Wipe your tears, slap your cheeks.

I caressed my hair with my hands that seemed to be disturbed and carefully stretched out the wrinkles of my clothes.

Don't you look like a fool right now?

Normally, there is no pack that gives Emilia's taste. Just an inappropriate crystalline stone thrown from Garfield, its pale glow affirms Emilia.

"... you won't even be able to see your face for a while"

The gripping crystalline stone is sucking up Emilia's mana from her touching fingertips.

It takes a lot of mana just to keep the uncontracted Great Spirit in the bills. Subaru in possession, and Garfiel, who was not hesitant to suck it up, could have stayed completely dry if he had been attached to this absorption of mana for a whole day.

Most importantly, the momentum of its sucking mana is insignificant when compared to the enormous amount of mana held by Emilia.

Emilia recalled her past memories and remembered that she could use magic without the help of the Spirit. If you consciously distract yourself from the gate of your body, you can feel the uninterrupted circulation of mana.

Originally, it was none other than Emilia who was making the existence of the pack present. A pack that was twitching, scratching mana from the atmosphere, but I guess it actually covered the bulk of Emilia's unconscious mana reserves.

Everything was unconsciously forgotten by Emilia, to keep her from facing it.

"Really, it's overprotective."

Smiling slightly, Emilia gently plays the tip of the crystalline stone with her fingers.

To protest, or to laugh bitterly, the crystalline stone reacted by flashing.

"... All right. Yeah. It's okay now."

I felt a lot calmer, too.

My chest hurts when I think of Fortna and Juice in my memories I got it back, and I'm still going to cry if I loosen my mind.

But I can't just sit tight forever.

Emilia has something to do. And I'm sure that's because Fortna and Juice were also what they expected and wanted from Emilia.

Exit between the 'trials' and head out the stone aisle.

There are two "trials" left. Just overcoming the first 'trial' never opened the door behind the small room. Probably the first door to open over all three 'trials'.

I am unsure of the conditions under which the next 'trial' will begin. In and out, or after time. Either way, while Emilia was in tears mourning her past in the small room, there was nothing like an insensitive 'trial' to begin. Then re-entry is considered a condition.

"What if Echidna makes me mean...... at the end of the day, I feel so angry"

They told me they didn't like it, and Emilia gave it back "I don't hate it that much" in a way.

It was a return of interest to Echidna, who continued to be so vicious, but might not have been a little cautious enough about the witch holding the initiative to implement The Trial.

"Please, I hope you're not so angry"

While praying that Echidona can't grow up, Emilia goes outside the cemetery. The end of the aisle is conveyed by the sight of a moonlighting entrance into the sight.

At that moment Emilia looked up to the sunny thoughts, forgetting about Echidna for a moment.

The past I could remember was never, ever easy.

Now I don't have a clear feeling yet, but the very essence of one person, Emilia, was also something that must have rocked a lot.

But now, I want to tell those who believed in me about the achievement of The Trial.

I want to say to whoever told me you could do it, I could do it.

That's how Emilia twirls her inlet as she narrows her eyes to the glare of the moonlight -,

"Dear Emilia, welcome home"

At the pick-up place, he leaned his neck, greeted by a bow of ram waiting on his own.

- Time rolls back slightly, just after Emilia has challenged the 'Trial'.

To ascertain Roswar's sincerity, Subaru stopped breathtaking that leg on his way to the building he was going to rehabilitate.

Garfiel, who was following me next to Subaru, can be seen similarly opening his eyes to reveal his surprise. For him, it would be exactly what should be called a blue sky thunderbolt.

To a certain extent, even Subaru, who had made predictions, could not hide his surprises. With some compassion in Garfield's heart, Subaru exhaled at someone who stood blocking the way,

"I thought you were here... but when you actually see it this way, don't make a little dent"

"That's not surprising. The story of Roz Boy is that Sue Boy has eyes for everything."

"That's his buyout. I wonder how high you estimate me."

From Roswar, who knows and relies on 'Redo' rather than Subaru's 'Back to Death' - I see, it may seem to be God's business to leave the universe as it is.

But in reality, this power is not so omnipotent. It doesn't help me to get back into this hand what's important that I might lose. Such a disabling force.

The girl who narrows her eyes to Subaru's answer and stretches her thin red hair long - another replica with the will of two broken up crows and melons in front of the graveyard, crown mayer, loosens her mouth to old age.

Subaru expected her presence to be so responsive that she drops her shoulders, but on the other hand it's the neighbor Garfiel who reacts dramatically. peeling his eyes. He glanced at his grandmother's face and

"Why... why would Baba want another one here? There's only one Baba who can talk, and they're on the same side as the other Baba. Without my orders..."

