mother, the settlers, and the juices.

It is also clear to young Emilia that Pandora has the power to do just that.

This is an anomaly.

Even Fortona, a symbol of strength for Emilia, is so sure that she is no match.

"Oh, I'll open it! I'll open it!

So Emilia speaks up to keep Pandora out of action.

Hearing that Emilia's answer, Pandora brightened her face pah,

"Is that true? Good. Again, you have the keys. I thought so. 'Cause you're a witch's daughter, no matter what you think."

"Ma, Ji... of?

"Yeah, that's right. Now, please seal it. If only we could check inside the door, we'd be right back."

Give way to Emilia, and Pandora awaits Emilia's action in a delightful manner.

While her heart is scratched by the words she utters, Emilia, unable to retreat, comes forward. The sealed door, little Emilia looks up and I can't see the top of it even more.

Seems like a dream story or something where a little girl has to open it up in front of a huge door that even more giants of the giant say it was built for creeping around.


I stood in front of the door. You can stand up, but I still don't feel like opening this to Emilia.

When I checked the location of the seal before, Emilia's approach to this door went all the way. If I push, pull, or climb, I do it all the time.

The old door was not even frightened by Emilia's little body, and the door remained tattered without even making one of the sounds that swung rather than opening.

It's the same today.

Even if I reach out and touch it, there are no signs of movement or other fine dust.

"Ha... ha... ha..."

Her heartbeat is abnormally fast and the sound of blood circling her head is prolonged.

My chest was hot and my bouncing heart was going to pop out of my mouth now. Yet the hands and feet are cut off cold and the tips of the limbs are as heavy as they were stuffed with lead.

I have to move, but I can't.

If we can't open this, we're all in big trouble.

I know that, but I can't do anything.

My head turns white in fear and despair, and the presence of Emilia is anointed.

- You think I'm the key?

The voice slipped badly into Emilia's ear, which was looking for something to behold.

- I'm the key.

As the voice commands, Emilia's heart portrays one of those things.

At that moment Emilia felt the weight on her palm touching the door. Look at your hands. There, I saw an old, big silver key held tight.


"Can you see it now? If so, you're still the key."

Hearing Emilia whine, Pandora happily points out.

But it was some unnatural language. It's as if Pandora doesn't see the key in Emilia's hand.

"This, I can't see... of?

"-. Yeah, I don't see it. That key is something that can only be left in the hands of qualified things. There must be only two people in this world who can unlock it."

Pandora envious of that. Her gaze does point at Emilia but she hasn't been able to see the key. I don't know what it means to not see this key that feels to the weight, but Emilia looked back at the door with the key in her hand.

The key expressed - but I don't see any key holes and thoughts in the door.

It's a door that doesn't even exist. Even when it comes to big keys, they are much smaller when compared to this huge door. Is it really such a cliché key that the door can be opened?


Yet Emilia instinctively knew how to use the key.

You don't have to ask for a keyhole. This door is like a keyhole in itself.

This door is not a sealed door.

It's just a lid on the seal. This door is not sealed. Seals are more shapeless, but they're inside this door.

"Come on, open it"

Breathtaking of Pandora's demands, Emilia takes a step forward.

Just push the key in your hand against the door and twist it with Emilia's willingness to "open it" and the door will open. Only then will this door be unsealed for a long and long time.

- Open this door and everyone will be saved.

"... what is it?

But just before that, trying to push the key against the door, the stretched Emilia's hand stops.

Pandora was faintly frowning when she saw the trembling fingertips stop the movement.

Not answering that word, Emilia stares at the key in her own hand.

Keep pushing the key to the door and the seal will open.


"Emilia. - Promise '

What I heard in Emilia's head was words from her mother whispered at her breakup.

That's what I said when I exchanged promises unrelated to this seal.

But Emilia remembers. When I kept my promise, I made a promise to my mother.

I don't know about the seal. You shouldn't know.

Emilia doesn't know this place, and she must not interfere.

I promised Fortna. And keeping promises must take precedence above all else. It means betraying your feelings of belief, so it's a bad thing.

If you become a bad boy, no one will ever forgive Emilia. It becomes unforgivable.

So opening the seal is something you shouldn't do.

"Oh, I can't open it..."

"- Why is that?

"I have a promise… I have a promise. I don't know about Huin. You can't even open it."

"Really? Promise is important. I think your feelings in trying to protect it are very splendid and important. But... sometimes it depends."

No, no, no. Pandora gazes at Emilia, shaking her neck sideways, as I say. Pandora touches Emilia's silver hair holding the key with both hands,

"Did you make that promise to your mother? Your mother is a very fine man. You taught me the right and honorable thing. That will is important to protect."

"Well, then..."

"But sometimes you have to make a decision even if you renege on a promise. Asking you to make a decision when you're still young can be harsh. But fate pressing you to make a decision does not take into account the circumstances of what is to be flirted with. Destiny loves what it resists on its wavering self and gives hope for its consequences. Which hope do you want?

"Which, hope..."

To the voice of the plundered Emilia, Pandora nods with a smile of "Yes," the Mercy Mother.

