"Now, Your Highness, if you'll excuse me. Please love yourself."

Sincerely drooling her head, the woman rocking her green hair left the room.

Through the door that your person opened for you, slowly closing, looking back in the hallway to see it. If you make a noise and close the door, even though you know you won't hear it on the other side, you spilled a consciously silent breath.

"Please do me a favor not to cripple Your Highness."

Tell the samurai to refrain by the door, and the woman turned her back to shake off her unsatisfactory emotions. Across the red carpeted corridor, its feet descend the stairs and head for the hall.

"- Master Krush."

Calling a woman with a slight breath is her companion waiting in the hall.

Shaking her ears and sounds similar to those of a cat, that girl with subhuman characteristics - a young man with such a neat appearance that she can only see - greets her with her yellow eyes round.

His name is Felix Argyle. My nickname is Ferris, and for a woman, I've known her for years. Make her a trusted squire, a knight.

"Good luck. How was Your Highness, Fourier?

"That's not very nice. There is no shadow that you would see better if you were that healthy. Today, they were all spilled wanting to go outside and walk under the sun. Not pitiful."

A woman shaking her neck sideways - to Krush Karsten's answer, Ferris drops her shoulder.

Kursch loosened his lips slightly to the appearance of flax colored hair and lumpy ears of the same color.

"You don't have to be depressed. It's a matter of raising healers all over the country and still not producing results. You'll never cloud your face."

"But it's Ferri's weakness that doesn't meet Master Kursch's expectations due to her lack of strength. I regret that... I'm sorry, Master Krush"

Worry about Krush's heart worrying about his opponent more than his inability to save a sick person.

The way Ferris is seems to lean against Krush, who can only respond by meditating on his attitude.

"The course of His Highness's … royalty's illness remains unchanged"

"Diagnostic results, too. To tell you the truth, I'd definitely like to say this, as a cure for bending over."

Ferris lowers her voice and lowers her eyes.

But still, I don't just hesitate to continue the words, clearly.

"- It's the evil tongue of a black snake. An unexplained disease can only be explained as such."

"If so, where did it come from?... No. Now I can't help but argue about it. What happens next?"

"In the worst case scenario... the royal family will perish"


It was already a conclusion reached many times, but you won't get used to hearing it again and again.

Kursch takes his breath out of his nose and works hard to calm his own heart.

This is so unprecedented. If you lose your calm and run to emotion, you can't take it back. The function of the kingdom is barely preserved while the Hordes are already in great turmoil, because nothing more than a senior noble and sage society, including Kursch, is at the helm.

- The blood of the king of the Kingdom of Lugnica is in danger of interruption at this moment as well.

The first confirmed onset was Zabinel Lugnica, the first prince. Initially, he was about to be diagnosed with overwork in carrying out his official duties on a daily basis, but the problem is discovered by the sudden change in Zabinel's condition over the course of a few days and the fact that other royalties have begun to fall in the same way.

One after another all the important figures who would be in the king's blood family fell ill, and the royal castle temporarily became extremely confused with the snort cry. Toothpicks were made by several of the sages who had stayed at the royal castle and the actions of the Krush and Ferris who had climbed the castle.

Ferris, in particular, is now such a user of water magic that there is supposedly no one left to the right in the Kingdom of Lugnica - a figure who, as the culmination of a healing magician, gets the title 'Blue'.

Immediately the fallen royal family was brought to the corner of the royal castle for urgent diagnosis and treatment.

But what was newly discovered there was the desperate fact that even with Ferris's hand there was no way to counter the disease.

In just a few days, the long-held Royal Lugnica is in danger of annihilation.

Now he brings together leading healing magicians from all over the country and extends his life by continuing with healing magic as long as time permits, but this is also just a rest without a solution.

Although a decree has been laid on the royal medical condition and the mess of the royal castle, it has to be said that this was also a circumstance in which it was doubtful how far it could be concealed.


