In the brother-sister issue, when it turned out that Ram, who had lost his sister's memory, was useless and that he was still trying to be a 'good sister', things only went through time without making any progress.

"Still, isn't the Ram guy a little thin, too?

"You don't say that. Ram has an idea for ram.... I've known those two longer than we have, and I'm sure that's the difference."

Emilia is grinning bitterly at Subaru pointing her lips as she walks down the hallway of the mansion.

I'm on my way out of Rem's bedroom, where Ram was, and I'm on the move for a reflection. What floats behind Subaru's brain like that is the word left by Ram before he broke up.

"The relationship between Garf and Frederica? You should leave it alone. Neither of us is a child... Gurf is a kid, but not without thought. Even if the idea doesn't shoot a lot. You two can do something about the relationship."

It's a merciless and merciless assessment of Garfield, who favors herself.

Most likely, Garfield is like his younger brother from the ram. Lovely favor - to say that, though it is a violent and passionate thought.

Garfield is a tough guy to fall in love with, too much iron.

"-? What? What's wrong?

"Nya, it's nothing. Garfield's not the only one with high walls. I just saved myself."


Emilia tilting her neck with a pretty face.

I hate how Subaru's gaze and the meaning of dialogue are not connected at all in my head. It's the weak taste that I fell in love with that I can forgive.

"Nevertheless, when the ram fails... who should I talk to next?"

"Huh. Don't give up yet. Are you going to work hard?

"That's right. I haven't solved anything, and I took the first step and snorted it up, so there's no shards of manhood in the give-up. Emilia, you must feel the same way about wanting to improve those two relationships, right?

"That's right...... but those two leading rams are saying oh so I guess it's best to do that"

"Leaving it alone may solve the time, but don't forget that the Garfiels are spending ten years from goodbye to this one. It wouldn't have stopped if they'd spent another decade making up for it. I want to work from the outside and get along."

To Emilia, subtly pushed by Ram's words, Subaru insists on continuing the plan. Because, of course, I want to make sure those two make up, but I don't want to miss the situation of typing into something with Emilia like this.

Anyway, there is no possibility that this case will develop into a blade wound shack no matter how Subaru behaves. Would there ever be a mind so mild to try and error over time?

"What's going on? I suddenly nibbled..."

"Hey, I thought you'd be happy to worry about your life. Wow! No matter what happens, no one dies or bleeds."


I see Subaru shining his teeth with his thumbs up and Emilia looks so pitiful.

Would I have said something strange, Subaru recalled his remarks and then was stunned by their slaughter and disturbance and their desire to whisper too much.

"Chi, it's not, Emilia Tan"

"It's okay. It must have been tough. I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you. Hey, look, Subaru can go back to your room today and get some rest..."

"No. This is how you react when you don't understand!

Subaru speaks up to Emilia, who labors with tender eyes.

And that's when the two of us were having such an exchange.

"... if you think it's noisy, I wonder what the hell you two are doing"

A grumpy voice around sighing. Turning to the voice, Subaru noticed that the girl in the luxurious dress - Beatrice - was standing there.

The girl, walking from across the hallway, stops and sees the faces of the subaru exchanging words, wrinkling between the eyebrows of her adorable face.

"It's a good thing we're close. I was wondering if we could hear each other on the other side of the mansion."

"That's a sarcastic statement, Oi. If you miss being out of company, be honest with me. You too, let's get our profound discussion themes together."

"Who missed being out of company! I don't know what to say!

With a magnificently short arm, Beatrice is outraged with her cheeks red. Subaru and Emilia unwittingly laugh at each other for that 'too much' attitude.

About a week has passed since Subaru and Beatrice signed each other and combined as spiritualists. Nevertheless, that is not so much the case when it comes to whether the relationship between the two has changed dramatically.

As usual Subaru teases Beatrice, who overreacts to it. It is a relationship that prolongs and repeats such an unchanged exchange.

It's just that there were more occasions when Beatrice, who lost her forbidden library, was normally walking away, and more times she held Subaru's hand together, as I sometimes recall.

"While you said that, you missed me and you came to grip my hand, didn't you? Shit, this kid's a jerk."

"Don't twist it like Betty's doing something weird and intentional. Betty touches your... Subaru because of some nasty circumstances."

"You're super cute to say it all over again."