When she gently offered her hands in front of Emilia,

"One is the hope of keeping the promise you made with your mother to confront us without opening the seal and survive this ordeal on top of it"

Pandora lifts her right hand and shows her a trick like she's holding an invisible hope.

"And the other is the hope of rebelling the promise made to your mother to open the seal and converge things into a more harmless form after fulfilling our wishes"

Lifting his left hand, Pandora presents an equally invisible hope against Emilia.


Looking at the hands offered in front of her, Emilia stiffens without being able to speak.

I can't even breathe consciously because my lungs seem to have frozen. If I speak of something in a detour, would Pandora pull both hands in at that point?

Without being able to touch either of the two hopes offered, will that be taken from Emilia's sight?

- Such fear keeps the young girl's heart from eagling away.

"Which, would you prefer? - I entrust it to you."

Hope on the right. Hope on the left.

Hope of breaking promises and choosing. Hope of keeping promises and choosing.

The sweet, swinging voice of Pandora invites me.

Fortna's voice is calling like a gentle speaker.

I can't hear the heart that was ringing all that time.

Emilia is left behind in a world where sound disappears from the world and even color disappears.

I'm thinking. I'm worried. Thoughts are burning and brains are going to boil now.

There was even the illusion that all the functions of the body were concentrated on the head and that it was dead from the neck down. I don't hear a heartbeat in that evidence, and my hands and feet are detached from my will and I don't even move pickly.

I can't choose, I can't choose, I can't choose, I can't choose.

Which one of you chooses to save everyone? How can we all help?

What can I do to help everyone? If you do anything, someone, tell me about it.


"Really? So that's your call."

Emilia leaked a faint voice as her thoughts became incandescent and her vision even clouded.

And looking at the chosen answer, Pandora lays down her long eyelashes bordered eyes.

- Emilia's hand was touching Pandora's right hand.

Do not break the promise, do not open the seal, pray for everyone to be saved.

"My mother and I... promised, we promised... we kept our promises... we kept them, so... well..."

"Until the end, I believe in my mother's words, which are my guiding principles. Let's respect that answer, which reached the end of Goto, also as a result of your life."

Pandora nods with a convincing face at Emilia, who bursts into tears.

I untied Emilia's hand, which touches her right hand as it is, and looked with mercy at the girl who collapses.

Pandora could have pushed Emilia's hand with the key to the door if she wanted to.

Most importantly, it was a different story whether Emilia could be willing to 'open the door' in that forced act, but there is no denying that it could have been Emilia's decision beating, which nevertheless sought to bolster the conclusion. Even if we knew that, Pandora wouldn't have done it.

That was all, of all the unusual girls this whole thing was, for sure, believable.



"... huh?

"Please respect my decision to take steps to open the seal."

Emilia looks up stunned by Pandora's words.

Pandora in front of me hasn't seen Emilia. Her gaze goes behind us. If Emilia is followed and looks at you, there is a shadow that pushes the grass away and pops out.

It's a short silver-haired woman,


It's Fortna who leaps and shows up, dyeing her whole body in blood.

Compared to when we broke up, my mother's figure was a full, scratchy creation. Still, I was just wondering if the reunion would not come true, and my heart would be saved knowing its fate.

"Eat - ugh!!

Fortona seemed unaware of Emilia's presence, sweeping the six ice columns floating around her at once. Knock relentlessly at Pandora, who sits in front of the door.

As Emilia stiffened herself to the danger of being caught in, Flirting and Pandora broke forward to shelter that Emilia,

"If you don't look around and attack, it's dangerous."

Immediately after I said goodbye, an ice column penetrated a little over Pandora's chest. Keep your thin hips, your right arm, and your right foot. Ice columns shoot through one after another, and one shot that arrives late blows the head of platinum.

"- Eh!"

Emilia screamed a thin scream as she saw the small body that had circled in front unbroken through the ice. Pandora's body will now calm down and lean powerlessly against Emilia, who stands behind her.

Emilia exclaimed at the impracticality of losing her head and taking her bloody body.

"... Emilia?

When I heard that scream, Fortona, the face that returned to me, shrugged.

Her eyes were more upset by confirming the presence of her beloved daughter, who was not supposed to be here, than by having defeated her hateful enemies.

"Why is Emilia here...? I thought you ran out of the woods..."

"Why isn't that such a terrible word? Your daughter rushed to the scene with all her heart to help you. What do you do with the sobriety of your heart without praise from your mother?


Pandora, who faces directly from the side, speaks to Fortna, who has questioned her.

Fortona pushed her purple blue eyes all the way open to the deathness of Pandora's body, which was supposed to have died now unbroken, disappeared from her arms.

"When you look surprised like that, you still look a lot alike. That's parents and kids."

"- Huh! Me and Emilia are not connected to blood! Emilia's pretty face looks like her sister-in-law!

"That was rude."

Distorted by anger, an ice sword arises in the hands of the lifted Fortna. A shooting slash slashes Pandora's torso obliquely as she speaks of apology. Sprayed with blood, Pandora fell from her back onto the ground as she did without force.

