"I thought it was bad, but the materials let me look through"

The gaze of looking up at Krush over the iron fence is unrealistic as looking somewhere far away. The old man sits down in the middle of the room, folds his legs and keeps his folds in the right position.

In the garden, he folded the tapestry he had hung from his shoulder and, as you can see at first sight, it must have been forged.

It's just that the cheeks and the beard with the bones floating around - the rich hair that has lost its color is not lustrous, and it's only cluttered together with a nod. I couldn't deny the unhealthy feeling.


"You've got eyes to fix.... naturally. Let's apologize for the unknown we cut out without a name."

With one eye on his silent gaze, Krusch puts his hand on his chest to correct his spine.

Even the dusty air beneath the stuffing basement atrophies and scatters in a flash of standing behavior. The hegemony emitted was precisely of an eye-catching nature, and the eyes of the old man changed slightly.

"I am Krush Karsten, Duke of Karsten. During the exchange at the Royal Castle Gardens earlier, Sir and Lord Bordeaux came across a place of contention, and it was up to them to listen."

"Karsten, Duke......?

Another change in the colour of the old man's eyes to the Krush revealing his identity.

That was understanding and convincing, and another suspicion that sprang up again.

"The Duke of Karsten, Lord Meckert, should have been in charge."

"I don't know. Meckert Karsten is my father. My father gave up the housekeeper about two years ago and now I'm the Duke of Karsten. Seems to be somewhat bright on the inside...... Thanks for the knowledge lag about a few years. The cause of the argument is likely to be around."

"Was the Kingdom's official understaffed enough to allow the Duke to carry out the investigation on purpose?

"You're tough. As a matter of fact, I am not going to pry into Sir Bordeaux's affairs with Sir Bordeaux. Now that's just an excuse. We needed to convince the soldiers we let down."

Kursch laughs bitterly at the sarcasm of the old man.

Right now, the two of them are facing each other in the cavalry of the Kingsguard Knights, just outside the Royal Castle. It's a dungeon in the garrison adjacent to it.

Hearing that the old man who caused the noise in the garden has been taken here, Krusch lowers his guard before the questioning is built and comes to dialogue alone. Upstairs by now, Ferris will be buying us time with the right conversation with the guards.

"An excuse, you said. That means it looks like you have the real deal. Have you not visited Lord Bordeaux directly and severally?

"Naturally. Besides, Lord Bordeaux himself has not done well with it. Come on, they claim it's not for you. Sir's figure will also be released tomorrow morning. After that, if you behave the same way, you won't be able to take refuge."

"... such unknown, I will not. What happened in the garden is also due to my immaturity. They put me in a cold dungeon, and my head gets cold."

The tone contained a grin, but the expression remained the same. Still, I guess self-reflection is not a lie. I don't see any anger towards Bordeaux, all I have is self-infuriation.

However, the strength of its self-outrage is felt as a wind so dense that it can be turned back to Kursch.

- Anger, anger.

Rooted in the roots of this old man, it is the emotions of fury that thrust him with the calories that are likely to burn.

So calm and so passionate that Kursch is about to lose his steel shape as he embodies the presence of such a sharpened blade that he is about to be blinded, rolling his chest.

And what's the source of that anger, it's...

- White Whale.


"You changed the color of your eyes."

The moment I heard the grunt, the emotions darkened through the old man's eyes.

It vanished without any aftertaste in the blink of an eye, but it cannot escape Krusch's gaze, which anticipated a reaction.

Krusch presents a piece of paper he has had in his hands since he went down to the dungeon - a piece scattered in the garden, and continues his words to the old man over the iron fence.

"Just like we first talked about. I thought it was bad, but the dossier made me look through. Most of them were recovered by Lord Bordeaux himself, and all I have is one overlooked piece."

"... that person has been somewhat blind for a long time. It's what I've pointed out over and over again when my feet are neglected. Didn't you fix it after all?"

"That too will be Lord Bordeaux's people. It's hard to imagine the perfect Lord Bordeaux."

"You must be."

So for the first time, a common grin adorns the cheeks between Krush and the old man.

feeling tied by the bald-headed old man, because gratitude fades, but Krusch exhales small and then again runs his fingers to paper,

"There's only one on hand, but I'm glad it's not an unrelated one. The content described is really interesting. If this is true, it can be considered a daunting discovery"


"Over the past decade, information has been compiled on the emergence of white whales across the continent. Not just Lugnica, but Gusteco, Volakia, Carraragi… a huge number if you include even the other smaller countries. The days that emerged, the days that the fog disappeared, the damage. Just the touch part, but I'm guessing you're even stepping into those things?


The old man does not answer.

Contrary to the silent and chilling old man's eyes, the spoken Krush tongue adds a little fever.

Naturally. This surprises me, and can I stay without the heat?

White Whale. It is the name of a wicked warcraft that travels the world, from the days of ancient witches. A product of malice that has caused so much damage so far, yet has not been crusaded.

In the past, he had formed crusades and was also intended to crusade on a great expedition - the result was a historic great defeat, and the kingdom was broken by only one warcraft.