Thinking of the bad situation, Krusch thinks of the person he just met - Four Prince of the Kingdom of Lugnica, Four Four Juliers Lugnica.

Fourier and Krush were the same age, and Krush, who was also a duke's housemaid, often came into contact with Fourier only as a child. From the standpoint of royalty, Kursch may have been one of the few friends for Fourier who could not have wished for such things as a friend of near age.

Kursch also did not hate him as a human being about Fourier.

After frequent visits to the Karsten family, Fourier troubled Kursch by bringing in the impossible and disjointed issues. The sincerity of what Fourier did was that he wanted to distract the girl he preferred, but Krush doesn't realize it.

Just take it to Krusch. Fourier is kind and good in heart, and he's an unhateable personality.

My talent as an exchanger was never blessed as something that would bring me to the Royal Lugnica. But only enthusiasm and human virtue are certain figures.

The right to inherit the throne would have been far away, and the office conferred upon him after adulthood would not have been as burdensome. Still, he was burning enthusiasm to do everything in his power for the role he was given.

Such that he lays on the hospital bed and being in the abyss of death is badly annoying Krush's heart.

"Dear Kursch..."

Ferris was also hurting his chest again on Krush, who left his expression unchanged but had a sinking color on his eyes.

When it comes to the length of your relationship with Krush, Fourier is longer than Ferris. Of course, Ferris, who obeys him as a squire in density, is much darker, but he watched them as much as he perceived the thoughts that Fourier had on Kursch in his chest.

So for Ferris, Fourier is someone with terribly complex emotions.

Regardless, I have not added palm to my treatment or diagnosis on the grounds of that complex emotion. That is a matter of Ferris' pride as a healer, above all because it is only a betrayal to Kursch, who trusted and left Ferris to me.

However, the failure to respond to that trust and the fact that he might not be able to save Fourier remained a heavy lump in Ferris' heart.

With all the lords in place, the footsteps to advance through the royal castle are heavy.

Kursch's thoughts on the other things, and Ferris's own lack of power and compassion for the Lord.

At least, there's nothing the two of us can do today at the Royal Castle. We didn't even show each other, but they all quit the castle and turned their legs outside to return to a separate mansion in the king's capital.

"- Lord Bordeaux! That's a different story!

What I heard was the Krusz on their way to the castle gate.

A short journey through the entrance to the royal castle and between the main entrance. In a garden lined with mowed lawns and trees to the left and right, the noise was waking up to break off the long idle landscape.

If Kursch, who unintentionally stopped his leg, looks back, the corner of the garden - ahead of him circling along the outer wall of the royal castle - will see the two shadows he says to each other.

Both were long figures, facing each other in the form of one turning his back on Krush. The person who can see his face is also a familiar acquaintance of Kursch.

Bald head, big old man in good health. His name is Bordeaux Zergev and he is also a member of the Order of Wise Men, a key position in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

The Sage Society is a group of senior aristocrats who are responsible for the majority of national politics in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

It can be said that it is responsible for the conduct from birth to the present, such as knowledge, households and contributions to the kingdom, as well as for the role of a stall supporting the kingdom in its present predicament, starting with Microtov, a position and representative to be elected with an assessment of its overall competence.

Bordeaux is once a war-torn male with a martial name and one of the central figures pulling arguments with harsh opinions and rigidity in the Sage Society.

Bordeaux, known for his radical remarks and posture, is so angry with Ferris that he says, 'I'm always angry' and so on. Kursch was also repeatedly slapped on its harsh voice, such as when he had just succeeded the governor.

Is it because he is such a constant display of a strong attitude?

The first time Kursch was surprised to see an unsightly shade in that expression of exchanging words with someone in the garden.

"Ooh. You look unusual to Master Bordeaux, sir."

He noticed the same thing as Krush, and that's what Ferris, next door, squeaked. Kursch gets confused about what to do while pulling his jaw to agree to the word.