"So you're saying the parent of the upbringing is your mother. Then there was no mistake in how to raise it. Your daughter, grow up to be a very straight good girl. Sisters and brothers who are true parents will certainly be happy to come."

"From your mouth, I'm talking about my brother or sister-in-law!!

The fallen corpse disappeared and Pandora went forward in Fortna as a matter of course. Fortna turns it straight into two with a slash that swings it down into a tangbamboo crack, and blows his neck off with a blade to return.

Then immediately Fortna looks back and clamps the resurrected Pandora with a spike. Push it backwards at once, push it straight into the trunk of the tree and sew it together.


Pandora, which can be stopped from sewing into a tree, is transformed into an ice statue, surrounded by the resulting mist of ice.

A human-shaped ice statue was born, which permanently enclosed Pandora, originally a beauty to be called God's shaping beauty, in the forest as a natural thing.

"That's how you'll just get tired of using magic on the dark clouds. Why don't you settle down once and start over where you have the opportunity to discuss it?

"- Huh! I'm saying it's tough!

The ice statue remains there, with only the inside Pandora walking outside.

Looking back at Pandora standing behind her, Fortona slapped her shaken fist unconstitutionally. I didn't even put magic into it, one shot like evil.

it hits the side of the pandora to be sucked in,

"- Ugh"

"What, Emilia!?

My mother beat me to death, Emilia, rolling down the ground without even taking a reception. Fortona, who had unintentionally beaten her daughter, turned pale and rushed over to her falling daughter.

"No! Emilia, I'm sorry! No! I didn't mean to..."

"It hurts like this if you get slapped. Your heart must have run about as painful as you slapped it. Do you have any idea how merciless you are?

In response to Pandora's enquiry, Fortona answers by stuffing her throat and thrusting it. If you stand up and let your gaze wander, Emilia's appearance will remain the same, beside the seal. On those white cheeks, there are no signs of being beaten.

"Many, many times from now on, I don't know why...!

"But you'd be relieved that's different now, wouldn't you? Can't you just point that feeling at someone you think you hate? I won't tell you to love everyone like your daughter. There's just something that changes with a small amount of care. If I could, I wouldn't want to do anything that would show you the painful sight over and over again."

"Who says to be nice to who!? Get Emilia's parents......!

Running his mouth, Fortna noticed Emilia's gaze and clasped her mouth.

Emilia stares jizzily at her mother's side with a strong expression. In front of that daughter, however much she hates her opponent, there are things she shouldn't say.

"Let's do this, then. From your mouth, won't you persuade your daughter? I even made sure that kid had the keys, but he really won't try to open the door. To keep my word with you."


"If you rescind your promise, there is no chain that binds your stubborn heart. As long as the seal is unsealed, we also promise to leave the forest without doing anything more. Yeah, I promise. I'll keep my word... okay, that's your word."

It's a sincere word, perhaps, that I don't intend to say.

There are also words and deeds in this world that can only be intense irony because they are not offensive.

Pandora's story was enough to make Fortna understand it.

Fortona looks at Emilia.

Emilia is just holding both hands and waiting for words from her mother. That hand swells like it's holding something because there's a door key there.

Emilia became aware of the key. And if Fortna uttered a word, void of promise, it would open the door. So, believe me, the forest will be saved.

- Don't be silly.

"Stupid thing, is it?

"Stay down? Nothing more? So, what do you say you give us back? This much rambling, this much ruining everything, trampling what we have to protect, even twisting our pride... what do you say stays!

"We can produce something even from where there is nothing. Isn't that the beauty of life?

"The side that takes it says it's a thin empty word!

Fortna yells and pokes her finger at Pandora in front of her.

Pandora on the yelled side tilts her neck with a face she doesn't understand Fortna's remarks.

"You look beautiful scratching your feet. The way you try to live is above all honorable. - Don't just say things on the tip of your mouth. Don't let the side that takes away talk from the top about the peace we've worked so hard to create. Peace and happiness were all here. It must have been you guys who ruined it!

"That's a disagreement."

"If you stand on a different side, you'll see a different view. Looking down from the high ground, the sky will look different from ours."

Fortna spits and throws away at Pandora's suggestion.

Pandora looks terribly sad, but not a fitting Fortna. Fortona rushes to Emilia, standing beside the seal, even as she alerts Pandora.

Confirming that it was definitely her own daughter there, Fortona, kneeling, held Emilia's little body.

"Oh Emilia...... Emilia, I'm sorry. How did you get here... the arch?"

"The arch... told me to run to the white flower... so I, run..."


To Emilia, who conveys the message of the arch, Fortona realized the end of the young elf.

Holding Emilia in her chest, Fortona doesn't show her daughter her crying face. How many lives have been scattered in this forest under the threat of spicy witchcraft?

As I cut to Pandora, she will never come back to her normal days.

"Emilia, Emilia... you kept your promise well. It was great, great."

"Mother...... eh. Mother, me, me."

"Emilia... you, my pride. My treasure......!