"There are exceptions to everything. Non... I don't know. If the crown who plays Garbo's iconic" Sanctuary "is the director of this place, he is not the custodian of the function of" Sanctuary ". Will to inherit the will of Rhus Mayer and continue to defend this place"

"I mean, the opposition to systematic 'sanctuary' liberation. I thought it was odd that some of Mr. Lewes didn't have the opposition that abetted Garfield. I was sneaking up on that role... so you are. - crown Ω"

That's what Subaru called Ω, a crowd that continues to adhere to emotionally unreadable attitudes.

It was the neighbor Garfiel, not the crown he called, who responded to that call. He said, "Oh, my God?" and looked back with a frigid look,

"Admiral, what do you call that?"

"With more than one Mr. Lewes, it's hard to remember if you don't distinguish. So for convenience, I'm calling the four of us Mr. Ryus alpha, beta, sigma, and theta. With that, this fifth person revealed that this crown is" Ω ". Don't you like it?

"No, whatever it takes to make it Baba's name. You look too good...... shruggy"

"Don't say that. When you get more, I'll put you on the same good looks."

"More of me is not the first thing..."

Subaru's sense of attacking at an extraordinarily sharp angle apparently caresses Garfiel's sensibilities quite enthusiastically. Omega spilled an exhale on both of them confirming what they had in common unexpectedly.

"I don't care what they call you, but leave Noh behind and talk too much. When did Garbo and Sioux Boy get along so well?

"If you fist the sunset back, men are friends with each other at all times. Even if that's after a full boggle at the end of a four-to-one. Hey, Garfield."

"Needless to say, Admiral"

You're not immune to losing the number of violence, and the response from Garfield is somewhat poorly cut. Either way, that's it to buy you time to slap a light mouth and put your thoughts together.

As Subaru turned back to Ω, she stroked that long hair with her hand and

"You seem to have changed your mind. Dinner boy."

"Boy, the treatment looks pretty fresh and good. Is Ω an alle? Unlike other Mr. Ryus, you don't take turns? I don't care if they come out with gamma, &, $, or something."

Garfiel brightens his eyes to Subaru, who speaks of as many symbols as he can think of.

Omega stroked her flat chest to Subaru, consciously ignoring the longing glance of fourteen years old.

"Rest assured. There is only one crown with the role of watchman. Seriously, this is the last crown in the Sanctuary."

"You don't say two words. If he's the one I know, he'll have up to 20,000 faces."

"You're just too different in size. This' sanctuary 'will keep you hidden."

The worst imagination is apparently betrayed and Subaru appeases.

Then Subaru frowned to surprise Omega's tattered attitude.

"I hope that's how you're pouring out who you are... what did you do? Why did you suddenly do something to make me look like this again when you left the back of our prediction with all these hidden balls?"

Cleanliness, when it comes to cleanliness, but there is no reason for its cleanliness.

Omega smiled powerlessly at Subaru's question, "It's not an easy thing."

"Firstly, the reconciliation between Su Fang and Ga Fang reveals the presence of Nong. It wasn't grabbed as a fact, but at the time it seemed like 'maybe', he lost. This is how I came to terms with being brought to justice."

"Judgment is another big deal.... but that's not all, is it?

Seriously, if Ω tries to do his part, there must still be a few hands to hit. That's what dominates her if she can't find it, even in the 'maybe' state that exists.

"I don't know if it's guerrilla tactics. I could have done anything to disturb you. Joker to do that, that's your role, isn't it? Even Roswar hid Omega's presence so far..."

"The attitude of Roz Boy is another reason why Noh came out so manly."

"Roswar's, attitude......?

To Subaru rounding his eyes, Ω shook his neck to the side as he loosened.

The attitude also gave me a peek at the irony and some throwing emotions.

"Now if you look at Roz Boy in the room, it's obvious why he wants to throw a spoon. As administrator of" Sanctuary, "Non was only lending a hand if he had a consistent willingness to operate the" Sanctuary "in the correct way to Rozfang.... That's not what I'm talking about."

The Ω saying that made me feel discouraged seemed spicy to Subaru knowing the other crowns. Did Garfield feel the same way, he doesn't pinch his mouth for a tough assessment of Roswar.

unlike the alphas Ryuz, Ω has been entrusted with the role of administrator of the 'Sanctuary' by himself. I don't know when she got into that role, but the activity time is probably much longer than the alphas. Maybe the way it is now is what those years have created.

Either way,

"Whatever you've been up to, you can assume that you're not going to stand in our way anymore, right?