The damage and wounds that occurred at that time are still not buried.

Many don't even realize there are scratches. That is the most despicable and unforgivable nature of the Warcraft 'White Whale'. This is an out-of-the-box job where the victim doesn't notice blood or wounds, etc.

Not just Kursch. Everyone who knows a white whale feels angry about it.

"But Sir did not put an end to that anger with just anger. Obsession bore fruit and led me to gather all this information. How much more will be saved if we can reveal the fierceness of a disgraced warcraft"

Many who go down the street, starting with pedestrians, are constantly exposed to the threat of white whales. At times of unpredictable harm, there is no better way to protect the mind than to prevent it from being irresistible, too.

"The presence of white whale poison fangs would greatly reduce the number. That's all Sir's deeds are worth. Be proud. Sir saved a lot of lives by doing that."


- What's wrong with that face?

"- Eh."

For the first time since I stepped into the contents of the material, the old man's expression changed.

The color returns to the face and eyes that were chilling out, and the consciousness pierces between Kursch's brows.

Kursch pulled his jaw at the old man's gaze as to what he was willing to say.

"I know Sir's belly. It took me a long time to hone my soul into continuing to follow the location of that warcraft. That the act of choosing using the information we have gained so far will continue to escape the threat of the Warcraft - it can't be such a passive one"

"... so what"

"It is decided. Sir's aim is the crusade of the Warcraft White Whale. The opportunity to emerge was examined for no other purpose than to defeat the Warcraft in full preparation. The swordsmanship of a fierce lord - to be seen as the famous Mitsuhito. A man like that lays down his sword and explores his escape route? Impossible."

With that in mind, I can also see the content of the broken discussions between the old man and Bordeaux.

The old man and Bordeaux were conspiring on a plan to take on the white whale. But the plan was broken down because the royal family lay on the hospital bed.

Bordeaux's activities as a sage society can also be cited as a reason for his businessmanship, but more truthful would be the 'problem on the side of the white whale'.

"You were wishing for a messenger to Volakia. For example, the Vorachian Empire is the next predictor of the emergence of white whales in Sir's predictions. And"

"If the emergence in the empire is confirmed, the next step is to leave for the Kingdom of Lugnica in six months. - You get that certainty. And as long as we have that certainty, when we send out the soldiers...!

"Is that why Sir Bordeaux was reluctant,"

"Why! Why are you rebelling your promise now? Didn't you talk so much about your resentment of the white whale? You and... weren't you angry that you were taken away... forget Teresia, Bordeaux...!

Anger rises. It slashed the jail air that could, and struck Krush in the ear.

An old man drops his fist to repentance on the spot, biting his lips and exposing his anger.

It was anger at Bordeaux, who broke his promise, hatred of the White Whale, a hateful being to him, and above all an endless passion for himself, who was powerless.

"... we don't have time. If we miss the next one, it will be more than a few years before the white whale returns to Lugnica again. If that happens, I fade. Even now...... I don't have time for this body to continue to wither. The later we put it behind us, the more retaliation we turn away......"


That's a scream.

I'm not raising my voice. I'm not even crying. But it was undoubtedly an old man's scream that the old man's soul would be spit out so much that it could be polished out.

And whenever a scream is enough to rock existence, it engraves the same pain and scratch in the hearts of those who listen.

Theresia - The name the old man uttered sounded familiar to Krusch as well.

Naturally. What holds the sword cannot know the name of the sword saint of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Theresia was once the name of a hero who quelled the civil unrest, the subhuman war that involved the whole kingdom. Beautiful, too strong, sword-loved woman.

At the end of the day, he died in battle after joining the White Whale Crusader sent by the Kingdom - that's what I hear.


One presence floats behind Kursch's brain, shortly after the name and end of Theresia have passed.

A person on the fringe of Theresia, who has reached the ultimate of the sword so that Krush trembles. Only one such man was in that memory.

The man to be told is a ghost who even the Sword Saint, who ended the war, twisted down with his sword and married him in love with the woman loved by the sword. I loved a woman loved by the sword, a ghost alive by the sword.

A ghost who took a woman from a sword god.

"Sword Ghost - Wilhelm Van Astrea"

That's on top of the legend, the name of the man who launched the legend.

Kensei and Kensei's swordplay attracted people so much that it was turned into a song and told off. Kursch, who heard the song at an early age, also made his chest as hot as many.

Then it is the ghost of the sword itself that I once admired.

"The name shall be discarded at last. Neither Astrea's family name nor Van's sword name have been mine since I renounced the service I was given and abandoned the house"

"Then what do you call it now"

"Trias, the name of a fallen nobleman who perished decades ago, in a corner of the kingdom. A house with a man who loved the inhabitants as his last lord, even if he had no power to defend the territory. Now it's just the remnants of a haunted house, lost in the world without giving thanks or stepchildren."

"Wilhelm Trias"

"Ha. That's in the name of the ghost that exposes life now."

Fist on the cold floor, the old man - Wilhelm shows a gesture of gratitude as he sits.