A daughter-in-law, a mother holding it.

With such a sight in sight, Pandora has an indulgent face. It's like you're singling out the most beautiful view in the world.

"Beautiful parent-child love, I enjoyed it. After all, it's great to think of each other."

"It's not frightening to be told by you. - I won't let you unseal it. I'm not giving this kid away. Be an ice statue and decay in this place."

"If it's rhetoric now, isn't this the occasion to recommend you go home?

"It is my wish now to throw your remains in the Great Falls, which have become fragments of ice."

With a curse that Emilia has never even heard of, Fortona once again increases her magic power.

Pandora blushes her lips like she's hung up on the height of her mana.

Right after that.

"I finally caught up - Death!

He makes some crazy sounding voice and shows himself as a man jumps over the trees.

Leaping over the tall big tree, appearing on the spot with momentum as if someone had thrown it was a bloody wet monk's uniform, juice.


"Master Fortna!

Fortna and Juice call each other names, and that alone completes the collaboration.

Pandora is pinched in the heart of the forest space, and Fortna and the others set up a raid from the front and back.

Fortona's left hand held Emilia's unreliable shaking right hand strongly.

Emilia looks up to her mother's side.

- Straight ahead, the side shooting through the enemy was trembling beautiful.


"Invisible hands!!

The magic of Fortna's spinning greatest power and the extrajudicial power of juice that brings the power of the witch factor to full opening in the earthen field.

The power of tremendous destruction flashes straight, and.

"- Oh, come on?

Pierced through her chest by "Invisible Hands," Emilia bathed her whole body with the blood of her erupting mother.

Fortona's body collapsed in front of Emilia as the force fell out of her connected hands.

"Here we go - over, Death!

Juice landing abusively on the ground screams, shaking his worn arms sideways thoughtfully. Fortna's body danced through the universe in the same orbit, as pulled by its behavior.

Fortna rolls down the ground to remove the power of her hands and feet like a doll and be struck down. Blood erupted like a geyser from her spasmodic body, and the meadow dyed bright red in an instant.

"There was a response, Death... this is the only time..."

Juice to exhale rough breaths and kneel on the spot.

Emilia has yet to see him continue to turn his vigilant eye toward Fortna.


I just walked in a fluttering foothold and approached Fortna sleeping in depression.

My mother's body has holes in both her chest and back, damaged enough to peek inside of it from her torn body. Blood momentum also weakened rapidly, and Emilia sat up in the blood build-up.

Hold my blue and white mother's head and put it on her own lap somehow. Beautiful Fortna's silver hair is also red and wet on the spots, and Emilia takes dirt with her fingers desperately trying to clean it up.

But Emilia's fingers doing it were already dirty with blood, and Fortna's hair just got dirty with blood if she touched it.

"Dear Fortna! Don't let your guard down, keep an eye out! I'll confirm..."



Exhaling sharply, the juice lifting his heavy hips held his palms against Fortna.

Hearing that voice, Noronoro and Emilia with her face up call his name. For a moment the name-called juice blinked after having eyes that seemed distant,

"Dear Emilia?

Juice squeaks with her first noticed face at the appearance of a young girl sitting in a bloodbath.

Then his gaze dropped downwards, putting his head on Emilia's lap and capturing the person throwing his body out without force.

My eyes, they open.

"... that's stupid"

With a face that sees something incredible, Juice looks back to the side.

Between myself, who dragged my legs around, and Fortna, who falls, there is a platinum girl.

Pandora smiled at the juice of seeing herself.

"It's a matter of no choice. 'Cause you're the only one who's seen it wrong."


Put your hands on your own face and the juice relentlessly sticks out your nails and chops the vermilion.

The blunt sound overlapped on his strength enough to peel off his nails, and the blood scraping his cheek flesh dyed his face bright red.

"Stupid dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb ah!? Wow, I'm, what am I doing, Death? What have you done, Death? Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why!? Then what am I doing here... Aah! Oh!? Ahhhh!!

Juice that had taken witch factors into his body and contained incompatible powers with the power of his will.

The most important part, which underpinned that strong will, is a puzzling interruption. Make a noise and everything will disintegrate inside the juice.

By destroying yourself what you wanted to protect, even if you risked your life, with the power you gained by risking your life.

Juice's heart was wounded to the point of irreparability, and he screams out of his sanity.

"I'm - for what!?

"It's all for love"

Juice peeling white eyes, blowing bubbles and looking up to heaven.

Pandora responds to that cry of his soul with a quiet voice.

"You even dedicated your own soul to saving those you love. It's not the majority of the time. Long and long, days that have supported witchcraft, all for that love. Everything you do is a gift of love. Wonderful, a sign of love"

"Love...... ai...... ai...... ai...... ai...... ah!

"That's right. You don't have to fear anything, you don't have to regret it. Everything is inevitable. It was a guide to destiny. To do this, the road continued here." Everything, for love ""

"For love, for... no"

Repeating the words to be struck in the ear like a rumor, the heart of the juice was shattered and scattered.

Then, the eye loses its color, and the suddenly self-inflicted juice becomes immobile.