"According to the perspective of correct operation, there are still a lot of parts that I want to talk about. The liberation of the 'Sanctuary' is not what Lewes Mayer wanted... but this is another time. If times no longer require a place called" Sanctuary, "then the role of Noun is unnecessary again. I didn't want to be left behind, but it was like a dead end."

The corresponding Ω voice was somewhere lonely, and there was a glimpse of something like anxiety about finishing the role. Take full responsibility for yourself for a long time.

Subaru doesn't know how Ω feels right now looking back at his days. It seemed to me that the feeling of being half-witted and a certain sense of emancipation were such mixed emotions that the weight of the years was not commensurate with the young.

"Meant, isn't it superior? That's important, Baba."

It was Garfiel who listened in silence who sandwiched his mouth in that quiet Ω statement.

With his face up to his words, Ω stares at Garfiel as he arms together and bites his dog teeth.

"Neither do I. I was so mean to you, too. Mmm, it's worse than Ω Baba. But the Admiral left it to me to crush a few of them. I honestly don't know what the fuck it is... but it's refreshing right now."


"The Admiral said so. If we lose the Sanctuary, the world we live in won't disappear. There's no more Sanctuary, and everywhere in the outside world, there's no Sanctuary. There's something I can do for you and for Baba again."

To Garfield's answer, Ω looked down as he thought.

The colour of the earlier anxiety and the wrinkles between the delicate eyebrows have disappeared on that expression. Instead the colour barked at Garfiel's words, and the blonde boy nodded satisfactorily.

Subaru, who was witnessing an exchange between the two, slapped that garfiel on the shoulder,

"Garfiel, you... aren't you also a fever? You said something clever and embarrassing.

"Admiral Wow. Even for me, I can't use it. Screw your head. What's your wisdom? Besides, 80% of us are selling to the Admiral."

"Seriously? Did I say that? Hey, hey, hey, now I'm embarrassed."

Garfiel exhales like a shudder at Subaru, who gets hot to the ear and crouches in. Then he turns to the Ω of bare gestures he contemplates, and Garfiel waves to clear the way.

"Ω Baba's saying ah ok. You heard what I said. I'll tell you the rest of the trick directly from the bastard who set it up."

"Because I like it. I don't know what to do."

Omega whining that gives way. To that word, Subaru is convinced to say "oh".

To date, I've kept my existence a secret Ω. I guess even the alphas who didn't know about her leaps don't realize they exist. This means that for the first time after the role, Ω was in a position to be allowed to go out in public.

"If you go in front of the graveyard, Ram and α...... is θ now? That's what I'm waiting for. We both know what's going on, and you just have to meet and talk."

"Is it true those two are dating? I didn't even notice."

"That's why your blood spills are delayed."

It's stranger not to be pinned down in that conversation. It follows how he has been interrupted by his instinctive actions on various occasions in the loop, starting with "The Sanctuary".

Whatever, Ω's anxiety will only be worrying. Theta, who knows there are many of her replicas, and perhaps Ram, who knows about the replicas themselves, embrace her.

So the later problem is...

"A great deal of mastery, a discussion with the boss clown."

When he stepped into the room, Subaru had the illusion that it was not the room he had seen.

In this' sanctuary ', Roswar's appearance was in this room from the very beginning. This is the room where I took my feet whenever I tried to meet him in the face. Though it must be a room I've remembered all the way to the place of the ornament already.

"Ooh, it's Subaru. Well done. You must be busy."

That's what Roswar, looking back, says in a floating tone to Subaru, who has no words with his hands on the pushed open door. Svalbard turned to Roswar, holding his heart back for a moment that made him want to feel as if nothing was happening to him in a way that would shake his shoulders and put him away.

A room vandalized by vandalism.

On a flipped bookcase, a torn away white sheet. The bedroom was trampled from the center and sprinkled with pieces of wood, and the demon standing at the center of the destruction was dripping blood from its hands.

I see and understand that I slammed the wood chips out of my hand scratches when I slapped them on the bed at my discretion.


Garfiel, who sighted the tragedy of the room in the same way, stepped forward and took a position to shelter Subaru. Subaru wasn't the only one who felt threatened by Roswar's unusual appearance.

Garfiel with golden eyes and dewy vigilance. If Roswar goes into any unnatural behavior, he is leaning forward so that he can be seized immediately.

"Nah, well, you've been carefully tamed, Garfiel"

Keeping that Garfield's behavior in mind, Rosewar said so in disdain. Smile, let lipstick drawn lipstick distort to an evil pearl color.

Roswar smiled, holding one eye and reflecting Garfiel in his yellow eyes,

"I'm surprised at the speed of that transformation. So sheltering Subaru-kun means that you have joined Subaru-kun and some of his delightful friends again. Long and long, I've kept tying your will, easily breaking and forsaking my love for my mother,"

"Roswar, that's not true. Garfield didn't try to side with us in any way. Just change your mind a little..."