Before Beatrice turned her face bright red, attention was drawn to it by Emilia. Subaru gives his tongue and apologizes to Emilia, reaching out to Beatrice.

Pick that offered palm a little. Grab your finger, then grip it again with your forehand and little palm as you rethink. That's Beatrice's usual trick.

Feels in the palms, the feel of the fingers of the little others. It is also the fruit of what Subaru desperately sought after, such as a tickling and dull one.

This time, however, the reaction did not return, and Beatrice just looked down to stray the clap of Subaru to be offered.

"What's up? I wash my hands after the bathroom."

"I wasn't worried about that, but I felt terribly bad about that fear in the future! And it's not..."

Beatrice glances behind her as she tightens her eyes to Subaru's extra word. Tilting his neck to that attitude, he heard the answer from across the hallway.

"Beatrice, where have you been?

Beyond the hallway - what arrived from the corner bent is a voice searching for the girl in front of you. The voice of the High Girl has affection and mercy.

Even so, Beatrice on the side where the key voice was hung made him jump on the shoulder,


When I think I raised my voice like a small animal, I ran my eyes and jumped right into the nearby room. and put his face out of the gap of the door to the Subaru who round his eyes,

"That's what Betty would say if she wasn't here. I asked for it."


"Did you ask for it?"

Press, the door closes without making a sound. Emilia also frowned with a puzzled face at Subaru shrugging her shoulders for something. Then,

"Ah! Subaru!

A girl turns around the corner of the hallway and shows herself runs over with a puff of light on her face.

Still wholesale maid clothes - rocking that long hem and coming for a small run is the red-haired brown girl, Petra.

Petra was also one of the officials troubled by the burning down of the Roswar Mansion. As for Subaru, I told him to return to the village based on the dangers of staying involved in the future, but he didn't listen to me.

In this mansion, which is still troublesome, there is no extra time for mastering made-up technology in the same way that Frederica helps with chores. I think she's an uplifting, solid girl.

As supplemented by such an inner thought of Subaru, Petra, who had rushed over, bowed politely to Emilia,

"Excuse me, Master Emilia. I'm sorry to be so loud."

and this attitude.

It is the beginning and end of a time when the girliness that was directed at Subaru a moment ago disappears and Emilia turns her eyes more round to her conscious behavior as a maid.

"Oh, it's okay. Don't worry. Because I won't suffer."

"Emilia, don't suffer"

The lack of experience to be respected can also be considered Emilia's future challenges from a standpoint.

Either way, put aside one of those smiling little exchanges.

"So, what's up, Petra? Is something wrong?

"No, I'm not... I think I'll leave you to Beatrice because your job is done. But I couldn't find him looking for him."

"Beatrice... what the hell"

Emilia stuffs her breath and then puts her hand on her mouth to make her laugh.

With that Emilia sideways, it's the same with Subaru, whose cheeks are about to stick. Because Beatrice, who usually wields a dignified and arrogant bare gesture, is more 'chanted' by a girl named Petra.

At first, when I saw the exchange between the two of them, Subaru also had a blast.

"Dear Emilia, what's wrong? Did I say something weird?"

"Yeah, it's nothing. It's just, wow, it's getting a little funny."

"Awesome, but a little?

Sometimes, petra appears on the table where the young maidenhood hasn't slipped out. I smiled at Petra like that, and Emilia said sideways to Subaru, "What are you going to do?" He asks.

Subaru pretended to be bothered by that eye contact,

"Right. Beatrice. Don't worry about him, Petra can't help but enjoy baking care of him, can she?

"Yeah, yeah. Beatrice, you're so cute together because you're not honest at all. Oh, my God, I don't think I should be alone."

"What makes you think that?

"Because I'm going to miss you. I can't leave you alone."

Subaru nodded, "Right," to Petra's smart and simple answer.

I did a lot of words for it, but in the end, the same reason Subaru pulled Beatrice out of the forbidden library. Children are poking the truth more. Rather than that, do you mean Subaru and Beatrice were also bumping the logic of staying children?

"To Subaru, why are you laughing?

"I didn't make a fool of myself. I thought Petra was a genius."

"Really? Huh?"

He stroked Petra's head, praised and not feeling bad, and Subaru nodded.

Then I put my hands on the knob on the door I put behind me and open it all at once.