A bump and a living corpse that keeps whining that no one can hear.

Pandora exhaled satisfied when she saw the juice that broke her heart that way.

"Ami, Ria..."

And as with the fact that the presence of juice was shattered and scattered, the fire of one life was about to be scratched out again.


Emilia calls back flashly, being called by a voice that is likely to disappear fine.

If I held my mother further with my trembling arms, her body would have become sadly lighter. Soon, all that blood that was spilling has stopped altogether.

Then will my mother's wounds be okay now?

As much as it seems that way, Emilia's childhood will not protect her heart. Fortna's face, which no longer even had the power to move, was the complexion of a dead man, no matter who saw it.

"... be there,, sorry, yes"


"I... what I was told, nothing... come..."

It was a tone of regret, as if the child were apologizing.

Fortona is a body that does not bleed, and only weeps out of its eyes. Feeling the hot Shizuku on her fingers, Emilia desperately tries to collect it.

Because that didn't make Emilia seem like all of my mother's vitality right now.

"Hey, eh... come on, come on... let go, you can't have it... eh"

Listening to my mother, Emilia finally realized.

Fortona's purple blue eyes, which are open, do not reflect so much light anymore.

Fortna's vision is long lost as she falls back into a tearful organ. I don't even see Emilia's face. I'm not even aware that Emilia is beside me.

Touch it, hold it, it won't arrive.

Just crying like a child, before Fortna begging for forgiveness, Emilia said.

- I forgive you.


"Kaasa has always taken care of me... until my... Kaasa... likes me so much that I can't beat my father and mother..."


"So there's nothing to apologize for. No. Emilia has always loved Mother Fortona... forever. Love it. Love it, love it... Daisy no... eh"


The voices lose sight of their normal hearts and the tears Shizuku, who could not enjoy, fall one after the other on Fortna's face.

If the Shizuku of Tears was a vital force, then the last miracle is the power given by Emilia's tears.

"... come on?


A slowly stretched hand was touching Emilia's cheek.

A hand that can't possibly move strokes Emilia's cheek, her ears, and she tickles her hair. To touch the loving things, to love them not to break.

"Cryin 'kid"


"Wow, love..."

I lost my strength.

My arm fell, making a clatter.

Emilia, who was stroking her cheek, feels Fortona's body lighten.

My whole body was weakened and I should be gaining weight riding on my knees, but Fortona's body did get lighter in Emilia's arms.

From my mother's body fell the most important thing that should not fall out.

That was clear, and Emilia figured it out.


My mother, Fortna, was lost.

Juice, Petergius Romaneconti broke his heart.

And Emilia,

"So are you ready to choose your hope of unsealing it?


Pandora walks over and speaks to Emilia, who holds Fortona's wreckage.

Staring at the sitting girl, Pandora is quietly awaiting an answer with a calm face.

To that attitude, Emilia understood.

"Open the huin?

"That's right. The mother who made the promise, unfortunately, died. Now there is no more shackles of promise to bind you. How about that?

In Pandora's words, which, naturally, are rampant, Emilia was convinced.

What did the devil in the shape of a man think and imitate like this in front of this?

This demon did that to make Emilia break her promise.

Making Emilia lose sight of the meaning of her promise, just for that matter, Pandora let Fortna die, feared Juice's heart, and ravaged the forest.

"Yes, I forgot"


"Because these kids won't need you anymore."

Next to Emilia's unresponsive face, Pandora gently reaches out. And, the light overflowed as pale as it surrounded Emilia's body, which chose to host her body as Pandora's arm was her residence.

A spiritual spirit.

The fairy who led Emilia to this sealed door and showed us the way.

That's why, at Pandora's.

"I didn't expect you to come here naturally, so I asked you to help me. Words don't make sense, but they're very dependable children."

Laugh, tell the microspirits thank you Pandora and the microspirits who dance through the universe with it.

Emilia doesn't know where it started anymore.


Fluffy, Emilia looks up at the sealed door shaking her head.

The door felt relaxed, watching Emilia as she waited for it to open. In my hand, I feel the weight of the key firmly. The key I thought I had removed somewhere was in Emilia's hands again now.

"The key, you have it. Okay, you know what?"

In front of the snorting Pandora, Emilia slowly rises.

I lowered my mother's head from her knees and lay quietly on the grass. Tease your forehead with your fingers and firmly fix the beautiful face of your proud mother.



- An awesome blade of cold air blows, and Pandora's body is chopped up and scattered.

The blood that erupts freezes in an instant, and the luxury of red ice blooms.

It is a work of death and ice, with a single ice column centered and splashed blood scattering petals.

"You're going to do something noisy. How could you suddenly..."


A pile of downpouring ice pierced Pandora's hands and feet, an ice spear poking up from the ground pierced her buttocks to her head, and frozen flesh, squeezed up and down, made a tall sound and scattered into pieces.

"Please calm down. If we talk, we'll understand each other."


A mass of ice looms from left to right, and Pandora's flesh is pinched and crushed, turning into blood smoke.

