Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Chapter Six-14: Trust on the Sand

Cold sand mockery and the warmth of the ram coming from the palms touched.

Both are realities for Natsuki Subaru today and 'present' to accept.

"... ram"


"Your fingers, they're slippery and it feels good..." said Bube!

"Don't get on the diagram. This balus."

"Will you stop using people's names like bad words!?

With his cheeks up at the price of making a far-fetched statement, Subaru complains that way in tears. but the ram with Cantera in his hand doesn't correspond, and he distances himself from the shittiness.

Until just now, he said he had shown me rarely visible kindness, but it is cold. - Anyway, I can't even talk because it stinks when I can stay like that, so it's true that I put it back on track like this.

"This place..."

"It's dark, like nowhere else. You remember when the view of the sand sea broke and every dragon car was swallowed up in a rift? I don't want to explain that much."

"No, that's all you need to hear. Somehow, I grasped it."

"... yes"

The current reveal is spoken from Ram's mouth and Subaru accepts it as he takes a deep breath.

that it 'went back to death' and that its' back to death 'point was changed as soon as possible.

- This is the third time that Subaru has welcomed 'death' in this dune.

Death on the ground twice in it, probably due to light emitted from the watchtower. But for the third time, this is a completely different time, a death from being attacked by a monster underground.

I can't bear to tremble when I think of my death just a minute ago.

"It was such a way to die..."

The cause of Subaru's death this time is the so-called burning death.

His whole body was fully broiled with bright red flames and everything was burned to death without understanding. It's hard to forget that I was licked all over my body by a burning tongue and melted rather than burning every area.

I knew by knowledge that the human body was a chunk of fat, but oh is it something that easily dissolves with drooling? It was a convincing story that the burnt body was unharmed.

"Balls, is it time to settle down? I'll talk to you if you're okay."

"Ah, oh. It's okay.... Is it just me and you here?

"If that's the case, Ram is running away with his valves set aside for his safety. Doesn't mean... you know what I mean?

"Have you demonstrated a second round of kindness that you rarely show?

"Turning to Ram, a lump of mercy and mercy, that's an extremely disrespectful statement. - I came back while we were wasting our time."

Look here at Cantera. Left - look at it from the ram and show it to the right, you can see another light approaching from behind the cavity. The Cantera, which rocks just one head high, is, as you know, Anastasia-owned lighting across the Patrash.

"Mr. Lamb and Natsuki-kun, it looks like we're done discussing this, huh?

"... Anastasia and Patrash"

There's the same first voice as earlier, and Anastasia across Patrash laughs at me. Lamb still bowed in the words, picking the skirt just like before,

"Thank you for your consideration, Master Anastasia. So, what's going on around you?

"I've just been looking in the back, but I don't see any other kids. Three of us were flown by these guys... and it's just like this kid."


"Don't let me lose my mind. I don't know if I'm gonna get any rest. Burns."

"Thank you for your concern. Yeah, I know... I'm going to"

To Anastasia, who cares from above the dragon, the ram seems to be in normal shape and is still unusual. This time the holder of Cantera was Ram, so her side was clearly visible.

Last time, Anastasia was right. From the side of the ram, which looks slightly sluggish, comes the fact that she was disturbed by a deviation from Rem.

"As it stands, are we the only four that can rendezvous?... you suck at not being combative"

"You're not more disturbed than I thought, Natsuki-kun. Or what did Mr. Lamb do to you?

"Hate and nothing will happen if you leave Ram and Balth alone. The next day, Balth is found dead."

"What is it? You, like a werewolf in a werewolf game? Scary."

Anastasia and Lamb mention it that way so that Subaru's calm, although not meant to be airy, just woke up. I'm just quick to grasp the situation for the second time only, but I just want to make it an advantage this time to be able to move quickly.

"Ram, I'll make sure, but you don't know where Rem is with sympathy, do you?

"Yeah, you can't. There's a connection, so at least I'm pretty sure that kid's alive... but I don't know anything more. I just hope I'm not alone."