If it's just a contention, you don't have to break in and make things bigger. But even if the argument is a whisper, the timing and location are bad.

A gate soldier, who heard the earlier outrage, came to the garden, but stopped to see the same thing as Krush. Then he sends his gaze toward Kursch so that he deposits his judgment.

Kursch lets the guards stay just with his eyes open, but also with Bordeaux, who realizes that people have gathered out.

Bordeaux nodded with a sinister face at the gaze with the intention of immediately closing the scene. The old man turns to the person in the front and gently dampens his lips as he chooses the words.

Looking down at the trick, Krusch finally turned his consciousness to the person standing in front of Bordeaux. Even though Bordeaux's surprise at the unexpectedness of his attitude preceded him, he reacted too slowly to the point where he himself could.

Turn your consciousness to the person in front of you, leaving you open to reflection. And Kursch figured out how he was forced to put his awareness of the shadow behind him.


He was the one who wrapped it around him.

The identity of the scabbard is wrinkled, and each is a thin, dirty, dark blue coat. He hangs it from his long shoulder and covers it up perfectly to his lower back. The white-dyed hair made me think I was old, coupled with my first raised voice. However, the amount of hair retains richness compared to age, and I don't feel an old weakness from my stretched spine and rough shoulder width.

While he was such a prominent figure, the man of the Xu did not let his presence naturally interrupt Kursh's consciousness until just before.

For some reason - because its standing was too sophisticated and perfect.

A stand that is natural but has taken away any waste.

The moment I realized it, Kursch fell in love with me so quickly but forgot me.

As one samurai holding the sword, Kursh also has an ideal frontier to aspire to.

The manner in which a man is a man is unlimited to what his Kursh aspires to be. That's what people call the ultimate in martial arts, proof that the old man put his finger on ideals at the end of his irresistible efforts and workouts.

"Master Kursch?


I don't know, Kursch, who was blinded by that back.

Realizing that he was obsessed with Ferris' call, Krusch was slightly upset as he took care of the superficial layers.

Who the hell is that old man?

"I feel pity for that. But now is not a good time. I'm sorry I reneged on my promise, but I need you to listen to me."

The conversation between Bordeaux and the man resumes, sparing the questionable Krusch.

That said, though in the form of Bordeaux throwing words to put the place away.

"People come together. I'm sure it's the same thing that bothers you when things go public."

"Wait. Is it convincing in such terms? Why did you suddenly change your mind? If you're so sure, you ran out of words..."

"That's not bad. It's only a matter of time. I want you to meet me this time. That's all I can talk about out of my mouth right now. I'm sorry."

"Stupid...... Huh!

Bordeaux has no contents and has a bad tooth cut.

Bordeaux's heavy mouth would be due to the royal decree to be in the hospital bed. What was the only promise between a man and Bordeaux is about to be crushed without Bordeaux being fulfilled because of his busy schedule.

But I can't even tell you the facts and convince you. Bordeaux's difficult mood can be perceived, but it's the clumsy one who can't make up a good reason for it.

Or is there something in that promise that makes Bordeaux hesitate to tell lies?

Which is more sincere and which is more dishonest: hiding facts and bowing your head, or telling lies and convincing them?

At least Bordeaux doesn't seem to be going to falsify the facts and mislead the man.

Bordeaux's attitude towards accepting non-existent is clean, but he cannot be convinced.

"I have also heard stories about the deterioration of relations with the Empire. If that makes you hesitate to leave the country, at least just send out a messenger..."

"No, it's not. Please, listen to me. Let's just calm down and try to set up a place to discuss it again. I still don't know when."

"Then we won't make it! I thought we talked. There will be results next month. That's how you can prove it! … at least look at this and consider it"

To the attitude of Bordeaux, who has already set his belly, he is nevertheless diligent. He pokes something out of his nostalgia at Bordeaux trying to get through the side.

That looked like a bunch of large amounts of paper in Kursch's eyes.