That attitude that entered the hall, while disrespectful to the nobles, does not make them feel it. On the contrary, Kursch was breathtaking to be enchanted.

"Sir is after the white whale... after all, the enemy of his wife"

"There is no other purpose… No, there is no other reason to live"

Clear glances, no signs of shaking, no shards.

Kursch got here and finally understood everything Wilhelm intended. I understood what he went for over a decade of months and all in one heart.

- And that its purpose ends without being fulfilled as it is.

"- Sir's will is understood. But that wish will never be fulfilled."

"… why"

"If Sir Bordeaux is to be relied upon, Sir Bordeaux will not move. At least not in time for the next six-month appearance of the white whale."

The blood of the king laying low in the devil, no matter how his medical condition settles - waiting for the kingdom is an unsolicited confusion and confusion.

It rocks the whole kingdom, no matter how you scratch it, and the people are hit by change from top to bottom. The first to bathe in the wave is the role of the Senior Nobility and the Sage Society.


Silent Wilhelm.

But it is self-evident that the mood is not as calm as the expression and attitude.

Krush's eyes are feeling it. Overwhelming anger gushing from Wilhelm.

Woohoo, it's just even anger.

It is no longer only anger that is in the sword ghost.

- It's a shame.

I played Krush and that was all the emotion I had for Wilhelm.

Pity. Regrettable. Waste. Those emotions come up one after the other.

It seems similar and different in nature to defining a way of life and being tied down.

Kursch shall live as he is, but as his soul seeks. I believe it is the healthiest and most beautiful way for the 'wind' to thrust through our way of life.

It was for this reason that the sword ghost bound to the way of life was not pitiful.

Heart-burned by intolerable rage, it took ten years to cloud the cloudless blade with rage, and this is how the Sword Ghost is here while pointing at the sharpness of previous years.

If you are going to decay without fulfilling your true nostalgia, the Evening Festival of the Sword Ghost will just be tainted.

It seems sincere that he wants to do something about it, and Kursch's reckless behavior is unacceptable, just like Bordeaux's.

Bordeaux's bittersweet expression in the garden made sense.

Or maybe for Bordeaux, the Telesian name is something closer. Wilhelm, who calls Bordeaux a forsaken, and Bordeaux, who called that Wilhelm a comrade of war. What is between them is never measured by the Krush at this moment.

"- Thank you for your time. But apparently, there's no point in talking to each other any more."

I didn't mean to put it on my face, but sometimes my eyes are more eloquent than words.

Peeping into Kursch's amber eyes, Wilhelm gave the answer. Even without relying on "the protection of the wind," etc., the moon brings a power similar to that of a person's eye.

Krush did not commit an indecency that falsely falsified the broken heart.

"... Sir, what the hell are we going to do?

"It's the same. If you can't count on Lord Bordeaux, until you hit another powerful man. Until that moment when this body decays, we will only be spent on vengeance"


There was a dilemma.

It is only among the nobles that senior nobles can return the answers that correspond to Wilhelm's demands. But the senior aristocrats are now on the run to quell the mess in the royal palace.

If you're a lower nobleman in the handkerchief, you can turn your hand, but the power to crusade the white whale is not enough in the character of that house. Or I wish I could rely on something other than nobility, but that too, for a long time.

If a leading chamber of commerce - for example, a Russell Fellow eater rooted in the King's Capital - the flavour of the story would make the White Whale information a business, not a crusade, but an eye for avoidance.

It's no surprise they're looking to dispose of it, such as Wilhelm, who opens his extra mouth in doing so.

If Wilhelm before he ran, the prestige of the Astrea family would protect him.

But now Wilhelm names Trias. With the help of my family name, I can't allow it. And if you're just going around as a swordsman...

"You must not be short-tempered. The only thing that protects Sir is himself and his deeds."

"I understand. It is above all a disgrace to commit shortcomings and fail to fulfill your petition. I care, it hurts."

Polite words, but my heart is already away from Krush.

The kind of things that Krusch can come up with on this occasion must have been something that the old man considered so much on sleepless nights.

If Wilhelm has the information he wants in the true sense of the word, that is nothing but the reason for the royal castle confusion. And it must never be said out loud.

"Sir Trias... No, Lord Trias. I apologize for the unknown that made me open my mouth that I didn't want to talk about. And I hope with a thick face that Sir's petition will be fulfilled."

"It's a waste of time."

With his eyes closed, Wilhelm has no sign of opening his mouth.

Kursch has also lost any significance on this occasion of overlapping any more words.

Remaining silent with each other, Krusch turns his back refreshingly to Wilhelm. And green hair cut off the air of the prison, and sent forth the way to the earth to push the back of the beauty man.

"Safe to talk to you... that face is not very good"

I went up the stairs and there was a light voice where I sighed.

The entrance to the filling - it is Ferris who makes the back of the chair snap in the lobby and peek into Krush's expression from the bottom.

He releases the card in his hand to the table and smiles at the two guards who were competing.

"So that's it for today because your husband is back. Next time you lose, I'll have someone from the Kingsguard pick it up, so get your ears together and get ready, sir."