"If luck or any other unlucky thing has to do with everyday deeds, Rem's deeds are definitely just good deeds.... I believe you're safe."

If this theory is correct, it would mean that Subaru is only dying in the face of irrationality because of Subaru's deeds, but I want to keep my eyes closed to that.


The great anxiety of Subaru, which will never be revealed to Ram or Anastasia.

The possibility of spills of what you want to save, due to the 'Back to Death' point being updated.

Just as reclaiming a name-eating lem could not be done by 'Back to Death'.

Suppose there were tragedies happening to our parted companions in this' Back to Death 'update.

"That's all, absolutely not...!

I'm not here, Emilia or Beatrice. Merry to Julius. And Rem.

I hope nothing unfortunate has happened to them.

out of Natsuki Subaru's reach, that they are not scratched.

"Balth. - Are you unconnected with Master Beatrice?

"I tried, but I can't. If the pass passes, you can feel me from the Bear child... even if you try to call me, the connection is thin"

"You don't even know if it's because of your temper. The Spirit can't hold his breath, and our Echidna Mochi is blurry. I'm fine, Emilia's the only one who did it."

"Bear, I wonder if that's what happened"

In Beatrice's case, even if she's unwell, she can't complain to herself. In that case, Subaru had to realise it better.

Beatrice's malaise also determines the cheapness of all his companions. When we get back together safely, we'll have to make sure he's angry.

"So for that, I'll join the others. - Let's go, behind the cavity!

Heading back, you could run into that monster who burned Subaru again.

But even so, there is no other way forward.

In order to reunite with our dear companions, there is no other way but to proceed.

"Natsuki-kun, can't you just walk by yourself but flutter under your feet?

"I'm fine. It's that way, Patrash only misses me, so be careful. Bear's about to get chopped off every time she eats one of the vertical rolls."

"Haha, because I'm a good joke. Patrash. Yeah, kid, I can't do that. Huh?"


Patrash squeaks small at Subaru, who leads in Cantera, as he advances behind the cavity. The more that rings, the more it certainly is the way it rings when there is no particular dissatisfaction.

Patrash is a worker, even though he still knows it is an emergency or even though he is carrying personnel other than Subaru. That's right, the best woman in the Emilia faction.

Rum and Anastasia on Patrash, and only Subaru steps through the sandy labyrinth on foot. The flow followed the previous one, and the four of them were on their feet to the back of the cavity.

The departure may be a dozen minutes earlier than the last time, but it will only be within the margin of error, beyond knowing when that monster will be in that place.

"That's where he lives... it could be a bait or a playground..."

Bait, I couldn't say enough is the number of burnt bodies that existed in that space.

I thought the black-burned corpse that Subaru had grabbed was probably around the back leg of a four-legged animal because of the animal's corpse - but there was no sign of it being eaten. And there were countless black burnt bodies rolling over there.

If you just use flames to eat, you can appreciate food culture as just a gourmet warcraft. But when you burn just to bake and leave the body alone, that monster has a cruel personality that enjoys the prey burning to death, and it's more natural to see it there as a place for that.

Firepower out of the ordinary orbit and its alien shapes.

Subaru remembers his burning moments, while at the same time fearing the warcraft itself, which exists in the wrong way as that creature.

"... From what we've seen, these are supposed to be dunes, but they say it might be underground. What do you think of Natsuki-kun?



"Huh? Huh? Oh, you're right. I think so too."

"Were you listening properly? If it's the right answer, you'll be rude."

When I was thinking about it, it was the fast track and the ram that appropriately endorsed it. but Subaru shook left and right in a hurry with his hands and neck, outrageous.

"No way, he said he was listening properly. On top of that, it's just an affirmative stance."

"When you go to bed, you shouldn't break your chest if you take off your underwear, right? Affirmative? Nasty."

"You'd be nasty to shake that story at me!? You mean, that's not what we're talking about!?

She laughs bitterly when Subaru, who ascends to heaven, asks Anastasia for help. Then Anastasia went on to say, "Don't worry. Yeah,"

"That's Mr. Lamb's joke. There's no way we're gonna talk about this emergency."