"Oh, but I'm saying it's cheap. Surrounded by a large crowd, he beats him down and changes his standing as much as he preaches. If you're feeling shaky to the point of losing a fight, then your thoughts are to that extent. Thin enough to change easily."


Subaru rages on behalf of Garfiel to Roswar, who carries a gruesome word.

After an arduous battle with him, Subaru learned of the thoughts Garfield was carrying, one end of his heart wound. I know that's never cheap or mild.

That's why I couldn't forgive Roswar for stepping on Garfield's thoughts.

"Correct it! You deserve to make fun of Garfield's feelings!

"Soften the soft one. Brittle. Is there a reason you can blame me for saying that? Excessive reactions only reinforce the authenticity of my words. It's a three-sentence play that tries to affirm cheap thoughts with cheap bonds. Really... to see, I can't stand it"

"- Eh!"

To Roswar's mockery, Subaru tries to pack it up furiously.

But it was no other Garfiel who stopped that Subaru's behavior. Garfiel, who should have been the most hurt against Roswar's insults on this occasion. How much is in that heart, the imaginary Subaru saw his side in horror.


"The words of Meihe are light, Roswar."

Arming himself bored, Garfiel, bending his neck gently, said so to Roswar.

That attitude is a surprise to Subaru, and that's the same for Roswar.

If it were Garfiel a while ago, the words I would have left to my anger to eat and hang on to. He shakes it off as lightly as he did in the warm wind.

"If you're talking about me half the time, you can't deny it. I was on your side until this morning, and now I'm talking about the Admiral. I can't wait to change my mind."

"I wonder if I'll reopen it next time for a variation of thought. It's a story that's a lot different from the strength you've affirmed so far. Ten years... never too short to change the purpose of your time in just a few days of encounter."

Rosewire shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head at Garfield's answer.

Different left and right colored eyes stared at Garfiel with cloudy emotions.

"That's what I'm saying when it's cheap. If you really love me, your thoughts should never change shape. Is your decade, Emilia's centenary, something you can handle so cheaply?


"Just for a few days, you probably just dealt with Subaru. How much has happened in the meantime? Did you pile up feelings for what you loved and something comparable with him? That can't be right! You can't possibly get what's next to you how much you've loaded, such as enough thoughts to line up with what you love! It can't be comparable! That's what I think of the most!

Absurd his voice, Roswar kicks some of the bed wreckage that was falling on the floor. Bounced It flew toward the Subaru but stayed behind to hit the wall without hitting it.

Parallax and listening to the falling sound of wood chips, Subaru stuck his breath in Roswar's claim.

- Scrape everything off, except the most important one.

For Roswar, loving something is nothing more than that emotion.

I don't make or need anything important, other than what I decided to call 'this'. So the thought of just one of them is strong, and if you want to accomplish it, you don't even get lost.

That's what Roswar believes in, what he calls thoughts.

As soon as I understood his thought, Rosewar saw Subaru as I realized it.

I'm going to be swallowed by the enthusiasm of uninterrupted love that swirls behind my yellow eyes.

"Remember what the bet was about? That's the bet you took. What can you do to tie your own greatest advantage to that bet and become a man only? I can't do anything. Because you are... you are inferior to only people!


"You can be the trump card to Vientiane because you only have that power. Abandon it yourself and be only human, and in the limited time you won't even be able to scratch the crowd! To no one! If you want to live the same time, you can't go beyond the thoughts engraved by the moon! I can't, I can't!

Garfiel's decade of continuing to bend his love for his family by continuing to detain him in the 'Sanctuary'.

A hundred years of Emilia who left behind so much past that she wanted to forget and the guilt that comes from it.


"Ten years and a hundred years and my four hundred years! There's nothing else like being turned upside down by a human being!

"Is it because thoughts are unchanged?"

"That's right!

"Because it's a thought I've been holding for a long time"

"Oh yeah!

Roswell affirms Subaru's inquiry.

My thoughts cannot be overshadowed by anyone. Thoughts never change or bend.

Now I think I finally figured it out. Finally, I think I understand Roswar.

Roswar wants his thoughts affirmed.

I want to believe that this is what thoughts are, by affirming thoughts other than my own.

That's why Roswell wanted Garfield to remain weak.

I wanted him to continue to be that way, to remain bound by his thoughts and desperately protect what remained unchanged.

"How dare you, Roswar?"

Just one thought for a thinker.

To affirm it, Roswar is also all the more obsessed with how others think of someone.