The ends were full of wrinkles, tanned and completely changed color. That is dirty with blood and dirt.

How important is the piece of paper to the person in question as a piece of yarn?

If you see that your trembling fingertips were holding onto a bunch of paper, you'll know at a glance.


"- Terrible!"

It was offered in front of his chest, and Bordeaux jumped with his arms cluttered.

Was the reaction unexpected to the person in question, or was Bordeaux's own unintentional force added to it?

Probably the result of the overlap between the two. But there's only one consequence of that.


A bunch of paper paid for left the old man's fingers and scattered them around the garden.

The wind blowing is not so strong, but still every piece of paper is as light as a leaf of a tree. It sprays easily and flies like white petals scattered over the garden.

Kursch unexpectedly stretches his fingers and regrets Bordeaux's eyes.

But the dramatic changes occurred shortly after enough to seal those reactions.

- Bordeaux!

A man shouted and grabbed Bordeaux's chest and pressed him straight against the wall.

Bordeaux holds his breath when he is hit in the back, and his bitter body is lifted. Though pressed against the wall, raising Bordeaux's body is not an overwhelming force.


With that scene in sight, Kursch should have called for an immediate halt.

However, the overwhelming mood emitted by the person in question - the atmosphere bounced and the skin was exposed to the aftermath of poppy, and Kursch's movement was only slightly delayed.

As it were, the man with the sharpness of his gaze piercing Bordeaux...

"Guards! I'm not bawling! Come on, over here!

High voices rise and time returns to the body that was forced to be rigid.

Behind his back, Ferris, who saw the situation as bad, was raising his hand and calling the gatekeepers who watched in confusion.

Neither can the servants overlook the scene where one of the sage societies is assaulted.

Three gate soldiers rush to the scene with their swords in one hand, besieging Bordeaux with the fighter.

The swordswallowing spread the signs of noise and was about to become a one-touch scene as it was. However,

- I'm sorry.

With an apology in his mouth, a man suddenly released Bordeaux's body. Bordeaux, who collapses with his back on the wall, coughs into bitterness with his hands on his throat.

Looking down at the way it was, the person in question loosened up and shook his neck to the side and looked back. The soldiers guarded themselves against the behavior, but the old man spread his hands to show irresistance.

"I don't have anything. Follow Adults."

The surrounding gate soldiers floated confusion, but soon consolidated the old man's left and right as he remembered his duties. As is customary, the old man will be escorted to the guard's quarters for questioning.

"... wait. Oh, you don't have to take care of it. Let him go."

"Lord Bordeaux. You don't deserve to say this to me, but that doesn't show. Will you tell the guards who guard the Imperial Castle to miss the suspicious?

"Then detain him overnight in the jail. After that, I don't mind letting you go."

Instruct the old man to his own mention, as Bordeaux seeps through remorse. Take it, the soldiers follow it honestly.

Left and right have been consolidated by the inflexible gate soldiers, who have turned their gaze toward you and Kursch only for a moment when the old man to be taken passes by.

"Thank you."

One word, the said word would not have reached anything other than Krusch.

The moment I threw that word at him, the clear blue eyes of the old man - it was a relief that shade was floating there.

But Krush doesn't overlap with disrespect enough to call it off and prolong the story.

When the old man left the garden that way, Krusch turned first to Ferris,

"Quick response, thanks for the hard work. I'm sorry I didn't move."

"No, I'm not going anywhere. It didn't matter more than that. It was more than anything. By the way... Master Bordeaux?

Humble and fingered on his lips, Ferris turned the spearhead of the story to Bordeaux.

Front, recovering from the earlier shock, Bordeaux crouched on the spot and was just picking up and collecting scattered paper.

Kursch also collects several pieces of paper that were falling under his feet and hands them to Bordeaux.

"... thank you, Lord Karsten. I've shown you a lot of things."