"Right? Right. I was in a hurry. In the first place, neither Ram nor Anastasia had enough breasts to care about shapes breaking..."

"Oh, sorry, Natsuki-kun, my hand was slipping."

"Hot in the past form!?

Cantera is pressed against the nod and her neck is burned by the excess heat of demonic ore luminescence. The sensation of burning resurrects and wars as soon as possible, but I was spared from rolling over the cold sand and crying.

And, as he fell from his back on the sand, Subaru stares at the two on the dragon.

"Yes, isn't it awful all of a sudden? I want an explanation."

"You can't denigrate people by giving them their physical characteristics. You can never do that except masturbate. If you do kararagi, you lose your credibility and you don't have a sentence. Hey, Mr. Lamb."

"Because I don't care about rams. Besides, the Rem's are bigger, so we're making a deal. No problem."

Shut up because I think I'm going to buy even more upset when I say beautiful sister love to make up for, etc.

Subaru stood face to face with a slight pain of a nod and coughed when he sanded.

"Anyway, let's talk about fate. This is the basement, isn't it?

"Oh, I didn't ask. Oh, no, we think so. The reason why the air is heavier than the ground and the temperature is lower."

"Underground in the dunes... I hope it's not a sand earthworm hole warehouse"

"... there's a better chance than that."

The rams align in front of the robe and tune in to the anastasia that appeals to the chills. Subaru subtly weaved the facts while agreeing with their opinions.

Of course, even sand earthworms are harder to repel in this member, who lacks combat power, but sand earthworms still have a somewhat more visible tactic.

That warcraft - for one thing, keep it as a centaur for convenience, but Subaru, who met and was burned instantly, has no fighting power, as well as no idea how to fight it.

I'm confident that if I get hit head-on, just like last time, I'll die the same way.

"In fact, you could run into warcraft, whether it's just sand earthworms. He's a warcraft in this dune, but it looks like we should discuss what to do."

"Right. Even so, Ram only has about his knowledge and what Mary told me on the road. It's also probably the ecology of the common warcraft"

"The warcraft of Augurian dunes can become ferocious under the influence of temper, and some warcraft cannot be ecological in the first place. Still, it's better to have knowledge than not."

When Subaru suggested so, Ram and Anastasia nodded at it as well.

As a result, there is a discussion of the Warcraft beside proceeding with the search into the back of the cavity.

"Sandy earthworms are noticeable for their ugliness and stench on the outside, but contrary to their ferocity, the flesh isn't that strong. The figure is big, and the magic of the ram makes it easy to kill. Maybe Balth's whip isn't helpless."

"Seriously? You're gonna get damaged with a whip?

"My personality is out-of-the-box cowardly, and if I feel painful, I may turn back. Depending on the extent of the pain, there's no such thing as zero possibility."

"Kangaroos don't want to run into each other if they can."

"What a rat is a vicious warcraft against its name?

"Yeah, I don't have the fighting power. Well, the way we fought was not good enough. You swell in the air until your body is pampered and explodes near your enemies. So, bathe your own blood and guts."

"... is that, like, blood poison or something?

"That's not true. It's just harassment... but when one does it and it stinks, the other kangaroos come in a herd and do the same thing. It's gonna be bloodstained."


There are just a bunch of warcraft who don't know what to do, and many want to flatter their faces just by listening to the ecology. To some extent in that way, when we discussed purely warcraft, Subaru chose the topic in full.

"So the next thing I know is the Warcraft I saw in the sand dunes at a distance... a warcraft with a man's torso stuck to his horse's body and a fire spraying from his back, you know?


In the process of discussing the ecology of the Warcraft so far, Subaru reveals about Centaur.

This is the only characteristic warcraft. Even if the array was an individual that was unique to this dune and whose existing warcraft had become unusually ferocious, it could be a breakthrough if it was original.

Vulnerable to water only in flames, what an easy to understand weakness would be perfect -.