"Let's not. You are a kind, heartbroken child who can't do anything to hurt people. Couldn't your mother have told you that?


A rotating ice blade cuts the pandora from underfoot and tailors it to a bright red sorbet.

"You'll be saddened if your mother sees you like this. Neither your real father or mother, nor Bishop Petergius, who risked his life, would want this to happen".

"Shin no - Yikes!

The white fog covers Pandora's body, which turns into an ice statue. A giant ice sword that would be struck down shortly afterwards restored Pandora's ice statue to the earth with the momentum of crushing rather than slashing.

So much so that, despite the storm of destruction and intent to kill,

"You're in trouble. Apparently, it's been counterproductive."

"Shinnya, Shinnya, Shinnya...!!

Cry, wave your arms, and the destruction of the ice pours down to Pandora one after another.

But Pandora bathes in all of it, exposing herself to a tragic death, but after blinking, she continues to revive and whimper in a state of perfection.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!

Gradually, Emilia, exercising her extra magic, was taking her limits more.

Emilia's face reddening half is starting to freeze over a series of magic pieces that don't fit her height. The immense amount of mana captured in the young body has gone wild and hasn't been released in time.

"You can't even spare your own body the damage, the exposing of power across vessels is the right place to be a bloodmuscle. The blood of a witch cannot escape its causes. - Or maybe this forest was necessary to keep this power from becoming aware."

Pandora's description.

Emilia shakes her head to deny the sound out of her ear. Its right leg freezes completely, making it suspicious to be standing. On his knees, his killer-minded eyes shot through Pandora.

Seeing that sharp, disastrous light, Pandora shook her neck to the side.

"I'm sorry to precede your grief, but let's pull it off today. I'm not going to hear any more words from you about honestly opening the door."

"Shinja, Shinja, Shinja..."

"For today, let's just say the existence of a lineage called you and the birth of a new Bishop of the Great Crimes. Sooner or later, you just take the time to get what you want."

A selfish conclusion, the self righteousness of others being left behind.

White crystals glistened on the pretext of Pandora's vision, which seemed to cut off the situation.


Emilia's uninterrupted magical power runs wild, the weather is distorted to its limits and it snows.

At first, it was a short while before the snow gained its momentum and strength, putting together enough wind to be called a snowstorm.

"Sooner or later, you're not even going to be able to face each other without having everything spit out first."

Pandora, who was looking up at the sky, walks toward Emilia when she exhales white.

Emilia can't move as she sees the proximity of her hate opponent. Already the body freeze had reached over the hips, making it impossible to even lift both arms.

"You, who have caused the outburst of power, will remain in a long sleep. Will the mana of this forest that has been turned into frozen soil exhaust the bottom, or will a presence comparable to yours offset it? Either way, you'll spend time under the ice when it's not too short."

"Shinn, Shinn...!

"Unfortunately, I won't die. Me and you will stay alive until the ice melts and we meet again. When that happens, you won't even be talking about it as it is now. So."

Pandora's white fingertips coldly touch her cursing Emilia's forehead.

Pandora smiled with an innocent face at Emilia, who made her purple blue eyes tear apart with hatred.

"that in you, 'the memories to this day will be completed without my presence'"

"- Ah."

"Feel free to complement it. Right. You worked so hard to keep your promise. I am glad that it is firmly engraved in my heart and will remain so."

Emilia's face, frozen to her chest, turned upside down and her unfocused gaze wandered.

He turns his eyes around, drooling his covetousness from the edge of his mouth, and the inside of Emilia's head scratches.

Make a noise, it collapses.

Randomly insensitive, the wallpaper of memory is replaced.

The words exchanged disappear far away, and the curse that could not have been given blames Emilia.

Something important, something that won't go away, that's a promise.

I will never forget that I kept my promise, that's all. Promises are things to keep, and I won't forget them.

I kept my promise. The promise was kept.

So no one can deny me that I kept my promise.

"What kind of settlement does your heart make you smile the next time you see me? I look forward to seeing that wonderful reunion"

Pandora walks out with a heavy snowstorm blowing and holding down her disturbed long hair.

The juice, suddenly self-inflicted and on his knees, was about half buried in the snow that fell. When Pandora whispers something to him, the juice rises with a powerless face.

Two, Pandora and Juice walk away in the snow forest side by side.

Emilia just drops them off.

The body freeze has already reached the face and Emilia's consciousness remains only in her eyes.

Second, Emilia drops her gaze and realizes.

There is an unnaturally snowy place on the ground in front of you.

As if, in that white snow scenery, you're embracing someone.


My mouth doesn't move. I can't even close my eyelids anymore.

My body freezes, my heart freezes. And Emilia's consciousness is.

"- Come on."

We were to continue to spend hundreds of years of the month as it was, in undissolved ice.

I searched for her and lived in the world just for her, until that Spirit found me.

- Emilia stayed put and was to keep freezing.

Emilia stood up before her frozen self when she saw everything.


I remember everything about what happened.

Slowly, the sights of the past rolled through the memories that began to awaken.

All of it peels and overflows the thin skin of falsehood.