"What. It is rare to see the exceptional Lord Bordeaux. I feel like I've been paid enough as a sight. Sometimes, you mind if I ask?


Bordeaux is silent while rearranging the collected paper. Determining it was affirmative rather than rejection, Krush squirted his jaw in the direction where the old man was taken,

"I saw the person ahead, not the only one... do you know Lord Bordeaux?

"- We've been friends for a long time. No, you should call me a comrade. Or maybe it's better for him to snort that he was a comrade."

"I see the discussion was fractured. I'm not going to pry, but if you're going to spare the relationship, it better be repaired early. We should just pick a place next time."

The place that caused the noise is the place, and the time is right.

Bordeaux would have been the one with the bad rules, although it was the old man with the bad days. Because he feels the wind of regret blowing on him, Kursch can't dislike the Ben in front of him.

"... I don't have a face to match. I don't even consider myself a mistake for choosing loyalty over benevolence."


Therefore, Krusch also knew that Bordeaux would not heed his advice. So I'm not even discouraged. Rather, the clumsy way seemed healthy enough.

I'm sorry to hear you yell at me with that in your mouth.

"I went to Your Highness. Are you going home?

"I'm on my way home from seeing His Highness the Fourier. Our diagnosis of Ferris is not flavorful either."

"So, I guess.... just for the record, Leipe Burriel is moving around right there. It's about that little villain. You must be up to something. Be careful with that."

"Sir Burriel, huh? I'll keep it in mind."

Pull your jaw and heed Bordeaux's advice.

It's an outspoken way of talking, but pursuing it doesn't make me talk any more.

Nor did the conversation ensue, and Bordeaux nostalgized a bunch of recovered paper, leaving the shithole and garden.

Kursch and Ferris, in their remaining form, all together spill one exhale.

"Uh, I'm sore. Even so, I saw something really unusual for the luscious Lord Bordeaux, sir. You're always a little cute."

"That would be inconvenient. Ser Shizu Mikrotov and Ser Bordeaux the Moving are quite well manipulated the Sage Society balance with that one. But......"

After all, what was the noise now?

No, details of the noise, of course, but nothing else distracted Kursch. It's that old man who was taken away himself.

That trait, if you can, I just want to make sure...

"And... and... and... and! Master Krush. Master Krush. Ferri, I don't know what I'm talking about, but I think you're the best squire I know about Master Krush."

"-? That's abrupt. No matter what, needless to say, you're such an important squire to me no more, but suddenly what's up?

"Nfu. That rating, yet another step today, I thought you might want to move on."

Ferris trying to get the red tongue out of the way, but I can't see the sincerity of the statement. The wind that blows from Ferris is not sure, either, as if the emotions were caught in smoke.

Krusz Karsten's "Protecting the Wind" allows you to see the wind flow blowing through. The wind captures even the likes of "The Wave of the Emotions of Others," and has no obstacle whatsoever in approximating the superficial layers of the emotions held by the opposing opponent.

Only rarely do they hide their emotions as well as Ferris.

In the case of Ferris, from the length of the relationship, the Krush clearly discerns the range of wind that can be read, but the late act. Sage Society microtoffs and others are surprised because they hide their emotions easily with years of rule of thumb and talking.

A form of bargaining technique that does not work for the skilled, Kursch has broken it off.

As always, Ferris doesn't let Krush read his emotions. So when he takes a lot of attitude like this, Krusch often arms up and waits for an answer.

However, I am confident that what he carries into himself can be placed in trust.

And the trust that the bond creates showed the power of that right this time too.

"Master Kursch must be concerned about your grandfather earlier. - I thought so."


"I've got something like this for you"

Kursch opens his eyes when Ferris' fingertips look at the picked one, which he said with a smile. Then he loosened his lips, and saw his followers,

"- You are truly a squire who has exercised the utmost discretion."

In the hands of a smiling Ferris, he waited for one piece of paper that had not been handed to Bordeaux to be received, shaken by the wind.

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