"What the hell were you betting on and buying time for?"

"Uh, I can't say that's a little out of Ferri's mouth. But if Master Krush wants it, shame on you... Master Krush?

Ferris, who was blushing her cheeks and bringing her legs together, changes her expression and walks over to Krusch. His fingertips, stretching out, touch Kursch's cheeks, intertwining nature with each other's gaze.

"I don't have an excellent complexion. How long has it been going on?"

"I can't hide it from you.... that, like His Highness the Fourier, there have been more troubles beyond my power. I even learn to be angry at my lack of self."

"But what about Master Krush, who stops his leg with it?

Ferris wrapped his painfully strong grip on Krush's hand softly with his palm. Nature and the loss of shoulder power, Kursch loosens his lips to Ferris' smile.

"Really, I'm no match for you. You seem to know me better than I do."

"Well, I already know every inch of it. I can't believe that Ferri has never touched a place in the body of Master Kursch, including inside and outside."

In Ferris' tearful words, the guard behind him fades for some reason.

"Right," Krush nodded as he was surprised at the reaction.

"Let's pull it off today. But not tomorrow. Not tomorrow, not tomorrow either. - Let's stay."

The days since we encountered Wilhelm in the stuffing lapsed just as Krusch had imagined.

The royals' medical condition never goes to pleasure, and the liberated Wilhelm strays the country in search of his next collaborator, but with no consequences. Kursch was also busily killed by his work in the Wang capital, and in the territory he had to lend a hand to his hidden father.

Regardless, none of that could have been a Kursch single issue, but I have the impropriety to improve the outcome beyond my involvement in all events.

A sense of responsibility, arguably arrogance, was the insistence of Krush Karsten.

Such endless cloudy days came to an awful light end.

- The fall of King Lugnica, Landhal Lugnica.

And as followed by him, the barely breathing bloodline was also devoured one after the other, and that was not the exception of Fourier Lugnica.

Fourier passed away being nursed while Kursch held his hand.

Only Ferris was burning to that memory that tears conveyed Kursch's cheeks.

"The Dragon History Stone has engraved a new letter. - Ladies and gentlemen, do you understand what this means?

In a parliament where senior nobles met together, the old man seemed unable to hide his excitement.

The old man's name is Count Leip Burriel. He is a lord of Burriel territory, but he was also entrusted by the royal family with an extraordinary trust and a further special service.

that special role that he was entrusted with,

"Changes in Dragon History Stone... that there was a new revelation on the prophecy board implying the future of the kingdom?

"Master Left. I have now been given it by His late Majesty, at my service. That change in dragon history stone, I'm here to tell you. We ask you all to listen."

The most salute of all, kneeling on the spot and fisting your palms.

The title of Leip is not as high as a scab in a meeting of senior nobles. Still, all in all, everyone followed Leip's opinion is proof that Dragon Historic Stone has that much power and track record.

Dragon History Stone - It is one of the secrets given as a testament to the covenant between the royal family and the Divine Dragon Volcanica, resting in the Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Like the dragon's blood, which brings abundance to the land, dragon historic stones are also treated as the importance of breaking, and the resting room of dragon historic stones is only allowed to enter royalty and some of the limited useful ones, like the pipe.

Dragon Historic Stone is in the form of a square stone plate, but it has not been clarified what its minerals are, and nothing of its function has been revealed as well as the material.

What is only certain is that when that tablet has any critical situation looming in the kingdom, the art of opening it up is described, one point.

In the past, Lugnica has taken off the crisis on several occasions by describing dragon historic stones, the track record of which is fully safeguarded.

It's just...

"Wait. The description of Dragon History Stone... can you be trusted?

It was the bald-headed old man - Bordeaux - who blocked the stripes trying to tell the content and raised his voice.

He stares with a stern face and looks down at the small stripes from the top. Lype looked back at Bordeaux with a wrinkly look between his brows.

"Credit, don't you hear, Lord Bordeaux? The certainty of the descriptions of the Dragon History Stone will be well known to all the sages who will be revealed in the heavy towns of the kingdom."

"Let's acknowledge the track record that has indeed been saved many times before. Except for this one. Assuming the dragon history stone reacted to a situation that shaped the future of the kingdom, why did it not respond to the plight of His Majesty and other royalty people? If Dragon History Stone truly thinks of the country, showing the way to save His Majesty should be the right way to go!


Bordeaux absurd his voice, but there are many shadows on the round table that nod to agree with that statement.

Kursch, who got to the same seat and was in a position to watch things, had similar sentiments. If Dragon History Stone was going to save the country, he should have shown the way to save the royals.

It reminds me of a moment when my powers fell out of the hand of a gripped Fourier and my eyes clouded.

Mindless, that was just it.

"- There's something I need to tell you about that from my mouth."

"... changed, what?

"Yes. The first thing I didn't say about this was due to my own discretion. I'd like to ask you this after you've learned so much about it."

"So what are you saying! Let me get this straight!

"There was a description in the Dragon History Stone before His Majesty was still defeated"

Bordeaux's expression flashes on the words that Rype told him.