Roswell should know better than anyone that someone can think of someone.

"Why do you keep looking at the weakness of what you think? If you know it's a strong feeling to think of someone all the time, why are you looking at all the weaknesses in that idea?"

- Because I believe in it.

To Subaru's words, Roswar answers by trying to squeeze his voice.

Let your eyes be overwhelmed by overwhelming passion, so that you may see the most hateful beings in this world.

"You! That's how you believe in someone's strength, as you'd expect! Because I believe everyone remains weak! Because that's what I believe, a tiny being who can't get his thoughts done except to be weak, brittle, and flattered by just one important thing!


"For four hundred years I have never forgotten about one woman! Even if we spend a lot longer than the days we spent together and we can't touch each other, it's still burning in the back of our chests and we can't leave! My heart remains shattered and scattered on that parting day and I have changed nothing!!

Roswar steps forward.

Garfiel blocked Roswar from trying to pack into Subaru. But Roswar put his hand on Garfield's chest as he stood, looking down at its face,

"It would have been easier, wouldn't it? For ten years, listening to the scream of 'thoughts' inside me and continuing to spend it with hard faith would have allowed me to immerse myself in thinking of someone else?

"-! Meh..."

"That's fine, that's fine. Everyone should be. No one can live alone! Keep thinking of someone, live. That's all I need... but how can I try to change my mind? I try to betray you. Love you, you weren't there!?

"No! I...!

"What changed you!? You think the flesh you've been working out has lost the battle and lost the stopover!? The degree to which you've had your fangs snapped, and the thought of turning is your decade? Then it was none other than yourself who applied mud and spit in your decade!

To Roswar's harsh words, Garfiel waves away the hand that can be placed on his chest. He tries to poke Roswar in the motion of returning it as it is, but Roswar twists himself around and dodges it. Grab Garfiel's arm that opens your eyes and throw that body away.

"La, aah!

However, the throwable garfiel puts his foot on the ceiling at the top of the throw, avoiding being slapped from his back by increasing the momentum he can throw himself. Half-rotate your body with a hip twist, leaving an arm to be grabbed and landing three points. He pulled the arm grabbed in return, and when he drew Roswar, he punched his head into its torso.

"Gu, uhh..."

"Ha! If I hadn't heard from the Admiral that he was going to do physical surgery, he'd have been thrown."

Garfiel gently turns the arm taken, overlooking the kneeling Roswar.

Then Garfield peeled off his sharp dog teeth.

"Roswar. You're retarded. I don't know what to say. I don't care what they say about 400 years, but you're a young monk who doesn't know if he's thirty years old. Even if I add half of it."

Extending his arms, he grabs Roswar's collar, and Garfiel pokes his face at Dodo.

To Roswar, who distorts his face in bitterness, Garfiel wrinkles around his nose,

"Besides, I lost a fight, so I'm not following the Admiral. You lost a fight. You did enjoy it. You're right, my firm is ten years old. The softer you can flip it, the softer you snap."

"Then why are you standing here right now..."

"When is the Admiral... or Ram? I told you I lost a fight. Come into the cemetery and see" Trials. "So I've seen the beginning of feelings ten years ago, more than a decade."


With his face pointing at each other, he runs stunned by the look on Roswar's face.

"Stupid...... you can't face the past again!

"I don't care what they say. I could do it, and I've seen what I've seen. I got it."


Roswell stares at Garfiel, who shakes his neck sideways. Waiting for that silent attention to be put into words about what Garfield understood.

But Garfiel showed Roswell with his mouth wide open like that.

"I don't know what I found out... I'm not going to tell you. I'm not lost."

"What the...!?

"Just one thing. I'll tell you why I'm with the Admiral."

Pushing Roswar for answers, Garfield, who makes him wear a buttcake, looked at Subaru. Looking at Subaru, Garfiel spilled a small exhale.

"Weak, weak, weak. You're going to want to know who says you need it because you're strong, rather than being trusted to stay that way."

Speaking of supremely natural conclusions, Garfield turns away from Roswar. Then I stood with my arms next to Subaru as I walked through the side of Roswar sitting up.

to that attitude of his, Subaru turned his attention to

"Oh, my God."

"... no, anything. I'm counting on you."

He looks disgusted and tells Garfiel to close his eyes, then Subaru crouches in front of Roswar. Roswar, who pulls his jaw and looks down, does not try to look Subaru in the eye.



"Garfield looked at the past. As a result, I may have changed my standing, but that didn't make me feel weak or shaky about caring for my family for ten years. The intensity of my thoughts stayed the same, but he still did. Is that incredible?