"... unfortunately, I don't think we do. What about Mr. Lamb?

"I'm sorry to hear about the ram, too. Even though it's a warcraft that all disgust recruits."

"I don't know, or..."

But that was the answer I got back from the two of you.

They don't realize a generic body separate from Centaur, or its abnormal individuals. However, it is first and foremost its warcraft that you may come across for sure. I don't want to give up exploring that breakthrough just with my current answer.

"You really don't know? Like this, the part of Patrash's head is a person's torso, and it has two proper arms. So, the belly part rips vertically from the chest of the torso and there's the mouth. Then from the neck of a person's torso, the horns grow instead of his head..."

"Yep... what is that? It's so disgusting..."

"Honestly, it hit me."

The more I explain in detail, the less favorable the women become. Patrash, who had no heart or was used to explain, also looked disgusted, and Subaru dropped his shoulder.

Apparently, there's going to be zero clues in earnest.

"If you see such a warcraft in the first place, report it at that point. Why do you overlook such a dangerous warcraft?"

"No, it was about the... the night. I just saw it from afar because of Mary's protection or because she didn't come close from the other side. Just when you're being treated by Emilia in a dragon car."


"You, aren't you just trying to say that?

Subaru is discouraged by the lack of response while being deluded with appropriate excuses.

As far as the Centaur measures are concerned, then there is no way we can strike ahead of time. Until he complained about the dangers from Subaru and explored ways to avoid encountering the real thing.

"In the meantime, I'd call him Centaur... but I think he's pretty nasty. A hyena grew from the back of a man's torso, and it burned like fire. Pretty obsessive face... I don't know because I don't have a face, but it was like that, so if you're bad, you could be chasing us."

"Why, more and more, did you leave that alone? You want to die?

"I think I had my own explanation."

I want to let you know the danger, but I cannot deny that it has become a rather unscrupulous logical development.

However, if you tell them this much, they will also be able to have a sense of crisis about the encounter with Centaur at the heart.

And. Centaur measures are nothing, not just if they actually come across.

A more fundamental way too, Subaru thinks.


"Natsuki-kun, Mr. Ram. - Once the chatter is over, is that where it stops?

That's what Anastasia said, instructing Patrash to stop. The wise Grounddragon had stopped his feet before he was told, but he drowned his head as if he had exaggerated his will.

And when Anastasia gives forward the cantera she grips,

"Divide, ya"

- Measures not to come across, the first of which was at present.

As always, there's so much fear in the divide that I want to flaunt my face.

And it's obviously the right path that's pouring in.

"Right or left, which way do you want to go?

"If you follow the Krapica theory, you're right to head right"

"Who is it?"

As always, in different worlds Subaru's knowledge is only foreign.

Subaru just felt it wasn't an unfounded statement.

"At times like this, humans seem to unconsciously want to choose the left side. There are many conditions that work, such as a dominant arm or a dominant eye, but that's what behavior has proved, especially if you don't attach it to anything."

"Behavioral, what a smart word it seems to have come out...... I feel it from the right path, ignore about this unpleasant hunch? Is this not a condition?

Going the right way - whether or not - we should go that way this time.

Subaru, who is so judging, tries to round in logic, but still has a strong rejection of the unpleasant feeling drifting off the right path. I could see that Ram had the eye, of course, that if Anastasia could do it, he didn't want to go right.

It is Subaru's job to persuade those two to go down the road to the right.

I can't let the opportunity, the nagging and the two of you go on to 'death' that I got until 'back to death'.

"I do have an obviously unpleasant vibe coming from the right. But this is just a little too obvious. Don't be ridiculous, do you?


"So is the trick to break through that 'sand time', and so is the flower garden of the Warcraft in front of the watchtower. That's too much work for nature. Didn't you think?

"I mean, Natsuki-kun has sand time, flower gardens, and this cavity. You want to do it artificially?

In contrast to the silent ram, Anastasia followed the sincerity of Subaru's words. Subaru snarls his fingers at what she says, "Yes," he concurs.