There was a stiff noise and Lori, who was listening on the other side, blew up.

Lori's forehead rising in tears is bright red with the door slammed.

"You, what are you doing?

"What are you doing to me?" Ouch! Mechan, can it hurt! Break your promise in pain... "

"I didn't even make a promise, and I didn't tell you to leave it to me in the first place. As a result of a careful selection of which opinions you would like to put on your shoulders, this would be more interesting to put on Petra..."

"I just said it's funny! I said it was funny! It could suck!"

Subaru pretends to be deaf by blocking his ears to Beatrice protesting as he rubs his forehead. Then the girl interrupts a little during that exchange. Face to face with Petra, Beatrice opens her mouth and shivers the vertical roll.

"Oh, well, this is different... BE, I wasn't hiding anything..."

"No more, Beatrice. If you hide in a mansion like this, you're gonna piss me off. I know how it feels because it's an assortment I want to play with..."

"Nah!? Betty could be treated like a child! In the first place, Betty is not what she looks like, properly...... that, properly"


"... it's nothing."

To Petra asking back, I wonder if Beatrice's tail was weak, and the white flag goes up. Emilia looks surprised at this and looks one eye at the sight Svalbard is unfamiliar with.

What's interesting about Beatrice's relationship with Petra is the superiority of this mysterious Petra.

Basically, Beatrice doesn't break his strong and dignified attitude toward anyone. The exception was about the pack and the recent Subaru, but it was Petra who freaked out and intruded there.

For some reason, Beatrice can't deal with Petra in the usual way. He doesn't even know why, and he has seen Subaru holding hands to Petra so many times with an unconvincing face.

Whatever the inside of Beatrice, there are two young girls beside her. There is also something smiling because the girls who show the beautiful girl one scale are holding hands.

Is it one reason Beatrice is distressed by Beatrice's inability to cope well because Petra looks older subtly?

"See, come on? Because I shouldn't be in the way of Subaru and Emilia's work. And Brother Clind has prepared something sweet for you, so eat Beatrice properly. Because you can eat in the dining room."

"Wow, do you get it? Okay... you don't have to pull that off."

Beatrice pulls her hand and is taken out of the room turns to her troubled face, but Subaru responds by ruthlessly thumbing at it. Seeing Emilia also wave small next to it, Beatrice gets dragged by Petra with her tongue out and angry face.

or contact with Subaru in unacceptable circumstances, which now means we are behind.

smiling off the girl to be taken away and the girl to be taken away, Emilia put her finger on her lips,

"I don't know, awfully surprising. I didn't think Beatrice was vulnerable to Petra."

"What? I was embarrassed at first, too. I'm not saying anything because I'm smiling at you. Besides, I think Petra's thinking is so right."

"Would you miss me if I left you alone?

"You can do it all the time, but that doesn't make sense to leave the forbidden library. If you want to make memories, you should have a lot of people on the album page."

You have to fill in the blank pages for four hundred years. Subaru filling the album of memories by himself is a bit funny but too one-shot.

All kinds of people, all kinds of expressions, just burn it to her memories. Subaru is next to Beatrice, who cuts the shutter, hoping to spend some time being a subject or occasionally out of sight.

"Subaru... Sometimes I think it looks amazing in places like that"

"What, seriously? What's the matter, did you suddenly go in?

"Really, it's just sometimes."

To Emilia with a smile included, Subaru replies, "What the heck?" as she scratches her cheek.

However, there can be no tension in praise from Emilia, although it was a joke all around. I want to remember this feeling and remember every time I make fun of Beatrice for assisting me. We have to make fun of it for that too.

"I also feel that the purpose and the means are being replaced, but that also remains the case. Well, I've seen some smiling sights, and for now..."

"Right, it was a smiling sight. Two girls with adorable souls, walking hand in hand and laughing...... it's an aesthetic of the world. Eye Bliss."


Emilia screams unexpectedly at the voice of the two of us who are about to step forward to regain their minds and next. So sudden and unexpected was the emergence of the Lord of the Voice.

If it's unexpected, so is the place. Because the person stood so right behind Subaru that he wondered if he could breathe, mixing in with conversation with what he didn't eat.

"I'm sorry to surprise you with this. I just couldn't contain my heart of service wanting to offer surprises. outbursts."

"Ku, Mr. Clind?