But that reaction did not remain in Bordeaux. Everyone who sat at the round table and watched Parliament go was opening their mouths and revealing their surprises.

Kursch and I lose sight of the words. I glanced at the tape, wondering what I had mentioned.

"Come to think of why you kept your mouth shut. So first of all, I want you to believe that my actions are in no way a disloyalty to Your Majesty"

"I guess. Have you forgotten your role? It is something that His Majesty has often described as falling out of place, not fulfilling his duties! Engraved in dragon historic stone, guide the kingdom...!

"Even if the very content of that guidance implies that His Majesty and his blood family will cease?


Kursch breathed in the bomb of words that would be dropped to tatami.

Bordeaux, who was blushing, also makes his gaze wander just for the words. and

"... hum. Lord Bordeaux, apparently you'd better calm down. Lord Leip, would you like to tell us more about this?

"My pleasure."

It was the old man who stowed up his long white beard who cried out for Bordeaux.

Microtoff, a representative of the Sage Society, encourages the tape to break his hips with his hands on his chest, with a serene eye that keeps him constant on a daily basis.

"First of all, it was only ten days before this dragon historic stone was commissioned… I was still the one your Majesty had discovered. I should have told His Majesty immediately, or you should have told me, and I should have asked for your judgment… to have the content until today in an arbitrary manner."

"Hmm. Why would you do that?

"Here's what was described." The fold of the royal cut off, the kingdom was chosen as a badge to find five candidates and exchange covenants again as a new witch, "he said. I could not do anything to convey this to His Majesty, who lays down on the hospital bed."

"... oh my God"

Hear what Leip has told you, and spill it with a sigh by one of the senior aristocrats.

It was such a harsh prophecy. It is the prophecy board, which is nothing else, that anticipates that the royal pulse to fight the disease will be cut off. Achievement and history kill the royal hope.

The mood of Leip, who could not recommend it, should also be deduced.

"The Dragon History Stone... told me to find a new king separately, not a royal one? What do you mean, five...?

"There is a badge. A jewel that tells the story of the covenant with the dragon, passed down to the Royal Lugnica. Your Majesty has collapsed and your blood muscles have lost their light to an interrupted fold... but it shines brightly in the hands of a new correspondence"

"Five people who can shine their badges... you want me to find them!? Stupid! With such a choice, such as choosing something to set the throne on!

"Then can the statement be ignored!? If the witch who can stand the covenant chooses it, this is where Lugnica's history ends! The same thing is true of the bond you made with the dragon!

To those who seek to overlap the words of denial, the harsh words of the Leip are bumped. What I disputed with a little common sense was that every one of them was going to whisper.

There's just something in there that raises your hand.

"Do you mind if I speak?

"Are you Sir Karsten? Here you go, what's your opinion, too?

"It's no big deal. It is also natural for all negative opinions to stand out, but first we should actually identify the certainty of the description. What about the badge itself?

"I do. Bring it."

Nodding at Krusch's words, the door to the floor opens as the pipe squeaks its jaw. It is the emblem of the Royal Edge of Lugnica that the emergent samurai has put in the push car.

It is given priority to positions with strong connections to the royal family, such as Kingsguard Knights.

Dragon designs are carved in gold in black triangular stones, a substitute with red jewels embedded in the centre. Always glowing to show the royal glory, it has also lost its glow since the fall of the king.

"When this glows again, is that what it is?

"It will. If you have what you need to have,"

At the hands of his squire, badges shall be arranged before each one that encloses the round table.

Looking down at that badge, something is cold sweaty, something is breathtaking.

Assuming you ever shine in your own hands, that means the road to the throne has been cleared.

Some were throbbing at the burden, and some at the whispering ambition.

"How was Lord Leipe?

"After keeping the statement secret, if there's anything I can do to make the badge shine, it only raises suspicion. There's no way a jewel chooses what to call such discord."

Leip shook his head at the inquiry, but how far is that also a genuine denial?

A nose-ringing Bordeaux takes the lead and takes the badge. But on its hard palms the badge remains lost of light. The badge, apparently, never picked him.

Continuing, I also took the rash on the faces of other sage societies, starting with Microtoff, and shook my neck to the side.

Everyone sitting at the round table as it was became a stream to take the badge, with a slight breath and a slight sigh spilling down to continue to stand.

But that's when.

- Oh, my God.

That's what raised his voice was the microtoff that engraved a rare surprise color on his serene face.

But it must have represented the face-to-face feelings gathered here.

In the glow of its dazzling badge, Kursch looked at his palm and pulled his jaw.

"- Apparently, there's still something we can do for our kingdom, too, which is impudent"

Saying so in a surprisingly quiet mood, Krusch holds a palm with a glowing badge.

I looked up and closed my eyes.

Beyond my closed eyes, I felt like I saw the final laugh of Fourier.

- The ensuing confusion in Parliament and the confusion of Kursch's position is difficult to exhaust to the brush tongue.

The only thing I can clearly say is that thanks to the description of the dragon historic stone and the existence of a Krush that demonstrates it, the brought in content of the tape has become realistic.