"I want to keep away, so I also set traps to things. If this isn't an artificial place, then why aren't we running into the Warcraft in the last hour? It's a common understanding of all of us that this is part of the Augurian dunes. It would be unnatural not to encounter it if it were the dwelling of the Warcraft, even without Mary"

"So this is where people's hands... no, Sage's hands came in"

"With that, we already know the sage's character isn't very good"


Half the time, it was an opinion that had just been applied and consolidated with rhetoric, but Subaru was impressed that it was not unconvincing to speak for itself.

In fact, in view of the itinerary of the Augurian dunes so far, the numerous occasions, which can also be called traps, are meant to hinder the way to the surveillance tower - not to mention the 'trials'. And it's also true that we haven't run into a warcraft so far in this cavity.

Regardless, Subaru's imagination is more incorrect than we know we will eventually run into Centaur - no, or that Centaur is the last keeper. There is a possibility that in order to enter the surveillance tower, at the end of the day, show strength,

In that case, I can only say that the candidate is malicious.

"... it does make sense what Balth says."

"-! Seriously?

"Why would I be surprised to say that? Are you crazy?"

Subaru is unintentionally surprised by the words of Ram, who was silent in his thoughts. Then Anastasia, who saw the reaction, laughed bitterly, and then she lifted her hat-decorated bonbong with both hands.

"Seriously, we never went to the right. But the three of you are being directed to the left with all their opinions... and when they say that, they want to snort."

"I've lived in battle. That's not your opinion. I can't believe it's flushing."

"If I had an opinion that I would agree with, would I stop talking about it?

The bitterness will deepen because, in fact, collar Donna can't trace to an account such as Anastasia's "Competitive Survey". It was also a bitter measure for her, and whether or not to get on Subaru's say should have been a troubling occasion.

"So, what about the ram?

"Just like I said. Given the way the dunes have been so far, I'm also convinced by Balth's statement. Regardless of the wickedness of the sage's character, it's just a bad environment for those who can't reach the watchtower to snort... because it's obvious someone got it."

"Well, you're not convinced they say it's natural..."

"So I don't fully affirm Balth's assertions, but I don't either with regard to some of them. When you do, it's not stingy to make sure you're on the right."

"... I mean?

"I follow what Natsuki-kun says, but he says he'll go out with me."

Anastasia carefully solves and interprets Ram's remarks, which are not too honest.

In fact, it was probably the correct translation to the extent that no correction could be made from the ram. In short, both Ram and Anastasia say they will be riding Subaru's mouth truck.

"- Yes! Good, thankful. Neither of you will regret it."

"I'll take as much responsibility as I choose. Don't try to carry the weight of the ram on your own. Show only to Rem its futile merit"

"Oh, we made you regret it and you took responsibility for it. Yeah. In that case, how much will it cost to play a solo van later to talk to you?"

"You two are spicy!

While I was happy, the statements that take responsibility are kicked off lightly by the two of us.

It is unclear how far the collar Donna anastasia trace is serious, but try not to result in regret. Only that feeling is real.

"Besides, the difficulty doesn't just end with persuasion."

Yes, it is.

Subaru gained only a right to challenge, and it is only from now on that he will challenge the actual gates.

- The divide is waiting for a decision, drooling through the overwhelming negative air.

Visibly heavy with air, we're about to step into the right path that gets worse.

If this is a trial prepared by the wise, what would you think of being chosen this way with your first hand?

"If you're waiting ahead, surprise me at best. - On the side of it, I'll slap you and make you apologize for everything, and then I'll make you find Emilia and the others."

Determined so, Subaru put up a cantera towards the right road and declared it.

And behind that Subaru, the ram exhaled small,

"Most likely, Emilia and the others have all arrived at the watchtower before the Rams."

"Wasn't this a good place to dress, honestly?

That being said, Subaru, who was distracted before the challenge, spoke of resentment.

After such an exchange, the Subaru three and one head - the quartet went the right way.