"Yeah, it's Clind. I hope I'm not offending you, but how about that? Fear."

Breaking his hips at a perfect angle as he said was a beautiful young man with a long length on his skinny body.

The person with blue hair aligned with the length on his eyebrow and a monocle on his left eye. The pasty black butler clothing performs with no extra pleasure to be worn by him, and his spine stretches unexpectedly in every sophisticated position he makes.

Wilhelm was also the bearer of the signs of correcting his spine just relative, but Clind's is something different from the signs his swordsmen unleash.

If the signs of Wilhelm are reminiscent of a sharpened blade, Clind is equal to having a stream of clean water in front of him. Material beauty and conceptual beauty are separate. Both are equal, even if they bring stillness to the mind.

"Suddenly I was standing behind you, and Mr. Clind was a bad person... and I thought my heart would stop."

"In that case, we both do everything we can to encourage resuscitation. Don't worry if Natsuki-sama keeps you. []/(n, vs) (yoji) near death/"

"That!? Didn't help, did you?!?

Even if polite tricks don't collapse, the response is too collapsed Clind.

However, his personality and abilities cannot be measured by his current behavior. As the stand-up shows, Clind is the holder of a very good ability as a servant and the person in the position of a decree to put together the servants of the Milord family here.

A young man, yet a dignified character who behaves as a wrapping up of the mansion.

And not only that, but we can also stand around with swords when things happen. That skill was such that on the first encounter, Garfiel rattled his nose and attributed it to "Son of a bitch, you can have it or you can have cancer..." Although the invitation to match was put on my sleeve.

But Clind, who is so capable of excellence, has a few drawbacks to the contrary. One of them is a slight hoax like it is now. And

"Is Petra bothering Mr. Clind? I'm gonna have you mixed up at work saying you can't, but that's a little worrying."

"Don't worry. As a girl that age, Petra is excellent at pulling out. Neither ability nor beauty will make you look forward to the future. Envy."

"Really, I see..."

"But in the future, Petra will also have extended hands and legs and grow up....... I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Mindless."

Rub between the eyebrows and clindo hits like that with a fundamentally sorry face.

This is another of his shortcomings and also the greatest.

Clind has a strong interest in young girls like Beatrice and Petra.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"What is it, Master Natsuki? It's like looking at a criminal or that reserve, though. Did you do something rough? Confirmation"

"It sounds like you're aware of it around the coming up with a zubbly opinion in itself. I don't have a lot of younger attributes, so I'm just wondering what those years are..."

"Master Natsuki seems to have a serious misconception. Bitter smile."

Bitter laughter, not even a grin, Clind. He mournfully clouded his neat face and turned to Subaru as he fixed the position of the monocle,

"May I? My glance at Lady Annerose, Petra and Beatrice is not because they are young. Because I am attracted to the youthfulness and future nature of that soul. It is only natural to be attracted to the hearts of innocent and pure souls. And the owner of those souls is just saying that they have a lot of opponents at a young age. That is, misunderstanding."

"Heh... I don't know"

Clind denies it in the long dialogue, but as Subaru, he's half overheard. but such an attitude also spreads in the words of the next Clind.

He looked at Emilia standing next to Subaru and prefaced, "Now,"

"My eyes feel the same abundance of souls to Emilia as those who preceded her. Sober."


"Mr. Clind, that's amazing!?

Emilia tilting her neck, but Subaru has nothing else to look up to in Clind's eyes.

The fact that Emilia's spirit is far below her appearance and young should be a matter that she would not have noticed if she hadn't touched Emilia's identity and birth. That, Clind's eyes are nursing and discerning that Emilia is a spiritual loli.

Loricon's sense of smell. Don't be afraid, and Svalbard's flashing.

"Well, hey, Mr. Lewes..."

"You look very adorable, but your soul is ripe. Preaching futurity to those who have laid down a way of life like that, etc., is an extra thing for me as a young man. Outrage."


Subaru seriously admires his eyesight discerning all the way to Loribaba.

Meanwhile, Emilia, who had seen such an exchange, seemed even less interested in Clind's sharp sexuality.

"By the way, I'd like to ask Mr. Clind a few questions..."

"Yeah, ask me what it is. Questions."

"Frederica worked here before and after working at Roswar's mansion, didn't she?

"... right. Affirmative."