And that Kursch's position became not only the Duke's head, but also a tentative candidate for the throne, which was to increase the chances of climbing the castle before.

Above all,

"Master Sarasu Kursch! Since the first time I saw you, Ferri thought Master Kursch was never the kind of vessel to be in an extra position like the Duke's!

That Ferris, who listened to the minutes and the contents and knew that Krush's position had changed clearly, was exuberantly pleased and made me realize a reality that Krush himself had not even felt?

"Ku, Master Kursch? Are you stroking your head? I'm glad, but I'm glad! Oh no, my ears are weak......!

"You always do what I ask for most. Keep it coming."

"Ha, yes, no... Ferri, more and more like Master Krush."

Krush complimented Ferris dyes his cheeks, shakes his tail softly and can really illuminate. And then Ferris put his expression back on the pretend,

"So, what is Master Kursch's position in the future?

"Tentatively, but it will mean a candidate for the throne. I'm not talking about getting certainty yet. Aside from me, we should find four more candidates. Confirm it and discuss whether it is realistically possible to set up surrogate witches to make covenants with dragons."

"But it's a description of Dragon History Stone, isn't it? How absurd a story that would be without having to check with a dragon to make a dragon announcement?

"Though they think so. The suspicious Lord Bordeaux and others are apparently suspicious of Count Leipe Burriel's disguise. It seems like a slightly worn thought... but I'm also a little concerned about Sir Leipe's way out. And then Mazers, I'm glad Uncle Border was quiet."

Sitting at the edge of the round table, the usual outfit to climb the castle - that is, the Roswar L. Mazers Borderline Uncle, who had come to debate with his dogmatic makeup and bizarre clothing.

I was concerned that people who did not show their faces to the Wang Capital much and often soaked up important arguments watched the proceedings with great care and did not stir them up.

"Whatever it is, there are no specifications even to doubt it. I'm the same person who's searching for a painless stomach, so I'm not talking about Lord Leipe or Lord Roswar."

"Mm-hmm! Are there undeserved people who have such suspicions about Master Kursch?

"It was too much of a process for me, I think. I wouldn't even have expected Lord Leip to show up there."

"But you've overdone it, Master Kursch doesn't even think about it."

Hmm, Kursch smiled unwittingly at Ferris' face, who said.

Truly a squire named Ferris knows more about Krush's heart than Krush.

"- Oh, I don't think so. I just think that's what's coming."

On the floor surrounding that round table, Kursch remembers what happened to his mind.

When Lype waved the topic of Dragon History Stone, he got the same surprise as he did around him. He nodded that Bordeaux's objections were supremely natural, and he was also stunned by Leip's answer to them.

But when he heard that the one with the badge would hang his finger on the next throne, Krusch made an immediate decision to try it.

And when I saw the red jewels of the badge shine in my palms, the surprise of my visit to Kursch's heart was without fine dust. The only thing that happened was the sound of the wind in my mind blowing through.

- I thought I was given the opportunity.

Question of the presence of the kingdom, which continued to be heard from the mouth of the Fourier, the wish of the Fourier.

He said that the opportunity had come to knock the answers that would make him a kursch.

I did not end the death of Fourier with just a sacrifice, and I got the time to show the answers that the death would bring.

Krush Karsten was calm and took it as a fact.

And it even offered me another answer to the troubles that kept Kursch's chest frustrated.

"Ferris, do me one favor"

"- We know where it is. Just like Master Kursch said."

Ferris, with one eye on him, tells him that he understands what Krusch is asking for. Take it, Krush smiled again, accustomed to

"Call the Mansion. - I can have a discussion with some sword ghost."

"I'll keep it for your invitation, and I'll be glad to hear it."

Krusch was welcoming Wilhelm on one knee and taking the most salutary stance.

The location will be the Karsten separate residence in the Wang capital Lugnica, relative in the reception room.

"Ever since a glance. Was it a breath disaster?"

"Ha. Lord Karsten seems to be no different, above all"

When we state social dictionaries with each other, we exchange our gaze without changing our complexion either.

It has already been investigated that Wilhelm's activities have not borne fruit since one of the other stuffs. Wilhelm's ride on this invitation was confusing, too.

"We don't seem to have each other to talk about long stories."

"If you can tell me the truth today, that's what I'm asking the messenger, so. I hope you can get down to business as soon as possible."

It is Ferris, who looks strange next to Kursch, who will turn his gaze on you and Wilhelm. Today he stretches his tail from the hem of a short skirt of length and flushes two gazes as he hugs it into Krush's arm.

It's an inedible, but exaggerated way of telling a story. As much as I am, I have the qualities of abdominal arts demanded of the nobility. In a corner of his head, Kursch credits Ferris with that.

And lay aside other thoughts without love,

"Truth is the answer to all the proposals to crusade the white whale. That's why Lord Bordeaux dropped the story."

"Yes, everyone talks and doesn't try to tell the truth. What makes your mouth so heavy? I'd love to hear it."

"You can't go back if you ask. Do you know that and still want answers?"