I still have a bad feeling. Feeling, savouring the discomfort that even seemed to change the feel of the sand to tread on, Subaru wiped the cold sweat that conveyed his forehead and laughed at Patrash.

"With that said, I'm sorry I took the liberty of deciding on my own path without asking your opinion"


"What? That my place is my way? Believe me, I'll get you through any bad road? Come on, you're too handsome to fall in love with."

"Bullshit, but roughly, you're guilty because you don't seem wrong. I don't know what to do."

Svalbard, who speaks voluntarily for the feelings of silent Patrash, whines like a lamb. I just haven't said anything wrong than that Patrash, who usually relentlessly penetrates into the proper speech, is calm.

Or it's ridiculous to waste your strength doing that, so you're hoarding it until you're in a calm environment, either. Maybe the latter.

"If so, but if you can, don't ask me softly?


"Did you just sound like a denial?

I had chosen silence so far, but suddenly it rang only negatively there and hurried. It's good to have the temper to get out of here and punish you safely.

Because Patrash believes that he can get out of here safely.


Subaru leads the way, and Patrash leads the way. The search continues as the cantera lights illuminate a few meters away and make sure it's underfoot.

That speed, but it's obviously slower than it's been so far. This is much slower than when you took the road to the left, before 'Back to Death'.

The cause is simple.

"My body is heavy..."

Not that it's gaining weight or that it's being ridden on the back by an invisible monster. And it's not really a physically active problem.

My body is heavy and my legs are not moving on is all a mental problem.

The path to the right was full of indications, negative sensations that stuck Subaru's feet.

This was part of the sage's nasty trials, and I didn't expect that if we went through the beginning of the divide, there would be a stable space ahead - and so on - but unfortunately it was betrayed and rather cursed negative thoughts were on the other hand reinforcing.


Swallow silently, Subaru steps out as he pulls his heavy feet out of the sand.

My legs are twitching and I can't move. Even Subaru's mind, aware of its fragility and fragility, should not be as frightened and squatted in the sand passage where nothing has yet happened.

Yes, my heart is not frightened, and my head is clear.

My hands and feet just don't try to follow that will well. Only the flesh defies the policies of reason and soul and tries to prevent them from proceeding by exposing their instinctive rejection.

I need to go straight, double my time for all that, double my strength and mental strength, spend it, and Subaru can't help but feel tired too.

"This is ridiculous. How can you throw up weak noises like this?"

Shaking his head abusively, Subaru tries to forget the fatigue that weighs his body.

It was no other Subaru decision that chose the right path. Even so, you can't be allowed to say weak noises ahead of the two behind you.

"What, it might be a little hard to walk, but it's no big deal. I can't believe it's surprisingly close to a goal or something..."


"Oh, what's up?

"Shut up."

"Ah, whoa..."

He was shot down by Ram's brief poison in an effort to get rid of the weak noise with energy.

The pace of progress has fallen exceptionally, and it just adds to the fear around you. Perhaps Lamb also has a mental load. The evidence is that it was shorter and sharper poison than usual.

"Hey, I know how you feel, but I don't think there's any art in walking in silence, either."

"Are you walking for fun? Remember your purpose."

"I'm not..."

Shut up and walk.

It's a stubborn attitude with no island to hang on to.

Of course, Ram is more right in his opinion, but Subaru also has a say.

Currently, the weight of the body is synchronized with the weight of the spirit. In other words, it's a vicious cycle of heavy body too because it's moody. I want to be moderately distracted so that it doesn't.

Vigilance is important, and I just want to take it into account, but I want you to know about that. Rather, Ram would know about that. They usually take into account it.

Again, maybe it's pretty hard.

"You better hurry, right?



I speak up to see how imminent it is, but at last Ram does not respond to Subaru's words at all. Cantera's lights illuminate the whole thing with Subaru's front road and now Patrash's neck, so I can't even see the fine look on his face.

I can't see the face of the ram with the hood over my head and slightly bending behind Anastasia.


"Natsuki-kun, don't you?