Getting rid of the attitude of remaining stubbornly bound to the 'Sanctuary' never weakened Garfiel's thoughts. Even Subaru doesn't know how many shocks rushed through him knowing his love for his mother, which was a one-way street, was pointing in two directions.

But let's see what Garfiel looks like now, and who thinks it's 'weak'? Would there ever be a mourning if it swayed?

"You, too, are the same. We're not telling you to twist and bend your feelings for someone you've been carrying around. I just want you to change the way you show your feelings. We'll work with you if we don't sacrifice anything else."

"... that's what I can't stand. And one Garfiel, because he changed his mind, what is it? For me and you, one of the key needs is still there."

hands reaching out from Subaru's side, but Roswar still doesn't try to take them.

Shake your head sideways, give up badly. What Roswar mouths is about Emilia, who is now challenging The Trial.

"Even Emilia doesn't have to do what you think. She'll get over it."

"There's no way I can cross it. I regret being crushed by the regret I have, and I regret my ambition to be 'changed', and I cry at you... that's what you look like"

"There's no such thing as a woman with a good crying face. Not to mention you, have you seen Emilia's crying face?

In the cemetery, I remember Emilia before I called her Subaru.

Emilia is in mourning for the heavy responsibility she has and for losing her connection to the pack. Her expression when she spilled her overwhelming tears and stared at Subaru.

When I remember that, a fire lights up in Subaru's chest.

Unfortunately, the flames of anger burned my whole body.

"Such a hectic crying woman, I've never even seen one...!

"Hurt me, despise me, that's the fate of their half-elf. The same origin as" The Witch of Jealousy "is a curse borne by birth. 'Witch' is despised, inevitable."

"Don't be ridiculous, where's the witch in him? I don't know where you witches are."

Crouching Roswar is looking down.

Grabbing that chest barn and letting him raise his face, Subaru glanced at him with his eyes up in anger.

Roswar's eyes in different colors show Subaru burning his embarrassing anger at this world.

Yes. Now Natsuki Subaru doesn't like everything in the world.

Emilia's, where's "The Witch"? There is no such thing as' witch 'anywhere.

If you're here, that kind of thing...

"If that girl says she's a 'witch'! I know you guys are going to turn that kid into a 'witch' because you wanted to! It's natural to be weak, it's natural to be scorned, keep saying it's caused by an irresistible birth, and you guys make that kid a 'witch'!

Reminds me of the 'Witch' Tea Party.

The sight of flashing back into your brain - in the past, witches in the name of great sin.

Minerva, Secumeto, Tefon, Daphne, Carmilla and Echidna.

And the moment that dream space crumbles, it reminds me of Satella's face sending Subaru out.

Something to forget.

That face was - Emilia and two melons.

"Has anyone ever told her?!? You can cry when you're in pain or when you're sad! If you can't wipe the tears you shed, someone beside you can wipe them! Has anyone ever told you that you have someone to do that!?

No matter how hard I see it, I accept that it's natural.

There must have been times when my chest was caught in bitterness, and when I was about to be crushed by grief.

Still, nobody made Emilia cry, so I guess that's why she's so bad at crying.

Enjoy the cry, hide the crying face, and learn how to cover up the crying self as everyone continues to cry and cry over and over again.

Because I don't know about it.

She's not good at crying because she let her go that far without knowing.

- The world that does, those worlds, hates Subaru insanely today.

"If it's the natural world for no one to take sides with that kid, my presence will change that! I'll tell you what 400 years of curse won't change, because I believe so!


In front of Roswar, who opens his eyes to passion, Subaru pokes his right hand into heaven.

Oddly enough, that's exactly the same attitude Emilia, now challenging the 'trials', showed to the witch who hit herself with words of malice -

"My name is Natsuki Subaru! Silver half elf, knight of Emilia!

Once, Natsuki Subaru scoffed at it unprepared, and was ridiculed for his reckless determination in large numbers. If you look back at yourself then, it's not enough than you are still missing.

But now, there's one thing that's different from then.

Whoever laughs at it anymore, Natsuki Subaru will not be ashamed of it.

"Emilia's coming, Roswar. That girl, who believes you're stubbornly weak, is coming to cut off your last hope."

"Can, can..."

"That way, if I'm stripped one by one of your flimsy weaknesses and speak to you at the end of the day... I believe you'll finally lend me your ears."

Listening to Subaru's statement of determination does not yield Roswar's heart.

Now, as he himself said. What four hundred years of time have accumulated is not like changing with one word at a time.

As Garfield's decade moves for the first time as Emilia's hundred years overlap words and deeds.

The four hundred years of Roswar also arrive when the Subaru act and speak with words.

Now, I want to believe that.