Emilia in her young days watched everything. Wherever Fortna dies in her arms, or where juice breaks her heart and goes crazy, it is also with this eye who is the root of all the evils that did it.

Am I forgetting because of my weakness that I wanted to forget?

"If you're blaming yourself for altering your memory, it's a mistake."


Two, the girl who was standing next to Emilia - Echidna throws her words at me.

As Emilia was experiencing her memory, Echidna was also the person who was seeing the same sight from start to finish.

She stares at the snowy scenery on the side of Emilia,

"The array you were relative to is the 'Witch of Deception' Pandora. Swing thin, selfish logic and 'rewrite' events to your liking, whatever you want. It must have been the passage of time and your own power that weakened your influence."

"My, power..."

"As you can see from this, your power is enormous beyond control. Speaking of simple combat power, you outperformed Pandora at a young age. However, the more power you win, the less shallow the fight is. Not to mention Pandora, a witch who stands out for survival."

Echidna also seems to know about Pandora, how broad she has knowledge. Most importantly, her side of exchanging words with Emilia is as tough as ever, and I honestly don't think I can get an answer back.

"... like just now, you don't offend me?

"I don't like that. Even I have enough consideration to care for someone who just remembered my mother's death. Even if it was the same lowlife as a dirty whore."


He exhales at Emilia, whom he thanks, and Echidna speaks no more comfort.

Noticing herself about to faintly laugh at that attitude, Emilia became aware of her weakness in trying to distract herself at all from the spectacular memory in front of her.

The resurrected memories were all that overshadowed Emilia's worldview from the ground up.

In a true sense, Emilia's life has been turned upside down.

Because Emilia helps everyone in the woods - even though she threw herself into the king's race with all her heart.

"In the frozen woods... I wonder who's still alive..."

Fortona died, and Emilia saw the death of Arch as well.

The raid of the Warcraft 'Black Snake' is information that Emilia never remembered. I know the threat of that warcraft and its malicious properties.

The warcraft of the lesion, the Black Snake, immerses the creature in a hundred diseases just by touching it. And the crawling land of the Black Snake is cursed and transformed into a land of death that will not dwell except by the Warcraft.

- How many survivors would there have been in the settlement before it was buried in the snow?

And were their survivors under the ice, unimpeded by the evil of the black serpent?

For Emilia, the very reason for fighting is equal to being lost.

I see, I can also nod that it had sealed my memory.

Even without Pandora's interference, you wanted to forget about these memories.

To the extent that it seemed so, too much salvation was made for this memory.

"... if you stand still, the 'trials' won't end"

In a still world, Echidna squeaked with a snowy view.

"The past progressed without delay. I should have been able to confirm your greatest regrets as a challenger to the Trial. And then you have to give the answer."

"An answer to 'Trial'?

"The first 'trial' is accomplished by separating it into a symbol of one's regret. Do you affirm or deny your deeds in the past? If you reject it unacceptably, it's also an end in the form of failure."

To Echidna's words, Emilia exhales deeply.

Over and over again, I've thought about what I need to get past the 'trials'.

Before the sight of false memories, I've asked myself why I can't get over it.

By losing the puck and taking the part of himself that was leaning against him, for the first time Emilia was to open the lid of memory in herself.

Now Emilia is finally at the starting point of the Trial.

Yet, even though his feet had finally reached the starting point, his mind had lost sight of the first starting point.

Everyone in the village left the woods because they wanted to rescue my mother.

Yet all of that decision was only a dream story, not an idealism.

My mother died without knowing the safety of everyone in the village.

I also lost sight of the reason to walk out and what is left of Emilia.

"- That's what they taught me already"

Emilia's heart, nearly lost in the answer, was stopped by a hand stretched out of the light.

An arm that is powerful and pulls Emilia confused at the destination.

Don't give up. Turn around, face up, look at me.

Repeat, over and over again, he told Emilia that.

You know weak Emilia, but you yell at her for remaining weak.

I pull Emilia, who shakes her head saying she can't do it anymore, to see if there's a reason she can't do it.

Emilia, who wants to give up on me, says you're the best.

A toothache that bumps into each other, the heat of the overlapping lips lights Emilia's heart.

My mother loved me.


"I wanted to save Mother Fortna. I wanted to get another hug and sleep in our bed together. I wanted to tell her I loved her more than once."

"Do you regret it?

Echidna's subjectless inquiry asks about when he was compelled to make a decision of hope.

At that time, if Pandora's hand had been taken and her promise had been broken, or would the Pandoras have pulled their hand out of the woods and never been deprived of Fortna or juice?

"If," "if," "if," and looking back on the past, maybe so.

I don't regret it.


"Keeping my word, not giving up that place, I don't regret it. If I were to regret it, that I wasn't strong enough then, that I wasn't smart enough to work hard. I will never break my mother's words and regret that Pandora didn't."

'Cause didn't Fortna tell you until the end?

Proud of Emilia for her decision to keep her promise, she said you were her treasure.

That word is the treasure that will remain in Emilia forever.