Subaru looks back to stop his legs and try to look at his face. but the stubborn ram, on top of not showing her face, Anastasia defended her.

To the subaru bending her lips, Anastasia scratches her cheeks with a troubled face.

"I didn't tell you, Mr. Lamb, but I woke up in the basement and I got a lot messed up. I think I've regained my composure from my temperament, but I think I'm glad I got back on my feet."

"-! Something extra...!

"Look, leave this here to us?

It's Anastasia's statement that lacks consideration on it while taking Ram's mood into account. I can hear the rum's teeth uncovering the hidden insides, but Anastasia doesn't make it a one-stop shop.

She raised her hand small and indicated before so that it looked Subaru.

"We should talk to each other now. Yeah. When my heart stands, it doesn't matter who I talk to. Huh?"



It's a business belly, but it also makes sense for Anastasia-Collar Donna.

Prioritizing moving forward or safely through the cavity. Not really, indeed, this time Subaru has not been able to take much account of Ram's mood. The twist of the matter came around, and he may have come here and expressed himself in Ram's attitude.

With that in mind, it's premature to assume there's a problem with all the rams.

"... ok. Sure, yeah. It was my fault."


"-! You!

"We can't have a fight. Look, Natsuki-kun, move on, move on."

Subaru's heart stood offering to Ram's attitude, unwilling to give in. but there the anastasia that goes in between somehow blocks it and shows Subaru the way forward.

Subaru tongued as she shook Patrash's neck cantera with her feet and watched the shadow of the sand passage shake in her sight.

Excessive attitude, but I can't help but be broken up here.

Fortunately, I can also make an excuse that this unpleasant atmosphere is acting up and down that mood. While you can blame something, you don't have to make the relationship worse with anything extra.

The bad attitude now, when you get out of here safely, you just have to discuss it.

"... come on"

Once again, the search led by Subaru resumes.

However, the rate of progression still doesn't go up as late. In the end, the attempt to enter the mental upward state and remove the physical load failed.

There is no natural prospect that the situation will get any better than nothing improved.

Still, there was a change when it came to making a difference.

That's not for the Subaru, though it's a change in the sand labyrinth itself.

"The road is getting narrower, no matter what you think."

Take the road to the right, will it be time for another small hour to pass?

The sand passage was narrowing up, down, left, right, and at any interval, and its height and width were reaching a zone where it was impossible for a giant warcraft to pass through.

Barely, there's just room for Patrash to go through. but there is no width through the dragon car that Gian was pulling, and it would be impossible for sand earthworms and centaurs to pass through.

I mean, at least, only the worst that Centaur is waiting for at the end of this road - is going to be spared. Compared to the array, whatever was waiting ahead would only be avoided leaning in the wrong direction.

"But narrowing the road seems more and more cautious. You won't be able to move when you are, and you guys need to be on your guard."

"... eh"

"- Hey."

Thinking about the other day, Subaru, who said so, raised his eyebrow butt to the sound of a lid. Looking back, I see two people on the dragon illuminated by cantera.

There is no answer to Subaru's call. I just found out that Anastasia, who rides over Patrash and sits in front, covered her face with her palms.

It will be natural for Anastasia, who wants to put it in peace and somehow move on.

Whatever, what Lamb did now is tongue pounding on Subaru's words.

"Earlier, you, what are you really going to do?


"It's nothing! I'm asking you what you're gonna do!

Unsurprisingly, he roughs his voice and Subaru kicks the sand wall right beside him. The surface of the brittle wall falls to peel off, but Subaru is not attached to the scattered sand.

Now Svalbard only shows a lamb that is disgusting.

"If people move on in silence, they'll hear you tickle! You're not even new to tongue-beating right now, are you? Hey, Oi, what are you doing!

"I'm not going to do anything. I have nothing to say to Balus from Ram."

"Nothing. Are you year-round chitchitchy tongue-beating? You didn't, did you? I'm sure there's a reason to do that, though!

Contrary to Cold Lamb's attitude, Subaru's fever rises from earlier.