"... no matter who, my thoughts will not shake"

Rosewar crawls out next to the rising Subaru. He reached out to tremble and grabbed the black book out of the side of the broken bed and held it in his chest.

The painted, authentic 'Gospel' of the future.

Garfield, Emilia, escapes Roswar's belief in weakness.

RyusΩ separates Lamb from Roswar, who tries to take the path he believes in.

So the last 'hope' that will remain in Roswar's possession is the Gospel.

When that description is lost, words are exchanged for the first time with the peeled Roswar.

"The snow, let it fall..."

"Do as you please. I will crush all your prospects with obsession."

Subaru heads outside the room in response to Roswar whining like a rumor. Drawing his jaw into Garfield's said gaze, he accompanied him out of the room.

Finally, Garfiel looked at Roswar, who remained in the room, and with a blur and a small voice, what he saw in his figure to be left behind.

"Bacca bastard."

I shrugged.

Thus, after his discussion with Roswar, he went outside the building and Subaru exhaled.

Deep and deep, I try to squeeze out all the air in my lungs to spit it all out and look back.

"Shit. I tried to stop the raid on the mansion, but later I drove it to the point where I couldn't pull it off."

"I don't know how to make it snow or anything. It didn't even look like it made sense... it wasn't the general's fault, was it?

"No, it was a totally unnecessary push. When I walked into the room, I kind of knew Roswar was a little insane, so what are you doing, me?

With his head in his arms, Subaru remembers a scene where he just pushed each other's say now.

I think I finally understand the sincerity of Roswar's doctrinal claims, in a true sense. Subaru's emotions and posture could have been expressed.

I think it was necessary for Roswar, who continues to insult Emilia, to admit his defeat because he slammed Emilia's terms of victory.


"Because of that, one of the most important projects is missing..."

"So, heck yeah. I'm sure you didn't care what the Admiral was going to do."

"Well, I'm going to..."

"And that's it... you know, you looked great!

Laughing at the reflective Subaru, Bishi Garfiel pokes his finger at heaven.

Honestly, since I've been in this other world, I've only been posing with great disapproval, as long as I'm happy someone sensible comes out.

Be Garfiel, I guess you're trying to comfort Subaru. Maybe. I'm sure.

"- Mr. Natsuki! Garfiel!"

And that's how a voice calls two people to exchange words.

Looking back, it's one young man - Otto - rushing over here with his hands up.

He was acting separately from Subaru and the others when he suddenly stopped in front of the two of them,

"Looks like you're done discussing this with Uncle Borderline. How was the end?

"Oh. I've been selling you a fight exactly"

"That's what I came up with, wasn't it!?

The main topic is the last trap set by Roswar in the 'Sanctuary' and its encouragement for translations.

The Ω presence is known on the way to see Roswar, and Roswar's head is too firm to make him change his mind. So the negotiations are broken.

"Wow, brother. Don't blame Admiral Ammari. I was in a good mood to be a general. I feel good listening to you."

"Do you remember what you were going to do if you did? It's not a joke, this."

I can't get my head up on Otto's statement and Subaru is all about self-reflection.

Garfiel, however, slapped Subaru's shoulder abusively as he fell, playing the disaffected Otto's forehead with his fingers. "But!?" and looked down at Otto crouching,

"Sure enough, the discussion got mixed up. That would be the next best thing you can do. - The problem with Roswar's mansion, I don't know."

Garfiel laughs with her mouth open at Otto's silent accusations of tears.

Show off your sharp fangs, chew high,

"I'll take care of everything. - I'm the strongest."

"That's why the three idiots let the wise ground dragon pull the dragon car and run to the mansion"

After talking, Ram put his hand on his forehead with some tired face.

It's unusual for a lamb, it's giving an emotional peek in front of Emilia, just a little surprised.

"Yes, what.... I can't help it anymore."

"... is that all?

"That's all? Um, it's just that you couldn't wait for me to come out... wow, just a little bit, not that I don't have any thoughts."

We sent Emilia out to the cemetery after a sole exchange.

What is it that the person is no longer in a place where no voice can be heard without seeing the results?

"But you mean you never thought you'd fail."

If Subaru was really more worried about Emilia than anything else, he would have stayed here. And yet he's not here because someone who needs to help more than Emilia exists somewhere else that isn't here.

Believed it, it would seem so if I knew about Natsuki Subaru.

"I wonder if you really think you like me. Don't you think?

"Balth thinks of Emilia more than anyone else."

"... hehe, thanks"

Ask Emilia for consent, and Ram lets her affirm it with few words. As Emilia put her hand on her mouth and smiled, Ram laid her eyes down to think of something.

Then face up after a few seconds of silence.

