- It was the common consciousness of everyone who saw the sight.

"Hey, wow, sister. That package looks heavy. You want me to carry him?

"Gurf...... I'll be fine. I'm only helping a little because my shoulders are narrow even if I'm always treated as a guest. I hope you feel comfortable with your girlfriend."

"Oh, shit. Whoa, whoa. Say something to me."

Depending on Frederica pushing the trolley with few words, Garfiel scratches her cheeks with her fingers as she stands up. Meanwhile, Frederica also stared at Garfiel like that for only a few moments, but soon regained consciousness of her work as she regained her mind.

A small wheel bites the floor, making a slight noise and proceeding back down the mansion aisle.

Garfiel was dropping off her distant sister's back with a blurry face.

"... toothache"

Garfiel scratches his short blonde hair and walks opposite his sister with a groaning voice. Svalbard, who watched such a sight from the corner of the hallway, put his hand on his forehead and lamented the exchange that would make anything now itch.

"It's been a week since I've been properly calm and reunited... those two look awesome and tight"

So spilled was Emilia, who was lurking in the same place as Subaru. Subaru crouched, and Emilia just peered in from the top and finally saw the refreshing pickup.

Subaru gets up and turns his hips as he feels Emilia's exhale turn away.

"It's been ten years since we've met again... because that's also a reunion from a place where we haven't been out of tune for ten years. I hear that our breakup wasn't a good fight, and I don't know if it's too much..."

Put your arms together and twist your neck.

I don't know, but I don't know. Teeth itchy. My back itches watching.

Garfiel and Frederica's sister and brother have been at that rate ever since the reunion. It is also bad in nature to pretend to look quite good where the eyes of others are.

It's a straightforward, simple looking garfiel, but with that, if you turn your head unexpectedly, you can act. Needless to say, Frederica's high ability to behave. Even though we wouldn't have shown each other, that sister-brother has deceived many eyes over the past few days.

Most importantly, for some reason, it looked like Subaru had often come across the time when those two were alone, and Emilia had witnessed it this time.

"I don't think Frederica's looking straight at you, even though Garfield seemed to be walking away. I saw you again because of you, why?

"When there's a lot going on when we break up, it's hard to simply be happy to reunite. No, I'm totally comic book knowledge, too. … the problem is Frederica."

As Emilia put it, Garfield is more prepared to open his chest collar. but the attitude of the opposing Frederica is less fragrant.

Perhaps what Frederica feels is like guilt for her brother. Garfiel, who left me in the 'Sanctuary'. In the meantime, Garfiel brushed his fangs up pale in an unshort amount of time, nurturing the heart of a stubborn child.

About a third of this disturbance surrounding the 'sanctuary' can be said to have been an obstacle. One end of what led to that is certainly her responsibility.

Nevertheless, it's not that Frederica fell into Garfield, and it's not that it's anyone's fault. Or if they say who's wrong, it's Roswar who's bad.

So I'm not thinking about blaming Frederica and Garfiel as Subaru or any other face.

- But I guess that means that the thoughts around it are different from the thoughts of the parties themselves.

"That's a difficult story..."

After all, we're talking about Frederica being too responsible.

Originally, when a place called 'Sanctuary' was lost, Frederica stepped out into the outside world to make sure the inhabitants inside were not in trouble. It's too noble and heavy a decision for a girl around the age of ten. I've borne that. Or maybe even that feeling was due to the fact that I've left Garfield behind.

As a result, the 'sanctuary' was lost, and the events of Frederica's concern became real.

Thanks to her work, the attitude of embracing the inhabitants of the 'sanctuary' was awkward but shaped by the people. The credit in that regard is something I should be proud of myself.

Still, greater guilt than achievement would be too much self-blame.

"I mean, you can't, that's not true. Wow, I think I'm gonna have to get my chest up."

"Yeah, I think so too. If you think you've done something wrong, apologize. So forgive me... I want those two to get along."