"If that is the obstacle that blocks the way to my wife's vengeance, so be it to step over"

I won't bend, it's the will of steel.

Kursch breathed in Wilhelm's answer and vomited it deeply.

It is the answer I knew and the answer I wanted.

But still, there was a slight resistance to opening my mouth here.

What Krusch is about to say is information that is still only allowed to be disclosed to a limited number of things in the kingdom. Once named after the family of Kensei, it is not easy to leak to Wilhelm, who is now running away.

It took a beat of time to break that ban.

But just one beat.

- His Majesty Randhar has been defeated.

"- Huh"

Wilhelm's eyes are pushed open and the color of understanding spreads its expression shortly afterwards.

But that's not the end of the surprise.

"Not only did the royal blood family hide all over it. The blood muscles of the Royal Lugnica, which have lasted for many years, have been utterly rejected"

"Stupid! That can't happen!

Wilhelm, who was on his knees, raised his face, peeling out his teeth and raising his voice.

The overly absurd content brought anger to the old man beyond a smile. It is only natural for him to react harshly in that way. Anyway, Wilhelm,

"As a former Kingsguard Knights leader, isn't it something you can miss to hear?"


"But it's true. His Majesty crushed himself to the hospital bed, and the disease invaded the royal blood family itself. No matter, we have the best healers and the environment, but it doesn't extend."

"Oh, that all the royalty have been cut off from their lives...? No way, no..."

Wilhelm collapses in dismay at Krusch, who shakes his neck sideways and tells him to chill.

Wilhelm, who leans on his knees and lays his hands on the ground, has no voice.

He figured it out.

Bordeaux's abrupt change of heart and the reason why everyone left their plea unscathed.

One important thing in the survival of the kingdom - the problem of the white whale, and so truncated, is also a natural event.

But Wilhelm's anger is not shallow enough to truncate it.

But he doesn't know what to resent, what to be angry about, what to be angry about.

So Wilhelm silences, pushes his fist to the floor and kills his anger.

A fist pressed against the floor trembles, and the jitters and blood seep in. Are you left with careless eyes and not to bite your lips?

But it shouldn't be.

It shouldn't be.

"It is not such a place of vanity that the boy's will should be stretched"

"- What..."

"Sir's situation remains unchanged. It's just that the dark clouds cleared up and the identity of what was blocking Sir's path beyond was revealed. Listen, what did you think? When you cross the path to vengeance, no one else has forgotten that you barked."

"There is no reason to be humiliated. To you... to you, what do you know...!

"I don't know anything. I can also lose my temper to try to figure it out. The characters in the stories they once admired just stir up depression, like accepting to give up and stop."

There is anger in Wilhelm's eyes. But even more, the fire is weak.

That's because he's just shaking, still missing his way. Because it's a smoky spark that hasn't even reached the calories Krush wants yet, nor the honorable redness.

"I told you, Wilhelm. I told Sir I couldn't go back if I asked him. The importance of the kingdom, and Sir is now just an old tree named after a swordsman in the city well."

"- of its dead tree, what more is it alleged to denigrate"

"You're not. You're wrong, Wilhelm. I'm the one who asked. It is the Lord's duty to answer. From the beginning, I keep asking Sir. We've been asking the same thing since the beginning, even if it's a prison encounter or a reunion here and now."


"Wilhelm Trias. - Are you sure you want to stay like this?


The eyes of the old man, who looked down, are opened. There, there's a blue reflecting the sky.

Krusch nodded.

"It is the importance of the kingdom to stand on Sir's path. Before this, all the senior nobles who can lend a hand to Sir disappear. Even if there is something I can help with, it is a planner who wants to know the information about the white whale that the lord seeks."

"What are you... going to be presented to me?

"We keep asking, Wilhelm. I keep asking. And keep asking Sir for answers. I do not deal with Sir except to answer inquiries"


Wilhelm pushes silence and sharpens his gaze in an attempt to peek into the bottom of Kursch's heart.

But never in Wilhelm, in Kursch's mind, it's unraveled. It's not even clearly captured in words by Krusch himself, which I'm sure is only as promising as Ferris.

The Ferris continues to lean on Krusch, sparing an incandescent argument. I don't have the bare gesture to pinch my mouth or the way I'm worried.

He knows that that is above all the means to motivate and support Krusch.

Kursch knows his compassion like that better than anyone.

Kursch Karsten can therefore continue to ask.

"Wilhelm. If Sir's path remains this way, he will not be far from saying no. Retaliation for the continually challenging warcraft disappears with dew, and the evening season is just tainted. So."

"... that you would give me a chance to wave my sword?

"Repeat. Wilhelm. I just ask. Answer me, sir."


Arm up, Krush bumps the words.

Hearing it, Wilhelm breathed and glanced at both eyes.

Then correct your posture, take a thank-you posture again on the spot, and open your eyes.

Kursh's spine trembles unknowingly in the blue jaws that dwell in his eyes.

"- Slash the white whale and clear my wife's carelessness. I need your help."