"Didn't you lose the point of fighting?

"That's not true. My mother... couldn't save her. But everyone in the village still doesn't know. Guys, we might still be waiting for help under the snow. I'm the only one who can save it."

"It's a land where black snake contamination remains. Even if there were still villagers in the frozen soil, I don't think they're perpetuating the invasion of the flesh by the devil"

"I imagine that. Bad guess. Everyone is waiting for help under the snow. Pull him out quickly, and I'll be pissed off by everyone. Then you laugh," I'm glad you're alive. "

"This is ridiculous delusion."

"No, it's a happy future prediction!

To Echidna, who tries to cut her off, Emilia eats and hangs and leaves before her.

Face to face with the witch, Emilia shows the snow scenery with her hands.

"I won't let anyone deny anything I haven't seen yet! I won't admit that what my mother left me would end up such a sad thing! Mother's ideal is for me to accomplish!

"Ideal? What did your mother want?

"My mother said. One day everyone leaves the woods, and there comes a time when they can live normally. Just like the juices and everyone else in the village were getting along, like Subaru would say he likes me, there's bound to be a world where my mother and juice could have walked side by side!

"You think there's a frozen villager figure there? Keep you trapped in the frozen soil?

"I apologize sooo much. I apologize until you forgive me again and again and again! If you'll forgive me, I'll introduce you to the world. He said he didn't need to live in hiding anymore. This is what Mother Fortna said about the world!


Breathe in, Emilia screams.

How long was it not in the snow scenery and Emilia and Echidna were in a world of white light?

Emilia speaks up unaware that the cold air stabbing her skin has disappeared and that the scenery dominated by numerous regrets has been lost.

"Speak up and dream and tell your mother to hear you on the sky!


"In the world your mother loved, I'm happy!"

Moments, the world cracked with sound.

Seeing cracks run into the white space, Emilia finally realizes how the scenery is changing. In front of Emilia, who rounds her eyes to surprise, Echidna struck that hand.


"I see, I understand. I didn't mean to know, but it's more than I imagined. A pushy, arrogant, solitary, selfish, hypocritical push."

"Right. Bad?"

"Nothing, I don't care. It's just, you know, that kind of place looks like a mother."

Emilia puts her doubts to Echidna, who gives her a neat frown.

The saying now is certainly,

"You, my mother... you know the other mother, unlike my Fortna mother?

"I know. It's not irrelevant that I get so emotional about you. Why are you always like that?"

The figure of Echidna shrugging her shoulders begins to wander in front of Emilia.

At the same time, Emilia's own consciousness felt some ambiguous weight, and a floating feeling, like when she woke up from her dreams, was surrounding her whole body.

"It's over. No matter how solitary the conclusion, the settlement of the past is settled. You can use my mother's sacrifice as an excuse to be ready to dance like no other at all."

"You can say whatever you want. Me, your evil, what I'm used to."

With her hands on her hips, Emilia makes room for Echidna, who won't forget her hatred until the end. Echidna distracted herself from such Emilia's attitude,

"Two more 'trials' but... too bad it won't be too much of an obstacle"


"Reopening and splitting all the time is the natural enemy of your own inquiry into the inside. The synopsis of" Trials "stepping inside of you is so incompatible with you right now. In a way, it's a gift of renunciation."

"It's amazing what you say when you don't think about it."

Emilia reveals her dissatisfaction with Echidona's lecture.

Either way, the dialogue on this occasion is about to come to an end.

You can barely see Echidna, and Emilia shakes her head gently as she begins to glow.

But I can't stay conscious anymore.

- I don't like you.

But I don't hate you that much.

I felt like I knew what Echidna looked like in Emilia's answer, even if I couldn't see it.

Consciousness surfaces.

When she regained consciousness, Emilia roared small with a hard feeling on her back.

Behind you, right behind you is the wall. Apparently, he had collapsed to get into it and lost consciousness in the form of depositing his body on the wall as it was.

Reach out and touch the wall to ascertain the signs of the abusive sharpening there. Just, it said 'I like it' and I laughed at the timing.

Now more than anyone else, Emilia wanted to be affirmed in his words.

- I'm sorry, Mother.

The laughing mouth pulls distorted, and Emilia leaks a voice like she pushed to death.

The words of apology echo in the dim little room, and the sound of sniffing is repeated.

Tears pour out from next to next, unbearable. I can't stand it.

In a graveyard where no one had to worry about seeing the crying face, which he had decided to be willing, strong and invisible in front of the witch, Emilia pushed her face against the wall to exuberance.

"Kaasa... Kaasa... Ah"

Flowing tears.

A long time ago, if that's true. A hundred years ago, tears that had to be shed.

Emilia continues to mourn the death of her mother, who could not even mourn her all the time because she had forgotten, in a small room where no one had to know.

Don't let them know about this crying face when you're on the table.

Tell him I like him even if he's weak, so he doesn't have to show me where he's weak.

Cry, cry, cry, cry.

I mourn the memory of my mother, the love of my mother, everything she was given.

Emilia kept on crying, pressing her face against 'love'.

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