Hallway where both Garfield and Frederica have already disappeared.

I glance at the place where the two had confronted each other until earlier, and let Emilia try to narrow her purple blue eyes. Peeping at the side of it, Subaru nodded, "Right."

"All right, let's push your back so we can do something about it."

"Pushing your back... are you gonna make it up to me?

"Yes, yes. Twisted brothers, sisters and brothers, relationships. If you're too viscous to move, why don't you let the outfield scratch and let in some new air"

Knocking on his hand, Subaru put one finger up and suggested attitude.

Emilia nodded with a determined face after often conceiving in silence.

"Right. Yeah, I think the family wants us to get along. Okay. Let's do it. Good luck and we have to make up for those two."

"I don't want to hear it..."

Subaru groans blurredly at Emilia, who is small and hardened her fist and motivated enough.

Think of it, it's been a long time since this exchange and this penetration, too.

While the issues surrounding the 'Sanctuary' also showed a first settling, it was the issue of spectacular post-processing and future bases that struck the Emilia faction.

The mansion burned down by Roswar's plot (the person partially denies involvement).

Even if we rebuild it, it will take time to rebuild what has been beautifully refreshed and black burned. Apparently, even in this world, there's no convenient magic that lets you regenerate what you've lost shape or full metal alchemist technology that will put the building together in an instant.

Normally there is no other means than to invite a nearby village or town civil builder or a specialist craftsman to create a noble mansion or villa.

"Also - originally, that mansion was a different separate mansion from the main mansion... because before the start of the king's election, it was a place to hide Emilia's presence in order not to stand out. Hey. When the king's race began in earnest, he was going to move his stronghold not far from the main mansion. So there's nothing extraordinary about it."

That's Roswar's answer when he asked for a different base from the burned mansion.

Everything seems to have some apart from the separate mansion where the Mazers owned the mansion was burned, and among other things, the place considered the main mansion was the one that was set aside as a future base.

The main residence, which apparently has no residents, except for officials entrusted with maintenance.

For one thing, as soon as your mansion is ready to welcome your masters, you will be relocating your stronghold there.

Until then, the question was where to spend it instead of the burnt mansion.

"Don't worry about that, there has to be a pull-out. In a land not so far from the Sanctuary, there is a mansion of wow kindred. It's Mazers' branch muscle. You'll be able to get in trouble there. I'm sure you'll be in trouble if you push too many of them."

Roswar's relatives, was the anxiety element, but no one on the spot had a choice but to ride the proposal.

As a result of that discussion, a key figure of the Emilian faction relied on its remote mansion, and the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' and the village of Aram first went to the village of Aram. The inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' will be welcomed as villagers of the village of Aram, or it is in the form of a new introduction here to another town in the territory.

It was Frederica who was making those ground consolidations, which could honestly be judged to be her feat.

Originally, the inhabitants of the 'Sanctuary' were half-assed, albeit subhuman. It is not so difficult to blend in because nothing is very different from what people look like.

I don't know the outside world, but the difference in deceased habits should also be handy to the people of the kind-hearted village of Aram without reluctance.

Even if we get in shape, the various problems will pile up later. Still, the status quo, no noticeable trouble, can be said to be the result of each one's best efforts.

Solve any problems you see before something happens, if you will.

- It was decided that improving the relationship between Garfield and Sister Frederica's brother was a problem to be solved in such a happy time of boredom.

"That's why Garfield and Frederica's friendly big ops decision... combined, any good ideas?

"It's that bullshit that comes into the room and crosses the aperture the most? The sin of disturbing Ram's peace of mind is heavy, Balls."

Saying that in a frozen voice of emotion, a ram sitting in a chair stares Subaru from the bottom.

Still a faceless face, but is it a gift of that dating to see your emotions swirl slightly in your eyes? From the perspective of Subaru, who holds a grade in Ram's emotional reading test, is Ram's emotion now called 'grumpy'?