"... with me, one of the senior aristocrats. My lord refused all his proposals, though they should not change his position with the rest of the lords. Why do you ask me for it?"

"His Excellency the Duke of Karsten. Can you forgive the white whale?

"I can't forgive you. I can never forgive you. Who will forgive such a despicable act, such a foolish act, such outrage, such disrespect? But"

Cut the words.

To Wilhelm, Krusch closed his eyes quietly.

"The most unforgivable thing is that there are many people whose way of life is tainted by that presence. The way of life is cloudy, the soul is cloudy... and that is what I cannot forgive, no matter what. So, Wilhelm. I can't forgive you for what you are."

"... you must look terrible and impudent"

"Oh, it's impudent. It's hard to see. Such humiliation, it is not so palatable. It's also hard to forgive the evil brake that caused it."


Wilhelm raised his face and looked directly into Kursch's eyes.

To the sharpness of its gaze, Kursch also turns to each other without ever being frightened.

crossing gaze, and it loosened at the same time, and the two laughed as they showed each other.

"What can I ask of this old tree, my Lord"

"It is decided. - I am not ashamed of my soul, a true lord who fascinates me. It is that appearance of the sword ghost Wilhelm Van Astrea that I seek. There's nothing else I want."

"The name of the sword ghost, and the name of Astrea, all of them have already been thrown away. You will not decorate yourself until you have slashed and torn the white whale."

"Then let Seung Jun raise me. That's when Wilhelm's name comes back."

"- Yes."

Strictly nodding at Krusch's words, Wilhelm took a deep, subordinate thank you.

Seeing it, Krusch pulls his jaw satisfactorily and walks over to Wilhelm with the sword he was lowering to his hips. And

"Take it."

Wilhelm naturally received the sword to be offered and pulled it out to flow.

It turns again in Wilhelm's hands and is offered to Krusch.

Received, Krusch took his skinny body to Wilhelm's left shoulder. touch lightly with the tip of the sword, then put a blade on the opposite shoulder,

"There is only one thing you want from me to Sir. And then protect it, Wilhelm."

"Use your loyalty to your sword. Give yourself a favour. Swear to you, to this soul."

"- Oh, that's fine"

Taking the word of the oath, Kursch draws his sword and stands to the front.

Then again he gave the sword to Wilhelm, and Wilhelm, who had received it, put himself into the sheath, and put it up with humility.

"Sir, hold that. If a swordsman doesn't have one of his swords, he won't be dressed."


"I want to see it. Sir will stand with his sword, his figure."

To Kursch's wishes, Wilhelm blinked only one and stood up.

Then the old man with the upper back praises him in front of the Krush, lowers his received sword to his waist, and just stands with his spine right.

That's all Kursch learned that his strays blow up as good as they felt.

- Here, the oath of obedience is fulfilled.

Fulfill Wilhelm's wishes and take over the wishes of Fourier.

If Heaven chose Krush Karsten, that is also what Heaven wants.

Follow the guidance of your soul and do what you have to do.

Pick up all that can be picked up in that way, and find peace before it reaches you.

- On this day, the Sword Ghost was to gain the greatest help in fighting the White Whale.

It was the beginning of a real bond between the Kursch faction in the king's race.

"Ah, I'm already jealous, really"

Wilhelm, who gained his way to fulfilling his aspirations, and Krusch, who touched on his former longing.

Ferris was pointing his lips at the appearance of both different thoughts but with joy.

"Master Kursch, I'm putting in enough to ignore it and get to the point."

Originally related to the story of the King's collapse, it was a procedure that preached Kursch's justification for carrying Wilhelm to challenge the White Whale and inviting him to join the faction on top of it.

Yet along the way, there was heat in the Krush verse, and the conversation rolled around and it was in this shape.

Though Wilhelm worked in his favor in that he was blind, Ferris was heartily horrified because of his undeniable sense of contour.

I don't want to see Kursch fail to solicit, depressed, etc. Not to mention if that becomes inseparable from my admiration for sword ghosts.

"I'm already thrilled about Master Kursch... but it's nice there."

Tell them you have become a king candidate and gather the support of the King's people through the White Whale Crusade.

Ignoring Pre-Construction and getting to the point, it's a waste of time that Kursch's true intentions are to let Wilhelm take the lead and free the old man cloudy with revenge.

Ferris has consequently lost his family and others to the damage of the white whale, just like Wilhelm, and has also begun to list what he hasn't forgotten about.

It's even easy for Ferris, who travels around the country as a healer and is familiar with internal and external circumstances.

More so in the Wang capital, such as the houses not rightly held weak by Ferris.

"It's really nice, unprotected, I can't keep an eye on you, Master Kursch. So... Ferri needs to keep an eye out for you."

Quiet, narrowing his yellow eyes, Ferris sees an old man who has lost one of his temper.

A person who bears the admiration of Krush, and brings expectations to bear.

What happens if you betray your expectations?

"That's what I want to think, sir"

The grunt of the young man, only in his mouth, whispered away without reaching anyone's ear.

It was just six months after this night that the king's election, and the arrival of the white whale, became a reality.

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