"Dear Emilia, I'm sorry"

"What's going on?

Emilia turns her eyes round to the ram that speaks of a sudden apology.

"It's amazingly unusual for Ram to apologize"

"I agree with Lamb. … but for the first time Ram bows his head sincerely to Emilia"

Emilia laughs bitterly at Ram, who confesses cleanly that the previous bow is just a pose.

With that Emilia's bitter smile in the front, Ram stared straight at Emilia with thin red eyes.

"Lamb... I didn't believe that Emilia would stand." The Trial broke my heart, and even the Great Spirit, who was my base, was lost… I wondered how I could stand when Barus was even informed that he had hidden his true heart from Emilia. "


"But even if Emilia did all that, she didn't just break it. When you left the bed, when you realized you were in the cemetery... Lamb finally realized you were underestimated"

Still, Emilia didn't get back on her feet at the time Ram pointed it out to me.

I just didn't try to throw it out to try. You can assure me that you never thought about it alone.

"So, Ram gave Subaru and Otto a hand?

"When it was worth seeing the future I lent it to, it just seemed that way. If Ram looks like he gave those two a hand, that's different. It was Emilia who helped Lamb."

"... yes, maybe."

Subaru's words were essential for Emilia to rise on that occasion.

And in order for Subaru to prove his words, it was necessary to defeat Garfiel. Otto or Lamb's cooperation is absolute to defeat Garfiel.

So if you look only at that result, it can be said that Ram contributed for Emilia.

"How could you do that to me?

"- Because you can't make a wish without showing good faith from yourself"


That said, Ram knelt quietly in front of Emilia.

Previously, when Ram paid tribute to Emilia, even in form alone, he picked the edge of his skirt and bowed carefully, according to the way he was served.

But that salute is different. That salute is for everyone who lives in this world to show them the utmost respect they can have.

"Please, Emilia. - Save my lord, Lord Roswar."

"... Rosewire?

"That one, stay attached to paranoia. For a long, long time, cursed paranoia that kept my heart tied. Or still, the ram was good. Even if that one isn't watching Ram, even if he only thinks of Ram as a tool to fulfill that delusion, that's still good."

Remaining with his most salutation, Ram exposes his heart to Emilia.

That was probably the wish she had all along, staring at Roswar, under a faceless mask.

"But that paranoia can no longer take shape. The Gospel statement, which was the backbone of everything, has already been taken off, and Roswar has just written it... please, crush it."

"Is Roswar okay with being crushed?

"It's not fine, it won't be. I'm sure it'll disturb you. You may lose sight of the meaning of your life and collapse. But only Master Emilia. Walking in a world out of the Gospel, Roswal-like delusions… thoughts may be fulfilled."

Keep your head down, Ram begs Emilia.

Not even half of what she says is certain to Emilia.

The Gospel of Roswar, would be the black book he showed Emilia. Its content and what the world is starting to do is what Roswell himself told Emilia.

What will Roswar do when it becomes a world different from the contents of that book? What does it mean that Emilia can be in Roswar's hopes, which she can no longer help?

"What am I supposed to do?

"- To the throne, follow me."


"Master Emilia is seated on the throne of Lugnica. When that happens, Roswar's thoughts will be fulfilled. Please tell Roswar that even in a world out of description, there will be a day when thoughts will come to fruition. Give us today, tomorrow, meaning to live."

To the silent Emilia, Ram overlaps words.

Emilia has never seen Ram say his thoughts so much in rap.

Is that why?

Is that why?

Behind Emilia's chest lies an emotion so unspeakable.

What makes me unbearable is that she seemed to stand without relying on anyone, relying on herself in this way.

In front of an unspoken Emilia, Ram looks up.

The thin red eyes were moisturized with love packed full of her little body.

"Please, Master Emilia. - Help him."

In those quiet words, Emilia's whole body did tremble.

Once, twice, it feels like your guts are shaken with your hands and a tremor is transmitted to the blood that circles your whole body.

After those tremors ran all over her body, there was only one thing left in Emilia.

It's just one sense of purpose that burns the back of your chest hot.

"Honestly, I don't see how being king would save Roswar"


"I'm sure Ram's thoughts, too, are still me in the true sense of the word, I can't understand you"



Staring back into Ram's eyes as he looked at himself silently, Emilia breathed.

Confusion is gone from the chest. There's no anxiety left in my head either.

The soul was burning like never before.

"It's the first time Ram has asked me for something."


"Fine, Ram. To you for believing in me, I want to respond now."

I laughed and said that, I'm sure, as much as I didn't have to get lost, it was the moment Emilia matched what she needed to do and what she wanted to do.

"I'm sure that's what I have to start here."

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