"You, you see a lot about me with those eyes, but you mean you're almost grumpy when dealing with me? Are you frustrated and tired all day long?

"Don't worry. Only when you're in front of someone you think it won't do you any good to talk to."

"I see, don't worry... wait a minute"

Subaru frowns at Ram, who says otherwise that Subaru is either now. To that Subaru reaction, Ram closed the book he was holding with a small nose.

Then when she takes her seat, she tries to give up the seat she was sitting in until then to Emilia, who stands next to Subaru.

"Dear Emilia, go ahead"

"Thanks. But it's okay. Something that will get you tired even if you stay longer, so you'll be right out."

"Really? Then don't hesitate."

"I don't recommend it to me. And you're really reluctant, sister."

Subaru shrugs his shoulders in a ram that sits back in place in the seat he's about to give way to. but in some of its Subaru words, it came to my attention that the ram moved the brow root slightly.

Lamb reacted, perhaps, with a word of 'sister'.

"It looks like Mr. Rem hasn't changed."

"... Yep. I sleep so quietly today that I don't know if I'm alive."

To the carefree Emilia's voice, Ram answered slightly with a tone of voice down.

At the end of their gaze, right next to Ram sits, there is a bed and a girl who sleeps.

Short blue hair and two faces of lamb and melon watching her sleep face. I'm dressed in a thin, blue nightgown, but is the size of the chest that pushes up the towel kettle the only difference from the lamb?

Needless to say, the name of the girl who keeps sleeping is Rem.

The Roswar residence burned down and the girl stayed asleep even as she moved the stronghold. Unless that causative thing is removed, I'll probably stay asleep.

That too...

"Don't you still care to admit it?

"I told you, didn't I? While we haven't even exchanged words, Ram isn't careless enough to swallow everything out of his head.... although sometimes the persuasion of what is in front of you is too great to deny it without a headache"

Answering Ram puts complex emotions in thin red eyes, Subaru bends his lips.

The look on Ram's face watching Sleeping Rem is terribly sad from Subaru knowing their relationship before. Sister drowns sister, sister loves sister.

Even though the sisterhood between Rem and Ram was such beautiful family love itself.

Rem keeps sleeping, and in Ram's memory there is no name or memory of that dear sister.

That's what I knew, and even though I was expecting it, that's what makes Subaru feel terrible.

Just still...

"You know, every day, you're giving me a leg in case of complications."

"... I wonder why. I really don't know what Ram wants to do either. It's just soothing to be beside this kid who somehow names Ram's sister.... No, I feel restless."

"Feeling restless?

"Because I'm looking at the same face as myself... it must be different. Staring at this kid's sleeping face makes me feel like something's going on in the back of my chest. There's only a feeling that you'll never reach it, like you're chasing a clueless one."

Subaru took a small breath on the ram that gently put his hand on his chest.

A world where Rem's memory was lost and everyone but Subaru forgot her - even in such an environment, her presence remains thorny in Ram, the only flesh parent.

Ram himself doesn't seem to know what that thorny name is, but if that's what the girl named Rem left for her beloved sister, that was enough to take.

"You can talk about memorabilia and people as long as you can, okay?

"- You should stop."

Ram responds by shaking his neck sideways to Subaru offering to help him regain his memory.

When Subaru frowned, Ram put his hand on his lips as he contemplated,

"This, unreachable sense of nothingness. It's like there's a hole in the lamb where this kid was. If so, whatever you pour in there, it's bound to spill. Even though this kid is Ram's sister... he's stuck with the easiest conditions to understand what he looks like, but he doesn't feel real. As soon as I stop coming to see you every day like this... I feel like I'm gonna disappear to the point where I'm holding you like this."

"... is that what you call a witchcraft 'bulimia' curse?

I've kept my silence so far and pinched my words with a face that Emilia couldn't miss listening to when she was listening to the story. In front of a face-up ram, Emilia is frowning with rare and angry emotions.