Naturally. What Ram has shown is too cold and one-sided for Subaru's efforts so far.

There is no reason in Subaru to get stuck and be looked down on.

"If you have something to say, say it! I'm gonna ask you, so tell me!

"- So, nothing"

"You're lying! Are you stupid, you? If you're willing to hide it, hide it all! Let me out for a second. Let's see. Nothing? The idea of a fucking idiot, bogus!


The atmosphere of rum changed to Subaru, who spits and curses in disgust.

Grasping behind Anastasia, she tilts her body and stares at Subaru. I don't like the location either. An attitude of hiding behind others and looking down at Subaru from above.

With some help, are you going to be great?

"A lot, Balls seems keen to move on, doesn't he?

"Of course! What the fuck do you think you're here for? To meet a wise man, I suppose! What's wrong with you struggling so hard to do that and moving on!

"No, I'm not. - I'm not here to see a wise man."


"The Rams came here to undo Rem."

Clearly, I stare at Subaru and Ram affirms so. Atmospherically pressured by the sharpness and compression of its gaze, Subaru's thought, which had been boiled, was slightly weakened.

Help Rem = Meet the Wise, isn't it?

"Same thing, I'm sure! Meet the Sage and help Rem! Together!"

"I'm not with you. Helping Rem comes first, and meeting the wise is behind it. Different priorities. … yes, it's a different priority"

At the end of the word, Ram shook his voice. The emotion that has been put in there is so much fiery rage that it has been combined with her previous insensitivity.

Underneath the cold sand dunes, Ram continues his words with that angry fever pregnant.

"Ram came for Rem, to remember his sister. And yet, what are you doing now? I don't even have a lem to relax in a place like this... don't be ridiculous"

"You're not kidding anyone...! Because this happened, I did what I could only do when this happened, more than this happened. Didn't I?"

"Yeah, I guess so. But before we could be sure this happened, did Balls ever worry about Rem?

"... ah?

"Waking up in the basement, Balls worried about Rem? What about Master Emilia? What about Master Beatrice? Are you worried about someone you don't see?

With words tattered, Subaru pushes silently without being able to say anything.

Indeed, this time, when Svalbard took the opportunity to wake up that he had 'returned to death', he did not try to disrupt it like he did last time to check everyone's safety.

But that's not because I'm never worried, because I knew the Rams wouldn't know about it either. Subaru, it's a consideration. Care.


"No, you didn't. I didn't balus. Balth doesn't care about Rem. I'm full of heads about Emilia and Beatrice. Nothing. That's fine. Because that's all men are. But Lem's pathetic."

"... shut up"

"Didn't Rem believe you about Balth? Yeah, I don't know because that's also a convenient story just heard from Balls. Out of the blue, maybe you're just saying the right thing. I say all the convenient things in front of a woman. Lady Emilia and Lady Beatrice are pathetic too. Such a man deceived me!

"Shut the fuck up!

"No, I won't shut up. I'll repeat it as many times as I can. - Balls doesn't care about Rem. Even if I can't find him like this, I'm just gonna blame him."

"- Bullshit, I can do it!!

My vision stained bright red and my cranial nerves burned up at the frivolous remarks I could bump into.

Anger explodes at the arrogant woman who looks down on this one from her heights and hits her selfish words.

Grasp it, pull it down - it's not going to be long.

"Invisible Providence -!!"

"- Ku, ah!?

Subaru releases the dark feeling that runs through his head to his chest.

The black palm that was born screamed delightfully, and then crawled up over the back of the earth dragon, trying to stretch it up, and from there threw down a peachy girl who would strangle this one.

Screaming, the ram rolls rampantly over the sand.

Ram has no idea what happened to the invisible demon hand violence. Right next to the ram sleeping on that sand, Subaru is rushing over.


"Don't be ridiculous."

I'm not joking that I don't think about Rem.

of anger, as if everything had worked out, with such overheated thoughts,


- Subaru was pressed against the ram on his back, strangling its thin neck.

Too much, too much.

Rip, rinse, rinse.

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