For a moment, I feel Clind mumbling and Subaru frowns.

Emilia also blinked her eyes at the hesitation, but proceeded with the topic in the same flow.

"So Frederica and Mr. Clind have been dating a long time, too?

"Frederica and I have been dating for ten years - when Frederica was brought to the Milord family by Uncle Borderline, I was just beginning to work as a youngest again. Will we be dating since then? Ancient tame."

"I knew it! Well, I'd like to ask you a few questions about Frederica. I wanted to make you a cut to make up with Garfiel, like what you like or hate."

"Reconciliation cuts, is it? Ideas"

Put your hand on your jaw, Clind thinks. Even that appearance of distress seemed to be one of the paintings, and Subaru moaned the discrepancy of the modeling beauty as he moaned the zipper of the jersey, "Don't let the handsome man be allowed in Loricon..."

to keep thinking. For a minute, Clind nodded and spilled a small exhale,

"Finish your chicken as a staple for your next Annerose's birthday meal of the month. Plan."

"What about Frederica!?

"... oh, I shouldn't have. When I try to think about her, my brain really refuses to think. All this in my presence. Give me a break."

"Hey, isn't Mr. Clind getting along very well with Frederica?

"Not at all. Denial."

To the caring Emilia, Clind shakes his neck to the side and denies it.

"I'm an excellent lady who's sure of her job, works fast, and cares. Just one thing, there's nothing dissatisfied or dissatisfied from me except that I'm ruining the duties that should adorn a woman named Maid beautifully and gorgeously with her appearance. Unbonded."

"Eh? I think I heard some kind of awesome chunk of prejudice, was it my fault? Hey, Subaru."

"No, Emilia, I mean, it's Mr. Clind's fault,"

Pathetic Clind's bias apparently stems from Frederica's appearance. Sure, Subaru was surprised by the impact of the first look, but that's where Frederica is diligent plus her personality is superior to femininity. I don't feel there is a problem as a woman other than appearance.

"Now I felt Master Natsuki reach the same conclusion as I did. []/(n, vs, adj-no) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) breakthrough/(2) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk

"Really? Subaru."

"Me, I'm just rethinking that I want to stop looking for other people's evil cousins, so stop it!? Emilia, you look like my super-critical!

"I'm not talking about that anymore.... but thanks"

Dyed her cheeks slightly and Emilia, praised for her appearance, gives her thanks.

It is fresh to see that the praise, which was previously seen to have no effect at all, is somewhat effective for Emilia, who has returned after the 'trials'.

Emilia is no longer in the habit of checking packs for fashion, and it has become routine for her to get herself cleaned up in front of herself, but she's also made a variety of stylish trials and errors.

Exactly when I was wondering if I should just have long silver hair, everyone who heard the story came together and ran to stop it.

Either way, I'm not likely to get any valid opinions from Clind about Frederica. Subaru and Emilia took a deep breath, wondering if this was stuck early.

and Clind, who was watching it, went on to say, "To observe..."

"From what I've just told you, apparently, you want to improve Frederica's sister-brother relationship with Dear Garfield. inference."

"Yeah, it is. But I don't really know what to do because I don't have Subaru, no brothers, no sisters. So I've been asking around a lot..."

"It is my opinion that if Frederica has no problems other than appearance, she will manage to deal with any problems that do not involve appearance on her own, but that would seem unsatisfactory to her. So one. Suggestions"


On Clind with one finger up, Subaru and Emilia tilt their necks in the same way, aligned.

To the two whose tricks unison, Clind said on this day, when he broke his lips for the first time,

"If you care about those two relationships, that's what you're welcome to hear from the people closest to those two. The first person is not the ram, not you? Feedback"

"First person...... Ah!

Clapping his hands at Clind's words, Emilia opened her eyes to an idea that was too late. Next to it Subaru came to the same conclusion, but I have cared more than that.


"I'm talking about Rams being the first. I thought it was quite a while ago, but how long has Mr. Clind been listening to us?

"Me, because it's a family decree that keeps the chores and peace of this Milord family. Indicate."

Such a response, like it's not becoming an answer.

Failing to see Subaru stare at his face, Clind humbly thanked him for breaking his hip.

It is so overwhelming to see that it is done as a perfect squire.

With the words on his mouth sealed, Subaru had no choice but to look soggy.

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