"The bad eating of 'names' and 'memories' … I never had a good image of witchcraft from the beginning, but it should be called extreme"

"... witchcraft"

In Ram's statement, Emilia also lays her eyes down and whines the word small.

Subaru, on the other hand, was astonished by Ram's speculation as well as pimped by his spiciness.

I don't really feel for Subaru, who clearly remembers Rem, but Rem's presence is not 'lost' from the memory of Ram and Emilia. "It keeps getting lost." Even now I'm doing this so that the spilling sand on the hourglass doesn't stop.

"In the end, you mean there's nothing you can do about not turning down the cause..."

The more Subaru talks about the memories, the more momentum the falling sand will have. Or even from Subaru, the memory may be lost as soon as it is spoken.

Ram's concern is that the Rem thing disappears from this world - I guess that too.

"Emilia seems to have something to think about witchcraft."

Next to Subaru, who bites his lips, Ram is looking up at Emilia. Staring at her thin red eyes, Emilia stretched her white side, then slowly pulled her jaw.

"Until now, I've been thinking a lot about witches. Because the traits are similar, and I've been told a lot of bad things... but about witchcraft"


"On my own, I think I was putting it among the things I wanted to forget. But I can't think of 'it' in me that I remember and 'it' now together. I don't know what happened and how it happened... I just want to know."

"Emilia, I hate to say this... but they're not the kind of guys that make the word right, are they? Probably going to be hard."

I'm not going to frustrate Emilia's will, but it's not fair not to say it.

Subaru's witchcraft, from head to ass, is all a mass of malice created with fanatics. I don't know what Emilia said about 'it' and how it was in the past. But now witchcraft is' it '.

"Thank you. You're worried."

To that Subaru concern, Emilia shook her neck sideways when she smiled thinly.

"It's okay, because I know too. The events in my memory, the people I was with... it was a hundred years ago. There's no way you're still alive. Hundreds of years in a person's life expectancy is amazing and long. That's why I didn't expect to see you again."

"But I want to know what happened... right?

"I'm sorry, selfish. But I just think I have to know that. What happened in that place and how I felt in that place... because I was the only one watching how juice and my mother felt"

You're thinking of the two people, Emilia's eyes are lonely, but her mouth remains engraved with a gentle smile.

Mother's name and another juice. Is that the memory that matters to Emilia and the memory that leads to witchcraft that doesn't even resemble witchcraft today?

"It's a complicated mood, Mr. Juice..."

Mumbling in his mouth alone, Subaru spills a resentful exhale at someone he doesn't even know his face.

It's a complicated thought of Emilia calling the name with familiarity and sadness. Had witchcraft not changed its policy when that juicy figure was in possession, neither would Emilia have been in such a predicament.

If you were to stand on Emilia's side anyway, it would have helped if you had stood by her from start to finish. And it's the end of a bug's good temper.

"-But I'm not sure Ram can swing like Emilia."

It was unchanged and quiet, yet a bottom-cold, hostile voice.

Subaru unconsciously stuffs his breath and sees the side of the ram watching Rem as he sits down. She leaped the light of her eyes, which seemed slightly red, in a faceless

"Whatever witchcraft is, it has nothing to do with Ram. If Emilia wants to talk to you, she won't talk to you like that. Remember, though you don't, it's not about Ram's revenge."


"I don't know if it's witchcraft or bulimia, but Ram always returns what he receives as a favor or a vendetta. It's not enough to rip a hole in people's hearts."

Anger and indignation, overflowing from his whole body, appear blurry with tiny rum.

It's like there, a giant body that emits an overwhelming presence - that's what 'ghosts' are for.

"Ram will tear you apart and kill you if you want to remember."

Rather than determination, it was a death sentence.

There are no declared opponents on this occasion, even the voices pretend to be calm. Nonetheless, it is an unmistakable death sentence - Subaru is even hesitant to speak up to the feeling that he has been stuck with an ice pillar in his back.


One room where silence falls.

Making a squeaky noise is also going to break the strained air and I can't act on it. It was the person who broke that tension, not the others, but the tension.

"You told me a story that didn't seem like it."

As soon as I spill it around exhaling, the air can disappear in an instant until then. Subaru dropped his shoulder to relief while

"No, it doesn't seem like it. That's how I know Ram, including the rambling part about his sister."

"... yes"

It was a noisy thing to say, but it's definitely a word that came out purely thinking of Rem. Subaru appreciates only that part and is happy with how Ram feels.

Besides, it's the same with Subaru who can't tolerate 'bulimia'. If you can, the neck of the bulimia even wants Subaru to take over without even giving way to the ram.

The feeling of killing someone - the end of the gumshallah battle with Petergius did not leave Subaru with a very clear response. Or maybe in a pivotal setting, a hesitation to take a life pulls Subaru's leg.

Still, 'bulimia' was difficult to forgive, and I was prepared if I were to rescue Rem.

"... you've missed the point of the story"

Scratching his head, Subaru doesn't put the black idea he was thinking about right now on his face.

With Ram making sense, Emilia was looking at this one to caress, but I should have been able to get a grin on both.

"Right. So relaxing, standing in the way of the rams enjoying the vacation that sprang up down, you must have brought the right requirements."

"What a way to hang unmanned pressure around it. In the first place, Frederica, who's in the same position as you, says she's sorry to treat you like a guest."

"Rams are wounded. Besides, Frederica, who works for the customer, can hardly read the air.... I bet they burned around Clind that the girlfriend was by his side and he couldn't stay jizzy."

"To Mr. Clind?

The name Ram called abominably is the name of the youth of the decree that serves the Maisers branch where Subaru and his men are thus in trouble.

He is a beautiful young man with a fine face, and the atmosphere of "a good man who can do it" is a weak figure. I feel something close to Julius, but unlike him, he is a polite and very caring Jen.

So it was strange to Subaru that Ram didn't see him very favorably. Perhaps from Lamb's eyes everything but Roswar looks like that.

"You should ask us about Frederica's incompatibility with Clind. Now, I want you to go back to reading and talk to me about the requirements."

"I'm sorry, it'll always be a long story. I think Subaru was the first to talk about Frederica and Garfield..."

To the magnificent Ram, Emilia tries to fix the subject like this.

A plan was drawn up to do something about Garfield's awkward relationship with Frederica, but he suddenly rode up to the reef about what was at stake.

Because both Subaru and Emilia were inexperienced in tackling the challenge of restoring sisterhood and brotherhood.

Subaru is an only child who is neither pushed nor pushed, and Emilia is the same again.

Because we did not bless each other's brothers and sisters, the answers to the blood connections that differed from those of parents and children were hard to flash. In the first place, even the parent-child relationship was a little far from common, but the area is discounted.

For this reason, he walked around the mansion in search of an advisor and first visited under the ram where his place was clear.

Anyway, Subaru is the closest sister I've ever seen. As things stand, the relationship between the two has disappeared out of Subaru's memory, but there were still expectations that we might be able to hear useful stories from the Rams, given that we had a good relationship as sisters and sisters.

Anyway, Ram is an ancient familiar relationship between Garfield, a party, and Frederica's sister and brother. From an episode this one doesn't know, he might come up with an approach to filling a ten-year gulf between them.

Emilia's lip movement stops when she sends her eyes to the ram with all those expectations.

Twisting his neck to a stiff Emilia, Subaru followed Emilia's gaze of what was happening and stopped in the same way.

"... what?

A ram receiving two gazes narrows his eyes, looking badly uncomfortable.

In her hands is a book that takes the gaze of Subaru.

He had a book with a very critical title to the requirements, "To Reduce Distance from My Brother and Sister".

- Apparently, there wasn't just one group of people who couldn't measure their relationship with their siblings.

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